Date: 25 November 2017
Venue: Tinongdan
Time: 06:00 am
Location: Benguet, Philippines
Categories: 36 km
  Entry fees
Team PasadaPH will be sharing much needed school supplies, raincoats, rain boots and possibly simple school uniforms to the local school children in Saybuan Elementary School. Based on initial costing made, all these items will be provided to one child in a minimal pledge amount:

  More about this event
Team Pasada PH is a local non-profit group that functions to promote camaraderie, leadership, cultural awareness and social responsibility through responsible traveling and active lifestyle. Part of the group’s social responsibility advocacy include outreach projects that aim to give back simple necessities to secluded local communities.

Now on its second year and with the great success of last year’s Mt. Purgatory – Mangisi Outreach Climb, Team Pasada PH will hold another outreach project.

This year’s project will be dubbed as “PROJECT 390: Mt. Ugo Outreach Climb”. The target beneficiaries of our team is a total of 90 students from 3 community schools along the Mt. Ugo traverse in Tinongdan, Benguet. The target dates will be on November 25-26, 2017.

  Runner's Entitlement
Race Apparel
  Finisher Medal
Photos not yet available. Please check back at a later time.

  Route maps
Route maps not yet available. Please check back at a later time.


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