7 Ways to Tackle Sleep Problems | JustRunLah!

7 Ways to Tackle Sleep Problems


You just had a very long day at work, and you looked forward to is to lie on your bed and enjoy your beauty sleep. However, there are times when you just cannot sleep, or you have trouble sleeping.

If you are experiencing some sleeping difficulties, you may want to try these strategies on how to tackle it and hoping you will enjoy a good night’s sleep tonight!

Trouble falling asleep

If you have trouble falling asleep, avoid tea and coffee seven hours before going to bed. Caffeine is found naturally in coffee beans and tea leaves, and it is a stimulant which increases overall work efficiency and brain activity. Caffeine can temporarily make us feel more alert by blocking sleep-inducing chemicals in the brain and increase adrenaline production. 

Sleep interruptions

Not getting enough sleep may lead to significant health problems, and it might impair cognitive function for the day. 

Here are some of the reasons for frequently waking up. Stress, emotional disorder, chronic diseases and ageing might cause you to have sleep interruptions. Make sure your room temperature at an optimum temperature of around 20-22 Deg Celcius for you to be comfortable. Also, it is better to avoid drinking alcohol before bed.

Trouble Waking up

If you have trouble waking up every morning, there are chances that you’re not getting sufficient sleep, and you need to change your schedule. Go to bed and wake up every day at the same time, even on weekends. Your body must get used to waking up at the same time to adjust your biological clock, and you will eventually begin waking up naturally.

Cramps and muscle spasms

Muscle spasms most often occur in legs at night, and they happen when one or more muscles in the leg tighten involuntarily, and most of the time, the muscle relaxes in less than 10 minutes.

To get rid of cramps and spasms, try massaging, warming up, and stretching of the muscles before bedtime. Yoga can also help improve stretching and strengthen your muscles. Apply a hot towel or water bottle to soothe the tight muscles. 

Back Pain

Back pain is usually due to stress or strain from bad posture, awkward sleeping positions or other lifestyle habits. Try to sleep on your side with a pillow between your knees. The pillow in between your knees will keep your hips, pelvis and spine in a better alignment. If you prefer to sleep on your stomach, put a pillow under your abdomen. It will relieve some pressure off your back. No matter what position you choose, keeping proper alignment of your spine is most important. Close the gaps between your body and the bed as it might cause strain on your muscles and spine. 

Shoulder pain

It is often difficult to fall asleep due to shoulder pain. If your shoulder hurts, go to sleep on your back, hugging your pillow. Avoid sleeping on your stomach because your shoulders protrude forward and rest in the wrong position. 

Neck pain

The most common reason for neck pain is an awkward sleeping position. Two sleeping positions are most comfortable on your neck: on your side or on your back. Avoid using a high or stiffed pillow as it might flex the neck muscle overnight and can result in morning pain and stiffness. Also, if your neck often hurts, change pillows at least once every two years. To prevent neck pain, do morning exercises or a light massage for your neck before sleep.

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