Everyone can run, but only a few understand how to breathe rightly while running.
In this article, we are going to share with you some helpful tips for the right breathing while running.
While running, energy is burned to give you endurance and speed. Oxygen is used in plenty during this process. Understanding how to breathe the right way can help you run faster and longer without a hassle. Besides, it can keep you safe from stitches, especially during workouts.
Ideally, the secrets to run faster and longer isn’t about building leg muscles. It’s about optimizing how you breathe as you run.
If you are thinking of becoming a runner and you are afraid that you might not make it, this article is for you.
Read on to learn more.
How oxygen is used in the body
It’s crucial for any runner to learn how to breathe while running. Any time you strain your muscles; whether it’s a workout, on a gym or you are just jogging, your body burns the energy stored in different parts of the body.
The amount of oxygen your body requires to burn the energy will depend on the type of workout/activity you are doing.
This means, the strenuous the activity, the more the oxygen your body will need to burn the energy. This is why any runner will have to breathe faster and deeper to make sure your body gets more oxygen. In fact, sometimes you can feel like you are lacking enough oxygen and this is where most people collapse.
Well, you don’t have to collapse while running because this article will show you the correct breathing techniques while running.
With that in mind, here are a few tips for your!
1. Breathe with your diaphragm
Most people who don’t understand how to breathe properly while running will take fast and short breaths, but these breaths usually happen in the chest.
This means, your lungs don’t get enough oxygen.
A good rule of thumb to breathe properly while running is to breathe from your diaphragm. When you breathe from your diaphragm, sometimes known as belly breathing, your diaphragm expands and this helps to open your chest muscles fully.
Basically, you want to breathe deeply until you see your stomach enlarge but limit your chest from moving fast.
This way, your body will take in more oxygen and this can make you run longer and faster.
If you’ve never tried this technique, just try to lie down, then breathe deeper without moving your chest or shoulders, then hold the tension in your stomach muscles when breathing out. When breathing out, make sure you release all the air inside your stomach so that it goes back to its normal position. Use your mouth or nose as you practice.
2. Take deep longer breaths
Essentially, you want to make sure your body takes in enough oxygen. For this reason, you need to take longer breaths so that you don’t experience muscle and lung fatigue. The more oxygen your body takes in while you run, the more strength you get to increase your speed and run longer distances.
3. Keep your mouth open
When you keep your mouth open while running, you will take deep breaths. According to science, breathing through your nose is healthy since the air is filtered and warmed before it enters your chest. This is especially important during colder temperatures.
However, breathing through your mouth is also beneficial in several ways.
As we have mentioned above that you need to take in more oxygen, your nose alone may not take enough oxygen needed while you run. But since your mouth is big enough, it can take in more air.
Of course, you can also breathe through your nose and mouth, but sometimes you won’t be able to do that.
Also, when breathing through your mouth, your other parts such as the face and jaw will be in a relaxed position and the more relaxed your body is the better you will run fast and longer.
4. Improve lung capacity
You can get your lungs working efficiently by doing breathing exercises and aerobic activities.
We already talked about how to exercise breathing with your diaphragm in tip #1.
The same way you can practice to improve lung capacity.
Just sit and breathe deeply through your nose, then close your mouth and then release the air slowly as you take in more.
Regular exercising will boost your lung capacity.
5. Be guided by your favorite music

You can listen to your favorite music while running. Just select a few songs that have the same play seeped as your strides then follow the beat while running.
Note that the song should not go faster than you can. But of course, you can challenge yourself to go fast, although you need to start slowly then add speed as you get used to the beat.
Bonus tips
Tip# 6: Challenge your breathing
Here, you will need to do hill runs, especially if you have never done it before. Make sure you do hill runs regularly or even a few days a week.
When you do hill runs, you will improve cardiovascular and muscle strength.
The good thing about challenging your breathing is that you get better as you go along.
Remember that running uphill is different from running flat in that the breathing rhythm is fast. This will help to improve lung function as you try a different breathing rhythm.
Tip# 7: Quit smoking
For those who can’t go without smoking, this can be challenging. However, if you want to be a better runner, you need to limit or stop smoking.
Let’s Do it.
What’s your current running pattern? Where do you think you need to improve the most? Are you already practising one or all the tips we have shared in this article?
When starting, you can implement one tip after another but if you can implement all into your running routine the better you can breathe while you run
Guest post: Becky Holton is a journalist and a blogger at Rushessay.com. She is interested in education technologies, college-paper.org reviews and is always ready to support informative speaking atdissertation writing service. Follow her on Twitter.