Are you a Marathoner?- Do this Before a Podiatrist’s Visit | JustRunLah!

Are you a Marathoner?- Do this Before a Podiatrist’s Visit


Foot problems are common among marathoners, and many seek podiatrist services each year. Luckily, a foot exam and a few tests can give an accurate diagnosis, and it’s critical to prepare for the visit. Moreover, the history of the condition helps determine the cause of the pain. Are you seeking information on the key points to have before visiting the podiatrist? Look no further, and read on for great ideas.

1. Get a complete medical report

You can always get a professional podiatrist from ModPod Podiatry. However, you need an accurate medical report, including previous medical conditions and treatment received. Also, have a comprehensive list of all surgeries undergone and any medications that you may be taking.

If you suffer from allergies, such information will also be critical. Why is this important? The foot is a major body part and is connected to other body parts. Some body changes and illnesses can affect your foot, resulting in pain, inflammation, or skin disease. The professional will want all this information to determine the cause of the problem and the right medication for your case.

2. Know the problem areas

Know the exact location or the source of discomfort. The foot includes various muscles, tendons, bones, nerves and is quite complex. Try to isolate the problem area, to help the podiatrist in making the right diagnosis. However, you may experience pain in the entire foot, making it difficult to isolate the source of pain.

 Knowing the source of pain saves a lot of time and raises the likelihood of an accurate diagnosis. Moreover, the nature of pain helps determine the nature of the problem. For example, heel pain may indicate plantar fasciitis, but burning heel pain may indicate another problem.

3. Have an idea of how & when the issue started

It’s critical to remember when the problem began and the initial symptoms. Some conditions require certain treatment plans when new, but this may change depending on the presentation’s duration. With information on the length of time the problem has been present; the podiatrist can determine its severity and the most suitable treatment option.

 Moreover, how the condition appears is also useful. It determines the type of injury, whether it’s acute, chronic, or a strain condition. It also helps define whether the condition stems from other existing conditions or secondary injuries.

4. Know what eases the pain

Most foot problems tend to resolve themselves and disappear only to recur afterward. Having this information gives the professional an idea of how to best deal with it. For instance, if you feel the pain mostly when barefoot, structural support approaches can help.

On the other hand, toe pain felt during sleep and not during the race may indicate nerve or circulation complications. The idea here is to pay attention to the situations that ease or worsen the pain, for this can help the podiatrist diagnose and determine the best treatment options.

5. Have a description of your shoe type & daily activities

Your choice of shoes during sporting events can influence the development of some foot conditions. The type of shoes also helps the podiatrist to ascertain the cause of the problem. For example, ball-foot pain mostly results from high-heeled shoes, and treatment may not be effective if you continue to wear the same shoe type.

 Your day-to-day activities are also vital. They also help reveal the cause of the problem. For instance, if you regularly practice in wet environments, you are susceptible to skin infections, and the treatment regimen involves controlling this environment.

A quick wrap up

Having the right information goes a long way. It helps the podiatrist to get the right diagnosis in no time. It also helps determine the best treatment option for your condition. The next time you visit your podiatrist, consider the ideas mentioned above to ease the treatment process.

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