The Multi-Ministry Taskforce announced on 19 May 2020 that the Circuit Breaker will end on 1 June 2020 and that Singapore will gradually resume activities over three phases. This advisory covers sport and physical exercise/activity under Phase One, which will come into effect on 2 June 2020.
Return to Sport and Physical Exercise/Activity under Phase One
In Phase One (“Safe Re-opening”), public and private sport and recreational facilities will remain closed. However, Singaporeans should continue exercising to sustain their health and well-being.
a) Exercising at Home
- Members of the public should continue exercising at home to minimise risks of community transmission.
- Seniors who are more vulnerable to illness should stay home to exercise. Online resources such as, offer varied virtual classes and events, as well as tips and advice on home-based exercise.
b) Exercising Outdoors
- Individuals may go outdoors, in their immediate neighbourhoods to engage in basic exercise such as walking, running, cycling or other similar exercises.
- They may exercise with members living in the same household, although we still encourage exercising alone so as to reduce the number of people outdoors.
- No one should linger outside after their exercise and they should return home immediately after they are done.
- Safe distancing measures must be observed at all times between people of different households, and there must not be any gathering in groups.
- Consequently, coaching by anyone from a different household is also not permitted.
- Masks must be worn when leaving and returning home from exercise. Mask wearing is only not required when one is engaged in strenuous exercise such as running, jogging/brisk walking, cycling and other similar activities.
- Masks must be donned after one has completed a strenuous exercise.
- Observe exercise etiquette when exercising outdoors. Individuals can refer to the infographic on exercise etiquette to learn how they can do their part to keep themselves and the community safe.

c) Facilitating Contact Tracing
- Members of the public should install the TraceTogether app to facilitate contact tracing.
Return to Sport and Physical Exercise/Activity under Phase Two
The Multi-Ministry Taskforce will decide on an appropriate time to move into Phase
Two (“Safe Transition”). In Phase Two, sports facilities, such as gyms and fitness studios, will be gradually allowed to re-open, subject to the implementation of safe management practices at the venue and for facility staff and users. The return to sport and physical exercise/activity under this Phase will be based on the following considerations:
a) Group Size Limitation. Limiting group size and minimising interactions within the group allows for community transmissions to be more effectively contained. The
permitted group size may be gradually raised over time.
b) Safe Distancing. Distancing requirements will influence the nature of activities
allowed and the capacity of sports facilities. For instance, safe distancing may
require sport formats involving deliberate body contact between participants to be deferred until it is less risky. However, technical training drills may still proceed. Sharing of common equipment would be discouraged. Safe distancing measures
will also apply to non-participants (e.g. observers) outside the field of play/courts.
c) Environmental Factors. Outdoor facilities with better air circulation would carry
lower risks than indoor environments.
Everyone Has a Role to Play against COVID-19
With the gradual easing of measures, Singaporeans must remain vigilant and observe safe distancing measures in place to minimise the risk of community transmissions.
As the situation evolves, measures may be amended accordingly. We will publish more updates on COVID-19 for sport and physical exercise/activity as and when available.