Just Run Lah! - Singapore's online running community | JustRunLah! - Part 18

5 Benefits of Using Knee Sleeves

An active life is one of the best things you can do for your joints and for the rest of your body to be healthy. However, injuries can occur and often affect the knees. Whether you are a regular walker or a competitive athlete, dealing with knee pain can make it difficult to enjoy your favorite activities.

Knee pain is quite common. According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, 12 million people see their orthopedics every year for knee pain due to different problems. This includes pain due to overuse, osteoarthritis, tendinitis, bursitis, meniscus tears, sprained knee ligaments.

From many ways to treat knee pain that include stretching and strengthening exercises that you can easily perform on your own, anti-inflammatory medicines, wrapping your knee with an elastic knee wrap or knee sleeves can help reduce the discomfort and pain from osteoarthritis or an injury. 

What are Knee Sleeves?

Knee sleeves are compressive sleeves pulled up and worn to your knees. Knee sleeves protect the knee from potential injury or damage. This protection is particularly important for those knees put under daily stress, such as running, jumping, or weightlifting.

Most knee sleeves are manufactured from Neoprene, which is used to make sauna and diving suits. This is because neoprene-based sleeves have many benefits that we will discuss below. These sleeves are very popular with athletes and bodybuilders who do a lot of heavy lifting.

The compression element added to knee sleeves increases blood flow and decreases pain. This helps not only after a workout but also during the performance. Along with the compression, the enhanced blood flow helps in better recovery after a challenging workout such as running, HIIT, or weight lifting.

What do Compression Sleeves Do?

The compression knee sleeve aims to reduce pain and swelling, especially after an injury. Applying little compression from these sleeves helps with the smooth flow of blood and lymph back to the heart.

The sleeve provides warmth, restrains patella movement, and can improve proprioception which is the ability to sense the position of a joint within space as perceived by the central nervous system. The sleeve serves as more than just a mechanical support mechanism for the joint.

Because they limit kneecap movement, knee sleeves are an important component of any gym bag. Many people feel the warmth of knee sleeves immediately after completing a workout, such as the squat, the snatch, or the clean and press.

You can use knee sleeves as a post-workout recovery to reduce swelling and pain. These sleeves are a great help to CrossFitters, powerlifters, and bodybuilders and can be used after a workout.

How do Knee Sleeves Help with Knee Pain?

Knee sleeves help prevent knee injuries but also aids in the healing process and post-workout recovery by reducing pain and swelling. By providing warmth and firm grip, compression sleeve help you get rid of knee pain.

The compression area warms up the impacted area and regulates blood flow which helps ease the pain, the main reason to wear knee sleeves.

Benefits of Knee Sleeves

Your knee is the largest joint of your body. If you have pain in your knees, you can benefit from using knee sleeves even while doing simple activities like walking, gardening etc. Using crossfit knee sleeves helps to support your knees and prevents future injuries.

In addition, it helps the individuals to keep doing their favorite activities while the injury heals and they keep doing their physiotherapy. Here are two of the main advantages of wearing a knee sleeve:

1. Rehabilitative and Functional

A knee sleeve is usually recommended after an injury during a recovery process. Wearing a knee sleeve can boost tissue healing because knees typically have a longer recovery period. Using a knee sleeve can avoid further damage and helps in more support and controlled movements in the joint.

2. Unloads Weight

Knee sleeves can help ease the pain linked to arthritis, osteoarthritis, and other related issues. These conditions become more common in people as we age, especially those prone to injuries during workouts and different physical activities.

A knee sleeve unloads extra stress due to pressure to the thigh, creating better mobility in the knee joint and reducing stiffness. Braces and compression sleeves are used to speed up the healing of injured ligaments to prevent further injury.

3. High-Intensity Activities

Your motor control is affected by your proprioception, which is the awareness of how your body positions. Because of the proprioception, compression knee supports can offer some joint protection.

As you get older, your proprioception generally decreases. You will feel less in control of your movements after a run or a sport. Fatigued people are more susceptible to injury, partly because they have less control of their movements.

These periods of fatigue can be helped by compression knee sleeves. It also helps if your body position is poor.

4. Protects from Outdoor Elements

Compression sleeves provide protection to your legs and knees against scratches and abrasions if you like running outdoors. They are an essential accessory for trail runners who are more likely to sustain minor injuries from small objects, such as twigs and rough legs. Running with compression sleeves can protect you from poison ivy, which can cause severe skin rashes.

5. Maintains a Good Body Temperature

Compression sleeves can help maintain a healthy body temperature. They are breathable, and very lightweight. It can wick moisture away from sweat, so you can stay cool on hot days. You can keep warm on cold days by wearing pants or shorts with them. It’s not even noticeable, and you can maintain a healthy body temperature.


Knee sleeves are a low-risk way to reduce pain and improve your sports performance. The compression knee sleeves are an affordable and effective treatment for many knee issues.

In addition, stretching and strengthening exercises that target your knees can help reduce pain, increase range of motion, flexibility, and prevent future injuries.


  • Chuang, Shih-Hung, et al. “Effect of Knee Sleeve on Static and Dynamic Balance in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis.” The Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences, vol. 23, no. 8, Aug. 2007, pp. 405–11. PubMed, https://doi.org/10.1016/S0257-5655(07)70004-4.
  • Mohd Sharif, Nahdatul Aishah, et al. “Biomechanical and Functional Efficacy of Knee Sleeves: A Literature Review.” Physical Therapy in Sport: Official Journal of the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Sports Medicine, vol. 28, Nov. 2017, pp. 44–52. PubMed, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ptsp.2017.05.001.

Want To Break Out Of Your Fitness Rut And Stay On Track In 2022?

  • In a survey commissioned by adidas, the brand uncovers generational and gender-specific insights that can support people in Singapore who are on their personal fitness journeys.
  • When the nation went into lockdown, 1 in 2 people in Singapore became active and tried a new fitness activity/sport – women especially.
  • A nation of runners, cyclists and yogis, Gen Zs preferred activities of self-expression, compared to Millennials who partook in activities to achieve self-mastery.
  • What kept us motivated in our fitness/sporting journeys? The power of ‘jio’ – especially for Gen Zs.
  • The brand enlisted Feng Shui Master Ken Koh, who shares ‘2022 Zodiac Fitness Tribes’ profiles. For instance, Tigers best vibe with Horses, Dogs and Pigs.

Singapore, 13th December 2021 – In preparation for the new year and to find out how the brand can better support people in Singapore on their fitness and sporting journeys, adidas Singapore went on a mission to examine the impact of the pandemic on mental health, fitness activities, sports participation, and fitness motivations. On that end, the brand commissioned Dynata, a global market research firm, to run a survey among an independent panel of 1,009 respondents who engage in both low and high intensity fitness activities. The sample size was an even split of Males and

Females, Gen Zs (born 1997 to 2012), and Millennials (born 1981 to 1996). The study, aptly dubbed “The Power of ‘Jio’ in Fitness Tribes” uncovered…

The pandemic’s silver lining & virtual fitness fatigue  

In looking at the impact of Covid-19 and exercise frequency, the study revealed 1 in 2 were able to maintain or increase their fitness activities. 

In fact, 50% of respondents took the opportunity to try new fitness activities or sports when the nation went into lockdown. Women were significantly more likely to increase their exercise frequency with 26% pivoting comfortably into “indoor activities” like “Yoga” (43%), “Dance” (27%) and “Pilates” (21%). However, the pandemic also brought on a significant “virtual fitness” fatigue with 69% of respondents expressing if given the choice, they would prefer to break a sweat outside of their homes. Which are Singapore’s favourite fitness activities or sports you ask?

We are a nation of runners, cyclists, and yogis – with some generational differences

“Running (65%), Outdoor cycling (39%), Yoga (27%), Basketball (22%) and Dance (21%)” were the top five fitness activities people in Singapore partook in at least once a week. 

Interestingly, the brand found differences in the type of activities that Gen Zs and Millennials preferred. Gen Zs seemed to prefer activities that allowed for self-expression and empowerment like “Dance and Martial Arts” (6% on average more than Millennials). Whereas, Millennials displayed a higher interest in activities like “Yoga, Tennis and Pilates” to achieve self-mastery (6% on average more than Gen Zs). But why do we work out? 

Simply, because it “makes (us) happy”

Along with improving their physical health, the top reasons cited were tied to mental health. 54% took part in fitness activities or sports to “reduce stress” and “improve mental health”.

In fact, 68% expressed that being part of a fitness or sport community has had a “positive impact on their mental well-being”. Top three reasons for membership to these communities or groups were simple. It “makes me happy (49%), gives me motivation (48%) and helps me socialise with likeminded individuals (46%)”. 

However, we know it is hard to stay motivated in our fitness goals. Here’s what the brand found that has helped people in Singapore stay on track (pun intended)!

The power of “jio” & fitness tribes to keep you going – especially, for Gen Zs

51% of people in Singapore found “exercising with friends” to be a powerful motivator to stay active and on track with their fitness goals. Other motivators in the top five were “having friends to urge you to be more active (36%), exercising outdoors (34%), being part of a fitness community (33%) and using a fitness app (31%)”. 

The power of “jio” (colloquially used to mean “to ask someone out”) was found to also be more significant among Gen Zs than Millennials with the top four largest differences seen in motivators such as “exercising with friends (18% higher than Millennials), having friends urge me on (12% higher than Millennials), getting a reminder from friends (10% more than Millennials), being part of a fitness community (7% more than Millennials)”.

Want to form your own fitness tribe, try a new sport, or figure out your lucky fitness colours for 2022? We got you.


Ahead of the year of the Water Tiger, adidas invited Master Ken Koh from the House of Feng Shui to share tips for people in Singapore to break out of their fitness rut and stay on track with their goals! Master Ken sheds light on your Zodiac’s personality, fitness activities or sports to try in 2022, lucky fitness colours to don and zodiac profiles of people to form your fitness tribes.

Tigers, you can form your Zodiac Fitness Tribes with Horses, Dogs and Pigs as they could best vibe with you. Consider stocking your cupboards with more athleisure wear in Ruby Red and Lilac. While it’s more natural for you to partake in martial arts, in 2022, you might want to try kendo, high jumping, shooting, skateboarding and platform diving to play to your strengths. For a full list of zodiac profiles and tips, please refer to the Appendix B below.

Working Out Is Not Just About Losing Weight or Gaining Strength

Whether it’s a woman who actually wants to gain muscle or a guy who wants to run a 10K in under four minutes, fitness is about so much more than just losing weight!

Whatever your goals may be – this is a universal truth: it is important to feel good in your own skin, to feel energized and empowered, and to wake up every day feeling like your best self.


Exercise and good nutrition (and ultimately feeling your best) affect so many other areas of your life. It’s not just how you look in the mirror; it’s how confident you are at work and in your relationships. Ultimately, it’s about the courage you have cultivated to share ideas, speak your mind, and go for the prize.

According to the American Psychological Association, Jennifer Carter, PhD, counsels patients in a walk and talk format. The movement (mainly walking) Dr. Carter recommends is effective in helping people open up and express their feelings.


The truth is, research shows that it’s not really about how fast you ran, how long you worked out, or how many weights you lifted or push-ups you completed, but it’s more about completing a workout (or not) in general.


Focusing on a “why” is really important. Your goals should be less focused on the physical and more on the emotional.

Sarah Dussault shared about body image and fitness, and why it’s healthy to look at your body differently, rather than through the eyes of a scale. For her, giving birth opened her eyes to what the female body is capable of more than any exercise achievement. Since then, her motivation to exercise has shifted a bit towards being healthy for her son (rather than to get nice abs) and to give back to her body. Right now, Sarah just wants to feel healthy, strong, and content with who she is.


It’s not to say that losing weight or burning fat aren’t valid goals, or shouldn’t be your focus. Ultimately, we need to look at the big picture.

If you want health and fitness to be a part of your life, it can’t be just about what you look like or the number on the scale. Only then will you be able to move forward. 

You are more likely to stick to your goals when you change your perspective, get excited about your progress, and believe that you will be able to overcome future obstacles. Always remember this – Work out because you love your body, and not because you hate it!

Top Ways To Include Resistance Bands In Your Exercise Routine

When it comes to exercising, a lot of people have a love-hate relationship with it, especially with stretching. Even though stretching is extremely beneficial for our body, many are quite reluctant to try it.

Namely, if you incorporate it into your daily routine, you will decrease the chances of experiencing stiffness and it will keep your muscles flexible and strong. One of the best ways to do it is by using resistance bands and today we will show you the best ways to utilize them.

Amazing Ways To Employ Resistance Bands During Exercise

For Lower Body

During this exercise, you should lie on your back with the resistance band wrapped around the bottom of one of your feet. Cling to the resistance band with one end in each hand. If you’re up for something that’s a bit more demanding, then you could pull the ends of the resistance band closer to the foot to make it tighter.

Furthermore, make sure to keep the unbanded foot bent with the leg on the ground. Straighten it with the band towards the ceiling until you start feeling the stretch in the hamstring. Bend the foot and hold for up to thirty seconds and then you can switch sides.

Try Out Banded Squats

If you’re looking for some solid resistance, then you should definitely give this a go! Avid exercisers at DiaBettr.com suggest that banded squats can help you activate your gluteus, hip abductors, and quads. So how can you do it?

Set yourself up like you are planning to do an air squat. You can put the band in the middle of the thighs or beneath your knees. If you want to really focus on your glutes, then you should place them right above the knees.

Next, you should lower your body into a squat, pushing the hips as if you want to sit in a chair. Ensure to keep the back straight and continue to get down until the thighs are parallel to your floor. You should be in this position for up to three seconds.

Then you should lift from the bottom of the squat and ensure the knees are not caving in. When you’re about to finish this exercise, squeeze the glutes at the top.

Adding More Suggestions Below


Most people would not think of using resistance bands for push ups.

The push-ups are a functional callisthenics movement you can do anytime, anywhere without the need for any equipment.

They are an incredible upper body strength exercise that builds your chest muscles, shoulders and triceps, but also involve many of your core abdominal muscles.

Hold the resistance band at both ends of the loop and sling it around your back. Keeping the band in place, get into a press-up position. At first, you might find that the band slips out of place – but with practice, you’ll be able to keep it in place.

Side-Lying Leg Lifts

This is a great exercise for anybody who wants to tighten the hip-abductor muscles. So how can you do it? Put the resistance band above the knees, or you can also place it around the ankles. Then lie on the side with the legs stacked and straight.

Support your head upon the hand, and then you can either support yourself with the left arm, or you can rest it on the biceps.  Lift the upper leg towards the ceiling as high as possible without harming the hip and then gently lower it for one repeating. The tempo should be slow and calm.

There are so many different things you can do with the resistance bands, but we’ve managed to show you just a couple of them. Depending on the parts of the body you want to focus on, you can try out at least one of these examples that were mentioned.

HOKA Launches First Mono-Brand Space in Singapore

Exclusive HOKA footwear available in the new brand space at Takashimaya Sports Central

Singapore (December 2, 2021) – Leading footwear brand HOKA®, a division of Deckers Brands, announces the opening of its first-ever mono-brand retail location in Singapore. The new brick-and-mortar is located at Takashimaya Sports Department Level 4.

HOKA has engaged its base via direct-to-consumer as well as having an intense focus on the speciality run market. HOKA Singapore at Takashimaya is the official introduction of the first HOKA mono-brand space, encompassing a wide selection of footwears, apparels, and accessories. Consumers can purchase footwear offered exclusively in HOKA Singapore Takashimaya across the various categories. The collection also includes the Bondi X released in October, and lifestyle packs such as the HOKA x Engineered Garments collaboration.

Collection of HOKA Glide series

HOKA Singapore Takashimaya Opening Celebration

Receive a HOKA stainless steel bottle when you spend S$50 and above in a single receipt at HOKA Singapore Takashimaya, or take part in the social media giveaway by following 3 simple steps: 

  1. Follow @HOKA_SG on FB and IG
  2. Share our HOKA Singapore Takashimaya opening social media posts onto your IG stories 
  3. Add a HOKA sticker and location tag “Takashimaya Sports Department”

*Giveaway valid while stocks last. 
*Collect the bottle at HOKA Singapore Takashimaya by flashing your IG story saved in your IG archive 

HOKA Singapore at Takashimaya Sports Department opens daily from 10 a.m. – 9:30 p.m.

Can I Train My Triceps Using Battle Ropes Workout?

Are you a strength training enthusiast? Do you enjoy variations in your fitness regime?

Battle ropes are the perfect total-body strength workout that helps you blast off the calories while building full-body strength.

Even though the battle ropes were introduced by John Brookfield back in 2006, they are still new to the gyms, and many people are unaware of the tremendous benefits and uses of these coiled weighted wires.

Ahead in this article, we’ll discuss all the benefits and uses of battle ropes so you can add up some waves of excitement in your everyday fitness regime.

What Are Battle Ropes?

Battle ropes or battling ropes are two 15 inches thick and 30 feet wide pieces of Dacron ropes that provide individuals with the ideal HIIT (high-intensity interval training) workouts.

These ropes are secured to an anchor from one end, while the nylon grips on the other end provide a breathable and firm grip so that you can enjoy a wide variety of exercises.

Battle ropes are a versatile gym gear that aids in weight loss and help you build more lean muscle mass while helping you to target your arms, core, chest, back, shoulders, hips, etc.

Benefits of Battle Ropes

These ropes may seem to be very simple gym gear, but they offer a huge variety of workouts with tremendous amounts of benefits.

1. Time Efficient

If you’re amongst the many people who want to blast off their fat fast without spending a lot of your time at the gym, then battle ropes are the perfect gear for you.

Exercising with battle ropes targets your biceps, triceps, shoulder, chest, core, etc., shooting up your endorphin (feel-good hormone) levels while burning calories and building lean muscle mass.

2. A Full Body Workout

The best workouts are the ones that target all your body muscles at once. Battle ropes are not just perfect gym equipment for training your upper body, but your lower body as well.

Adding in jumps and squats when making waves to exercise your biceps and triceps will help you target your legs, glutes, and hamstrings as well, allowing you to enjoy a full-body fat-blasting session.

3. Burn Away the Fat

If you don’t feel like running around the block for long hours to burn off extra fat, then you need to add battle ropes to your everyday regime.

Using the exercise ropes for arms adds versatility as well as efficiency to your fitness regimes. It enables you to perform high-intensity interval training and burn approx. five hundred calories within 30 minutes.

Not just during the workout, but after exercising with battling ropes, you will enjoy fast metabolism for the next 36 hours, helping you burn away even more calories.

4. Increase Muscle Mass

Using a battle rope helps you exercise all your muscles from your shoulders and arms to your glutes and legs.

These compound workouts allow you to tear away the fat tissues and build up lean muscle mass for a more toned-up body.

5. A Perfect Cardio Alternate

Unlike performing other cardio workouts like jumping jacks and running, the battle rope workouts will elevate your heart rate within ten minutes and improve overall body strength.

So instead of working out for long durations to elevate your heart rate and burn off the calories, start exercising with the ropes, and you’ll be huffing and puffing in no time.

6. Variety of Workouts

As we’ve been mentioning, again and again, the battle ropes offer a huge variety of workouts to individuals while targeting the full-body muscle and ensuring you don’t lose the workout excitement.

Whether you want to target your arms simultaneously with isolated exercises or enjoy compound workouts by adding in jumps and squats, the battle ropes make for perfect gym gear for all fitness levels.

Battle Rope Exercises

Before we move ahead with the most effective and efficient battle rope workouts, it is very important to maintain proper form when exercising to reap maximum benefits.

Every gym gear is only effective when used properly, and the same is the case with battle ropes. They look easy but require correct postures and precise techniques to avoid sprains and strains on the joints.

• Firstly, make sure that the ropes are anchored properly. Once fastened tightly, pull them away and extend them completely. Now that the ropes are properly secured, take a few steps forward to make waves in a fluid motion.

• When using battle ropes, maintaining correct form is essential to avoid any strains on the joints and injuries. Stand tall with your feet opened shoulder-width apart, toes placed in a light outwards position while heels positioned slightly inwards, and knees slightly bent.

• Next, to further correct your body posture to engage all the body muscles, bend down in a quarter squat, placing your weight evenly on the feet and standing firmly on the ground. Keep your hips in a stuck position, and slightly bend your elbows so you can make smooth waves and work your biceps and triceps along with your core and legs, etc.

• Lastly, you have to perform quick, repetitive, and controlled movements with your hands.

Now that we’ve guided you on maintaining correct posture, here are a few exercises that will help you build stronger muscles in your biceps, triceps, core, etc.

1. Kneeling Alternating Waves

  • Kneel on your knees, keeping them shoulder-width apart
  • Keeping the spine straight, engage your core and hold the ropes firmly at your hip level
  • Raise your right hand to your eye level and snap it down on the floor, bringing your hands back to the hip level
  • As soon as the rope hits the floor, lift your left hand to eye level, and coordinate your hands to create waves alternately
  • Perform two sets for one minute each.

2. In-and-Out Waves

  • While standing tall and keep your legs open shoulder-width apart and your knees at a natural bent.
  • Hold the ropes hip-high and hit them together
  • Just when the ropes hit together, move them apart and repeat this exercise for a few sets.

3. Kneeling Overhead Extension Rope Drivers

  • Kneel on your knees and open them shoulder-width apart
  • Hold one rope over your head and start pulling it with your hands, letting it stack in front of you.
  • You can either move near the anchor for this exercise or open up the battle rope, so you keep pulling it in front of you.

4. Seated rainbows

  • Sit down on the floor, keeping your feet fully extended in front of you
  • Fold up your knees halfway and lean slightly backward to engage your core.
  • Staying fixed in this position, hold the ropes in your hands and move them over your legs, hitting the opposite side of the floor.
  • Keep moving the rope over your knees and hitting it on both sides, creating rainbow imagery.

5. Standing Push-Pulls

  • Stand up straight and close to the anchored point of the ropes
  • Hold the ropes in your hands, keeping the upper arms straight and elbows bent upwards, so that your hands are making a 90-degree angle
  • Once you’re in the position, push your hands forward, extending them completely in front of you, and pull it back with full force
  • Exert maximum force and speed once you understand the movement and repeat the push and pull movements.


Battle ropes, albeit new, are a very effective, efficient, and fun way to train your full body muscles, specifically, the arms. These simple-looking ropes add a variety to your workout regime, keep the motivation levels high and challenge your strength levels so you can easily break through your weight loss and muscular plateaus.


  1. Langford, E. L., Wilhoite, S., Collum, C., Weekley, H., Cook, J., Adams, K., & Snarr, R. L. (2019). Battle Rope Conditioning. Strength & Conditioning Journal, 41(6), 115–121. https://journals.lww.com/nsca-scj/Abstract/2019/12000/Battle_Rope_Conditioning.12.aspx
  2. Calatayud, J., Martin, F., Colado, J. C., Benítez, J. C., Jakobsen, M. D., & Andersen, L. L. (2015). Muscle Activity During Unilateral vs. Bilateral Battle Rope Exercises. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 29(10), 2854–2859. https://journals.lww.com/nsca-jscr/Fulltext/2015/10000/Muscle_Activity_During_Unilateral_vs__Bilateral.22.aspx
  3. Dharuman, D. M., Thiyagachanthan, D. N., Sridhar, D. K., Kalidasan, D. M., Malar, S., & Manogari, M. (2021). Effects of Circuit Training and Battle Rope Training on Upper Body Muscular Endurance of School Girls. Asian Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 05(01), 39–43. https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3828777
  4. Iwen, Kacey D. Relative Exercise Intensity and Energy Expenditure of Battle Rope Exercise. Dec. 2019. minds.wisconsin.edu, https://minds.wisconsin.edu/handle/1793/79401
  5. Fountaine, C. J., & Schmidt, B. J. (2015). Metabolic Cost of Rope Training. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 29(4), 889–893. https://journals.lww.com/nsca-jscr/FullText/2015/04000/Metabolic_Cost_of_Rope_Training.4.aspx
  6. Brewer, W., Kovacs, R., Hogan, K., Felder, D., & Mitchell, H. (2018). Metabolic Responses to a Battling Rope Protocol Performed in the Seated or Stance Positions. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 32(12), 3319–3325. https://journals.lww.com/nsca-jscr/fulltext/2018/12000/metabolic_responses_to_a_battling_rope_protocol.3.aspx

4 Amazing Benefits Of Chaga Mushroom

The chaga mushroom is not your typical mushroom. From its unique shape, interesting color, curious texture, and extremely long growth process, to stay it stands out from its kind would be an understatement.

Chaga mushrooms thrive in cooler climates such as those in Russia, Canada, and most Northern European countries. Rather than growing on the ground like most other mushrooms, it grows and feeds on live birch trees, which take up to 20 years to fully develop. It might easily be mistaken for a deformed or perhaps burn part of the tree, given its charcoal black hue. It gets this striking color because of its high volumes of melanin.

Despite all its irregularities, this bizarre mushroom is chock full of all sorts of nutrients and antioxidants. Below are some of the major key benefits that Chaga mushroom can bring about once introduced to your diet.

High Levels of Nutrients and Antioxidants

Chaga mushroom has been used in traditional medicine for centuries as a way of improving the immune system and overall health condition. This is because this amazing superfood is packed with nutrients, minerals, and vitamins including:

  • B-complex vitamins
  • Vitamin D
  • Potassium
  • Rubidium
  • Cesium
  • Amino acids
  • Fibre
  • Copper
  • Selenium
  • Zinc
  • Iron
  • Manganese
  • Magnesium
  • Calcium

Boosts Your Immune System

The chaga mushroom also ranks extremely high on the ORAC scale, which stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity. This refers to a test that measures the antioxidant capacity of any food – and chaga mushrooms’ contents are off the charts!

This is a highly beneficial factor, as antioxidants play a very crucial role in keeping our cells and molecules in tiptop shape. Needless to say, a steady intake of chaga mushrooms will have your body reaping several benefits in terms of general health.

Supports Healthy Inflammatory Levels

Cytokines are small proteins that stimulate the production of white blood cells, as well as control inflammation, which is one of our body’s natural responses that indicate that something is wrong. However, we want to avoid suffering from inflammation for too long, as this may lead to conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis.

With the help of the Chaga Mushroom, the production of cytokine is regulated better, resulting in the overall regulation of the entire immune system. This superfood has been gaining recognition for its ability to support balanced inflammatory responses and provide immune-enhancing benefits. With a strengthened and improved system, our bodies will be able to fend off viruses, bacteria, and illnesses more.

Promotes Healthy Stress Responses

When our bodies undergo stress for extended amounts of time, other areas of our health will start to be affected as well. This is where Chaga mushrooms come into play.

This superfood is actually an adaptogen, which means that it can support other aspects of our health in which we may need it most. If any part of our health is compromised, adaptogens will help to fill in those gaps.

When taken consistently, Chaga mushrooms will help provide overall balance to the body’s system, thereby promoting resilience to stress and other illnesses.

If you’re looking to purchase chaga Australia offers it in many different forms, from tea, coffee, to supplement capsules. As long as it is naturally produced and 100% pure, you can expect to receive the benefits listed above from this incredible mushroom.

Boost your immune system and receive the proper nutrients to promote a well-balanced state of being. With everything that the Chaga mushroom can offer, such as its abundance of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, this unique fungus is definitely worth investing in.

As is the case with most medicine or supplements, be careful not to overdo your dosage of chaga mushrooms! Refer to the recommended dosage on the package for optimum efficacy, keeping you always safe, healthy, and protected whilst enjoying a wonderful addition to your diet.

Should You Eat Carbs After Your Run?

Runners often wonder if they should eat carbs after their runs at night. On one hand, carbohydrates help you recover from your workouts so you can continue hitting your fitness goals. On the other hand, consuming food after a run at night may disrupt your sleep, which hinders recovery time. Moreover, sugar is a carbohydrate, which can keep you from feeling sleepy despite going for a run at night. 

In order to answer the question of what to eat after a run at night, keep reading to learn how your body processes carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.

Carbs provide your body with energy, and it utilizes them effectively. Fat, however, always requires sufficient oxygen to burn. Fat also takes twice as long to provide the same amount of energy as carbohydrates. This is why we have to run at a slower pace to burn fat, so that our body can keep up with the oxidation process without getting exhausted. Whenever your breathing slows down, you’re in the fat-burning zone. Fast and shallow breathing means your body is not burning fat as efficiently as it could. 

Your body stores carbs in the form of glycogen in your liver and muscles. Glycogen is an important energy source, especially for runners. The more glycogen your muscles have stored, the better and longer they can perform.


  • Carbohydrates: 55-65%
  • Protein: 10-15%
  • Fat: 25-30%


Carbohydrates fuel your muscles. Runners looking to enhance their performance (e.g., for a marathon) should consider taking this macronutrient before and after workouts. You will recover quicker if you replenish your glycogen stores immediately after a run. As a result, your body will adapt more quickly to a new workout or harder workout, and your immune system will recover faster after your workout. For your recovery, a diet high in carbohydrates becomes increasingly important the more you train or the more intensely you train.

extracted from adidas.com


After your workout, the best time for your body to replenish glycogen stores is within the first 30 minutes. Consume about 0.5 grams of carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight. Approximately 30 g of carbohydrates are needed for a 65 kg woman.

30 g of carbohydrates can be in the form of: 

  • one medium banana
  • 5 dates
  • 1 slice of bread with jam
  • 40 g of granola with 200 ml of cow’s milk

These carbohydrates (simple carbs) digest easily and are quickly absorbed by the body. The absorption window slowly closes after 30 minutes, and your body is no longer able to absorb carbs as efficiently and quickly.


You should eat a full meal with carbs, protein, and fat one hour after your run. You should consume a meal that contains a 3:1 carbohydrate to protein ratio. At this point, carbs are still important, but your body also needs protein to build muscles. However, too much of this macronutrient can interfere with the efficient absorption of carbohydrates and disturb your body’s fluid balance.


Runners who wish to lose weight should avoid eating too many carbs, particularly simple carbohydrates. A balanced diet must contain complex carbohydrates, as we’ll see below. Short endurance runs (like a 5K run) do not deplete our glycogen stores, so you don’t need to replenish them at the end of the run (for example, with isotonic sports drinks). Drinking water after a short run is the best choice. 

One to two hours after your run, eat a mix of complex carbohydrates and protein. If you want to lose weight, what matters is a negative energy balance (around 500 calories per day). In other words, you should burn more calories than you consume.


A runner looking to lose weight needs to pay attention to what they eat as well as their training. Complex carbohydrates are the best thing to eat (along with high quality protein and healthy fats). The minerals and vitamins in these fruits and vegetables will not only keep you full, but will also support your metabolism and immune system. Complex carbohydrates can be found, for example, in whole-grain products (such as pasta and bread). Whole grains include all the original parts (bran, germ, and endosperm) as well as their nutrients. Simple carbohydrates are obtained by removing the outside and only keeping the endosperm. Other foods containing complex carbohydrates are potatoes with the skin on them, legumes, and vegetables.



Carbohydrates that are complex take longer to digest and contain a lot of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, and fiber, which boosts your metabolism and strengthens your immune system:

  • Whole grains and products incl. pasta, bread, and rolls
  • Potatoes with the skin on them
  • Brown rice
  • Beans, lentils and peas
  • Vegetables, 100% vegetable juice
  • Fruit


Carbs are a quick source of energy because they are digested rapidly. They cause your blood sugar and your insulin levels to rise:

  • pastry flour and products, cakes, cookies, bread, and rolls
  • white pasta
  • soft drinks
  • sugar and sweets
  • alcohol

In conclusion, eat carbs after night runs to prioritize recovery. Minimize eating carbs after runs at night if that is part of your weight loss strategy.

Singapore’s First Nike Unite Concept Store Opens at IMM

Newly refurbished 18,000 sq ft designed to inspire, connect and support local community

SINGAPORE, 22 November 2021Nike Unite concept store launches in Singapore’s IMM, with an aim to inspire local communities to make sport a daily habit. The newly refurbished, first-of-its-kind Nike store in Southeast Asia, spans 18,000 sq ft, with a layout that plays to the concept’s three guiding principles of bringing access to sport, adding value to the local community and creating a destination that brings members and consumers closer to sport, and closer to one another.

Consumers will have access to a range of locally curated products including everyday
essentials at great value, combined with select seasonal offerings from Nike.com across
men, women and kids. Close to 50 per cent of floor space is dedicated to women and
kids, and with half of the store staff being female, the new store now provides women
with access to specialist services such as bra fitting and personal styling. With a
dedicated changing area, women can now shop from a range of footwear and apparel
collection for dance, fitness, running and yoga, as well as find their favourite Nike
products for the family.

Nike Unite will bring the first-of-its-kind, tech-enabled NikeFit shoe fitting service to IMM.The scanning solution uses a proprietary combination of computer vision, machine
learning and recommendation algorithms that measure the full shape of both feet to
determine the perfect fit for each shoe style.

For local and international shoppers, the store offers an assortment of Tees carrying
country name prints from Southeast Asia that are sold in reusable pouches and can be
collected from the grab-and-go section located near the entrance. Nike members can also personalise a T-shirt using one of the iconic Nike heritage decals or by having their
name and favourite number heat pressed.

“Nike Unite is fundamentally about helping consumers connect closely with sport by
bringing the most valuable sport destination to the community and creating experiences
that are rooted in serving people,” commented Sylvelin Ng, director Southeast Asia &
India at Nike Value Marketplace.

Added Ng: “At Nike, we believe that everybody is an athlete; regardless of age or ability if you have a body, you are an athlete. With informed and well-trained store athletes,
50 per cent of whom are women, combined with over 60 per cent bigger floorspace
comprising locally curated essentials, we aim to help consumers connect more closely
with sport and bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete.”

As the country opens up, the new Nike Unite IMM serves as a reminder that whether
you are an individual who wants to lead an active lifestyle, a parent who wants to build
confidence in your children to help them to better understand themselves and be social
or serve your local community, sport has the power to create change.

Your Questions About CAM Walkers Answered

If you or someone you know has experienced a foot, ankle, or lower leg injury, then you might be familiar with a moon boot. Commonly used to aid in the recovery of a wide variety of injuries, moon boots, also known as CAM walkers, are adjustable orthopaedic devices that promotes recovery.

What is a CAM walker?

A CAM walker is used to restrict or immobilise the movement of the foot and ankle. The name CAM walker actually stands for “controlled ankle movement”, which is exactly what they are used for.

CAM walkers are sometimes referred to as moon boots because they are shaped like very thick boots.

What do CAM walkers actually do?

So, we mentioned that CAM walkers are used to immobilise the foot and ankle, but why do we want to do this? Well, in order to allow injured areas of the body to recover, we need to be able to reduce the pressure or stress put on the area. However, unlike plaster casts, which can be very restrictive, moon boots actually allow you to still be quite mobile, so you can still move and be more mobile without putting too much pressure on the injured area.

CAM walkers allow for partial weight-bearing, which means you can still build strength in the area and recover from your injury.

What kinds of injuries and conditions are CAM walkers used to treat?

CAM walkers can help when the recovery of an injury requires immobilisation and rest and can be used to aid in the recovery of a wide variety of conditions. Some of the most common conditions they are used for include:

  • Ankle fractures
  • Foot fractures
  • Ankle sprains
  • Post ankle and/or foot surgery recovery
  • Achilles tendon injuries
  • Plantar fascial tears
  • Other soft tissue injuries

What does it feel like to wear a CAM walker?

When fitted properly, wearing a CAM walker isn’t necessarily uncomfortable, but it certainly does take some getting used to.

You will usually have a bit of an adjustment period to get used to the feeling of the walker, however, as they help to reduce the load on the injured area, most people find it more comfortable to wear the walker than not.

How and where do I get a CAM walker?

If you need to wear a CAM walker for injury recovery it’s best to get fitted by a healthcare professional, like a podiatrist. Fitting a moon boot is not as simple as trying on a pair of shoes, and the better fitted it is, the more efficient your injury recovery will be.

During a CAM walker fitting, the podiatrist will:

  • Take measurements of the feet, ankle and lower leg to ensure the right size CAM walker is used
  • Ensure your comfort by applying extra padding to avoid rubbing
  • Show you how to wear the boot properly, in a way to help your recovery be as smooth and efficient as possible
  • Provide you with advice about the best footwear to wear on your other foot during your recovery
  • Assess your gait and provide advice on how to make movement easier

Using your moon boot properly, especially during the early phases of recovery is very important and can help to heal your injury faster.

How long will I need to use a CAM walker for?

The amount of time you will need to wear the moon boot will be dependent on a number of different factors. These include the actual injury, your age, and any other underlying health conditions that may impact the speed with which you recover.

Many people will need to use a CAM walker for at least 4 weeks, and sometimes up to 8 weeks. Soft tissue injuries usually require less time in a moon boot than bone and joint-related conditions.

During your injury recovery, it’s just as important to follow the advice of your podiatrist or healthcare professional when transitioning out of using your moon boot as it is to get fitted properly.

If you or someone you know is looking for help with CAM walkers Melbourne, then you can always speak to the friendly team at Watsonia Podiatry. They can fit you with a CAM walker and answer all of your foot-related questions!

4 Non-Dairy Alternatives to Milk

It is becoming more and more common to give up dairy products. This happened for many reasons, ranging from milk allergies and lactose intolerance to ethical concerns. How can we find (non-dairy) alternatives?  


Milk is a complex food and in 100 g of cow’s milk contain:

  • 87 g water
  • 3 g protein
  • 4 g fat (approx. 50% of which is made up of saturated fatty acids like palmitic acid, about 25% is unsaturated fatty acids like oleic acid, and the rest is polyunsaturated fatty acids like linoleic acid)
  • 5 g carbohydrate (primarily lactose)
  • Vitamins like A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6; biotin, folic acid, B12, C, D, E, and K.
  • Minerals like sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur, and chloride.
  • Trace elements like iron, copper, zinc, manganese, fluoride, and iodine.


An allergy to milk or dairy products is different from being lactose intolerant. If someone is intolerant, the problems are caused by lactose. An allergy, on the other hand, is a reaction to certain proteins in the milk. Allergens in milk include casein, beta-lactoglobulin, and alpha-lactalbumin. The body reacts by fighting harmless proteins, which then creates allergic reactions.


When consumed in moderation, plant-based milk alternatives can be just as nutritious as conventional cow’s milk. You should stay away from alternatives that contain hidden ingredients that can harm your health. These include:

  • Sugar: Sugar is disguised by many names (e.g. sucrose, dextrose, glucose, fructose, fructose syrup, glucose syrup, maltodextrin, lactose, maltose, etc.) Sugar addiction is a real issue, which is why added sugar should be avoided in every way. You should completely stay away from artificial sweeteners.
  • Natural flavors: These include flavor constituents derived from plant or animal products. However, they no longer have anything in common with the food they come from, aside from the same chemical components.
  • Stabilizers like gellan gum: Gellan gum is a polysaccharide produced by the bacterium Sphingomonas elodea. It has the E-number 418 and is frequently combined with the thickening agent xanthan gum, which can have a laxative effect when consumed in large amounts.
  • Acid regulators: Acid regulators, such as phosphates, are added to milk alternatives to maintain the pH during storage. However, here is a lot of controversy surrounding the use of high concentrations of phosphates as a food additive, which is why they should only be consumed in small amounts.

Be sure to read the ingredient list before you buy any alternative milk.



The coconut milk you can purchase at your supermarket is a good dairy-free alternative. It is made by blending coconut meat and provides nutrients such as magnesium, iron, and potassium. Lauric acid, a medium-chain fatty acid found in coconut milk, is easily absorbed by the body and used as energy.

Full-fat coconut milk is high in calories. Despite its health benefits, it is best to consume smaller portions. If you are buying coconut milk, look for pure, organic coconut milk that is commonly sold in cans.


Almond milk is a mixture of finely ground almonds and water. It is a particularly good alternative to cow’s milk for people who are allergic to dairy products. It is almost free of allergens and contains neither lactose, soy proteins, nor gluten. Almond milk has anti-inflammatory properties and may be easier to digest than dairy milk. Almond milk has the downside of being sweetened with added sugar and fortified with additional nutrients. It’s best to buy plain, organic almond milk, or even better, to make your own. Step-by-step instructions are available online.


A good alternative to milk is oat milk since it does not contain lactose or milk protein. Fiber-rich cereal grains fill you up relatively quickly since they’re high in fiber.


For people with lactose, milk protein, or gluten intolerance, soy milk is a popular vegan milk alternative. It is also a good source of protein and essential fatty acids. Despite this, soy milk is often criticized. It contains isoflavones, which have a chemical structure similar to that of the hormone estrogen, which our body produces. Soy milk can influence estrogen levels in our bodies in both a positive and a negative way. Take this milk alternative in moderation, and never give soy products to infants or toddlers.

Soft, stretchy and breathable UA IntelliKnit meets the high-performance UA HOVR Phantom 2

Under Armour has taken favourite UA HOVR™ Phantom 2 running shoes and wrapped them in light, breathable UA IntelliKnit. It’s quick-drying, stretchy, and contoured to move with your foot, so you stay comfortable as you go.

The innovative soft midsole HOVR™ foam remains. Together, the new knit upper and the soft HOVR™ foam provide the perfect fit.



The soft cushioning on these shoes keeps your legs feeling fresh so you can walk for long periods of time.

HOVR™ technology maintains zero-gravity to eliminate impact and maintain energy return. The compression mesh Energy Web contains & molds A HOVR™ foam to give back the energy you put in.


Designed with a flat knit upper that provides zonal stretch and support where you need it, a better anatomical fit, and easy entry. It provides greater comfort at the ankles. Heels to toe UA HOVR™ exposed contributing to more cushioning.


UA INTELLIKNIT is a stretchy, soft material mapped to the foot for improved flex and breathability. It is lightweight, breathable, and warm without feeling heavy. 

The UA HOVR™ Phantom 2 IntelliKnit is now available for purchase at all Under Armour Brand Houses and online at $229 retail price.

How to Achieve a Wellness Lifestyle Through the Help of Supplements

These days, many people are seeking a healthier lifestyle, but it is not always easy. Achieving overall wellness begins with the right nutrition and fitness initiative. Many people who are working to improve their health want to know if supplements will help. It is essential individuals learn as much as possible about the healthiest food supplements so they can make the right decision for their health. 

What Are Food Supplements?

Food supplements, as the name suggests, provide nutritional supplementation for individuals to ensure they are receiving the vitamins and minerals they need for good health. Supplements can be made from both natural and synthetic materials. To ensure the highest level of benefit, it is essential individuals receive a targeted level of supplementation that meets their individual nutritional needs. Those who would like to learn more should visit SupplementRelief.com

A food supplement helps to improve and protect a person’s health. These nutritional supplements are highly concentrated and allow individuals to receive the level of nutrition their bodies need for proper function and the ability to fight illness and disease. 

What Can Individuals Do In Addition to Taking Supplements?

In addition to taking supplements, there are some things individuals can do to greatly improve and even protect their health and wellness. Taking the following steps will help to ensure a person’s health is protected in many ways. 

Good Sleep

Good sleep each night is one of the most important things a person can seek for good health. While the body is sleeping, it begins to work on restoration. Those who do not sleep well often face psychiatric disorders and increased mortality due to cardiovascular disease. 

Stress Relief

Chronic stress is often more than the body can handle. Stress weakens the immune system and also puts a person’s cardiovascular system under a strain. Individuals need to make sure they seek stress relief as much as possible to keep their health in check. 


Socializing is more important than many people realize. Human beings are very social creatures. A person needs to experience regular socialization to ensure their mental health is protected. Socialization is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle

Healthy Weight

Keeping a check on their weight and ensuring they maintain a healthy weight is essential for people of all ages. Increased weight places a strain on the body. People who are overweight often suffer from diabetes and heart disease which can both decrease their lifespan. 

Limit Unhealthy Food Choices

What a person puts into their body can have a direct impact on their health. Eating unhealthy foods, such as junk food and fast food, can be unhealthy. These foods are full of chemical additives and sugar. It is best to avoid them altogether. If they cannot be fully avoided, unhealthy foods should be greatly limited. 

Health & Wellbeing Begin With a Step at a Time

Improved health does not happen overnight. Individuals need to take their health into their hands and work to get the best nutritional supplements on the market. With a targeted approach to good health, supplements can help fill in the nutritional gaps that develop. 

Good health will not happen overnight. Individuals must begin taking a step at a time and learning about the things they can do to improve their health. Eating a healthy diet, getting exercise, socializing, and taking the right supplements can make a big difference in a person’s health. 

How These 8 Tips Can Improve Your Running Stamina

Running has a lot of benefits. Primarily, it improves one’s well-being, especially cardio fitness. Running burns calories as well as makes bones stronger. And when people run along with their friends and colleagues, they also form a social circle that could improve their social skills.

However, running may need stamina and endurance. The good thing about this is there are ways that could improve one’s stamina. If you want to advance your running stamina, here’s an article that could help you. Keep reading to know how you could increase your running stamina successfully.

1. Take Testosterone-Boosting Food

Testosterone is a natural male hormone that helps develop muscles and enhance performance. While male runners have natural testosterone, they could still take foods that increase testosterone levels for better performance.

To familiarize you with some of the testosterone-boosting food, here are some of them:

  • Tuna
  • Egg yolks
  • Cereals
  • Beans
  • Beef

2. Practice Breathing Techniques

Breathing correctly during running is a way to run longer without stops. For this to work, you may need to breathe with your mouth and nose combined. This enables your diaphragm to work efficiently, hence allowing maximum oxygen intake.

To prepare for this, you could practice breathing this way in short runs first. When you find it hard, you could resort to belly-breathing patterns. By doing so, you’d be able to stave off fatigue longer.

However, like nose-and-mouse breathing, you also need to practice belly breathing. You could start by breathing down into your tummy, then exhale until you expel your air much better.

3. Run In Tempo

While tempo runs are effective in building up your speed, they could also help improve your stamina. These runs are forms of speedwork that need a running pace way below a person’s standard pace. In this workout, a person needs to take a 20-minute first run and a 40-minute second run. This may be tiring, but it’s a way to prepare your lungs for longer runs. In addition, you could have warm-up runs for 5 minutes before doing tempo runs to have optimal results.

4. Employ Cross-Training

Cross-training or doing other physical activities that involve your lower limbs, heart, and lungs is an excellent way of improving stamina. For example, running and swimming need healthy and robust lungs. So doing one of each benefits the other one. In addition, you may combine indoor and outdoor running workouts for best results.

For other options, you may consider the following:

  • Outdoor biking
  • Rowing
  • Aerobics
  • Tabata workouts

5. Develop Upper-Body Strength

Developing one’s upper-body strength could improve running efficiency. As such, a better upper body means advanced stamina. This works as the improvement of the upper body builds a connection between the brain, muscles, and the nervous system. 

To develop upper-body strength, you could perform the following:

  • Chest presses
  • Pull-ups and dips
  • Biceps curls
  • Dumbbell rows
  • Planks

6. Wear The Right Gear

The right gear for running helps in avoiding cramps and running-related injuries. Above all, it could assist in improving stamina. But when choosing the appropriate gear, consider also your comfort and quality. You may also need to wear a hydraulic bladder to drink easily and avoid dehydration. 

If you want to know if you’re wearing the right gear for running, here are some of them:

  • Running shoes
  • Running tights
  • Running socks
  • Running tops
  • Running shorts

7. Consume Heavy Carbs Before Long Runs

To boost your stamina, you may need to eat your pre-run food at least 2 hours before running. This ensures you have fully digested the food that’d fuel your run. For maximum results, here are carb-heavy meals you may choose from:

  • Toast with avocado fillings
  • Turkey and cheese sandwich
  • Banana and almond combo
  • Oatmeal and berries

8. Prepare Yourself Mentally

Running isn’t just a physical activity. In the long run, it’d take a toll on you mentally. So to prepare for this, you need to set a clear target. As a beginner, you may try to have a realistic goal—an hour or a one-kilometer run. Making it more realistic is a way of ensuring it’s attainable so you won’t put too much mental weight on yourself. After all, you run to improve your overall health and not to suffer.

You may also take pandemic-prescribed runs your city allows. Yet for better results, you may opt for more challenging runs.

Wrapping Up

Running has been a way to be healthier for many years. But there’s a need to improve stamina to be able to run properly. If you find this hard, you may follow the tips mentioned above. You can do them collectively or just choose some of them. But in doing so, pick the ones that’d benefit you the most. Most of all, you need to select what’s appropriate for your existing conditions. To be safer, you can always consult a professional to get the best advice.

How To Increase Your Concentration And Productivity Levels

It’s hard to be productive when you’re constantly distracted by thoughts of your unfinished work or a deadline that is quickly approaching. Concentration and productivity levels can go up with the right techniques. In this article, you will learn some techniques for increasing concentration and productivity levels so you can get back on track!

Get Enough Sleep

You should consider the fact that your lack of concentration comes from the fact that you’re not sleeping enough. So, before using ADDTabz, try to get quality sleep every night. You’ll see that your energy levels will go up and you’ll be able to work harder than ever.

When you sleep, your brain is still active and working. It’s doing all sorts of important tasks that will help you to concentrate the next day. For example, it’ll sort through any new information you’ve learned during the day so that this can be stored in long-term memory for easy access later on.

Eat Healthy Food

To have a clear head, you should also have a clear body. The food you eat has an enormous impact on your brain. Eating healthy foods is the easiest way to ensure that you are giving your body everything it needs to work at its best.

Breakfast should be eaten within two hours of waking up, and without skipping it altogether (this can lead to weight gain). If possible, avoid processed sugars; they will only make energy levels rollercoaster during the day. Instead, choose complex carbohydrates like oatmeal or fruit for a steady release of energy throughout working hours.

Stay Hydrated

Water also helps a lot with increasing your concentration and productivity levels. You know how thirsty you can get when you are concentrating on something for a long time, so don’t forget to keep drinking water regularly throughout the day.

You’ll find yourself getting tired much less quickly if you drink enough water during the day as well. Remember that coffee or caffeinated drinks are not good substitutes for this because they dehydrate instead of hydrate! If any members of staff seem slow to pick up their pace, make sure they’re staying adequately hydrated too by offering them fresh filtered spring water.

Limit Your Distractions

There are tons of things that can distract you from work nowadays. Like, for example, the following:

  • push notifications
  • social media
  • TV shows and movies
  • phone calls
  • co-workers
  • friends and family

These are just a few of the things that can take your attention away from work. That is why limiting distractions should always be an essential part of increasing concentration levels at work. By concentrating on one thing you will accomplish tasks faster than if you would have to deal with multiple distractions simultaneously. Of course, there might be times when it seems impossible not to get distracted but in this case, people usually find out their best time for working efficiently without any interruptions or disturbances (e.g., early morning). When they do so, productivity levels increase significantly!

Create A Clutter-free Area For Work

Clutter can demotivate you from completing your work. If you are distracted by an unruly workspace, it is difficult to maximize productivity levels.

Creating a clutter-free area for work will help increase concentration and productivity levels. You should ensure that all appliances in the office space are switched off when not in use. Otherwise, they may distract you with their constant humming sound or increase electricity bills without increasing your output!

Always clean up after yourself every time you complete a task because this helps prevent distractions like seeing any mess on your desk while working on another project later on down the line! You can also make sure that there is always room for new tasks by creating separate folders for each project under “My Documents” on your computer.

Take Breaks To Not Get Overwhelmed

Every hour or so, you should get up and take a short break. You can take it anywhere you want, but your best bet is to find someplace quiet where no one will bother you for five minutes or so.

Taking breaks helps reduce stress levels and ensures that the work gets done faster. This means taking up less time in which you have to complete what needs to be done while increasing efficiency along with increasing productivity rates by decreasing stress levels.  This is because they are able to get more accomplished during their day-to-day tasks without being overwhelmed or stressed out due to too much on their plate at once!

Burnout is a serious concern in many professions, and the medical field is no exception. Having said that, physicians often face tremendous workloads, long hours, and the emotional strain of dealing with life-and-death situations. The constant stress can lead to burnout, which can manifest as physical and emotional exhaustion, detachment from work, and a sense of inadequacy. Recognizing the signs of burnout and taking steps to address it is crucial for maintaining a physician’s well-being and providing quality patient care. If you’re interested in learning more about physician burnout and strategies to combat it, reading a physician burnout article can provide valuable insights and practical tips.

Get up from your desk, have some coffee, or hang out with colleagues. You can even take short walks. Whatever you do, it’s crucial to not think about work at those times!

Staying concentrated and productive can be easy with these tips. Make sure to sleep enough, eat well and stay hydrated throughout the day. Also, try to limit your distractions and create a clutter-free area for work to stay motivated. Every now and then you should take a little break and you’ll feel better about it. Good luck becoming a more productive, hard-working person!