5 Tips for Getting Back in Shape After the Holidays | JustRunLah!

5 Tips for Getting Back in Shape After the Holidays


Winter holidays are known as a period of self-indulgence. Christmas meals are known to be rich and exercising is not as often as you want. You spend Christmas time and New Year’s Eve with your family and friends, chatting and drinking mulled wine. 

But after the winter holiday fever is over, most people realize that they went out of shape. Even though you might feel demotivated and defeated, you should not worry. You still have time to get in your summer body shape. 

But how do you motivate yourself to be committed to your goals? How do you stick to your sports routine without seeing any immediate effects?

Even though looking good comes with social benefits and higher self-esteem, it comes with effort and commitment too. Here are 5 sports tips that will help you get back in shape after the winter holidays. 

Start Slowly

Many people think that their shape maintains over the winter holiday. This is the biggest mistake you can do. During a gym break, your body deconditions itself. This means that it is not ready for the same difficult exercises you were doing before your gym break.

 Take it slowly and be patient. Your body will recover soon and you will be able to increase the difficulty of your sport exercises. But firstly, begin with lighter and shorter exercises. 

Because not being able to face the same exercises can overwhelm you. This can make you feel defeated and your motivation level can decrease considerably. Do not set high expectations. You need a few gym days to get you reused to exercising.

Start with 10 minutes per day and make sure that your exercises include three key aspects. Flexibility, cardiovascular endurance, and resistance training. Start slowly and do your exercises at your own pace. No one is rushing you and nor should you.

Take Care of Your Diet

Sticking to a healthy diet during winter holidays might be difficult. Your grandma for sure will urge you to eat more. It is important to return to a healthy diet when you begin exercising. Your body needs the right nutrients and you need to increase your sports experience.

Add to your diet only good proteins, carbohydrates or fats. Keep in mind that you should stay hydrated to help your body being fit. 

It is important to do everything you can to get back in shape and altering your diet in addition to exercise is the right way to do it. It would be harder for you to get back in shape if you continue to eat fast food or unhealthy nutrients.

Choose the aliments that offer you the nutrients you need in small quantities. For example, avocado, full-fat Greek yogurt, and eggs are perfect when you want to lose weight. Shakes of frozen berries and nuts are the right choice for your morning. 

Set Yourself Goals

The process of setting goals is very important because it helps you maintain your motivation level high. The effects of your diet and exercise are visible after some time, so there is the possibility to become demotivated. Here is the moment when you should set some goals.

Do not think about something huge, but of something simple, time-bounded and realistic. A bigger goal can be broken into smaller goals that can help you attain what you want.

And when you achieve a goal, take a moment and reward yourself. It does not have to be something big, but something that will help you make you feel more satisfied and prouder of yourself. 

Take a One Month Challenge 

Getting back in shape might seem harder at the beginning. After a holiday of self-indulgence, your motivation level might be low. If you want to make exercising a routine again, you can start with a one-month challenge.

There are a lot of yoga studios and gyms that offer one-month fitness programs that can help you regain your motivation and shape. They put your perseverance to test while not being overwhelming.

Because if you want to attain your goals, you can do this by breaking them into smaller time frames. You will feel better when you will see that you managed to do it and you will feel like it. 

Get an Exercise Buddy

Sometimes having a buddy with the same goals as yours can help you be more motivated. You can lift each other when you do not feel like exercising. This way you stick to your exercises routine while making it fun. 

It is also important to not be harsh on yourself and think only about the gym. It is not only about the gym because there are a lot of exercises that can be done at home. Keep in mind that you should do sports for at least 30 minutes per day.

So, you can also walk the dogs or do a yoga session to stretch your muscles. Alternate more types of sports to regain your shape and keep fit. 


Even though winter holidays are a period of self-indulgence, traditional foods and a decrease in exercising, some sports tips can help you get back in shape. Do not be harsh on yourself and think only about the gym. Some exercises can be done at home and if you find an exercise buddy it would be easier.

Stick to your exercising routine and take one-month challenges to gradually build your motivation. Set small goals and reward yourself. Start with shorter and lighter exercises and you will soon get back in shape. 

Guest author: Becky Holton is a journalist and a blogger at college paper writing services, essay writing service. She is interested in education technologies and is always ready to support informative speaking at academic writing services uk. Follow her on Twitter.

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