How To Take Running From a Hobby to a Career by Becoming a Coach | JustRunLah!

How To Take Running From a Hobby to a Career by Becoming a Coach


Running, and in particular, themed running events, continues to gain popularity in Singapore. As the country commits to getting more fit and more people to adopt exercise as a part of their daily routine, one of the most popular sports of choice has been running. In addition to the mental health benefits cited, adopting running as a habit can help you disconnect and experience the all common runner’s high. In addition to being a great all-round form of exercise, running can also prove to be a viable career options thanks to its rising popularity and global appeal. As a lover of running, becoming a running coach allows you to do something you’re passionate about in a market where demand is strong. However, like all entrepreneurial ventures, getting started as a running coach takes some preparation to ensure your running business is successful.

The Qualification Side Of It: Do I Need To Get Certified?

Before you make the leap into being a running coach, you need to consider whether you need to get certified. Many runners include coaching certification as one of their criteria when looking for a running coach in Singapore. For some, this could take the form of being trained by professional runners team facilities or physiotherapy and nutritional classes aimed at runners. When choosing a training and certification program, you want to identify your coaching style and opt for a program that supports this (i.e. motivational, beginners, online coaching). You will also want to research any national certifications needed for sports management such as foundational diplomas offered by universities, the Marathon Running Coach Certification Program or the Legacy Running Coach Certification.

The Business Model Side Of It: Do I Need A Workspace?

Once you are certified to be a running coach its time to start thinking about building your business. As an entrepreneur, there are decisions you will have to make about the business model you wish to operate under. Mapping out what a training session would look like, whether it will be outdoors or indoor based and if you will offer home service for training clients. Also, think about whether you will offer nutritional advice as a supplementary service are just some of the decisions you need to make.

In addition, your customer client base will need to be considered. As a coach just starting out you will need a plan to acquire running clients and get the word out about your coaching services. Some rely on past athletic performance or word of mouth while others choose to go the marketing route with digital and print ads. While on the topic of customers, another consideration to keep in mind is the maximum amount of clients you can handle and a client rotation system.

The Financial Protection Of It: Do I Need Liability Insurance?

There are several key insurance policies needed for small businesses like your new training business including professional liability, property and renter’s insurance. As a trainer, you will be providing advice. This can open you up for a liability lawsuit due to injury or dissatisfaction with your running program. Securing a personal trainer insurance policy means you are protected if someone is injured due to your direction. Also, any sporting equipment such as a training arena is protected against theft or damage. Finally and possibly, more importantly, you also want to think about securing an insurance policy that includes income compensation so that any loss of income due to injury on your part is covered.

The Time Commitment Side Of It: Does It Fit Into Your Current Schedule?

Finally, consider how much time you are willing to commit to being a running coach. Some may choose to make it a full-time career while others may opt to use it as an additional income source. In the beginning whilst you are securing clients and getting your running business off the ground, income may be unstable and low. You also need to have a plan for this period. For example, do you have built up savings and a rainy day fund for personal expenses? Alternatively, you could set up passive income streams and be able to dedicate your time to be a running coach without worrying about not meeting payment deadlines.

If you are an avid fan of running, why not take the leap and make it a job that you love? There is certainly a market for running coaches and it gives you the freedom to design your training program to be unique from the bottom up. But before you do that there are a few steps you need to take to make it a viable career. Follow them and you can make your passion your career.

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