Date: 17 August 2019
Venue: Creamer Rd
Time: 08:30 am
Location: Tamborine 4270, Queensland, Australia
Categories: 10 km, 5 km
  Event day schedule:
8:30 am - Elite Wave START

8:35 am - 12:00 pm - 12K Waves START (every 5 mins)

10:00 am - Gold Medalists Wave START

12:05 -1:00 p, - Half Waves START (every 5 mins)
  Entry fees
10K (17th August Saturday)
AUD $142

True Grit Half 5km (Saturday)
AUD $116

10K (18 August Sunday)
AUD $132
  More about this event
Our popular QLD event is held on a property by the base of Mt Tamborine. Easily accessible by both Brisbane and the Gold Coast, it would be less than an hour road trip away!

Take on the full course of 10km and 30+ obstacles, or test the waters with our half course of 5km and 15+ obstacles. Remember - it's not about finishing the fastest, it's about finishing at all.

This True Grit course will see participants travel through harsh grasslands, balmy rainforest, tropical latana and numerous water bodies. Be prepared to get a little wet!

  Runner's Entitlement
Race Pack
What You Get With The Entry :

Finisher's t-shirt (on completion of the course)
Water and Sports Drinks throughout the event
Access to Medical Treatment
A Real Military Obstacle Challenge Experience
A Free Beer or Sangria when you finish the course!
Elite Racers :

The Elite Race Wave is for those interested in truly testing themselves against the fittest military and sporting people. The Elite Race Wave commences at 8.30 am and is open to the first 100 entrants. The first male and 1st female elite racer across the line wins $500 each!

Wristband and Finishers Top

Your True Grit wristband will be picked up on the event day and can be collected at the Registration Tent.

You will receive your Finishers top on completion of the course.

Food and Drink

No alcohol will be allowed onto the site.

Independent venue stalls and alcohol will be available, as well as seating areas

Water will be available periodically during the course. First aid qualified personnel and equipment will be positioned along the course, as well as a doctor available at the medical area near the finish line.

Merchandise Tents

A 2XU True Grit merchandise tent is at every True Grit event across the country. The facility is equipped with credit card facilities so you don’t need to be concerned with bring a large amount of cash with you on the day.
Race Apparel
Photos not yet available. Please check back at a later time.
  Finisher Medal
Photos not yet available. Please check back at a later time.

  Route maps
Route maps not yet available. Please check back at a later time.


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