Just Run Lah! - Singapore's online running community | JustRunLah! - Part 22

Make History By Being Part Of NUS Giving Run BIG’s First-ever Virtual Race!

Tough runs don’t last, tough runners do. Let’s make history together by being part of NUS Giving Run BIG’s first-ever virtual race! Be a part of this greater movement as they aim to reach 1905KM collectively to commemorate the year NUS was established – building a legacy of giving since 1905. Experience the excitement by participating individually or getting your family and friends on board and run for a good cause.

What is NUS Giving?

The NUS Development Office leads the National University of Singapore’s efforts in the cultivation and stewardship of philanthropic support to the University.

Through NUS Giving, we build enduring relationships with our donors to seed and grow transformational opportunities that create a ripple effect of progress through our communities and the world, transforming lives and empowering change.

We are future-making as we empower students to achieve their fullest potential, give future leaders and changemakers the opportunity to learn from the best, and enable the foremost minds of today to solve the problems of tomorrow through innovative research.

NUS Giving Run Big at a glance:

For Categories 5KM /10KM /19.05KM

Dates: 26 September 2021
Location: Islandwide Race

For Category 190.5KM

Dates: 13 – 26 September 2021 (14 Day Challenge)
Location: Islandwide Race

Run the race, at your pace and in your own space. You can complete the required distance in your selected challenge/category at your own pace, anytime and anywhere (except for indoor running and the use of treadmill are not allowed) within the clock-in window.

Come RUN BIG with us!

*Terms & Conditions Apply

Your Bragging Rights!

Every registered participant will be entitled to a race pack containing a Running Tee and many other exciting running goodies. On top of that, finishers will also get to walk home with exclusive finisher entitlements like Medal, Digital Certificate, Finisher t-shirt (Only for 10KM, 19.05KM & 190.5KM) and more!

Do take note that the Race Entitlement (The Running Tee and Recyclable Bag) will be delivered after registration. While the Finisher entitlements (The Medal and Finisher Tee) will ONLY be delivered to the participants after completion of the registered distance, within the clock-in period.

Be the Best Runner and Stand A Chance To Win!

To qualify for the run prizes, participants must use MapMyRun to track and submit their run records. The winners for this category are determined by the fastest timing clocked in the respective Challenges.

For more information, check out more about NUS Giving Run BIG here!

Running Risks: Dangers You Should Be Aware Of Before Lacing Up Your Shoes

Running is a fantastic way to get exercise, that’s why more than 60 million people in the U.S. go running regularly. It helps improve cardiovascular fitness, strengthen muscles and bones, and burn calories. It’s a go-to recommendation for people looking to get fit or lose weight because it can be done almost anywhere without the need for equipment.

While it can be done almost anywhere, some areas are more runner-friendly than others. Chicago, Illinois, for example, is known to have a huge running community. This is because Chicago has several excellent running parks, including Lincoln Park, Hyde Park, and Grant Park. Parks are some of the best places to run because you don’t have to be on the lookout for cars.

Running is a form of exercise that requires a bit of training and preparation for as far as breathing, stretching, and properly hydrating. But in the midst of your conditioning, there are some dangers you should be aware of before lacing up your shoes.

Worrisome Weather: Conditions That Make Running Challenging

Many committed runners choose to go out in all weather. While this commitment to exercise is admirable, it does create a few safety issues you should be aware of.

When running in the rain, it’s important to wear water-resistant fabric. Many runners swear that merino wool is the best option for a warm undershirt, or a pair of moisture-resistant socks to prevent blisters. You can also get waterproof shoes, though it isn’t necessary if you have high-quality socks.

Once your comfort is guaranteed, it’s time to focus on visibility. If you’re having trouble seeing in the rain, so are cars. That means that if you’re going to be near them, you should be wearing a high-visibility vest or jacket to ensure they notice you.

Another common weather issue is snow and ice. If you’re going to be running in these cold and slippery conditions, you’ll need to take special care. Your first task is making sure your shoes fit properly. The traction on the bottom of your shoe is extra important when it’s icy, as it reduces slipping around.

You also need warm socks that don’t cut off your circulation. A common mistake new winter runners make is wearing extra thick socks, but when there’s no room in the shoe to accommodate them, you end up with poor circulation.

Other than that, you just need to dress warmly and ensure you’re not overdoing it. Running on snow or ice uses different muscles, so you should cut your run in half until you’re used to it.

The last major weather condition is extreme heat. When it’s hotter out than you’re used to, it’s important to pay extra attention to remaining hydrated and stop before you feel like you need to. Heat exhaustion can come on fast, so it’s important to remain vigilant. If you feel nauseous, weak, or tired, you should stop running immediately.

Distracted Drivers: The Dangerous Potential Of Sharing The Road

The biggest danger to runners when using a road is being struck by a distracted driver. When possible, it’s preferable to run in a park, on a sidewalk, or in other areas without traffic. Unfortunately, that’s not always possible.

In many urban areas, the only feasible place to run involves being near traffic. That’s part of the reason why 80% of pedestrian fatalities occur in urban cities, like Chicago.

When you have no choice but to share space with the traffic, you should wear highly visible clothes, skip the headphones, and be extra aware of your surroundings. Drivers are mostly looking out for other cars, so it’s possible they won’t even notice you as they’re driving along.

If you need to cross a road, look both ways, use hand signals to communicate with nearby drivers, and cross as quickly as possible.

While the responsibility for looking out for pedestrians is also shared by drivers, they aren’t the ones in danger. If you’re hit by a car, you can sustain serious injuries, or even die. In the state of Illinois alone, 96% of pedestrians involved in an accident involving a vehicle are injured.

If you’re an Illinois resident and you’ve been injured due to a running incident involving a car in the last two years, you can look into a pedestrian injury lawsuit.

Your state allows you to recover damage for economic and non-economic injuries. That means any scarring, emotional stress, or pain and suffering the accident caused you can be considered by the court. They’ll also consider the cost of your medical bills and time lost from work.

Running As Female: What Women Have To Watch Out For

Female runners face extra dangers, ranging from catcalls to murder. 43% of women have experienced sexual harassment while running, and 30% have been followed while attempting to avoid these advances.

It’s important that female runners take extra precautions and don’t allow themselves to be lured into a false sense of security because they’re in a public area. 66% of women who suffer sexual abuse are in public at the time.

Extra precautions you can take include running in pairs, being aware of your surroundings, not wearing headphones when you’re alone, and taking a self-defense class or carrying a self-defense weapon, like pepper spray.

Keep these safety concerns in mind when you’re lacing up your shoes for that next run to ensure you get all of the benefits and none of the dangers.

What Are The Best Running Spots In Hong Kong?

Even though it’s hot and humid in Hong Kong, it’s surprisingly one of the countries where you can find comfortable running spots in. Running could improve cardiovascular health, boost mood, get rid of stress, and enhance physical stamina. These are good benefits to your body whether you’re training for a running competition or running just as a hobby. Hong Kong has been called a concrete jungle by some people. This bustling metropolis may not seem like it, though, primarily because its countryside is home to some of the world’s most scenic and natural spots, including nature reserves and parks.

Not only is it an ideal place for hiking and outdoor activities, but it’s also considered a running paradise. You can discover a lot of hole-in-the-wall places and local hidden gems when you run around the city. In addition to improving your physique and get a good workout session, you get to know Hong Kong deeper than what your eyes can see.

Jogging and Heart Health

When going for an advanced or long run, though, ensure to be equipped with an Automated External Defibrillator (AED), as it can help save you or other’s lives in case of a sudden cardiac arrest. Innovative companies like Avive Life have developed such equipment specifically to be used anytime by anyone.

Whether you’re an amateur runner, an experienced one, or just plain curious about the different running paths, here is a list of the most beautiful running trails for your next run in Hong Kong:

1. Victoria Road

A pounding heart will be distracted by the beautiful sights of Victoria Road when you run this moderately complex route through a recreational park. With a distance of 6 to 7 km, this trail could be considered as easy to moderate.

Once you leave Kennedy Town, you’ll end up on the streets, making your way to mountains, beaches, and even waterfalls as you run away from the urban area and into nature. Once you finish the distance, you may choose to relax on the beach of Aberdeen. You can slowly start running back again when you’ve had enough of the beautiful water view.

2. Hong Kong Island Harbourfront

This is perhaps the easiest running route in Hong Kong to reach for the local Hongkongese. Runners can receive a clean, fresh air, cool breeze, or hot, humid view of the harbour on promenades with an organised palm trees design. There’s only 3 km on this route, so it will not take you long. This is a tremendous daily trail to just insert a sweat-off session before or after work.

3. Bowen Road

Run this route, and you will experience a Hong Kong original running trail. Hong Kong runners have loved Bowen Road ever since, and this is understandable because of the flat pavements and a slight elevation within Wan Chai that make it a great location to set records.

Walk along the park path in this area as far as Stubbs Road and double back to create a cool 5-km loop. This is considered an easy trail, so feel free to try out running in this area if you have just begun your running journey.

Do you know that running can boost your mental health? This trail is a perfect fit to give you that calm vibe. Bowen Road is peaceful, quiet, scenic, and perfect for an early morning jog. This is because “car-free” zones keep the noise and smoke away from pedestrians and allow pedestrians to be independent. Although Wanchai is still bustling all around you, it offers a peaceful and relatively flat environment in shaded streets. If you’re looking for a quiet place to enjoy your favourite pastime, Bowen Road is probably your best bet.

4. Mount Davis

Mount Davis appears to be a mountain, but it isn’t. And here’s the thing: in contrast to how you perceive mountains as hard places to run, Mount Davis isn’t. It’s also a popular travel destination for biking and hiking. You’ll get fantastic views of the city from the summit. Several ruins of a fort and even a secret bunker still lie on Mount Davis. It was an important keep during World War II. Of course, you shouldn’t miss out on the sunset. This trail is super easy with a distance of 2 to 4 km only. 

5. The Peak

Would the wilderness be too harsh for you to run through? Would you prefer to stick to the streets only in Hong Kong? Take a 3.5km run along the Peak and take in views of the city’s best buildings and architecture. There are towers and skyscrapers of all sizes and shapes, and you’ll also reach the top of the island known simply as the Peak.

It’s highly recommended to take the Peak trail if you wish to see the city at its best. Running around the track and reaching the Peak itself is an accomplishment since it’s the highest in Hong Kong. This trail works as both a route for exercise and nature exploration.


Hong Kong has some of the most incredible trails in the world. Listed here are just some of them. You probably have even more on your list and have likely picked a few places you like the best.

Home Gym Equipment That You Need To Have To Make Your Workouts More Effective

It might seem like a significant financial burden, and a great deal of work creating a home gym – lugging heavyweights back from a store or setting up a treadmill is not straightforward – but it is a worthwhile investment. Consider the amount of time you’ll save traveling to and from the gym and how much money you’ll save in the long run on a gym membership.

Another advantage is that you only have to purchase the equipment you will use to build your home gym. If you are spending $100 per month at a gym and only using a stationary bike and some dumbbells, getting them for your home will save you money over the next few months. Also, the size of home gym equipment does not require as much space as you might think; folding versions of cardio equipment and weights systems are available for those on a tight budget. Dumbbell racks and weight trees can also serve as nesting grounds for your weight plates. Aside from being a safety measure, a weight plate tree can save you time when changing bar weights. It will also keep your workout area looking neat and polished!

Below you will find our round-up of recommendations for home gym equipment.


Stationary bikes can be divided into three categories – upright, recumbent, and dual-action. While an upright bike has pedals right beneath the seat and allows a person to work out in a standing position, reclining bikes are distinguished by their reclining design. The user can sit back comfortably on the seat with the pedal directly in front of them.

Although most bikes require space, so many people do not purchase one, there is a solution. They are folding recumbent bikes that take up relatively little space when unfolded and even less when folded. They are easy to move from room to room and can be stored away to prevent corrosion when not in use.

Workout Bench

Although the workout bench is not a requirement for all fitness programs, it was a vital part of your weightlifting activities. You can get a nice workout without a bench, but you can add weight training to your whole routine if you have enough room. Many workout benches are portable and can be taken out and quickly assembled when you need them. And when you have finished, the bench folds down and slides under the bed easily. It all depends on the amount of space available to you and the storage capacity of your home.


If you prefer to use weights instead of bodyweight exercises, a set of dumbbells may be what you need. Adjustable dumbbells make your routine a little more challenging. They are also very space-saving. These dumbbells will let you perform light and heavy exercises.


A kettlebell is also an extremely helpful piece of exercise equipment because of its size and function. You can put it away easily when it is not needed and use it to supplement your cardio workouts whenever necessary. Getting a kettlebell and swinging is always beneficial. Kettlebells offer full-body toning and increase cardio exercise.

Pull-Up Bars

If you are new to pull-ups, you will probably feel like giving up right away when you set up the bar and try to do one. But keep going! Pull-ups provide excellent upper body and core strength, and over time, the more you perform them, the more results you will see. You can add a pull-up bar to your door frame without taking up precious floor space. Simply do a pull-up whenever you pass by it, and your fitness will improve in no time.

Resistance Bands

Resistance bands are another important piece of equipment every home gym should have. In an apartment gym, resistance bands are indispensable as they take up very little space, are extremely versatile, and are inexpensive. They are available in many different resistance levels to challenge both beginners and more experienced users.

In addition to weights, resistance bands can be used as an alternative. You can achieve weight lifting exercises with resistance bands or free weights. Regardless of what you do, be sure that you have a structured workout program that incorporates all parts of the body, rather than just doing a few reps at a time of bicep curls or lunges.

You can utilize other items if your needs are unique, but the above recommendations are sufficient to get you started. However, it can be difficult to start to consider your living space as your gym, especially if your gym routine has stalled. Despite this, taking out just 20 minutes a day to stretch and lift a few weights will surely do you good. At the very least, you should wear a backpack and add in weights (such as bottles of water, tins, or bricks) to enhance your squats and lunges.

4 Benefits of First Aid Knowledge for Runners

Sports form an integral part of many people’s lives. Unfortunately, injuries are inevitable and are common during races and other sporting events. No matter the number of preventive strategies put in place, a simple slip can result in painful injuries, making first aid training necessary for all runners.

Check out reasons why first aid knowledge is useful for runners:

1. Tending to injuries

Australia Wide First Aid college offers different first aid courses to equip learners with the necessary skills. With this knowledge, you can easily determine the exact cause of the injury, thus make fast first aid decisions. There are different types of injuries that you can incur during races; these are; fractures, concussions, abrasions, ankle sprains, and more.

2. Knowledge of first aid equipment

First aid should only be administered by professionals or individuals with adequate knowledge of proper procedures. Without such skills, you end up inflicting more harm and can worsen the injuries. What’s more? First aid involves multiple approaches and tools, and the training equips you with knowledge on the proper use of the first aid kit.

For example, you should employ the RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) method to muscle injuries and sprains. It’s also advisable to avoid heat, alcohol, and message during the treatment process. Not doing this increases the bleeding and delays the healing process. 

What’s more? With first aid knowledge, you can easily access first aid equipment for swift action. You’ll likely be equipped with a well-stocked travel first aid kit during practice and races. And this across for bruises and more serious injuries that can happen during sporting events.

3. Understanding signs of severe injuries

All athletes and coaches should know the signs of dangerous injuries. Some injuries may be severe with no obvious signs. You can easily spot such issues if you have undergone a first aid course.

4. Quick response

Attending to injuries faster increases the likelihood of saving the casualty. For instance, attending to a critically bleeding or unresponsive person ensures more effective treatment. A first aid course trains you to use defibrillators and administer CPR, enabling you to save the person’s life until help arrives. This not only saves lives but also reduces recovery time.

How can I choose the best first aid school?

Millions of lives can be saved by little medical knowledge. Luckily, various first aid programs can help you deal with emergencies during sporting events. The courses cover topics like shock, cuts, bites, burns, sprains, and more. The key considerations for choosing a first aid school are;

  • Licensing

The chosen training institution should be licensed with the necessary certifications by the state. This way, you can be sure that the college offers high-quality training like other nationally approved first-aid training schools. Before enrolling for classes, do a background check on the school to ascertain whether it’s accredited.

  • Specialization

First aid courses involve various training modules. Some focus on certain medical conditions, and the school should offer different modules. In some colleges, you’ll get more specialized courses. These cover illnesses such as diabetes, asthma, and epilepsy. With a wide variety of subjects, it becomes easier to pick what matches your requirements.

  • Pricing

The cost of first aid training varies between schools. Search for qualified trainers, and take advantage of the competition to locate the best deals. Visit the school’s website, and compare the prices versus the subjects offered. Choose a college offering for exceptional training that matches your budget.

Final thoughts

An understanding of basic first aid is vital for runners. In case of injuries, you can use the skills to tend to yourself and other runners before a medical professional arrives. If seeking to enroll in a first aid course, search online, and choose an accredited school.

Are you a Marathoner?- Do this Before a Podiatrist’s Visit

Foot problems are common among marathoners, and many seek podiatrist services each year. Luckily, a foot exam and a few tests can give an accurate diagnosis, and it’s critical to prepare for the visit. Moreover, the history of the condition helps determine the cause of the pain. Are you seeking information on the key points to have before visiting the podiatrist? Look no further, and read on for great ideas.

1. Get a complete medical report

You can always get a professional podiatrist from ModPod Podiatry. However, you need an accurate medical report, including previous medical conditions and treatment received. Also, have a comprehensive list of all surgeries undergone and any medications that you may be taking.

If you suffer from allergies, such information will also be critical. Why is this important? The foot is a major body part and is connected to other body parts. Some body changes and illnesses can affect your foot, resulting in pain, inflammation, or skin disease. The professional will want all this information to determine the cause of the problem and the right medication for your case.

2. Know the problem areas

Know the exact location or the source of discomfort. The foot includes various muscles, tendons, bones, nerves and is quite complex. Try to isolate the problem area, to help the podiatrist in making the right diagnosis. However, you may experience pain in the entire foot, making it difficult to isolate the source of pain.

 Knowing the source of pain saves a lot of time and raises the likelihood of an accurate diagnosis. Moreover, the nature of pain helps determine the nature of the problem. For example, heel pain may indicate plantar fasciitis, but burning heel pain may indicate another problem.

3. Have an idea of how & when the issue started

It’s critical to remember when the problem began and the initial symptoms. Some conditions require certain treatment plans when new, but this may change depending on the presentation’s duration. With information on the length of time the problem has been present; the podiatrist can determine its severity and the most suitable treatment option.

 Moreover, how the condition appears is also useful. It determines the type of injury, whether it’s acute, chronic, or a strain condition. It also helps define whether the condition stems from other existing conditions or secondary injuries.

4. Know what eases the pain

Most foot problems tend to resolve themselves and disappear only to recur afterward. Having this information gives the professional an idea of how to best deal with it. For instance, if you feel the pain mostly when barefoot, structural support approaches can help.

On the other hand, toe pain felt during sleep and not during the race may indicate nerve or circulation complications. The idea here is to pay attention to the situations that ease or worsen the pain, for this can help the podiatrist diagnose and determine the best treatment options.

5. Have a description of your shoe type & daily activities

Your choice of shoes during sporting events can influence the development of some foot conditions. The type of shoes also helps the podiatrist to ascertain the cause of the problem. For example, ball-foot pain mostly results from high-heeled shoes, and treatment may not be effective if you continue to wear the same shoe type.

 Your day-to-day activities are also vital. They also help reveal the cause of the problem. For instance, if you regularly practice in wet environments, you are susceptible to skin infections, and the treatment regimen involves controlling this environment.

A quick wrap up

Having the right information goes a long way. It helps the podiatrist to get the right diagnosis in no time. It also helps determine the best treatment option for your condition. The next time you visit your podiatrist, consider the ideas mentioned above to ease the treatment process.

Necessary Lifestyle Changes That Will Make Your Exercises More Effective

January after January, many people have this one item on the list of New Year’s resolutions. It is often underlined or capitalized as “Start Working Out” but only a handful stay the course, and very few make it to the end of the year. Still, some struggle through and manage to get used to their workout routines. If the latter sounds anything like you, congratulations you are in order! You are committed to one of the best decisions in your life.

Nonetheless, adopting an active lifestyle is never a walk in the park. It requires dedication, in and out of the gym or your workout station. To get the most out of your exercise regimen, you will have to adopt healthy and meaningful lifestyle habits that benefit your exercise efforts. You will also need to quit some stuff. With this having been said, here are some incredibly necessary lifestyle changes you can make for a more fruitful exercise routine.

1. Rethink the Apps You Have On Your Phone

There are thousands if not millions of mobile apps out there that you can download on your phone. You can even develop your own without any app developer skills. However, it is essential to only keep apps that improve your life in one way or another.

While some people spend numerous hours on social and streaming apps, it could be time to rethink your phone’s usage and start spending more time on fitness apps instead. There are a few nutritional and workout apps out there that can help you achieve your health and fitness goals.

A good app will have a personalized training and diet plan that will help you achieve your goals faster. You can look at it as an AI coach as well as a monitoring tool that helps you keep track of your progress and suggests adjustments in your routine. This can be an incredible life change to improve the effectiveness of your workouts.

2. Avoid Processed Foods

We are all guilty of having tight schedules and engaging in fast foods. Perhaps you want to munch on something real quick so you can catch the next bus or be on time for a meeting. Choco cakes, cheesy poofs, and burgers save the day, but one thing is for sure. They can all be deleterious to your workout progress.

If you plan on staying fit and healthy, you will need to ditch processed foods. Clear them off of your pantry and avoid stocking any in your fridge. This helps avoid cravings and temptations that may strike some people from time to time.

3. Proteins for Breakfast

Here’s another dietary change you can make. We have been told over and over again that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. In this case, make sure that your plate is filled with amino-acid-rich cereals, milk, and some healthy fats. You can also pair it with some fresh fruit juice for that fine dose of vitamin. This will help keep your body energetic enough to face whatever is thrown your way.

A protein-rich breakfast also ensures your body gets enough proteins for growth and repair, thus benefiting your exercise efforts from the previous day. A protein-rich breakfast will also keep you satiated, so you won’t be snacking unnecessarily throughout the day.

4. Get Enough Sleep and Rest

To function optimally, your body needs enough rest and sleep. Furthermore, a lot of repair and growth in our cells and tissues happens during rest, especially after exercise. Get enough quality sleep every night and ensure your exercise schedule includes a few rest days. This way, your muscles will get enough time to recover and get ready for your next intense session.

On this note, this would mean identifying and ditching stuff that could be deterring you from getting quality rest and sleep. In this case, some lifestyle changes to make could include:

  • Avoid staying up late at night
  • Cut back on watching too much TV
  • Limit your intake of coffee
  • Refrain from the obsessive use of tech gadgets
  • Limit your alcohol intake
  • Quit smoking

5. Get a Workout Partner

To become better at anything, you may need some motivation. A workout partner is the best motivation you can get when you want to exercise more effectively. If you are used to working out alone, this means making some necessary changes so you can accommodate having a workout partner. While at it, be sure to get a partner who shares similar goals to yours. Apart from mutually psyching each other up, your workout partner can also help you keep track of your progress and stay accountable for your fitness life.

They say that change is as good as rest. When it comes to exercise, however, some changes are as good as achieving your health and fitness goals. With the above few points in mind, you know a few things you can do to make your exercises more effective.

Spark change with PUMA’s latest Nitro Run Collection

PUMA returns to nitro speed with their latest collection – RUN PUMA. The RUN PUMA line fits the needs of every runner. Providing you with innovative technology for your long-distance runs or an ultra-lightweight design to challenge your tempo run’s performance. RUN PUMA is here to support you from the first mile on. Discover the Nitro collection featuring high-performance running shoes now and get the most out of your runs.

Deviate NITRO ($229)

The Deviate NITRO is PUMA’s pinnacle performance running shoe, built for speed and an effortless run. The Deviate NITRO has two layers of PUMA’s new foam, NITRO, and our new INNOPLATE technology, offering max cushioning with improved efficiency for long runs. The Deviate NITRO is meant for a runner who is looking for more cushioning for high mileage and marathons.

PUMA’s new advanced foam technology, NITRO, is infused with nitrogen gas through an innovative new process that makes it possible to combine three key benefits to the runner responsiveness, cushioning, and is extremely lightweight for a more effortless run.

The Deviate NITRO features an internal composite carbon fiber plate that acts as a lever to effortlessly propel the foot forward during the gait cycle, increasing running efficiency. The composite carbon fiber plate takes the Deviate NITRO to the next level, using the best propulsion aspects of PUMA track spikes to elicit speed. PUMA’s new INNOPLATE gives runners quicker toe-off for more forceful motion through their stride.

PUMA analyzed the best fitting running shoes in the industry to develop an improved fit through new last shapes based on different usages. The Deviate NITRO has an 8mm heel-to-toe drop which offers the optimal cushioning and heel-to-toe transition for the widest range of runners. A durable rubber compound, PUMAGRIP, provides all-surface traction. Additionally, the Deviate NITRO women’s shoes are created with a specific last engineered for the female foot, providing a narrowed heel, lower in-step, and sculpted
arch shape.


The Velocity NITRO is part of PUMA’s new performance running shoe line. The Velocity NITRO is built for cushioning and responsiveness on every run. The styling is sleek, and the comfort is outstanding based on intelligently integrated NITRO, PUMA’s new foam. The Velocity NITRO is meant for any distance and offers a smooth ride in a durable and well-fitting shoe.

PUMA’s new advanced foam technology, NITRO, is infused with nitrogen gas through an innovative new process that makes it possible to combine three key benefits to the runner—responsiveness, cushioning, and is extremely lightweight for a more effortless run.

PUMA analyzed the best fitting running shoes in the industry to develop an improved fit through new last shapes based on different usages. The Velocity NITRO is a neutral running shoe with an 8mm heel-to-toe drop which offers the optimal cushioning and heel-to-toe transition for the widest range of runners. A durable rubber compound, PUMAGRIP, provides all-surface traction. Additionally, the Velocity NITRO women’s shoes are created with a specific last engineered for the female foot, providing a narrowed heel, lower in-step, and sculpted arch shape.


The Eternity NITRO is part of PUMA’s new performance running shoe line. The Eternity NITRO provides support and guidance that works for all footstrikes. This shoe is specifically designed for runners looking for more stability and support. PUMA’s new runGUIDE system sets the Eternity apart from the other shoes in the line. The runGUIDE is a firm density rim that promotes proper alignment and keeps the foot centered through each stride. The Eternity NITRO midsole is comprised of NITRO, PUMA’s new foam offering an incredibly lightweight shoe with superior cushion. The Eternity NITRO is the perfect choice for runners seeking durability and comfort.

PUMA’s new advanced foam technology, NITRO, is infused with nitrogen gas through an innovative new process that makes it possible to combine three key benefits to the runner—responsiveness, cushioning, and is extremely lightweight for a more effortless run.

PUMA analyzed the best fitting running shoes in the industry to develop an improved fit through new last shapes based on different usages. The Eternity NITRO is a stability running shoe with an 8mm heel-to-toe drop which offers the optimal cushioning and heel-to-toe transition for the widest range of runners. A durable rubber compound, PUMAGRIP, provides all-surface traction. Additionally, the Eternity NITRO women’s shoes are created with a specific last engineered for the female foot, providing a narrowed heel, lower in-step, and sculpted arch shape.


The Liberate NITRO is part of PUMA’s new performance running shoe line. The Liberate NITRO is the fastest option for short distance runs and races. The Liberate NITRO midsole is comprised of NITRO, PUMA’s new foam offering an incredibly lightweight shoe with superior cushion. A simplified mono-mesh upper looks futuristic and drains water well should a runner encounter any moisture. The Liberate NITRO is the perfect choice for a fast tempo run or race days.

PUMA’s new advanced foam technology, NITRO, is infused with nitrogen gas through an innovative new process that makes it possible to combine three key benefits to the runner—responsiveness, cushioning, and is extremely lightweight for a more effortless run.

PUMA analyzed the best fitting running shoes in the industry to develop an improved fit through new last shapes based on different usages. The Liberate NITRO is a neutral running shoe with an 8mm heel-to-toe drop which offers the optimal cushioning and heel-to-toe transition for the widest range of runners. A durable rubber compound, PUMAGRIP, provides all-surface traction. Additionally, the Liberate NITRO women’s shoes are created with a specific last engineered for the female foot, providing a narrowed heel, lower in-step, and sculpted arch shape.

The RUN PUMA collection is now available at PUMA.com, PUMA stores and retailers iRUN, and Royal Sporting House. Get yours today!

Simple And Effective Ways You Can Increase Your Body’s Energy Level

Do you ever feel like you’re lethargic for no reason at all, and you have no energy to do anything? Life has become quite sedentary nowadays for pretty much everyone who spends long hours at desks and work from home settings. Our body has a way of having low energy levels when we need it the most. While it happens to the best of us, there are many ways to prevent this. Here are some of the most effective ways to boost your energy level.

Move It

As mentioned earlier, our lifestyles have become quite sedentary. Many of us are working from home due to the pandemic, even at offices, we are chained to our desks. A little movement goes a long way to revitalize the mind and the body. First, you need to add exercise to your lifestyle. But if you can’t go to the gym or go for a regular jog you can do the following to increase your energy level:

  • Remember to stretch your body at least twice during a normal day at work/home. Remember the PT routines? or yoga poses? they would help, too. Stretching works instantly and gives your body a boost.
  • Try to take out time during your lunch break and take a stroll in the corridor, or around the block, or in your house wherever possible. You can count the steps and keep an average of 10,000 – 18,000 steps per day as a goal. That way, you’ll take a longer route just to reach your target.
  • Try to make taking the stairs a habit especially if it’s only a few floors

You Are What You Eat (Or Drink!)

It’s true! Usually, it’s nothing but blood sugar levels that is keeping you down. Sometimes you get instant energy from high sugared foods, but then sometime later you feel drained. To keep your body up and running, you need to keep your diet balanced with fruits, legumes, high-fiber vegetables, and nuts to boost your energy levels in your daily routine.

These foods give you good nutrients that not only increase your energy levels but also keep you healthy. There is another way to get instant energy, which is superfoods: the combinations of nutritious vegetables in a single form developed based on percent daily requirement. These superfoods are available in many forms including green supplement drinks, which are in powdered form and you need just one scoop dissolved in water for the whole day. This way you get all your greens from one source and not only increase energy level but also improve your immune system, digestive system, gut health, and weight loss. 

Is it Time for the Next Meal?

One important thing to remember is when you eat your food. Plan your meals according to your routine. You can snack in between the meals, with fruits, nuts or salads. Do not skip meals as they drain your body of the energy they require during the day. And yes, don’t sleep right after a meal, give your body at least three hours of digestion before you sleep.

Hydrate Yourself

Did you know even a little dehydration may cause fatigue and listlessness? This is because the tiniest cells in our body need water to function properly. So, to maintain your metabolism and energy levels, remember to drink lots of water.


Wanna watch just one more episode of your favorite series? Please choose sleep and better health. Get a good 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night for reduced stress.

Speaking of sleep, power naps are great for increasing energy levels. But a word of caution: choose it wisely, if you don’t, you might wake up groggy or might even have trouble sleeping during the night. A trick to it is: taking your coffee and sleeping right after, before the caffeine kicks in,  have your power nap, and you’ll wake up energized.

Take a Digital Break

Yes, away from all your devices like your phone, tablet, laptop, even TV, just you. Create your quiet space, so to say, even if just for 15 minutes. It takes you away from all the distractions, relaxes the mind, and provides a surge in energy.

When you feel like you have no energy, it’s a bad sign, it means your body is telling you to take a break. All the suggestions above are very simple, follow these and your energy will be restored in no time. It all comes down to making lifestyle changes, and it’s important to remember that each change affects the other, so if you make a collective commitment to changing every aspect of your life for the better, you’ll see how much a difference it will make to your energy levels in a big way.

Essential Factors You Need To Consider Before Starting A Gym In Your Home

If you want to start a gym in your home, you must consider some factors first. Different types of gyms could be set up in our home. People can research their plan and they have to get into the nitty-gritty of starting a gym in their home and learn more about the whole thing. Let’s take a look at some critical factors you should consider before starting a gym in your home.

Your Motivation

When you make investments in your home gym, you must be motivated to step inside the gym and utilize your new purchase wisely. This is the most essential step when getting a new gym in your home. Money spent on buying equipment that will not be utilized properly is considered a waste of money as this equipment cannot provide you with the results you long for.

Consider the Space Available to Set Up Your Home Gym

One of the top factors you need to consider before setting up your home gym is the space available. You need to make sure the space you have available for setting up your gym is wide enough to accommodate the equipment you intend to purchase. If you live with roommates or your family, you have to consider them too.

Think about how and where you can set up the gym equipment that will be out of children’s reach if you have children. Or you may just have to consider the size of the equipment for safety reasons. Either way, space is an important factor in making this decision.

Consider the Type of Exercise You Do More

If you are all about home fitness, the first thing to consider is the type of exercise you do. As you might have noticed, there are options for every body type and fitness level. Do you like to go running? You need a treadmill or a pair of headphones. Is weight lifting your thing? If it is, then finding the right weight bench should be the priority. Are you more into yoga? Yoga mats also make for great workout gear.

If it’s a little more extreme visual exercise that gets your blood pumping, then get yourself a CrossFit class training guide for your unique exercise routine. Having an idea will help you to buy the right equipment for your workout without breaking the bank.

Your Fitness Goals

One of the integral aspects that you need to consider is the fitness goals that you have. This can be any number of goals including losing weight, toning up, bulking up, or just getting in shape. Whatever it may be, once that goal has been identified, it will help you avoid making a wrong investment. When looking for a home gym, it must cater to your specific fitness needs by providing an environment that can help you achieve your set fitness goals.

The Noise

Most times when people are working out, they like to listen to music. It helps to keep you motivated and it is a form of entertainment while keeping in shape. But before you set up your home gym, you need to consider the people you live with, and in some cases, your neighbors. Will they be okay with the noise? Is there a way you can manage the noise better? You don’t want to inconvenience people because you are trying to stay fit.

Consider the Accessories to Be Incorporated to Your Home Gym

Your selected equipment will not be of much use if you cannot get the needed accessories for it. As such, once you have decided upon the type of equipment needed for your home gym, you need to determine what more is needed to complete your equipment setup. Nowadays, there are many accessories like dumbbells, barbells, power cages/bench presses, and so on.

The Budget

Ah, budget. It all starts here! Your budget will serve as a guiding factor for the type of equipment you will purchase. If your money is tight then, it would be wise to buy just a few pieces of essential equipment if you are starting a home gym. However, just because you do not have much capital does not mean you cannot start home training. You can even start with just bodyweight exercises. But the most important thing is that you start and develop a habit of exercise in your life.


Starting a gym in your home is not an easy task, especially when you don’t have any idea what to do. Well, that’s what these pointers are for. Summer is just around the corner. There is no better time than now, to get in shape.

4 Useful Tips to Keep Your Body Moving and Become More Flexible

Most people tend to associate exercise with losing weight, however, exercising has a lot of other health benefits. It is a good idea to keep your body refreshed and moving by regularly exercising. If your body is stiff, it may cause serious problems for you at a later stage. Keeping your joints flexible will ensure good health conditions and help reduce the chances of an injury.

Even everyday tasks such as tying your shoelaces or getting something out from a high cabinet require your body to be flexible. So, you must do everything possible to make your body less stiff. Here are some useful tips to keep your body moving and become more flexible.

1. Warm-Up Your Muscles

It is important that you warm up your muscles before any sort of exercise. Get your muscles to relax and stretch by doing some warm-up exercises. You could try walking on your heels or toes to make your muscles loosen, then stretch. This is a great way to make your body more flexible and is usually done as a prerequisite to exercise.

2. Try Static Stretches

Another way to make your muscles more flexible is to do static stretches. You’re supposed to hold your body in a single position for half a minute or more, this stretches and relaxes your muscles.

Static stretches are best when done after exercising. This is because while exercising, your body muscles are being constantly stretched, and to get back into their original form, these muscles need to be relaxed in a single position. Static stretches, therefore, act as a post-exercise activity that ensures your muscles are relaxed, hence making them more flexible. However, be sure not to do static stretches before exercising because that can decrease your exercise strength by a lot.

3. Stretch Regularly

Doing stretches is the best way to increase your body’s flexibility and keep it mobile and healthy. There are several different stretching exercises you can try to improve flexibility. You can watch tutorials or join a program to learn the best ones. The folks at GMB Fitness demonstrate some great exercises to help make your body more flexible. Here are 7 of the best stretching exercises you can do to improve your flexibility.

i) Standing Hamstring

Stand with your feet a little apart, and put your hands by your sides. Take a deep breath, exhale and lower your head towards the floor. Keep your shoulders and neck completely relaxed. Then move your hands to the back of your legs and stay in that position for a minute or two.

ii) Piriformis Stretch

Sit down and keep your legs extended in front of you. Bend your left leg and cross it over your right. Your left hand should be placed behind your body, such that it’s holding your body upright. Twist your torso slowly to the left side, then stretch it back. Do this for 30 seconds and repeat the same process on your right side.

iii) Triceps Stretch

Kneel on the floor while keeping your feet apart and arms raised above your head. Then, try to touch the middle of your back by bending your elbow. Do this a few times, then switch your arm to the right and repeat.

iv) Butterfly Stretch

Sit on the ground keeping your back stretched and knees bent. Make the soles of your feet face each other and hold your ankles to make your feet stick together. Then lower your body towards your feet as much as you can, and hold the position for a minute or two.

v) Seated Shoulder Squeeze

Sit with your knees bent and placed on the ground together. Clasp both your hands behind your back. Make your shoulder blades come together by squeezing them and lean your head forward towards the ground. Stay in this position for a good 30 seconds then release.

vi) Side Bend Stretch

Sit with your legs folded together and raise your right hand over your head, while keeping your left hand on your right knee. Bend your torso towards your right side, and stretch. Keep this position for about thirty seconds then change sides.

vii) Knee to Chest Stretch

Lie straight on your back with both legs extended. Then pull your right knee towards your chest while keeping your other foot straight and stretched. Make sure your back is firmly placed on the ground. Stay in this position for a minute or two.

4. Try Getting a Massage

If you want to make your muscles relax, opt for a body massage. This is a great way to make your stiff muscles relax and become more flexible. Get an expert to massage deeply into the stiff areas of your body and find stress trigger spots. Upon releasing these spots, your muscles will relax instantly making your body more flexible.

Making your muscles more flexible will make your life way easier. You will feel lighter on your feet, and you won’t be putting pressure on your body as well just to do an exercise. If you had trouble working out in your gym before, getting your body flexible will help you out a lot and will definitely let you enjoy exercising more than ever.

5 Common Causes of Shoulder Pain among Runners

Running is very common and while most people associate running with pain in the feet, knees, and legs, your shoulders and neck can get painful once you are done with your run. While your lower body might do most of the work while running, your upper body contributes a lot as well. Discomfort in the shoulders is often a result of poor posture, but there are other reasons that might contribute to this pain too.

1. Inadequate Stretching

Any form of exercise requires that you loosen up the body through a warm-up session. Stretching your shoulders, back and neck is the best way to get warmed up for a run. Nodding your head and rotating your neck right and left are great ways to stretch the neck as well as the muscles near the shoulders.

Next, move your arms backward and forwards as well as side to side to prepare your joints and muscles for the run. Once you are done running, stretch and massage any muscles that might feel tight or painful.

2. Clenching Your Fists

When you clench your hands or make a fist while running, the tension this action causes travels upwards through your arms to your neck and shoulders. If your shoulders hurt after running, try letting your hands hang at your sides. If you find this hard to do, try holding a loose object which allows your hands to be more relaxed while running.

3. Pumping Your Arms

Appropriate arm motion is important for your running posture and is a great way of maintaining momentum and saving some energy while running. When you move your arms excessively, you end up causing a lot of strain on your shoulders and neck which translates to pain over time.

To prevent these unwanted motions, move your shoulders back and down and hold your arms at 90 degrees at the elbow. When you do this, a smooth motion will occur at the shoulders and not at the elbows thereby reducing strain.

4. Poor Running Form

When running, your body will always follow your eyes. Looking at the ground when running affects the way you hold your neck and shoulders, causing you to bring your shoulders towards your ears, round them, or swing your arms too hard to maintain balance.

These movements can cause rotator cuff injuries over time. The inflammation at the shoulder joints caused by these injuries can get worse when the area is compressed, such as when you are sleeping. If you have shoulder pain that gets worse at night, you should consider changing your mattress. The best mattresses for shoulder pain provide a medium to soft comfort level, which helps reduce compression on the shoulders when sleeping, thereby helping to reduce shoulder pain.

5. Low Back Mobility and Flexibility

There are several reasons why your upper and middle back might not be as flexible and mobile as they should be. Common reasons include sitting throughout the day or not getting enough sleep. When you run with tightness in your upper and middle back, you are a lot more likely to experience shoulder and neck pain.

Stretching, massages and foam rolling help improve flexibility and mobility of the thoracic spine, which reduces tightness in the upper and middle back thereby helping reduce pain and discomfort in the neck and shoulders during and after a run.

Although runners expect some aches and pains in their lower body after a run, pain in your shoulders can indicate issues with your running posture or other aspects of your life such as being immobile all day or not having an optimal sleeping posture. Once you are aware of the reasons why you have shoulder pain during or after a run, you can begin taking measures to correct these issues.

New Airbnb Athlete Travel Grant Will Offer Monetary Support To Athletes

As part of its World Olympic Partnership, first announced in November 2019, Airbnb launches the Airbnb Athlete Travel Grant approved by the Olympic Committee International (IOC). Up to 500 athletes per year will receive Airbnb promotional credits of $ 2,000 that can be used for training, qualification, and other travel accommodations for the next eight years. This corresponds to direct support totalling USD 8 million over the life of the partnership.

“Our work with the International Olympic Committee is focused on dedicated support for individual athletes who are at the center of the Olympic and Paralympic Movement. With thousands of athletes already using Airbnb for travel needs related to training, qualification and competition, this new program will provide much needed additional economic support”

Catherine Powell, Airbnb Head of Hosting

Airbnb has a long track record of economically empowering communities. Even in tough times like the pandemic, Airbnb has been a major source of income for thousands of everyday Hosts, including Hosts who only shared their space after the pandemic started and who have already made more than $1 billion. In the same way Hosts are at the heart of Airbnb, athletes are at the core of the Olympic and Paralympic Movements. To realize that many athletes have also felt the effects of the pandemic, this program will expand Airbnb’s current support for the travel and accommodation needs of athletes before and around the Games.

The athletes are the heart of the Olympic Movement, and we work with all stakeholders to support them at every stage of their career. In addition to the funding and programs provided thanks to the overall Worldwide TOP Programme and the Olympic Solidarity, we have been working with TOP partners to develop innovative programs to support athletes. We are very proud that together with Airbnb, we have developed the Olympian and Paralympian Experiences programs and now the new Travel Grant. Through these two initiatives, athletes have the opportunity to create their own revenue streams and directly benefit from Airbnb’s partnership with the Olympic Movement.”

Kirsty Coventry, Chair of the IOC Athletes’ Commission

Airbnb’s partnership with the IOC and IPC spans nine years and includes five Olympic and Paralympic Games. Because the partnership under the TOP Partnership Program is focused on helping athletes and sports around the world, Airbnb and the IOC have so far provided $ 40 million in direct support to athletes. In addition to these funds allocated to the Airbnb Athlete Travel Grant, this $ 40 million is the source of funding for other athlete-focused initiatives unique to Airbnb including:

Olympian and Paralympian Experiences on Airbnb

In 2020 Airbnb and the IOC launched the Olympic and Paralympic Experiences category, one of the largest long-term athlete support programs with TOP partner to create direct income opportunities by hosting athletes from around the world. Sports and physical activity, these experiences offer athletes the opportunity to generate income while sharing their passions and sports with guests directly on the Airbnb Experiences platform. When the Tokyo Games were postponed last summer, Airbnb organized the Olympian and Paralympian Online Experiences Festival in July 2020, with more than 200 athletes from around the world took part in spreading the Olympic and Paralympic spirit among fans around the world.

Accessible Stays for Paralympians

Like many other people with disabilities, Paralympic athletes are disproportionately affected by the pandemic. Investments by Airbnb will directly support Paralympians and aspiring Paralympians, with up to 8,000 stays to meet their specific travel needs. Airbnb is taking important steps to promote accessible travel and will work directly with IPC and Paralympic athletes to not only improve accessible housing supply but also to raise awareness and promote inclusion.

Olympian and Paralympian Celebratory Gift

Pursuing the Olympic and Paralympic dream is often a costly endeavour that requires significant travel and accommodation costs, and Airbnb will play a key role in offsetting some of those costs for Olympic and Paralympic athletes to compete at the highest level. Olympic and Paralympic athletes who compete at any of the five Olympic or Paralympic Games throughout the partnership will receive a $ 500 promotional credit from Airbnb to celebrate their achievement.

The remaining committed partnership funds go directly to the IOC, a non-profit organization, for the organization to allocate according to the goals of the TOP Programme, which aims to promote the sport around the world.

Applications for the 2021 Airbnb Athlete Travel Grant are now open to all elite athletes, Olympians, Paralympians and hopefuls on www.airbnb.com/athletetravelgrant. Applications will close on May 14, 2021, at 11:59 pm PDT. Each year, members of the IOC will select up to 500 applicants based on the personal statement provided in each individual’s application. Applicants’ geographic location and sport will also be considered to ensure diversity across recipients. Preference will also be given to Olympic Solidarity scholarship recipients. Terms & Conditions apply.

Is Running Good For Your Health?

Running is one of the easiest exercises anyone can do. It costs almost nothing, yet it can burn a lot of calories in a single lap. It’s as simple as picking up the pace, yet it can strengthen your muscles and bones, especially around the legs.

But the fact that you’re reading this piece right now implies that you’re either skeptical or have no idea where to start. You probably want a closer look at how running can be a boon to overall health. After all, too much of a good thing can be harmful, and running is no exception. Here’s that closer look into this exercise to set the record straight.

Most Calories Burned

No matter how fast you run or how much you weigh, running burns the most calories compared to eleven other common exercises. According to the American Council on Exercise, a 120-lb (54 kg) runner can burn an average of 11.4 calories in one minute of running. The rate increases with bodyweight; a 180-lb (82 kg) runner can burn around 17 calories per minute.

If you can’t run for sustained periods, jogging is another ideal fat burner. Even at a slower speed, a 120-lb jogger can burn 9.3 calories per minute on average, and the rate also increases with weight.

The reason for this comes down to physics, particularly turning potential into kinetic energy. Your body has to use up its fat stores to drive your legs; the faster you go, the more energy that’s needed. It also explains why you need to eat enough to be able to do a lap or two. Without enough potential energy, which is your fat reserves, there won’t be enough kinetic energy to get your legs moving.

But for the record, no one’s telling you to run non-stop (an ancient Greek messenger died this way after running for 42 km without rest). You’d want to take it easy, as slow and steady wins any race. There are exercise programs people can take advantage of to lose weight while sparing them from burnout. You can learn more here about one good example.

Building Muscle Mass

The legs are home to the largest and strongest muscles in the body, namely the quadriceps or quads. They have to be as they’re responsible for keeping you upright amidst Earth’s gravitational forces. But in the process, they suffer from gradual wear and tear, more so when running.

So, how can running build muscle mass when it degrades them? According to researchers from the University of New Mexico at Albuquerque, any muscle damage triggers satellite cells that initiate repair, initially by putting muscle fibers together. As these cells multiply, they add to the total muscle mass, making them thicker and more robust.

Of course, wear and tear still happen during the process, so the body must build enough muscle to offset the losses. You see athletes who do rigorous training following a carb or protein-heavy diet as these nutrients are raw materials for muscle synthesis. However, you wouldn’t want your body to spend more time eating than running, so you’ll need to eat simpler meals.

The amount of extra muscle you get from running depends on your overall regimen. If it’s part of a high-intensity training program, ten weeks into the regimen can add around 11% of muscle mass to the quads. Considering how dense leg muscles can be, this addition is enormous.

Runner’s High

Medical marijuana has been gaining attention as of late, at least in the West. Singapore, however, still says ‘no’ to the controversial substance, even as it had seen use on an epileptic patient in 2019. The good news is that there’s no need for cannabis for your euphoric fix as running produces the same effect.

Just this February, German researchers found out that ‘runner’s high’ still happens among runners despite hindering their ability to feel joy or delight. They attribute it to the release of two essential chemicals, one of which is endocannabinoids–responds in the same way as when intaking medical marijuana. Then again, who doesn’t feel good after a good workout?

Mental health is just as critical as physical health. With this discovery, it works for people residing in places where cannabis is still illegal. Just do a lap or two to feel better.


There hasn’t been any doubt about the health benefits of running. Countless studies have deemed it a necessary exercise for people from all walks of life. But it pays to know your limits, especially if you’re starting just now. Start small and work your way up to get the best effect.

4 Tips for Choosing the Right Exercise Equipment

With nice and warmer weather approaching, many of us start to think about getting in shape, especially after a long winter and a mostly stationary way of life caused by the pandemic. Too much food, too little physical activity, and here we are – setting our mind straight on starting to exercise.

What equipment you choose depends mostly on what kind of activity you will be involved in and where. Therefore, let’s see what tips you can rely on when faced with a dilemma called “right exercise equipment”.

Sportswear and Clothing

To start off, everybody thinks about what they are going to wear, not waiting for a second more to rush to sport and fitness shops to find themselves some trendy sneakers or some groovy sweatsuit.

But, wait a second. Have you thought about what kind of physical activity you will be doing? Maybe there is not only one – maybe you will go running in the morning and visit the gym in the evening? What if you take on swimming and later on choose biking? On the other hand, is it possible that you don’t need all these different sportswear if, for example, you participate in similar exercises, like gym and fitness, or tennis and jogging?

Sure, exercise clothing is very important but you should consider choosing and getting a couple of multifunctional or diverse pieces of sportswear that can be used in different activities. Those could be CrossFit shorts for men, sports leggings for women, sweatshirts made of breathable fabric, or good old white cotton T-shirts. When you find the right items, you will also find the right feel of working out, as well as your boosted mood and confidence.


Having a couple of reliable and professional pieces of sportswear isn’t just easier to keep track of, but it affects your budget as well. If you’re on the hunt for quality sportswear, you should know that investing in the right pieces that are durable, fitting, and of a certain brand – is always worth paying a little extra because they pay themselves off in the long run.

The same goes with any other equipment – entrust your money to a couple of devices, personal gym gears, or technological gadgets. Why would you buy multiple devices for each of the activities, when you can use the same for many others – biometrical clocks can be useful on many occasions, pair of sports headphones also.

Choosing the right machinery should always be based on some kind of research and personal fit, not on the ads you see online or following the trends. Generally, advertisers and vendors will say anything to sell their product but have in mind that you would want to avoid purchasing very cheap equipment as well.

Types of Exercises

Choosing the right exercising equipment cannot pass without deciding what type of workout you want for yourself so make sure you know your goal in advance.

●     Aerobic or Fitness

These types of exercises have many health benefits and if you wish to lose weight, increase stamina and boost metabolism, you should consider the equipment that follows your heart rate, for example. What you wear can be very important here – this sportswear needs to support your core, give you all needed flexibility, and help with perspiration.

●     Weight-Bearing

On the other hand, if you wish to develop muscles and tone certain areas of your body, you would go for more muscle-building exercises and equipment – a solid set of weights, hand strips and protectors, core fasteners.

Most people actually combine both types of exercises since it is proven to be more effective and gives results quickly. Whatever your choice is, it is important to consider the purpose of the exercises as this will help you decide which equipment you need and why.

Place and Location

Lastly, another thing to take into consideration is the place where exercises will take place. If we are talking about a closed area like a gym or your home, you won’t need sportswear for outside, for example. You won’t even need sneakers, for that matter. If you’re exercising from home, having a treadmill would be beneficial, a good mat or stepper, comfortable clothes.

Contrarily, if we’re talking about active sports that require being outside – prepare to have an extra set of clothing as rain, mud, or any other outside factor might affect the frequency of shifting. You might need waterproof shoes and sweatshirts, a wind jacket…

Have in mind that, with outside activeness, what you have on you is very important as there are certain injuries that are caused by improper clothing or accessories.

So, whatever the activity, location, or budget, you only need to pay attention to the nature of your exercising, do a little bit of research, do try these pieces of equipment before purchasing, and make sure they fit you well. Your body and motivation will thank you for it.