Kill Two Birds With One Stone At NUS Bizad Charity Run 2020 | JustRunLah!

Kill Two Birds With One Stone At NUS Bizad Charity Run 2020


Are you a running junkie or do you prefer to Netflix your day away? Regardless of that, NUS Bizad Charity Run 2020 is a running event made for you. It is a perfect opportunity for you to keep fit, have fun with your family and friends while giving back to society!

About NUS Bizad Charity Run

The year 2020 marks NUS Bizad Charity Run’s 10th year in contributing back to society. It is a flagship fundraising event organised by the NUS Business School Alumni Association and Bizad Club. They aim to raise funds for those in need while promoting the spirit of contributing to the community by rallying students, staff and alumni of NUS Business School and their friends.

Paying It Forward

All participants (except students) amount will go to NUSBSA Bursary Fund unless specifically specified to:

1) Touch Community Services
A not-for-profit organisation that reaches out to needy people from low-income and single-parent families with difficulties in making ends meet.
– Touch Home Care: taking care of the needs of disadvantaged elderly who are homebound

2) Lim Chin Memorial Fund
Lim Chin Memorial Fund was set up to commemorate the late Professor Lim Chin, who was a faculty at NUS Business School for more than 25 years. This Fund will assist Business undergraduate students with financial burdens in pursuing their tertiary education.

3) Malaysian Community Bursary Fund
To support their fellow Malaysians who are financially-needy Undergraduates by mitigating the costs of obtaining tertiary education in Singapore.

Event Information

Credit: NUS Bizad Charity Run Facebook


Be part of the ‘STARS’

The 5km Fun Run is a fun-filled interactive run around the campus of NUS. With the theme of “STARS”, run with your family and friends and get to play carnival-like games along the run. Complete the three-station games and stand a chance of winning the lucky draw which includes exciting gifts such a Jimmy Choo handbag and more!


*Student rate is only applicable for those studying in a primary/secondary/tertiary institution of Singapore with a valid pass.
**Alumni/staff rate is only applicable for all NUS Business School Alumni and staff. NUS MBA/ EMBA Alumni are included.

5KM Race Route:

Register now!

Wish to Challenge Yourself?

The 10km Run is a competitive/casual run around the campus of NUS. The famous hilly slopes of NUS will challenge runners – it is unlike any other!


*Student rate is only applicable for those studying in a primary/secondary/tertiary institution of Singapore under the age of 26.
**Alumni/staff rate is only applicable for all NUS Business School Alumni and staff. NUS MBA/ EMBA Alumni are included.

10KM Race Route

Entitlements for Everyone

Finishers of all categories will receive an official race T-shirt and a dry bag with the commemorative logo. You can also pick the colour of your race pack – Navy blue, black or white! Additionally, 10km participants will receive an exclusive finisher shirt. So, register for 10km if you wish to complete your entitlement set!

10KM Finisher T-shirt

Come and Have Fun!

Bring your family and friends to enjoy a day filled with fun and laughter and at the same time, contribute back to society. There will also be a variety of performances for everyone to enjoy and chill. It is an event made for you.


Looks fun, right? Follow NUS Bizad Charity Run 2020 on Facebook and Instagram for updates. #BCR2020 #10YearsofGiving #arunforALL

Team JustRunLah!
Team JustRunLah!
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