Vitamins you need at every age

There are many advertisements touting supplements for health and wellbeing, but which ones are necessary? The answer is different at every age.

Vitamins are best obtained by eating a variety of fruits and vegetables. While getting enough nutrients from your diet is ideal, you might consider adding vitamins and supplements after consulting your doctor. Each age group needs a specific vitamin and mineral.

However, regardless of your age or stage of life, remember that more isn’t better when it comes to vitamins and minerals. Taking too much of any vitamin can be toxic; in other cases, you will just excrete it in your urine.

So, here’s what you need, depending on your age group:

Your tween and teen years

In these years, it is crucial to get enough vitamin D and calcium, says nutritionist Stephanie Schiff. “We need calcium for bone and muscle growth, but it doesn’t get absorbed as well without vitamin D,” she says. “These are the bone-building years for boys and girls, and if you don’t build enough bone, you will be prone to brittle bones later in life.” According to the National Institutes of Health’s Office of Dietary Supplements, tweens and teens should get 600 international units (IU) of vitamin D per day and 1,300 mg of calcium per day. Again, it’s always best to get nutrients from our food. Some tweens and teens may have special dietary needs depending on their diet or circumstances. Make it a habit to discuss diet and nutrition with your child’s doctor during their visits.

Your 20s

Keeping up with calcium and vitamin D is still important in your 20s, Schiff says. Depending on your diet, you may also need other vitamins or minerals at this age. For example, vegans often need extra vitamin B12, mainly found in animal products.

Woman pre-pregnancy and pregnancy

Childbearing tends to occur in the 20s and 30s for many women. You should take a prenatal vitamin containing folic acid and the B-complex vitamins if you plan to get pregnant. The time to start is before you get pregnant. Folic acid reduces the risk of neural tube birth defects, and other B vitamins help support a healthy pregnancy. Taking these vitamins may also reduce your babies’ autism risk. Women with heavy menstrual periods may need extra iron too. And don’t forget calcium and vitamin D.

Your 30s

Anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids will help lower the risk of heart disease. Fish like mackerel or salmon, which are fatty and good for your heart, should be eaten at least twice a week according to the American Heart Association (AHA). Also, getting enough calcium and vitamin D is especially important during your 30s.

Your 40s

Vitamin D becomes even more important in your 40s. A lack of vitamin D has been linked to many diseases, including cancer, autoimmune conditions, diabetes, and obesity, and the risks tend to increase with age. Food alone cannot supply all the D you need, and sunscreen prevents us from getting enough sun, so supplements may be needed. And don’t forget your calcium and omega-3s either, as heart disease risk climbs with age for men and women.

Your 50s

In your 50s, your calcium requirements rise to 1,200mg, and vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium. It is because now, instead of building bone, you are preserving the bone you already have. Women are at greater risk for brittle-bone diseases such as osteoporosis than men and may need to take additional measures. Women may also be entering menopause during this decade, and certain natural remedies for menopause may help reduce symptoms.

Your 60s & 70s

Calcium and vitamin D matter greatly as you get older, such as in your 60s. Make sure you are getting all that you need from food or supplements. Heart health is important too, so ensure you get enough omega-3s.

In addition to calcium and vitamin D, you may need some extra B12 during your 70s. As you get older, it’s harder for your body to make and use B12, and supplements may be needed. Foods high in B12 include clams, liver and salmon.

Your 80s & 90s

Supplemental B12 may be necessary during your 80s too. Again, keep up with your calcium, vitamin D and omega-3 during your 80s, and make sure to inform your doctor about any changes to your diet or medications.

If you’re in your 90s, keep up whatever you’re doing, as it is likely working if you are enjoying this time of life.


8 Unknown Facts about Personal Training

Staying in shape can prove challenging, which is why many folks spend their hard-earned money on personal trainers to help them reach their goals.

Maintaining a healthy diet and exercising on a regular basis can help improve your mental and physical health, so it’s not surprising people hire the best personal trainers available. Becoming a personal trainer might seem like a dream job for those who spend each day in the gym, but there is a lot more to becoming a top trainer than you might expect.

1. Most PTs don’t work regular hours

Although there are PTs out there that work 9-5, most fitness professionals work early in the morning or late at night to accommodate their clients. If you are looking to start your own personal training company, expect to work while your clients have free time.

Some people will take a break during work hours to exercise, but most wait until they have finished work. Personal trainers have to be flexible to satisfy their clients and don’t be surprised if customers ask you to train them over the weekend. Attracting new clients won’t be easy if you only work from 9-5 throughout the week.

2. They are good listeners

The best personal trainers are great a listening to their clients. Keep in mind, that most people hire personal trainers to help them achieve their goals. Each client will have a specific goal in mind they’d like to achieve such as:

  • Lose weight: The most common reason for a person to hire a PT is to shed a few pounds.
  • Gain muscle: Both women and men employ PTs to help them increase their muscle mass.
  • Maintain their current weight.
  • Stay fit

Most PTs will talk with their client about their goals before they begin training. A good trainer will listen carefully and take everything their client says into consideration before coming up with a workout schedule. Knowing what motivates their client is key to helping them hit their targets.

3. Safely workout

Of course, you don’t need to hire a personal trainer to stay in top shape. Some folks join a gym or exercise at home without any help from a professional.

However, if you are new to the fitness world, don’t be surprised if you sustain an injury while working out. A professional trainer will show you how to safely use exercise machines and how to warm up and warm down properly.

Recovering after a workout is of vital importance. Those keen to work out on a regular basis often hurt themselves due to overdoing it.

If you are considering joining a gym for the first time in the near future, you should ask a PT for help. If you don’t know what you are doing, you could sustain a serious injury that might prevent you from working out again.

If you have exercised in a commercial gym, you can probably tell the difference between a person who has had professional training to those who haven’t. Not only do novices put themselves in physical danger, but they’ll also struggle to reach their goals.

4. You don’t need a degree to become a personal trainer

Although you don’t need a degree to become a PT, you will need to know a lot of information about exercise science, diet plans, and different parts of the body. There are exercise-based courses out there, and a lot of personal training businesses that are looking to hire recruits will only employ trainers that have a degree, but you can still become a trainer without any formal education.

However, just because you are a fit person and go to the gym regularly doesn’t mean you should become a PT. The best PTs in the business often have a master’s degree in physiology. Plus, they know what motivates their trainees, and how to get the best out of them.

5. It’s not all about exercise

When personal trainers spring to mind, most people think they only show their trainees different exercises and techniques, but there is more to the job than you might think. To become a top PT you’ll need to be able to do the following:

  • Sell: At the end of the day, personal trainers provide a service. In most big cities and towns you’ll come across lots of different PTs providing similar services, which is why PTs need to know how to sell. Starting a career as a PT can be tough, especially for those without any clients. Nowadays, most modern PTs use popular social media platforms to advertise their services. Some use Facebook and Instagram ads to promote themselves, while others upload images and videos of their client’s progress to encourage others to use their service. It seems like maintaining an online presence can help bring a personal training business to the next level.
  • Nutritional guidance: There is no point in exercising day in and day out if you are not eating properly. A PT will often come up with a specific diet plan for each of their clients. Not all diet plans will be the same, because not everyone has the same metabolism, which is why PTs have to know all about nutrition before advising a client on what to eat.

6. PTs are good at organizing

Once a PT has several clients to work with, it’s vital that they organize their schedule. Here are some of the things PTs organize on a daily basis:

  • Create programs for their clients ahead of time.
  • Hire an accountant to keep track of their finances.
  • Make sure each client is up-to-date with payments.
  • Confirm the client is taking the gym session.
  • They will have to prepare a spreadsheet that shows income and expenses.

7. They prepare different workouts for different clients

If everybody had the same body and wanted to achieve the same goals there wouldn’t be a need for a personal trainer. Everyone could follow the same schedule and the same diet plan, but thats simply not the case.

Most PTs will spend a lot of time talking with their clients before preparing a workout and diet plan. This is another reason a PT should know their stuff. Even if two separate people want to achieve the same goal, the trainer might come up with two completely different workout plans to suit their body type and their mindset. For example, if an overweight person is hoping to gain muscle mass, the PT might encourage them to work on their cardio and focus on lifting light weights. If an underweight person is hoping to gain muscle mass, the PT might advise them to avoid doing any cardio and focus on lifting heavy weights but only doing a few reps each time.

8. A PT will know when to stop

Personal trainers will know their client’s physical limitations. During the first training session, you can expect a PT to keep a close on how flexible you are and if they notice any muscle imbalance. This is why during your first sessions they will ask you to perform basic exercise techniques. Don’t be surprised if they ask you about your medical history either. The more information they have about your current physical condition the easier it is for them to come up with a specific workout and diet plan.


Macro and Micro Nutrients — The Essential Elements of A Runner’s Diet

A runner’s diet influences how the body is fueled for a workout, as well as what nutrient resources are available to recover after a run. These both impact various aspects of the body, including energy levels, performance, strength, and injury risk, according to Marathon Handbook. With that in mind, understanding the importance of elements in a runner’s diet — i.e. macro and micronutrients — is essential in gaining the benefits involved as a professional athlete

The importance of proper nutrition

When breaking down the ideal runner’s diet, nutrition plays a major role, particularly when it comes to ensuring there is a healthy balance of key macro and micronutrients. A runner’s diet plan typically consists of a balance of the three macronutrients, according to Medical News Today — aka carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Carbohydrates, for starters, are important in a runner’s diet as they’re broken down easily by the body during exercise, making them a major fuel source. Carbohydrates can be found in foods like pasta, whole fruit, and brown rice. Protein is also essential, as it’s responsible for building and repairing muscles, bones, and tissues. On the other hand (and equally as important), healthy fats, which can be found in foods like avocados, should also be worked in, as they’re beneficial to maintaining a balanced diet and are important for nerve function

While each individual’s ideal balance of macronutrients will vary, the Institute of Medicine notes that people should aim to consume a balance of 45-65% carbohydrates, 10-35% protein, and 20-35% fat. While the ideal balance of macronutrients (aka vitamins and minerals) varies based on the individual, Medical News Today further notes that by focusing on eating plenty of veggies and fruits, one will typically consume enough micronutrients along the way. Additionally, it’s worth mentioning that calories play a major role in any runner’s diet as well, and should sustain one’s training program appropriately.

How the Mediterranean diet fits in

Although there are a vast array of popular and trendy diets out there, looking into the Mediterranean diet may prove to be particularly beneficial to runners. While meats, cheeses, and sweets are typically avoided, the Mediterranean diet includes beans, fish, fruits, potatoes, vegetables, and olive oil, to name just a few key foods, meaning you’ll be able to get a good balance of macro and micro nutrients. As for performance-specific benefits, one 2019 study that consisted of a small group of 5K runners highlights a potential benefit. The study involved the participants racing after four days of consuming a Western diet, then repeating the race after four days of a Mediterranean diet. The end result found that even after four days of a Mediterranean diet led to 6% faster 5K times (aka more than a minute off an 8-minute/mile 5K). To get help with creating a personalized plan, Healthline recommends considering working with a sports dietitian, which will aid in ensuring you’re dieting in a way that’s healthy for you and meets your individual needs/goals.

Going on a diet may sound easy enough, though there is a multitude of key aspects to keep in mind in ensuring you’re going about things in a healthy and safe way, especially as a professional runner. With the essential elements of a runner’s diet in mind, consulting with a professional such as a sports dietician can be helpful in ensuring you’re on a plan that’s right for you.


How healthy is coconut water or your favourite coconut shake?

Or how does it compare with coconut milk, coconut oil and coconut flesh? Here’s what you need to know about coconuts from the Dietetic & Food Services at Changi General Hospital (CGH).

The humble coconut, once only found at hawker centres and used for nasi lemak and bubur cha cha, has seen its popularity skyrocket lately. Coconut oil products have slowly been making their way onto the mass market since hip and innovative drinks infused with coconut are becoming wildly popular.

But are the many health benefits surrounding a coconut actually true? Let our dietitians from Dietetic & Food Services at Changi General Hospital (CGH), a member of the SingHealth group, lay down the facts for you!

Coconut shake vs coconut water vs coconut milk vs coconut oil vs coconut flesh

Coconut shake

You might not know that a regular-sized cup of your favourite coconut shake could contain up to 350 calories and 20 grams of fat.

“Coconut shakes and dessert drinks contain not only natural sugars but also added sugars/syrups as well as fats, in particular saturated fats from coconut flesh, coconut ice-cream/coconut cream or milk that is present in common recipes,” said Dietitian Miko Yeo.

Saturated fats can increase LDL cholesterol (the “bad” cholesterol) levels, which may increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases. High-calorie beverages can also contribute to excessive calorie intake and obesity, just as sugar-filled drinks such as bubble tea and sweetened drinks can,” Yeo added.

Here’s how you can enjoy coconut shakes in a healthier way, you can:

  • Choose to avoid added sugars/syrups at the point of purchase ​– requesting for 0% sugar level
  • Avoid upsizing the beverage
  • Try making it yourself, and replace coconut ice cream, coconut milk/cream often used in common recipes, with low fat or skim milk and avoid adding sugar

Coconut water/juice

Coconut water is touted as a great tool to rehydrate after exercise or a bout of diarrhoea as electrolytes such as potassium, sodium and manganese are present. However, plain water works just as well for hydration under most circumstances. Do note that coconut water contains at least 50kcal and up to 10g of sugar per 250ml (1 cup).

Coconut milk

Unlike coconut water, coconut milk does not occur naturally but rather results from the reconstitution of coconut flesh and water.

Coconut milk is a source of several vitamins and minerals essential to our body. One cup of coconut milk (250ml) contains 600 calories, while one cup of coconut cream (canned) contains 1500 calories, most of which are fat calories. Coconut milk is rich in saturated fat, which has been shown to raise harmful Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels. High LDL cholesterol levels increase one’s risk of heart diseases and stroke.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil should be taken in limited quantities due to high saturated fat content. Coconut oil has also seen a boom in topical use as a product for the hair and skin due to its postulated moisturising and anti-inflammatory properties. While hairstylists and beauty specialists swear by coconut oil products, these benefits have yet to be substantiated by medical studies.

Many health claims for coconut oil can be attributed to the presence of medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs). MCTs are posited to aid in weight loss, because they are more efficiently turned into energy. However, studies have yet to be conclusive, and any excess MCT will still be stored as fat in the body. It should also be qualified that commercial coconut oil contains mostly lauric acid, which is not an MCT.

Coconut flesh

The fleshy interior of the coconut provides 175kcal per coconut (50g of flesh). It contains 4g fibre, which may be useful for digestion and satiety. Similar to coconut oil and milk, the flesh also contains high levels of saturated fat.

Coconut contains many vitamins and minerals, and if you enjoy it, keep eating it. The keyword is: Moderation! Don’t go (coco)nuts!


The Complete Guide to the Best Supplements for Bone Health

There are many different supplements that can help to improve the health of your bones. This article will help you find the best one for your needs.

The first thing you should do is consult with your doctor to see if there are any vitamin deficiencies that need to be addressed or medications that could affect bone health. After consulting with your doctor, it is important to understand what kind of supplement would work best for you, as there are many different options available. The supplements can be taken orally, through topical application, or a combination of both.

It is important to remember that a supplement alone will not have the same effect as a healthy diet and exercise routine; however, they can provide additional benefits when used in conjunction with these lifestyle changes.

Introduction: Do You Need to Take a Supplement to Support Your Bone Health?

A supplement is a product that you take to help you maintain a healthy lifestyle. Supplements for your bone health can be taken as tablets, capsules, or liquids. They are often used to replace certain nutrients which are not consumed enough through food. Or they can be taken to improve the body’s ability to absorb and use nutrients from food.

There are many different types of supplements available on the market. Some people take supplements because they have been prescribed by their doctor or healthcare professional. Others may have heard that they will help them lose weight, build muscle, or improve their health in other ways and decide to try them out for themselves.

Why Vitamin D is Important for Bone Health

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is found in certain foods and can also be made by the human body. Deficiency of this vitamin can lead to bone diseases like rickets and osteomalacia.

The most common way to get Vitamin D is from the sun, usually through exposure to ultraviolet B rays. However, not everyone has enough exposure to the sun for their body to produce adequate levels of Vitamin D.

Vitamin D deficiency has been linked with several different conditions including cancer, depression, diabetes and chronic pain.

Which Vitamin D Supplement is the Most Effective?

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is important for bone health and immunity. It can be obtained through food and supplements.

Vitamin D supplements are widely available in the market, but it’s not always easy to know which supplement is the most effective.

The most important thing to consider when choosing a supplement is the amount of vitamin D in it. The recommended daily intake of vitamin D for adults is 600 IU (international units) per day, so you should choose a supplement that contains at least this amount.

The next thing to consider would be whether or not you have any other medical conditions or take any medications that might interact with the supplement and change its effectiveness, such as diabetes medication or antacids.

What Are the Most Important Minerals for Bone Health?

Minerals are essential for the development and maintenance of bone health. They are needed for bone formation, bone mineralization, and the production of hormones that regulate calcium levels in our bodies.

The most important minerals for bone health are calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, and sodium. These minerals play an important role in the prevention of osteoporosis and other diseases that affect the bones.

What are some Other Supplements that Support Bone Health?

Calcium is a mineral that is important for the health of your bones. It helps to form and maintain strong, healthy bones and teeth.

Some other supplements that support bone health are vitamin D, magnesium, vitamin K2, potassium, boron, phosphorus and silicon.

Conclusion: Your Final Answer on the Best Supplements for Bone Health

To sum up this article, the best supplements for bone health are calcium, vitamin D, and magnesium.


10 Silent Symptoms Of A Heart Attack

Symptoms of a heart attack can be described as an excruciating, chest-clenching feeling. Nevertheless, health authorities note that in a large number of cases, this tell-tale pain may not be what an individual is experiencing.

In fact, the Australia’s Heart Research Institute estimates that of the 57,000 heart attacks that occur in Australia each year, 15 per cent of these are ‘silent’ heart attacks. A silent heart attack is accompanied by relatively mild or no symptoms. The damage is done but an individual is not aware of it.

Therefore, it is crucial to identify silent heart attack symptoms as soon as possible. This is because the sooner you get treatment, the greater the chance of you surviving without permanently damaging your heart.

In an effort to help you recognize the subtle symptoms of a heart attack, Reader’s Digest spoke with cardiologists and other health experts.

1) Feeling like you’re being hugged tightly

Chest pain associated with heart attacks is often described as sharp, stabbing, or dull. However, a heart attack can sometimes feel like pressure and heaviness on your chest, or as if you are being tightened up, says Dr Jim Liu.

2) Fatigue

Dr Rosen observes that fatigue is one of the most common symptoms of a heart attack she sees, especially in female patients. “In my 25 years of practice, people on the verge of a heart attack report feeling tired and not able to do their usual activities,” says Dr Rosen.

During a heart attack, blood flow to the heart is reduced. This puts extra stress on the muscle, which is a reason this feeling of exhaustion can occur. If you’re feeling fatigued, it’s best to consult your doctor. They will decide if an electrocardiogram (EKG), which checks heart activity – or another heart test – is necessary.

3) Soreness in the back, arms, or chest

Back and chest pain, as well as pain in any arm – not just the left – are often signs of a silent heart attack. Dr Rosen explains that people tend to ignore the pain since it is not accompanied by the chest heaviness that is typically associated with a heart attack.

The pain may feel like a pulled or sore muscle or ache as if you slept on it wrong. It may also come and go or remain constant. To be safe, if the pain is something new and it isn’t going away, you should talk to your doctor about it, even if it’s a body part that isn’t usually associated with the heart, she says.

4) Pain during exercise

Dr. Liu says one commonly overlooked symptom of a heart attack is chest, arm, shoulder, or back pain that only occurs during exercise.

If you have a partial blockage in your coronary arteries, that can limit blood flow to your heart, causing a feeling of weakness and pain. The pain may stop when you stop exercising, as the heart doesn’t need as much blood flow, or it may continue even during rest. Both can be concerning signs of heart disease – but, Dr Liu suggests, the former may suggest a heart attack has already occurred; while the latter may mean one is imminent.

5) Seemingly unusual shortness of breath

A trip up stairs is usually no problem, but if suddenly you feel like you are gasping for air, this may mean you are having a heart attack.“Women especially tell me they noticed feeling fatigued or breathless while walking up steps or carrying groceries when they normally wouldn’t,” says Dr Rosen.

6) Throat, neck, or jaw discomfort

Unexpected discomfort in the neck or jaw, or tightness in the throat can indicate a heart attack, says Dr Kini. You should contact your doctor immediately if you experience any of those symptoms. It’s especially important for people with diabetes to pay attention to subtle changes like this.

7) Sweating for no reason

Hot flashes, cold sweats, and night sweats may be dismissed as a sign of hormone imbalance or aging, but excessive sweating can be an indication of a serious health concern.

A subtle symptom of a heart attack can be sweating even when you are not exercising or otherwise physically active. The sweating may come on suddenly and seemingly for no reason, or you may wake up drenched.

8) Vertigo or fainting

You may experience light-headedness, dizziness, or even faintness if the room feels like it is spinning. Vertigo may also trigger nausea and hot flashes.

Note: Women are often more likely to report this symptom than men – just one example of how heart attack symptoms can feel different for women.

9) Heartburn or belching

If you have an occasional heartburn flare-up after a heavy lunch, it may be nothing to worry about. However, if it’s out of the ordinary or you haven’t experienced heartburn before, Dr Liu suggests you see your doctor.

Angina, a heartburn-like chest pain, is caused by a lack of blood flow to the heart that can signal a heart attack.

10) Stomach upset

Dr Rosen says heart attack symptoms can sometimes mimic stomach problems such as nausea, vomiting, or overall gastrointestinal upset – especially in women. “If you don’t feel well, always call your doctor. It could be that taco you had at 10pm but it could also be a heart attack,” she says.


Adidas Concludes David Beckham’s 2-Day Visit To Singapore With Activities True To Its Brand Purpose: Through Sport, We Have The Power To Change Lives

From a live talk show to a football clinic for youths between four to 16 years old, and a surprise futsal challenge at The Cage, more than 200 people met and were inspired by the global sporting icon.

SINGAPORE, 18 JUNE 2022 – Over the past two days, 17 and 18 June 2022, adidas organised a series of activities with David Beckham in Singapore. The activities were anchored on the brand’s purpose, “Through sport, we have the power to change lives”.


On 17 June, David Beckham spoke to more than 120 members of the public at a talk show dubbed “WE GOT THIS 2.0”, held at the adidas Singapore Brand Centre Orchard. Hosted by 987FM radio DJ Joakim Gomez, David Beckham was joined by three local panellists: entrepreneur and social media personality, Christabel Chua, professional footballer, Ikhsan Fandi, and international DJ and Host, Jade Rasif.

A contest for the public to win passes to attend the talk show ran over six days on adidas Singapore’s and the panellists’ Instagram channels, as well as via the adidas app. Winners were selected from more than 2,000 entries submitted during the contest period. 

The three talk tracks discussed by David Beckham and the panellists were:

  1. What matters (sharing what is important to them at this point in their lives),
  2. Marrying ambition with mental health (how they balance achieving what seemed like the impossible), and
  3. We Got This (tips and advice on how they stay on track to achieve their goals).

Ikhsan Fandi on “What matters”: “My family means everything to me. I always confide in them when faced with challenges. I feel safe knowing that there are people to guide and support me through the tough times and will have my back all the way.” 

Christabel Chua on “Marrying ambition with mental health”: “My work always keeps me motivated but there are times that things get overwhelming for me. A few practices that help me are colour-coding my daily calendars so that I’m always present in the moments I’ve committed myself, and ensure I make space for ‘me time’ too.”

Jade Rasif on “We got this”: “My favourite quote has always been, ‘work hard, stay humble.’ As cliché as it may sound, it has been a north star for me. I practice gratitude exercises daily and it helps centres my being. Big or small, compliments or criticism, I take them all, learn from them, else if I don’t see merit in some of the negativity I receive, I move on from them.”


Earlier today, in collaboration with Sport Singapore (SportSG), adidas organised a football clinic for 100 aspiring youth footballers between four to 16 years from the ActiveSG Football Academy (AFA). The 90-minute clinic focused on building fundamental motor skills for 40 pre-schoolers, football drills and short matches for 60 children under 12 years old and athletes with varied abilities who live with cerebral palsy.

adidas Singapore Creators (the brand’s term for influencers) and professional footballers, Anders Aplin, Christopher Van Huizen, Fabian Kwok, Ikhsan Fandi, Izzati Rosni and Marc Ryan, joined the youths by assisting in the clinic and participating in the friendly matches organised.


Capping his series of activities with adidas Singapore, David Beckham visited The Cage at Kallang to surprise unsuspecting “weekend warriors” at the futsal court. The energy was electrifying as he entered the court with adidas Singapore Creators and professional footballers. Surprise, disbelief, and joy filled the room as futsal players on the court gathered around him and invited him for a short game. 

Mark Walden, Director, Go-To-Market for adidas South-East Asia shares, “At adidas, we believe that through sport, we have the power to change lives. We wanted David Beckham to engage in a series of activities that could make a positive impact to the local community given his reputation as an undisputable global icon. He has an impressive sporting career and is a successful businessman. We believe David has the right credentials to offer advice to the community on powering through challenges in life, and on marrying ambition with health. We value the perspective he lends on these topics and hope it will inspire individuals looking to write their comeback stories, pivot, or level-up in sporting, professional or personal pursuits.”

Tiffany Cheah, Brand Communications Manager for adidas Singapore adds, “In conceptualising an event for the public, we decided on the “talk show” format as we wanted to create a platform to motivate and inspire the public through the sharing of personal stories and tips on overcoming the odds – particularly in situations that seemed impossible. The 2.0 edition brings together global and local voices to shed light on key topics, like navigating the pressures of life and balancing ambition with mental health, through a lens of wellness and sport.”

In his 2-day visit in Singapore, David Beckham had shown that through sport, we indeed have the power to change lives. His visit has inspired and motivated the lives of many to keep moving forward and continue achieving the Impossible. 


HOKA Invites Humans Across The Globe To Lace Up And Fly With Their First Global Campaign, FLY HUMAN FLY

The Leading Performance Running Brand Unveils a New Global Ad Campaign, Calling All Humans to Experience the Transformative Power of a Run

HOKA®, a division of Deckers Brands (NYSE: DECK), launches a new global brand platform, FLY HUMAN FLY. As the brand’s most extensive globally integrated marketing campaign to date, HOKA will extend an invitation to runners of all abilities to experience a place of joy, optimism, and limitless possibilities. FLY HUMAN FLY will act as a catalyst to encourage consumers to meet HOKA at the starting line and take flight to new heights – together. The campaign will be amplified globally across owned media, digital platforms, and out-of-home.

The FLY HUMAN FLY campaign introduces – Pursuit – HOKA’s anthem film. The 60-sec spot establishes HOKA’s belief in the transcendent power of movement, in this case, a run. Fueled by HOKA, Pursuit features heroes entering a magical world filled with joy, optimism, and superhuman possibility. With brand, product, and human stories, HOKA’s strategic approach and marketing investments will meet consumers at every step in their journey.

“HOKA has been championed by a strong community of endurance athletes from the very beginning. When a consumer tries a HOKA product, they fall in love with our product innovation that delivers an experience that is both easy on the body and world-class fast. Thus, the brand growing primarily by word of mouth up until this point,” said Norma Delaney, Vice President of Global Brand Marketing at HOKA. “Those that know us, are fans for life. The FLY HUMAN FLY global campaign is an invitation for humans everywhere to experience HOKA and fly into a world of new possibility.”

The FLY HUMAN FLY campaign will introduce a strong visual language, utilizing the bold colours HOKA is known for in its product offerings and elevates the iconic HOKA bird logo – creating synergies across campaign elements and driving the brand recognition. Big, bold ideas will come to life through distinct new creative, a HOKA website refresh, new product innovations, experiential events at HOKA retail stores, and ongoing integrated marketing stories. HOKA is promoting the ad campaign with an extensive global rollout plan, including out of home assets in key global cities, digital, and national video spots on connected TV platforms.

HOKA distinguishes itself in the marketplace as a human-first performance brand, evidence by its rich storytelling platform “Humans of HOKA.” Through the stories of real humans, HOKA shares the brand’s core values and DNA, and celebrates the heart, soul, and power of humanity to change the world. HOKA will tell these incredible stories of athletes of all levels and capabilities through video, blog and native brand channels. FLY HUMAN FLY will continue to build upon the brand’s DNA and core values. 

Timed to FLY HUMAN FLY, HOKA introduces the Mach 5, the next iteration of its iconic Mach franchise, offering a race-ready, performance-driven running shoe. With a perfect balance between speed and comfort, the Mach 5 energizes runners to catch whatever it is they’re chasing, from a race day PR to that feeling of flight, faster. The launch further solidifies the brand’s position as a pioneer in the performance category and will be complemented by an ancillary marketing campaign.

Amplifying HOKA’s message of FLY HUMAN FLY, HOKA is partnering with Achilles International, a global organization operating in 18 countries, including the United States. Achilles International has empowered over 150,000 athletes of all ages and ability levels to participate in endurance events around the globe. With a significant presence at major marathons worldwide, and with the aid of guides, gear, and social connections, Achilles helps to break barriers to the start line. Together, HOKA will further their mission through monetary and product donations and amplifying the Achilles mission via dedicated Humans of HOKA storytelling highlighting the inspiring stories of these athletes.

F22 Mach 5

In conjunction with FLY HUMAN FLY, HOKA will also be launching their new Mach 5.

The new Mach 5 delivers an energized and harmonized ride that will delight runners
who want to go fast. The PROFLY midsole has been enhanced with a lighter, more responsive foam underfoot that puts more snap into every step without compromising the cushioning for support on those longer distance days. With a perfect balance between speed and comfort, the MACH 5 energizes runners to catch whatever it is they’re chasing, from a race day PR to that feeling of flight, faster.

What’s new in the Mach 5

  1. New Upper – single layer creel jacquard engineered mesh with a richer colour palette
  2. Articulated heel collar – more dialled-in fit
  3. Enhanced responsiveness and energetic ride – combines the learnings of Mach 4 and Mach Supersonic
  4. Lighter weight – upper and new foam maintains or slightly shaves weight while still enhancing ride benefits.

Mach 5 is now available in the black and white version and more colourways will be arriving in July. It will be available for purchase at the HOKA Brand Store at Takashimaya, Sports Central, Level 4 and authorised retailers. For the full list of authorised HOKA retailer stores, you can visit HOKA social media pages:
– Singapore Facebook / Instagram: @hokaoneonesg / @hokaoneone_sg


Is There An App To Plan Running Routes?

How we exercise has been fundamentally altered due to recent developments in technology. People of all ages utilize this to gain fitness levels and get their daily workouts. These days, most smartphones come preloaded with a GPS app and a fitness tracker. Sharing your sporting accomplishments with your friends is also simpler by integrating various social media technologies.

Choosing the best app for your needs can be difficult and expensive in today’s app market. Instead of making your daily jog less pleasurable, it will make it easier to find your way about with a route mapping app and offer suggestions, tips, and encouragement to keep going.

This article will cover the top apps for finding jogging routes and trails. Our picks range from those that assist you in finding famous scenic areas to those that help you uncover secret backtrail gems.

ASICS Runkeeper

ASICS Runkeeper is a simple-to-use program that keeps tabs on your speed, distance, calories burnt, and more while you’re out for a run. It reviews your previous runs to keep tabs on your improvement and find new paths in your area to explore. While it’s an excellent tool for a rookie runner, it also contains essential information from which runners of any ability level can benefit.


If you’re a fan of running who also likes to travel, RunGo is the perfect app. The program is designed to assist runners in finding the best routes and guiding them along those routes through voice guidance.

More than 100,000 routes worldwide are already in RunGo’s database, and the company adds 200 new routes daily. It’s safe to say that the RunGo team and certified local running clubs curate the trails and that each route is confirmed before it is included in the app.


For those looking for an app that provides a comprehensive perspective of their exercises, PUMATRAC is the best option. The software gathers and analyzes data about your run, including the weather, time of day, and even the day of the month, to provide you with personalized insights. For instance, you might discover that you have the most success running on Sunday mornings before ten o’clock or that you can improve your pace by running while listening to punk rock.


Strava is the program you should download right away to keep you energized. The community feature of the program enables users to follow their friends, running rivals, and work colleagues. Users can also set up group competitions, such as who can run the 5K the quickest or rack up the most monthly miles.

In other words, if you aren’t an experienced runner, don’t let this deter you from participating. In addition to speed and distance traveled, Strava provides more in-depth performance data and weekly mileage.

Along with Apple Watch and Wear OS devices, Strava is compatible with various running trackers.

Footpath Route Planner

This tool allows you to plan and measure routes that would otherwise be difficult or impossible to imagine by following a route’s shape on a map.

The Footpath is an excellent choice for road warriors due to its free offline functionality. There is a wide range of activities that the app may be used for – from cycling to mountain biking, jogging, backcountry skiing, and kayaking. While training or just trying to make sure you run your customary 5k while on vacation, the measurement gadget will undoubtedly become your greatest buddy and most helpful ally.

Additionally, when upgrading to the paid subscription option, you’ll have access to premium topo maps, 3D views of the landscapes you explore, and other features.


10 Things You Didn’t Know About Feet Care

Here’s what you need to know about smelly feet, avoiding foot pain, preventing infections and ingrown toenails, and keeping your feet healthy and pain-free in general.

From ingrown toenails and bunions to sprains, strains, and broken bones in the foot and ankle, you might need to visit a podiatrist. The information your foot doctor provides will no doubt help you manage your condition, but they can only cover so much ground in a single office visit. You’d be surprised at how much more you need to know about avoiding foot pain, preventing infections, and keeping your feet and toenails healthy.

You should have your feet measured when you visit a shoe store

Every time you shop for shoes have your feet measured by a professional. Foot size can change as a result of natural ageing and health changes. Measure both feet – late in the day – and shop for the larger foot, advises podiatrist, Dr Lori Weisenfeld.

Your change of habits during the pandemic is causing foot problems

Namely, walking barefoot around the house all day. It’s leading to things like plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendinitis, and other types of tendinitis warn podiatrist, Dr Jane Andersen. If you’re going out, make sure to wear the best plantar fasciitis shoes for men to help relieve your discomfort.

Foot therapy at home

Try this DIY foot soak to help clear up foot and toenail fungus, brighten nails and soften skin: combine 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar, 2 cups warm water, and 2 tablespoons baking soda. Soak for 20 minutes a few times a week.

Foot odour is not necessary

Try a deodorant spray and alternate your shoes so they have a chance to dry completely. Wear socks, as well, otherwise, the sweat will promote the growth of bacteria that stays in your shoes.

Get running shoes at a running store, even if you only walk for exercise

A well-trained staff at an athletic shoe store can help you find the right shoes for your exercise. Typically, they will analyze your foot and gait and recommend the best shoes for you.

Coconut oil has many healing properties

Coconut oil is known to have anti-fungal properties. Use it to moisturise cuticles, as well as skin – especially cracked and calloused areas.

The size of your athletic shoes shouldn’t be the same as your regular shoes

Dr Weisenfeld recommends that there should be one thumb’s width between the tip of the shoe and the end of your longest toe.

Barefoot running

Barefoot running on concrete can mean you’ll end up with stress fractures and some very bad inflammation. Grass and sand are good running surfaces for barefoot running.

Here’s a home remedy to cure your stinky feet

Make some really strong black tea, then soak your stinky feet in it two or three times a week for 20 minutes. The tannic acid has been shown to temporarily shrink sweat ducts so they don’t work as hard.

Socks that are too small can cause blisters

Yes, just like a shoe can. Just go with what feels comfortable for your feet.


Adidas Organizes The Largest Mass Run To End Plastic Waste In 2022 With Run For the Oceans Singapore

  • More than 140 runners gathered to Run For The Oceans in Singapore, contributing a total of 5,600 minutes to the cause;
  • Back for its fifth year, members of the public and adidas influencers (Creators) ran as a community in what seemed to be the largest mass run to end plastic waste, since the easing of restrictions in Singapore. 

SINGAPORE, 2 JUNE 2022 – Last Saturday morning on 28 May 2022 at East Coast Park, more than 140 runners gathered as a community to Run for The Oceans (“RFTO”). A global initiative by adidas and Parley For The Oceans(“Parley”), RFTO aims to raise awareness of plastic pollution among members of the public and end plastic waste by encouraging positive actions through Sport. Back for its fifth year, members of the public and adidas Influencers (“Creators”) ran as a community in what seemed to be the largest mass run to end plastic waste, since the easing of restrictions in Singaporeon 26 April 2022. 

This year from 23 May 2022 to 8 June 2022, for every 10 minutes of physical activity from movement-based sports like running, hiking and walking recorded by participants on the adidas Running app, adidas and Parley will clean up the equivalent weight of one plastic bottle from beaches, remote islands, and coastlines before they reach the ocean (up to a maximum of 250,000kg).

To kick off RFTO in Singapore, Adidas Runners (“AR”) Singapore captains, Sofie Chandra and Eugene Lim, shared with attendees information on how to participate in the movement, and issued a #NoSingleUsePlasticChallenge. The challenge encourages a commitment from attendees to avoid using any single-use plastics for the duration of RFTO.

adidas Brand Communications Manager for Singapore, Tiffany Cheah, also shared details on the brand’s larger commitment to sustainability and how it has lived up to its promise. In addition to phasing out single-use plastics and microbeads, adidas is also launching entire product lines with more sustainable materials. 

What went down at RFTO Singapore on 28 May 2022

Runners were flagged off in six different waves. Attendees committed a total of 50 minutes of Running and covered a range of 4.5KM to 7KM during the event. The total duration committed by Singapore during the event stands at 5,600 minutes.

The sense of camaraderie was uplifting. Runners cheered each other on and concluded the event in high spirits. Attendees were also spotted engaging each other in conversation regarding the impact they had made, and exchanging tips on more sustainable living among themselves.

Run for the Oceans is still on, till 8 June 2022!

The public can continue to track their activities till 8 June 2022 and are to sign up for their runs through the adidas Running app. As of 1 June 2022, Singapore has clocked a total of 410,957 minutes and counting. For more information on the movement and how to sign up, visit


My OCBC Cycle 2022

After a two-year hiatus, cyclists are finally able to participate in a mass cycling event in this year’s OCBC Cycle. While I had taken part in past OCBC’s virtual rides, I would personally still prefer to be able to cycle with many other cyclists on closed roads.

Hence when registration commenced, I made up my mind to participate in both the City Ride as well as Virtual Ride to make it a complete OCBC Cycle experience.

City Ride

The 20 km City Ride, scheduled on the 8th of May Sunday, consists of 2 flag-offs at 5 am and 6:30 am. This route takes cyclists on closed roads passing several scenic locations such as the Benjamin Sheares Bridge and Marina Bay Sands, before finishing inside the National Stadium at the Singapore Sports Hub.

My friend LC and myself were riding in the first wave at 5:00 am. On Saturday, we decided to come early at 11:30 pm to spend a night at the Sports Hub. We could hardly sleep even though it was raining and the weather was cooling!

The rain had eased by 5:00 am and the first wave was flagged off without any delay. It had been some time since I cycled in the early mornings and it was surreal cycling with other like-minded cyclists.

Cyclists riding towards Marina Bay Sands

It was very enjoyable to be able to cycle on closed roads with families and friends, chilling out and taking photos at iconic places. OCBC Cycle is the only event in Singapore that we are able to do so.

Selfie at top of Benjamin Shears Bridge

It had started to drizzle by the time I reached the top of Sheares Bridge. Dark clouds gathered ominously and the rain grew heavier by the time I completed the ride at 6:40 am.

Virtual Rides

I took 2 virtual rides to complete this category.

The first virtual ride was completed by cycling from my home at Bedok North to Springleaf, passing by Punggol Waterway, Seletar North Link, Yishun Dam and Lower Seletar Reservoir.

Do note that there is ongoing construction at Seletar North Link. Hence, it is very dusty and there are risks due to the presence of heavy vehicles and gravel along the roads if you choose to cycle on the roads.

The second virtual ride was completed 2 weeks after the first and was completed by riding to Changi Airport via the Siglap Park Connector and East Coast Park. My friend CK joined me for this weekday ride.

We started off at 9:30 am. The sky was overcast and it was raining in the North-Eastern parts of Singapore. We were fortunate that the sky held up in the East while we reached Changi Airport without any issue.

It was a great OCBC Cycle experience and I look forward to next year’s edition. Hopefully, there will be a category for the ‘Sportive Ride’ and with a new or revised route.

Till then, stay safe and adhere to cycling rules while cycling.


10 Myths About The Sweet Tooth

Consuming too much sugar can make you sick, but when consumed in moderation, sugar can be extremely beneficial for your mental and physical health. Sugar is a carbohydrate and a quick source of energy for your brain and body. It can also feel soothing and lower stress levels, which is why comfort foods are usually sweet.

Yet we all know some people who seem to crave sweets more than others, even claiming to have a ‘sweet tooth.’ Here’s why we should dismiss these 13 sweet tooth beliefs.

1) “The sweet tooth is real”

There is no such thing as a physical tooth in your mouth that goes rogue and causes you to inhale bags of chocolate. Still, there is evidence that some people have genetic, hormonal and mental factors that make them crave sugar more than others, says dentist, Dr Wesam Shafee.  “You’re not crazy if you think you have a sweet tooth,” he says. “We have some scientific evidence that it’s true.”

2) “Your sweet tooth is all in your mind.”

Have you ever noticed how there seem to be two classes of people when it comes to dessert – those who love it and those who don’t? According to a 2018 study published in Cell Reports, the FGF21 gene produces a hormone that can make you more sensitive to insulin fluctuations. This, in turn, makes you seek out sugar more than people without the gene. You can, however, use your mind to help you conquer those sugar cravings.

3) “You can tell if someone has a sweet tooth by looking at them.”

Sugar is one of the top factors associated with obesity, but just because someone is obese doesn’t mean they consume excessive amounts of sugar. According to research, people with the sweet tooth gene are more likely to have lower body fat (although they are also more likely to have high blood pressure).

4) “Sugar-free foods and drinks are safe for teeth.”

No, they’re not. Sugar-free products are often touted as a healthier alternative, but researchers from Melbourne University tested a variety of sugar-free soft drinks, sports drinks and sweets and found that they were highly acidic. “Any food which makes the mouth more acidic can lead to cavities and tooth enamel erosion,” Dr Shafee explains.

5) “All sugar is sweet.”

Think you don’t have a sweet tooth just because you crave pasta, bread, and barbeque instead of confectionery? Not so fast: there is plenty of sugar hidden in many savoury treats, too.

Sugar is a carbohydrate and is found in any carb-laden food, even if it doesn’t taste ‘sweet.’ “Anything that can break down into sugar – and that includes snacks like Goldfish [crackers] and pretzels – can increase cavity and acid erosion risk on the teeth,” says Dr Issac.

6) “Candy and sweets are the worst foods for your teeth.”

Sugar is not the only food that is bad for your teeth. The liquid form of sweets, such as juices, soft drinks, and milk, coats every nook, cranny, and groove of your teeth, so they are the most damaging to your dental health. The combination of sugar and acid found in many soft drinks make them doubly bad for teeth.

7) “Fruit snacks are a better choice than chocolate.”

The fruit snacks that come in single packs are one of the worst offenders for teeth, especially as they’re often given to children as a ‘healthy’ treat. From a dental perspective, any sticky sweet foods – think gummies and toffees – are harmful to the teeth because they cling to the surface.

8) “Sugar-free gum is good for your teeth.”

The artificial sweetener xylitol has been shown to decrease cavity risk. Some popular gums, like Trident, have it as their main ingredient. Chewing xylitol gum may have a small benefit. However, many sugar-free gums use other sweeteners that don’t help and may harm your teeth.

9) “Juice is a healthier way to indulge your sweet tooth than soft drink.”

Drinking sweetened beverages isn’t good for your waistline or oral health, and that isn’t limited to soft drinks. Drinks like fruit juices, lemonade, and Gatorade contain just as much sugar as popular soft drinks and have a similar bad effect on your teeth and your waistline.

10) “It’s better to spread out sweets into small servings over the day”

Is it better to eat a few M&Ms every hour throughout the day or just eat the whole bag at once? Eating the entire serving is healthier for your waistline and teeth. Spreading out the treat increases the amount of time the sugar stays on your teeth, which causes insulin spikes that cause you to crave more sugar.


Compete Your Fastest Mile at Under Armour All Out Mile Today!

Challenge yourself by joining the Under Armour All Out Mile from 1 June to 5 June, with help from Under Armour athletes and coaches. 

The UA All Out Mile provides the motivation, the coaching, and the training plan to help runners run their fastest mile. With virtual participation in 14 countries, Under Armour has almost doubled regional participation from last year’s challenge to deliver a global event in both virtual and live formats. Teams and solo runners will take on the 30-day challenge of training with resources provided, with the ultimate goal of going All Out just in time for Global Running Day on 1 June.

Through this guidance over a 30-day training period from 1 to 31 May, runners in Singapore will be empowered as they aim to go all out to clock their fastest mile, or 1.6km. This marks the All Out Mile’s first appearance in Asia, after its inaugural edition in the United States last year.

Teams and solo runners will take on the 30-day challenge of training with resources provided, with the ultimate goal of going All Out just in time for Global Running Day on 1 June.

Key Dates

1 – 31 May: Virtual Training programme in MapMyRun
1 – 5 June:
 Under Armour All Out Mile Competition window
10 June:
 Announcement of results on, winners to be notified by email as well

How it Works

1) Join – Sign up in the FitRankings leaderboard
2) Link – Link your UA MapMyRun™ account with FitRankings for automatic results uploads
3) Race – Race your 1-mile (1609m) with UA MapMyRun™ as many times as you want during the competition window (June 1 – June 5). Your fastest result will automatically appear on the official leaderboard

Join now!

Train Like A Champ

Starting May 1, check here for training resources provided by UA athletes and UA MapMyRun™ experts to help push yourself to your personal best.

When you register for the UA ALL OUT MILE, you’ll have access to training routines and workouts from UA’s elite coaches, athletes, and Human Performance experts.

UA MapMyRun™ has the right tools to help you reach your peak fitness. Scan the QR codes (or tap on mobile) to view some of our favourite routines in the app.

UA Human Performance workouts are only available via mobile and only in English. Scan QR codes to access them in the UA MapMyRun™ App.

Registration and participation will automatically grant runners a free three-month UA MapMyRun MVP membership, where they can log miles and access exclusive training plans and video tips throughout their journey to compete.

In addition to virtual training available on MapMyRun throughout the month of May, runners can also join Run Crew sessions at the Under Armour Funan Brand House and go for a trial run in the latest UA Running shoes.

These shoes have been designed specially to help athletes on their quest to achieve their best. Details of each product are available below.

Flow Velociti Wind 2 (SGD$229) – available in stores and online

  • This rubberless, all-in-one Flow technology cushioning and sole systemh grips the ground better to help you run faster.
  • Flexible UA Warp™ upper contours to your foot as you run for seamless transitions.
  • Connects to UA MapMyRun: tracks and analyzes your running metrics along with realtime Form Coaching to help make you a better runner

HOVR Machina 3 (SGD$229) – launching in May

  • Dual Density UA HOVR foam-mesh Energy Web in the heel and unwrapped in the forefoot – with more cushioning, you get more energy back in every step.
  • Connects to UA MapMyRun: tracks and analyzes your running metrics along with realtime Form Coaching to help make you a better runner
  • Lightweight floating spacer mesh zoned to eliminate hot spots while optimizing breathability, containment and heat dispersion

Go ALL OUT & Win!

Sign up now for the Under Armour All Out Mile today!


Make history by being part of NUS Giving Run BIG’s first-ever hybrid race!

Tough runs don’t last, tough runners do. Let’s make history together by being part of NUS Giving Run BIG’s first-ever hybrid race!

This year’s run will take on a hybrid race format that allows both virtual and in-person participation amongst runners of the NUS community and members of the public. Run BIG 2022 will be a special one as 100% of the proceeds will go towards supporting NUS Annual Giving Bursaries. Your support will enable today’s students to become tomorrow’s changemakers and inspire them to pay it forward to the community.

Join the run not only to beat your personal best, or simply to experience the euphoric feeling of being part of a mass running event again, but also for a good cause!

What is NUS Giving?

As a global leader in university philanthropy, NUS Giving is delivering sustainable impact and realising possibilities.

They build enduring relationships with their donors to seed and grow transformational opportunities that create a ripple effect of progress through their communities and the world, transforming lives and empowering change.

They are future-making as they empower students to achieve their fullest potential, give future leaders and changemakers the opportunity to learn from the best through world-class academic and research programmes, and enable the foremost minds of today to solve the problems of tomorrow through innovative research.

NUS Giving Run Big 2022 at a glance:

Virtual Challenge

Dates: 1 – 24 September 2022
Categories: Individual – 3KM / 5KM / 10KM / 19.05KM / 42KM OR Team of 4 – 190.5KM
Location: Islandwide Race

Run the race, at your own pace and in your own space!

Collect the badges by clocking various distances within the clock-in window to unlock the rewards.

From 1 to 24 September 2022, participants can get active at their convenience while connecting with the NUS Community, and making a real and positive impact on the lives of the students.

Campus Run

Dates: 25 September 2022
Categories: 5KM Non-Competitive OR 10KM Competitive
Location: NUS Kent Ridge Campus

Join us on 25 September 2022 at NUS Kent Ridge Campus to celebrate the return of the campus run.

Come Run BIG with us before slots run out!

Your Bragging Rights!

Every registered participant will be entitled to a race pack containing a Running Tee and many other exciting running goodies. On top of that, finishers will also get to walk home with exclusive finisher entitlements like Digital Certificate, Finisher t-shirt and more!

Virtual Challenge

Do take note that the Race Entitlements (The Running Tee and Shoe Bag/ Tote Bag) for all race categories will be mailed to you before 25 September 2022. While the Finisher entitlements (Finisher Tee and The Medal- if needed) will ONLY be delivered to the participants after completion of the registered distance, within the clock-in period.

Campus Run

Run Prizes & Lucky Draw

Besides participating in the run, you can also stand a chance to win these attractive
prizes when you join us on the final day of the run!

For more information, you can visit NUS Giving Run BIG website by clicking here!


Adidas And Parley For The Oceans Unite Sporting Communities Across The Globe To Run For the Ocean

  • adidas x Parley’s global impact initiative, Run for the Oceans, returns for its fifth year, uniting sporting communities across the planet 
  • More activities than ever will be eligible for Run for the Oceans, with the introduction of tennis, wheelchair movement, football and more. For every 10 minutes of running recorded via the adidas Runtastic app, Joyrun, Codoon, Yeudongquan or Strava, Parley will clean up the equivalent weight of one plastic bottle from beaches, remote islands, and coastlines before it reaches the ocean (up to a maximum of 250,000kg)
  • People across the world can take part by signing-up to the challenge from today and logging activity between May 23 – June 8

Singapore, 19 May 2022 – As we approach World Oceans Day on June 8, adidas and its longstanding partner Parley for the Oceans is once again encouraging the global sporting community to turn activity into action and Run for the Oceans in 2022. 

For the first time, new activities have been introduced to the challenge, making this the most inclusive Run for the Oceans yet. People from all parts of the global sporting community are invited to hit the streets, the tennis court and the football field, and unite to help protect the oceans from plastic waste.  

Launching between May 23 – June 8, the event returns for its fifth year, with the ambition of mobilising a generation to help end plastic waste. Research shows that the world is at a tipping point, with it predicted that oceans will contain more plastic than fish by 2050**.

We need action from everyone, everywhere to create true change and this year Run for the Oceans will expand to welcome in a wider range of activities – when we all come together, we can help make a world of difference.

For every 10 minutes of running from select activities, such as running, tennis or football*, recorded by participants via the adidas Runtastic app, Joyrun, Codoon, Yeudongquan or Strava, Parley will clean up the equivalent weight of one plastic bottle from beaches, remote islands, and coastlines before it reaches the ocean (up to a maximum of 250,000kg).

Katja Schreiber, SVP Sustainability at adidas said:Time is against us in the race to help end plastic waste, so we’re pushing harder and with more focus than ever before. Just like how this is an industry-wide problem, it requires industry-wide solutions, because sustainability is a team sport. By uniting our sporting community for this challenge, we can inspire real action against plastic waste by giving people an experience where their actions and way of being active contribute toward cleaning up the ocean.

It’s important that our own brand commitments reflect the situation with which we are faced and that’s why we’ve committed to our goal of replacing virgin polyester with recycled polyester inourproducts by 2024wherever possible.”

Since 2017, adidas and Parley’s Run for the Oceans has united over 8.2 million runners worldwide, running a combined total of more than 81.7 million km. 

Since the beginning of the partnership in 2015, adidas has made more than 50 million pairs of shoes with Parley Ocean Plastic and close to 18 million pairs in 2021 alone – this includes plastic waste intercepted from beaches and coastal communities, preventing it from polluting the oceans.

For 2022, adidas x Parley has announced the launch of Adizero X Parley and Ultraboost 22 X Parley. With a carbon footprint of just 3.5kg per pair, the Adizero X Parley is the first time adidas and Parley have combined to launch a lower footprint concept, a milestone for the partnership delivered through innovation and with no compromise on shoe performance.

From raw material interception, processing, packaging, all the way to the end of product life, adidas calculate and communicate its carbon footprint, conforming to an internationally recognized standard: ISO 14067. The footprint results made available provide full transparency on the complete lifecycle of the product. 

Whilst the adidas x Parley partnership shows that progress can be made on the path to help end plastic waste, there is still more to be done.

Cyrill Gutsch, CEO and founder of Parley said: “Seven years ago, adidas signed a contract to support Parley as founding partner. With this decision, the three stripes showed the courage to face an epic threat: The Plastic Crisis. Millions of people have supported us since, with action and by buying products made with Parley Ocean Plastic®, a material we invented to fund our work. These products became Symbols of Change, flags that carry an optimistic message. We can end the crisis by cleaning up our planet, by inventing new materials and most importantly, by changing our minds. Today, plastic is still threatening life. But billions of people now know how harmful it is. Run for the Oceans is the moment where we turn awareness into action, where we grow our movement even bigger. Where everyone can take a stand. Run with your feet, run your mind! Help us to end this epic battle. Together we can win this impossible mission and end the destruction of our magical blue planet. Join Parley for the Oceans!”

Individually we can take action, together we can make an impact – adidas is unifying sporting communities across the globe to Run for the Oceans between May 23 – June 8 by signing up and tracking activity via the adidas Runtastic app, Joyrun, Codoon, Yeudongquan or Strava. For more information and to sign up, visit

How to join the movement?

  • Step 1: Simply download or head over to the adidas Running app.
  • Step 2: From now till May 22nd, sign up for the #RunForTheOceans challenge through the app.
  • Step 3: Start clocking your run or exercises on the app from May 23 to June 8 to join the community tally.

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