Just Run Lah! - Singapore's online running community | JustRunLah! - Part 25

How to Deal with The New Normal, Depression & Anxiety

If at the idea of returning to your daily activities after the quarantine or isolation that we have lived as a society due to the coronavirus you have been experiencing depression or anxiety, then we are going to share several recommendations so that you feel better about it.

The New Normal

Currently, society is going through a fear of coming out of isolation, returning to the streets, to the office, and retaking this new normal. Several things may be causing us concern, for example, seeing so much protection in people, feeling isolated despite being surrounded by people when you go to the supermarket, etc., and perceive how these measures generate discomfort.

We need to go stage by stage to regain confidence. We have gone through a period where we have been afraid of living with the people around us.

Our children or friends have become a point of threat, where the solution was “we are going to completely isolate ourselves from people to feel safe”, and now returning and being next to people can make us feel that we are in danger, and that is a distortion, that is not correct, because not all the people you see out there is a source of contagion.

We have to remember that contagion occurs through contact with saliva and mucus.

How to Combat Depression and Anxiety?

  • As an exercise, remember three scenes, three moments of your life from your past where you were surrounded by many people and you felt safe and secure, and even where you felt relaxed, enjoying, laughing, at a concert, a meeting of friends, birthdays or in the middle of your office with many people.

This is to tell your brain that you remember those moments and register those
sensations in your body.

  • Now imagine three moments in the future being surrounded by many people and feeling good, although depression and anxiety suddenly begin to appear. At this point it is recommended to let go, relax your stomach, breathe and wait for your body to expand, and to reconnect with the feeling of security being in the midst of many people.
  • There is a point that can help you and that is that the immune system is strengthened through contact with other people, with other bacteria and viruses. The immune system, in a place of total hygiene and isolation, enters a state of rest. The immune system is your defence system that works best when exposed to different viruses and bacteria, as you have all your life.
  • People with anxiety have perhaps developed a phobia of germs or being exposed to the outside and that is already a distortion of our brain. It is a state that is not functional, we cannot maintain it for long, and it is not focused on our survival.
  • If you want to survive and be well, it will be important to resume activities, contact and go out little by little, doing it accompanied by a positive attitude. Know that it is going to be a gradual exposure.
  • If possible, begin to imagine what this exposure will be like in contact with other people. Do not demand to do it overnight 100%. Keep in mind that these are stages of readjustment until we feel comfortable and confident.
  • You can make a priority plan and expose yourself to this situation and see for yourself the return of confidence.
  • We need to know that what we have experienced was a peak, an outbreak and that is why the measures that were taken were taken, but eventually, this virus will become part of all the others that surround us. Our attention will return to normal, but as a society, we are slowly regaining that confidence.
  • Finally, record on a sheet all your thoughts, for example, the fact of going back to the new normal, why fears, what images, what ideas, and of each of those thoughts, how real or objective they are.

    Check if they are not distorted, debate about them, record if they are real or imaginary and fantasy, and keep in mind that these types of thoughts are very likely anticipatory anxiety and not a reality.


Do not pressure yourself, do not demand perfectionism, you need to process what you have lived.

There are post-traumatic stress exercises that can help you to put this whole situation in its place within your story and define how you want to live this moment of reintegration into society.

You can have a therapeutic massage in a physical center, which is said to help you feel more relaxed and act as an alternative to anxiety drugs. Check out MiracleRehabClinic.com and get informed on how you can access their massage service.

The most important thing is always to remember that you are not alone.

A Closure to Year 2020

The running community will remember this year as the year of virtual races. Most races, if not all, have either been cancelled and converted to virtual. Few organizers offered full refund of the registration fees to affected runners. As far as I am aware, only OSIM Sundown, Income Eco Run and OCBC Cycle had offered full refunds to participants. Personally, I feel this was a very good gesture.

Organizers who did not do so probably had their reasons, such as to cover costs which may have incurred. And since there was no clause stating that participants shall be refunded if the physical race did not proceed, it was really up to the organizers to reach an amiable agreement with the participants.

Nevertheless, I would like to share my races which were affected.

1) OSIM Sundown Marathon

I had signed up for this year’s full marathon during the SCSM Expo last year. It would have been my second marathon had it not been cancelled.

Participants were given choices of a full refund or carry-over the race to next year. I opted for a full refund as I can’t foresee what is going to happen next year – if physical races are even allowed to proceed.

Personally, I feel a loss for Sundown as this could have been a ‘redemption’ year for the organizers to make things right over some of the lapses that occurred last year. This year’s edition would also entitle the half marathoners a finisher shirt, which I believe is a first in the event’s history.

2) Ground Zero Run

The proceeds from this race, to Mercy Relief, are used to provide emergency aid in the aftermath of a disaster. This would have been a unique race, as the 5 km challenge encouraged participants to simulate the experience of a survivor’s journey from ground zero to collect urgent supplies, by running with a 5 kg relief pack.

A memorable run carrying a pack of rice!

Even though this race eventually turned virtual, I completed it in the ‘right spirit’ by running 5 km with a sack of 5 kg rice. True enough, it wasn’t easy to run carrying a load. But it was fun and hopefully, this race will resume next year.

3) Safari Zoo Run

This year marks the last edition of the Safari Zoo Run. This run was unique among local races as runners were allowed to run within the zoo premises before the official opening hours. Naturally, runners were disappointed when the race turned virtual.

As a gesture of goodwill, the organizer entitled all runners a one time access to the 4 wildlife parks, redeemable between October to November. It had been many years since I last visited these parks. Hence this was a gesture which I appreciated.

To commemorate this race, I chose to start my run outside the zoo and covered places I had not run-to before, such as the Upper Seletar Reservoir and the SAF camps along Sembawang Road. My run ended at Chong Pang Yishun, clocking a 12 km distance.

The Rocket Tower at Upper Seletar Reservoir

With this event dusted, I believe many runners, including myself, will eagerly await its new edition once the developments at Mandai are completed.

4) OCBC Cycle

This year’s edition was supposed to be the last for the current cycling routes as there were plans for new routes next year.

Even though the physical event was cancelled, OCBC decided to change it to virtual and was gracious to allow free registration for keen cyclists and entitlements if the selected ride category was completed.

Race entitlements

This was a very good gesture to the cycling community. OCBC Cycle was the only event where cyclists can enjoy cycling under closed roads conditions. It was a ‘streak event’ we will not want to miss.

I signed up for the Sportive Ride (42 km) and took this opportunity to visit the recently opened Jurassic Mile. It was a good ride on a cool morning to East Coast Park and since it was a weekday, there was no crowd and I had ample time to take photo shots of the dinosaurs.

Jurassic Mile at Changi Airport

5) Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon

Runners will not want to miss this event even though it has turned virtual. Registration was free and I signed up for the virtual 10 km race. Runners could choose to purchase the race entitlements, which will entitle them to participate in the grand finale celebration at Gardens By the Bay.

As with the Safari Zoo Run, I tried to make this race more memorable by deciding to complete the 21 km route designed for the AR race in 2 sessions. I made it an objective to capture all the 20 places of interest landmarked in the route.

Landmark #19 Parliament House

Certainly, I would not risk running on the main roads and there were areas where I need to go slower, such as along the shop houses at Little India and Chinatown. But this didn’t matter to me even if my finishing was way off my average time as what I wanted was a memorable virtual race.

Hope for Next Year

I believe all runners are hoping for a recovered 2021, where the covid-19 situation has improved to the extent that authorities deem it safe for mass runs to proceed. I am not a fan of virtual races to pay to ‘run anywhere’. I would rather pay more for a real race experience, where the memories that come with it will last forever.

Does Chiropractic Help Running Performance?

Many people assume a chiropractor just ‘’cracks’’ backs, however, this couldn’t be farther than the truth. A sports chiropractor is trained in muscle work who can help prevent injury and improve a person’s performance. Most major professional sports teams and Olympic teams employ a chiropractor. Runners often visit a chiropractor to help them avoid injuries while running. Many runners, whether they run for a hobby now and again or run to prepare for the Olympics in Tokyo, often experience some of the same issues. Plantar fasciitis, IT Band Syndrome, knee issues and achilles tendonitis are all common problems a chiropractor would see amongst their patients. You can visit Advanced Health Chiropractic for more information.

What Is Plantar Fasciitis?

The average person in the United States takes approximately 5,000 to 7,0000 steps per day normally, often on hard concrete surfaces. Runners often do a lot more than this. Plantar Fascititis is when the inflammation of the ligament that goes down along the bottom of your foot. This can cause a terrible stabbing like pain that can keep runners and other sports people sidelined for a period of time. In the United States, it is estimated that around 2 million people per year are treated for plantar fasciitis each year. In many cases, it can affect a person’s sleeping pattern due to the pain. The pain can move up a person’s feet and into their achilles tendon and also into their calves. People who suffer from plantar fasciitis often experience pain when they wake up in the morning. This is due to the lack of activity while sleeping at night time. However, pain can also be experienced after a long period of time sitting down in the same position. With increased activity, the pain can also return.

Can A Chiropractor Help Treat Plantar Fasciitis?

Chiropractic care can often help with treating plantar fasciitis. Without proper care, the condition can get much worse. Chiropractors often recommend their patients try some techniques to help reduce the pain. Stretching the joints of the ankle when getting out of bed in the morning can help a person suffering from plantar fasciitis. This might help before they take their first step in the morning time. It is important that people who sit throughout the day keep active, perhaps doing some stretches and movements every 30 minutes to help keep the joints mobile. If a person is on their feet most of the day, they should rest their feet regularly and when experiencing pain they can place an ice bag over the area.

What Is IT Band Syndrome?

IT Band Syndrome (Iliotibial Band Syndrome) is another common problem many runners face. It can cause pain on the outer part of a person’s knee. The injury is often caused by activities that require people to bend their knees over and over again. Along with running, other people such as cyclists, hikers and those who walk long distance often get diagnosed with IT Band Syndrome. There are non-surgical treatments available that might heal IT Band Syndrome over time however in some severe cases surgery is necessary. Surgery is normally the last option after all else has failed.

One of the main reasons many runners suffer from IT Band Syndrome is because they often run on sloped surfaces. Often roads have a slope closer to the footpath. The runner’s outside foot is lower than their inner foot which tilts the hips and throws their body off. Running downhill can also cause similar issues.

Can A Chiropractor Treat IT Band Syndrome?

If you are feeling some of the symptoms IT Band Syndrome has, it is best that you speak to a medical professional early on. If you are diagnosed and treated during the early stages of IT Band Syndrome, the chances of the injury becoming more severe are reduced. Because the injury involves the pelvis and other muscles chiropractic treatment might respond well.

In some cases stretches and regular exercise can help ease the pain. Similar to Plantar Fascititis, an ice bag may also provide you with some pain relief. If you still are feeling pain after a few weeks of stretching, placing an ice bag on the area and regular exercise it is best you make an appointment with Maximize Life Chiropractic.

What Is The Cause Of Achilles Tendonitis?

Another issue that affects a large amount of runners every year is achilles tendonitis. Although the achilles tendon is the strongest and largest tendon in the human body, achilles tendonitis is a very common problem. It can be caused by a person who overuses their leg muscles. Many runners experience the condition because they might often run on uneven or hard surfaces. Experts advise runners to wear proper fitting footwear that supports both the foot and the ankle. Runners often feel pain in the heel that might get worse as they run. They might also notice swelling in their heel or calf. Some feel a stiffness in these areas.

People aged between 30 and 55 years old have a higher risk of being diagnosed with achilles tendonitis. It is also more common in men than in women. People who are obese have a higher risk of being diagnosed with the condition. Being overweight can often put more stress on the achilles tendon. In some cases reduced blood supply can be the cause and some people might be diagnosed with Achilles Tendonitis due to suffering from a previous injury.

How Is Achilles Tendonitis Treated?

If you are experiencing a lot of pain and think you might have achilles tendonitis, it is vital you speak to a medical professional in case you make the problem worse. There are lots of medicines available to help reduce the swelling and that offer some pain relief. There are support devices that decrease the pressure put on the achilles tendon. It is not uncommon for a person suffering from achilles tendonitis to have a splint or a brace to help with the condition. A chiropractor or physical therapist may be required. They can train you exercises to help with the movement and the strength. This might also offer some pain relief. These exercises can be done at home or in the workplace. If all other treatments fail your medical professional might recommend you to have surgery.

BMI Scale Male vs Female

In the case of the BMI ( Body Mass Index ) scale as regards male vs female, the numbers used to calculate the BMI are different according to gender. However the method of calculation is quite similar. For people aged between 2 and 20 years old, BMI takes into account age and sex, as the quantities of body fat can differ by age and vary by gender. For adults who are 20 or older, sex and age are not relevant but height and weight is whats being looked at here. The BMI is a standard, mathematical formula which aims to discover if people have a healthy weight. Anyone can use it. A person dividing their weight by their height will discover their BMI. This can be done by either the standard or the metric system of measurement.

How Can We Compare Male and Female?

Sometimes, this is not so easy as there are some factors in the difference between men and women. For example, in general, women are smaller in height than men. However, this is not always strictly true. This may affect females BMI ranges. They could possibly be lower than males. However, there is not a big difference in the ranges. Also, men will have more muscle than women, and women will naturally have body fat of a higher proportion than a man.

BMI Weight Ranges

There are 4 categories in the BMI scale, varying from underweight to obese. The categories, which are based on weight divided by height figures are as follows. A BMI lower than 18.5 is judged to be underweight. Between 18.5 and 24.9 is seen as being in the range of normal weight. Going from 25 to 29.9 falls under being overweight. And 30 upwards is felt to be in the obese range. By using a Smart Body Analyzer, you can easily discover what category you are in.

How Accurate Is The BMI Scale?

Over the years, the BMI scale has itself come into question as to whether it is the best
measuring system for weight and obesity. Some people feel it is quite old and dated. New ways of measurement using the circumference of the waist such as waist: hip ratio, or waist: height ratio, are felt to be better. Yet the BMI scale is still the most used and accepted test of obesity in men, women and children. It does have its issues though. The problem mostly revolves around the fact that BMI does not recognise the difference between muscle and fat. Fat does not weighas much as muscle, so the BMI is not accurate in gauging people that have a lot of muscle. So for example, a healthy, fit person bursting with muscles could get an overweight rating on the BMI scale. Wrongly, this person could feel they are at risk of heart disease at that judgement. A person that has small muscles but a high level of fat could receive a normal BMI rating and a false sense of security even though this is not good news as regards a healthy heart. This is why measurements of waist circumference are coming into use more. Fat on the stomach has been proven to have negative effects on heart health. Therefore, measuring this fat may be more important than judging by the BMI only.

How To Change Your BMI Scale Reading

Obviously, both men and women like to look their best. For happiness, for self confidence, possibly to attract a partner! Faring poorly on a BMI test has the potential to upset people in different ways mentally. Controlling of weight can sometimes be a very serious issue. Some people may unfortunately get very unhappy or depressed at the thought of looking or feeling a little bit chubby. It can be a sad feeling and they are not sure how to change this. For others, it could be the spur that they need to become physically active. Time spent in the gym or activity outdoors can help change their life, both physical and mental states. Confidence will return and positive feelings abound. Changes to diet and eating properly can also reduce a high BMI reading. Less junk food and snacks, replaced with healthy meals can make a big difference over time. Together, exercise and diet can take the weight off slowly. No dramatic changes have to be made, just be consistent and try to make healthy decisions.

What Are The Risks Of Being Overweight?

People who have a BMI of 25 and upwards are probably not in the best physical condition. They might not think too much about it now, but this could lead to serious health challenges in later life. Putting on a few extra pounds per year can add up dramatically. Excess body fat is felt to be unhealthy for a person’s body. Being overweight or obese can lead to problems such as high blood pressure, risk of strokes or heart disease, some forms of cancer, kidney disease or osteoarthritis just to name a few. Apart from the physical side of being overweight there is also the mental side to contend with. People may feel embarrassed or extremely shy over their size. Possibly feeling discriminated against or humiliated because of this. This can be quite harmful and is associated with lack of self worth or sadness.

What Are The Risks Of Being Underweight?

A BMI reading of under 18.5 is seen to be unhealthy as it is on the underweight range of the scale. For women, irregular periods can become a problem. Also there is the danger of giving premature birth if pregnant. Problems such as osteoporosis, malnutrition, anemia, constant tiredness and issues with skin, hair or teeth can become apparent over time if people are underweight. The immune system will be seriously weakened. People that have been defined as clinically underweight are at even more risk of dying than people who are obese. Again, just by making a few changes in lifestyle and diet, progression to a healthy weight can be achieved. Starting a simple workout plan could boost your weight by an increase of muscle while also reviving your appetite.

Run For Inclusion 2020 marks six years of supporting the integration of Persons with Special Needs

Singapore, 28 November 2020 – Today, Run For Inclusion (RFI) saw the attendance of over 1000 participants taking part in the cause, both physically and virtually, to support the inclusion of Persons with Special Needs (PWSN). Organised by Runninghour, Run For Inclusion 2020 (RFI 2020) marks its sixth consecutive year as Singapore’s only running event where participants show their support and run alongside runners with special needs, including individuals who are visually, intellectually, physically, hearing and mentally challenged. The onsite event was held at SportsHub 100PLUS Promenade and graced by Guest-of-Honour Mr Edwin Tong, Minister for Culture, Community and Youth and Second Minister for Law.

This year, RFI 2020 presented two race formats allowing participants to take part in the run either physically in-person or virtually at their own pace. The physical onsite event was held between 7am to 8pm with several flag off timings throughout the day to ensure the safety of all participants.

For the first time this year, participants were not limited to specific race distances for their participation. Instead, all participants were given an hour on the track to attempt the distance they signed up for or any distance, motivating them to challenge themselves beyond their personal best. Starting and ending at different points, the race route encircled the perimeter of the National Stadium. This year’s route was also wheelchair friendly, welcoming a diverse range of participants at the event.

As with previous years’ runs, RFI 2020 continued to offer complimentary entries to all PWSN and their caregivers, limited to one caregiver per PWSN, to encourage more PWSN to participate in the event and to promote inclusivity and an active lifestyle within the community. This year, 1000 complimentary entries were given to special needs participants and their caregivers. This was made possible through the ‘Sole Mates’ program, sponsored by Central Singapore CDC. The in-person event was also made possible by venue sponsor, Singapore Sports Hub.

“The goal of promoting the well-being and integration of the PWSN community has always been at the heart of Runninghour. This year has been an uncertain and challenging one for many of us, including the PWSN community. We are glad to see Singaporeans come together, especially during times like this, to show their support towards nurturing a more inclusive Singapore. We believe that fitness is not restricted to one’s abilities but it can be utilised effectively as a platform for inclusivity and growth,” said Mr John See Toh, Co-founder of Runninghour.

As the RFI 2020 physical onsite event concludes today, the virtual event remains open until 11 December 2020. Participants of the virtual event can attempt any distance of their choice, within the 0-10km running and 0-20km cycling category. Participants will also be required to upload proof of their attempted distance and date upon completion of their race.

Give The Gift Of Health With These 5 Garmin Smartwatches This Festive Season

2020 has been an eventful year, but one key takeaway has been the added emphasis on personal health. With a greater focus on creating healthier habits and spending more time on both physical and mental well-being, give the gift of health to your loved ones with Garmin this festive season. Packed with multiple health and fitness tracking features, encourage your loved ones to kick-start 2021 with healthy and mindful habits. 

For The Adventurous Dad

Does your dad love adventure? Through significantly increased battery life and new purpose-built and functionality including mountain biking and climbing activities, the fēnix 6 Pro Solar series (starting from $1,299) makes a great gift to fuel your dad’s adventures. The rugged yet sophisticated design is perfect to suit your dad’s daily adventures, whether it’s outdoors or in the boardroom. Plus, with the added solar charging feature, the fēnix 6 Pro-Solar editions remain performance-ready for weeks.

For Mums On The Go

Venu Sq (starting from $299 for the non-music edition) is perfect for mums who are always on the go. The sleek design of Garmin’s latest addition to their lifestyle range boasts all day health monitoring and 20 indoor and outdoor multisport modes. Great for mums who are looking to start their wellness journey and keen to try out new forms of exercises.

For The Toughest Brother

Tough brothers are befitting of a tough watch that’s like them – the Instinct Solar (worth $629). It’s built to the U.S military standard and able to withstand the harshest of conditions. Supported by both a Power Glass solar-charging lens and Power Manager feature, the Instinct Solar brings you an incredible battery life of up to 50 days in smartwatch mode, allowing you to do what you love, longer. 

For The Sister Who Plays Dress Up

Looking for stylish watches to gift your dear sister? The vívomove series (starting from $389) is the perfect choice. With its unique analog watch face, the vívomove series features hidden smart screens that display the various 24/7 health tracking functions like heart rate monitoring and respiration rate tracking so you are able to view your body stats on your wrist. 

For The Kids

The vívofit jr. 3 (S$129) is more than just a fitness tracker. Embark on an interactive experience where completing activities daily unlock new adventures on the parent-controlled app. Parents can assign chores and schedule alerts weekly or daily to help kids learn about schedules and responsibility. The kid-tough etched band features designs like blue stars, digi camo, lilac floral, Marvel Iron Man, Black Panther and Disney Princess and Little Mermaid and a user-replaceable battery that will keep your watch running for one year.

Five Tips for Running Safely Day or Night

Running is a great way to get exercise. It doesn’t require any special equipment, but you’re still able to burn calories, build muscle, and give your heart a great workout. You can start by jogging a short distance or train for a marathon, and you can easily jog in your neighborhood without having to go anywhere special. It is the most accessible exercise, no matter what your ability, how much money you have, or how much time you have!

However, no exercise comes without at least a few risks. Whether you want to start jogging first thing in the morning or you have to jog at night in order to squeeze a little exercise into your schedule, these tips will help make sure that you stay safe on the road, on the trail, and everywhere in between.

1. Avoid Others on the Trail, Which Includes Dogs

It’s easy to get into a trance when you’re running. If you’re new to jogging, you may simply find yourself distracted as you’re getting used to what your body feels like when you elevate your heart rate. No matter why you aren’t paying close attention, it can result in a serious accident if it means running into or veering away from others on the trail at the last minute.

Not only do you need to be aware so you can avoid other people on the trail, you need to avoid animals too. A whopping 4.5 million dog bites occur each year. The last thing you want to do is end up startling a dog that is walking on the trail and end up going home with an injury.

2. Choose Your Route Wisely

There are a lot of great jogging paths out there. That doesn’t mean you’re ready to tackle any and every route.

It’s important to choose a path that matches your ability level. If you’re a new runner, you shouldn’t be choosing difficult uphill trails. You should also avoid secluded trails unless you are running with others. Running on a sidewalk is always better than running on the road, and you may want to choose paved paths over gravel if you struggle with your balance.

3. Make Sure You’re Visible

It is extremely important to make sure you’re visible when you’re running. It can ensure you avoid other walkers and runners on the trail, but it is especially important if you’re jogging on or near the road.

A few safety tips for daytime running include:

  • Face oncoming traffic when jogging
  • Wear brightly colored clothing
  • Jog in open spaces where you are easily seen

It is especially important to make sure you’re visible if you plan on running at night. That includes wearing reflective clothing, but it may also mean wearing a headlamp. Not only can it light the way ahead of you as you’re jogging, it is also the best way to get the attention of drivers and others on the trail.

4. Know What to Put in Your Pocket

The last thing you want to do is go out for a jog with a pocket full of stuff that is uncomfortable and weighs you down, but that doesn’t mean you should leave everything in your car. There are some things you should always have in your pocket.

Make sure you always have your ID in your pocket, keep your cell phone with you in case of an emergency, and make sure you have a safe place to put your car and/or house key.

You should also carry a personal safety alarm. That way, if you find yourself being followed or attacked, you can quickly and easily push the button to get help from others in the area.

5. Make Sure Someone Knows Your Exercise Schedule

Jogging with others can be a lot of fun, but for many, it’s a solitary activity. There’s nothing wrong with jogging alone as long as someone knows your exercise schedule.

Make sure a friend or family member knows your regular exercise schedule. If you are going to try a new trail, make sure you tell someone where you’re going and how long you expect to be there. That way, if you don’t return home when you’re expected, friends and family will know where to start looking for you.

Running is a great way to get exercise and take care of your health, but that doesn’t mean it is completely safe. Make sure your new commitment to fitness is safe by following the tips on this list.

How to safely practise intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting, sometimes called intermittent energy deprivation, is a broad umbrella term for various meal cycles that change from non-feeding to voluntary re-feeding over a certain period. 

The concept of fasting is based on the concept of‘ total calories in equals total calories out.’ Any calorie not spent is stored inside the body. When you fast, you limit your food intake so that your body is forced to use the stored calories, which will help you lose weight. 

The biggest problem with intermittent fasting is that it does require some discipline on your part. If you’re willing to do it right, you’ll be able to make it work for you. But if you’re looking for an instant solution to your weight problem, then it may not be for you. 

There’s also a limit to intermittent fasting as too much food abstinence can negatively affect your health. To help you avoid the negative effects of intermittent fasting, here are some ways to do it safely: 

1. Always Consult Your Doctor Before Doing Any Fasting Method

There are different types of fasting methods, one of which is water fasting. This is a prolonged fasting method where you don’t eat anything but only drink water for a certain number of days. There are also timed fasting methods where you fast for several hours a day or one to two days a week. To do these methods safely, you should consult your general practitioner first. 

Some people are not meant to fast for longer periods because they have underlying medical conditions, like diabetes or heart problems. So, better have a full body work up so you may know if you’re safe to do intermittent fasting. 

2. Always Hydrate With Water

Another important thing that you need to know about fasting is that it can damage your organs and systems. You may also feel nauseous during your fasting days. To help you out, it’s recommended to drink plenty of water during your fast.

Hydrating while fasting will ensure that your organs work at an optimum rate even when you’re not fueling it with food. This will help them burn the excess calories stored inside your body so you’ll have the energy to go through your day. 

3. Plan Your Workout Accordingly

It’s important to plan your workouts when you’re doing intermittent fasting. When you’re fasting, you should stick to less intense exercises because you might not have the energy to do intense workouts. 

Although you can work out during your fasting hours or days, it’s still safer to do workouts hours after your meals or during your feeding window. This is to ensure you have enough energy to fuel your exercise, and you won’t pass out because you’re too hungry. 

4. Eat The Right Foods During Your Feeding Window

The re-feeding period of your fasting phase is one of the most important aspects of intermittent fasting. When you eat after fasting, your cells are re-building themselves to support proper tissue and cognitive function. New proteins are also formed to replace old ones, and your cells are slowly building energy sources after hours of food deprivation. 

Eating healthy food that supports cellular functions is essential when doing intermittent fasting safely. Ensure you have a balanced meal with the right amount of carbohydrates, proteins, and good fats. You should also eat fruits and vegetables so your body will replenish the vitamins and minerals it lost during the fasting stage. 

5. Don’t Overeat During Your Feeding Window

After hours of depriving your body of food, you may be tempted to eat as much as you can during your feeding schedule. The first thing you should know about intermittent fasting is that you’ll have to eat food when your body tells you that you’ve had enough. The reason for this is that you want to get into a fast phase and still be able to lose weight. This can be done in two ways: either eating only a small amount or eating very slowly over several days.


Aside from weight loss, intermittent fasting has plenty of health benefits, such as reducing stress and anxiety. When the body is in a state of starvation, it’s relaxed, which makes it less likely to suffer from aches and pains, anxiety, and headaches.  

To fully experience these benefits, you need to follow safety protocols when doing intermittent fasting. Always consult your doctor before doing prolonged fasts and make sure you still live a healthy lifestyle. Proper diet and exercise are still the keys to ensure you’re fit and healthy while engaging in intermittent fasting.

Kuala Lumpur Standard Chartered Marathon Introduces Free Virtual Run

18 November 2020, KUALA LUMPUR: The Kuala Lumpur Standard Chartered Marathon (KLSCM) today announced the introduction of its inaugural Virtual Run, which will take place from 5 -13 December 2020 and offers free registration. Organised by Dirigo Events and with Standard Chartered Bank Malaysia as Title Sponsor, the KLSCM 2020 Virtual Run is set to become the premier virtual running event in Malaysia. The Virtual Run will offer the Full Marathon, Half Marathon, 10km and 5km distance categories and runners from all over the world are expected to participate.

A Virtual Run is where participants who register for an event can run anywhere within the specified time-frame as long as they provide proof of their completed distance through digital apps or wearables. As the Covid-19 pandemic has halted the staging of mass participation events, at least for the foreseeable future, Virtual Runs are increasingly becoming the next viable option to fill that void.

“We wanted to create something for our runners that would motivate and re-energise everyone about running again because without events to train for, enthusiasm levels often drop easily. And with the pandemic continuing to spread, it is now more important than ever for all of us to maintain our health at optimum levels and keep our immune systems strong,” said Rainer Biemans, Director of Dirigo Events.

“We also understand that a lot of people are struggling financially at the moment and so we decided to make registrations free of charge to encourage as many people as possible to take part,” added Biemans.

Standard Chartered Bank Malaysia, who are title sponsors of the traditional Kuala Lumpur Standard Chartered Marathon, resumes that role for the virtual event and are eager to play their part in encouraging Malaysians to maintain a healthy lifestyle in these trying times.

“In response to our runners’ enthusiasm to stay fit virtually and remotely, we are delighted to elevate their running experience with the new and interactive KLSCM virtual run. Our first ever virtual marathon comes at a time where we are witnessing a significant shift to virtual events in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. We hope that the continued commitment of our KLSCM sponsorship will provide tangible ways for runners to keep active and engaged during such testing times,” said Abrar A. Anwar, Managing Director and CEO of Standard Chartered Bank Malaysia.

A distinct feature of this Virtual Run is that it has been designed to provide a proper challenge to participants, as unlike some virtual events where you can accumulate your mileage over several runs, the KLSCM 2020 Virtual Run requires that you complete your entered distance in a single attempt. Other key features to look forward to are:

1. Free Registration

Registration for the KLSCM 2020 Virtual Run will be free of charge. Runners will receive an e-bib once successfully registered and an e-certificate (upon completion) downloadable from 21 December 2020 onwards.

2. The KLSCM 2020 VR App

A dedicated digital Application has been developed that can be downloaded for free, and
which will enable runners to track their run, submit their results, share their activity feed and comes packed with a host of other engaging features like category leaderboards and even an Augmented Reality selfie filter. You will also be able to Sync the App with your other digital wearables.

3. No Participation Limit to Categories

There will be no limits or quotas to the participation numbers for any distance or category. Participation will only be limited by age (12 years old and above for 5km, 15 years old and above for 10km and 18 years old and above for Half and Full Marathon).

4. Cut-off Times

There will be no specific cut-off times for each respective distance. Participants can complete their run anywhere outdoors, at a location of their choice, any time between 12.00am, 5 December and 11.59pm, 13 December 2020 (GMT+8).

5. Inclusion in KLSCM Official Participation History

Each successful registration is entered into the runner’s KLSCM Participation History.

6. Special Commemorative Merchandise

To commemorate the inaugural Virtual Run, exclusively designed official merchandise such as personalised medals, event tees, sports towels and face masks will be made available for purchase during the registration period.

Registration for KLSCM 2020 Virtual Run will be open from 18 November to 3 December 2020 through https://klscmvr.kl-marathon.com/2020/

For more information and updates on KLSCM 2020 Virtual Run, please visit:
Facebook : www.facebook.com/SCKLmarathon
Twitter : https://twitter.com/klscmarathon
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/klscmarathon/
Website : www.kl-marathon.com

3 Ways to Help You Lose Weight

When it comes to weight loss, most of the fad diets that help you shed weight quickly often leave you feeling deprived and hungry. Furthermore, you’re likely to put on all the weight right back once you stop the diet. 

To ensure that you lose weight and sustain it efficiently, it’s essential to follow ways that have been backed by science. This ensures that your weight loss goals are met successfully. 

In this article, we discuss three effective ways to help you lose weight:

1. Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is a pattern in which you cycle between fasting and eating. Intermittent fasting focuses on when to eat instead of what to eat. There are several intermittent fasting patterns you can follow depending on your schedule and eating habits. Many studies suggest that eating during a restricted feeding window leads to the consumption of fewer calories. Some of the most common methods of intermittent fasting include;

  • 16/8 Method: If you plan to follow this pattern, you can finish your last meal by 8:00 pm and skip your breakfast. This leads to a 16-hour fast and an 8-hour feeding window. 
  • 5:2 Method: In this method, you fast two days a week and eat up to 500-600 calories on your fast days. 
  • Alternate Day Fasting: You fast every alternate day and eat normally on non-fast days. 

During the fasting period, you cannot eat anything. However, you can drink water, coffee, or tea. To enhance your intermittent fasting results, you can also take pills and supplements that support your weight loss goals. You can find good-quality, natural diet pills, and supplements at Thinco. This diet pill also works great for weight loss.

2. Create an Exercise and Diet Plan

When it comes to weight loss, it’s important to keep in mind that weight loss depends a lot on discipline and focus. While following an exercise regime and diet plan may be necessary, keep in mind that fat loss and retention of muscle mass are essential for sustainable weight loss. 

For fat loss, plan an exercise routine that will work with the kind of exercise you are doing now. You can include strength training that will help build muscle mass and increase your strength. Resistance training also helps you burn fat quickly as it increases the number of calories your body burns when it’s resting. It’s also important to keep a balanced diet. You need to have a little bit of everything to support your weight loss plan.

Once you focus on fat loss, you will also need to have the discipline to follow through. It’s easy to eat a candy bar, but if you don’t have enough motivation to continue exercising, it’s almost impossible to lose weight. Keep in mind that if you’re not committed to staying on top of your plan, you will end up eating unhealthy foods that are going to add unwanted pounds. Instead of giving up, keep the focus on fat loss, and it can be a successful journey for you.

3. Eat Healthy

To ensure that you lose weight without compromising your health, it’s important to eat mindfully. Including protein in your diet can help you feel fuller. This is because protein regulates the hunger hormone, ghrelin, and increases the satiety hormones. Including plant-based foods in your diet can increase your intake of fiber and lead to a feeling of fullness while consuming fewer calories. This will further aid your weight loss. 

Several studies suggest that balancing your gut bacteria can also help with weight loss since increase the number of good bacteria in your intestine can help improve your metabolism and digestion. 

For a weight loss diet, it’s important to cut down on refined carbohydrates and sugars that are quick to digest and convert to glucose quickly. This leads to higher insulin levels that promote fat storage and contributes to weight gain. 


Weight loss can be challenging if it isn’t followed mindfully. To get the desired results, it’s essential to incorporate holistic lifestyle changes instead of following fad diets. Since most fad diets lack any scientific research, they often fail. However, following a healthy diet, a regular exercise routine, and intermittent fasting can help you shed those extra pounds effectively without harming your health.

To lose weight, it’s important to follow a disciplined routine. Learn how to plan meals, cutting calories, and eating healthy recipes. Make sure to do some research on weight loss. This will help you learn about weight loss and healthy eating. Your weight is also influenced by your genetics and lifestyle choices. However, changing your lifestyle to a healthier routine can help you lose weight successfully.

My Five Most Memorable Runs

“Don’t Limit Your Challenges. Challenge Your Limit!” – Liong Chian Min (Malaysian ultramarathoner & World Marathon Majors runner)

With this November marking the 4th anniversary of my Full Marathon (FM) journey since the first one on November 12th, 2016, I have been thinking a lot about my running experience lately.

My dream is to constantly challenge myself to run stronger, get faster and go further. Hence besides running FM, I have also explored trail running, hill hiking and Ultra Marathons (UMs) with distances stretching beyond 42km. Hitherto I have participated in 23 FMs and 6 UMs during this 4-year period, which led me to almost every state in Malaysia and running vacations around the world, such as Singapore, Hong Kong and Chicago.

Perhaps it would make sense that on this anniversary, I take a moment to pause and reflect on my best running moments so far. After some thoughts, I have narrowed down the list to “5 Most Memorable Runs” during 2016-2020, with each one representing a landmark milestone in my marathon journey.

Let me share the significance of each run, how I prepared for them & the lessons I learned along the way!

1. PUTRAJAYA NIGHT MARATHON 2016 (November 12th, 2016)

Why Important? My First Full Marathon (FM1)

As the saying goes ‘the first time is always special’, Putrajaya Night Marathon 2016 (PNM16) was truly memorable for me. Nothing could ever beat the euphoria of completing my virgin FM. Personally, PNM16 was perhaps the watershed moment in my journey, due to a couple of reasons.

Prior to 2016, I had never summoned enough courage to attempt any runs beyond Half Marathon. When I set my goal to attempt first FM that year, I rationally chose a close-to-year-end event, so that there was adequate time for training and preparation.

No doubt, the thought of running 42km was initially daunting, as there was always the mental barrier of whether I can complete the FM within COT (Cut Off Time) and avoid DNF (Do Not Finish). My 2016 modest goal was just to finish within 5 hours. And of course, the best way to gain confidence was to prepare physically and mentally, with consistent training throughout the year.

My run program was tailored to gradually increase my monthly mileage during 2016. In tandem with my training, I registered for at least one run event every month, raising the bar each time from 10km to 15km, 21km and eventually a few runs beyond HM, such as 2nd Penang Bridge Challenge 2016 (27km) and TRR Brooks Run 2016 (30km).

Choosing a pair of great running shoes became critical. After much consultation, I opted for the lightweight ‘Brooks Launch 3’ shoes, which provided the necessary support and energy return for my run. More and more, I also began to pay attention to my food intake, focusing more on carbo-loading before each running session.

On Nov 12th 2016, upon flight arrival & check-in at Putrajaya Dorsett Hotel, I was ready to face PNM16 challenge after months of training. Despite the heavy rain, I ran non-stop in my first FM with 15,000 runners and managed to finish with 4:25:40 (of course my PB, since it was my one and only FM).

What I Learned – For those runners who want to accomplish their first FMs, I would advise that you must commit to your goal early, find your inner motivation to succeed, maintain the discipline for consistent training, but most importantly, be prepared to leave your comfort zone!


Why Important? My First Sub4 Marathon (FM4)

While PNM16 was memorable as my FM1, it was not until my 4th one, Standard Chartered Kuala Lumpur Marathon 2017 (SCKLM17) that I achieved my first Sub4 (to finish within 4 hours). For me, Sub4 had to be the natural step-up, once I could consistently complete marathons.

To achieve Sub4, the training had to be different. It was no longer about whether I can finish FM within COT, BUT how fast I can complete the 42km ordeal. The average pace for Sub-4 marathon is about 5 min 41 sec per km; hence a runner must consistently hold his average pace around 5:30 for a long stretch of distance (with spare time for water stations, bad weather & unforeseen circumstances). The likelihood of leg cramp would easily increase in such a race against time.

The next logical plan for me was to get a reasonable running watch, which can adequately help to monitor and access my run performance (pace, distance, mileage, heart rate etc) during training and race. After much research, I finally bought Garmin Forerunner 235 (which I still happily use till today).

Definitely when it came to preparation, the training focused more on the aspect of run efficiency – such as cadence, stride, food diet, training mixtures, heart rate monitoring, VO2 etc. The run workout became more tactical before marathon (when to taper and carbo load) and during marathon (when to surge, when to conserve strength and be patient, how to save time at water stations, how to keep yourself hydrated, how to handle cramps etc).

As this was my first SCKLM attempt, the run route was scrutinized, especially for areas with elevation and steep descent. For example, SCKLM route was notorious for its hilly ending from Km 33 onwards (Bukit Tunku and a long climb along Jalan Parlimen).

Come May 21st, 2017, about 36,000 runners joined SCKLM17. I was one of FM runners to complete my first Sub4 FM (3:55:49), which I dedicated the achievement to my late father (who was supportive of my runs and passed away just 2 weeks before SCKLM17. For further reading:- https://www.justrunlah.com/2018/11/16/marathon-tribute-to-my-papa-by-paradigm-runner/).

What I Learned – For those runners who want to attempt their first Sub4 FM, you would need to run using your heart and your head. The training is still important, but you must equally learn to understand your body and know how to pace yourself correctly. Pay attention to your run details and efficiency.

Remember the golden marathon mantra – the actual racing does NOT usually start, until the last 10 km!


Why Important? My First Overseas Marathon (FM12)

2018 was the year that I joined 7 FMs, the highest participation in a single year. Although there were a few memorable FMs during 2018, I considered Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon 2018 (SCSM18, my FM12) as the one to stand out the most. After running more than 10 FMs in Malaysia, it was time for me to explore my first overseas marathon.

Unlike the local runs, the preparation for an overseas marathon will require a bit more coordination – eg accommodation, foreign currency exchange, visa (if required), food, flight booking etc.

But why SCSM18? Well…there were a few reasons for my choice.

First of all, SCSM is rated by IAAF as a Gold Label Road Race, a standard that unfortunately no marathon in Malaysia has ever achieved! It would be a great eye-opening experience to participate in Gold-Label marathon and explore the difference.

Secondly, Singapore is very near to Penang geographically, which makes the travel much faster (just about 1-hour flight). Likewise there are a lot of common factors between Singapore and Penang. From weather aspect, it is still the same hot and humid – so there won’t be any acclimatization required. The food and language were almost the same too.

Thirdly, SCSM route is relatively flat, with not much elevation; so it would not be too difficult.

Thousands took to the street on Dec 9th, 2018 and I completed my first oversea FM with Finish Time 3:48:08. After gaining SCSM18 experience, that provided me the confidence to explore more overseas marathons in future (for my SCSM18 review, pls read https://www.justrunlah.com/2018/12/19/a-tale-of-two-marathons-by-paradigm-runner/).

What I Learned – For those runners who want to try overseas FM, you have to pay attention to other factors, such as weather, accommodation, travel, food, especially the logistics to get to REPC (Race Entry Pack Collection) and Start Point. Choosing a hotel nearby to these locations will definitely help, but with many foreign runners in such race, it is best to get your lodging reserved early to avoid disappointment.

PS – however due to the ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic, the participation in any FM (let alone an overseas one) will be more challenging nowadays.

4. CHICAGO MARATHON 2019 (October 13th, 2019)

Why Important? My First World Marathon Major (FM16)

Most Memorable Run 4 – Chicago Marathon 2019 (first World Marathon Majors FM)

As an avid runner, I would not be honest if I told you that I had never harbored any desire to run in World Marathon Majors (WMM). Ever since my first FM, a dream in my Bucket List was to take part in one of the six WMM.

I still remember Dec 11th, 2018 when I received the email to inform that I was selected to run in Chicago Marathon 2019 (CM19), which was my 16th FM.

Though SCSM18 was the baby step for participation in overseas marathon, the CM19 preparation was entirely different. With CM19 organized in USA (almost 15,000 km away from Malaysia) during October, an autumn marathon provided yet another set of challenges. The temperature there would be somewhere between 10-15C, while Chicago is known as The Windy City for an obvious reason – the wind factor!

To train for CM19, I registered for Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon 2019 (SCHKM19) in February as a trial run. As a spring marathon, SCHKM19 offered me the experience to run FM in almost similar climate – a much colder temperature, with strong chilly wind.

Another action plan was to arrive a few days earlier in Chicago, which gave me the chance to acclimatize my body to the weather. I did a few light jogs during those few days to observe how my body reacted to the cold temperature and strong winds and how my breathing would be affected.

Finally on Oct 13th, 2019, I ran my dream marathon, together with 45,000 runners from all over the world, with my fastest Finish Time 3:36:54 (my new PB).

What I Learned – If you want to join overseas FM in a country with completely different climate, you need to adopt different preparation. Try to get there a few days in advance. This will give your body a chance to adjust to the weather, wind, temperature and food. Bring extra clothing to keep you warm (if necessary) eg windbreaker, earmuffs, gloves etc.

Such preparation was extremely valuable, as it would give your body the opportunity and ample time to adapt.

5. LANGKAWI ULTRA 2020 (February 29th, 2020)

Why Important? My First 100km Ultra Marathon (UM5)

After Chicago Marathon 2019 (CM19), my attention quickly shifted back to another concurrent goal – to run my first 100km UM. I had another 4 months to train for Langkawi Ultra 2020 (LU20), scheduled on February 29th, 2020.

The training for 100km UM was very dissimilar to those of CM19, in terms of speed, distance, weather, physical and mental conditioning. It didn’t escape my attention that 100km UM is equivalent to running two consecutive FMs, plus another 16km.

Unlike FM (where I aimed for Sub4 speed), the game plan for my first UM was to avoid DNF, while achieving a decent Finish Time. With 18-hour COT, my aim was to finish hopefully within 14 hours (run, walk or even crawl, if I had to).

In fact, my training for UM began, way before CM19. The approach for 100km UM focused more on physical endurance, body conditioning and mental strength during such gruesome distance. Speed became secondary for UM training.

But here’s the thing. For a working family person, I would not have the luxury to regularly train for 10-15 hours for UM. So I did the next best thing – spread out my FM runs during 2019, leveraged on my 50km trail runs for endurance training and joined a 75-km UM along the way.                   

As part of my LU20 training, I signed up for 3 UMs, as a step-up to bridge between 42km and 100km. The first one was Penang ECO 2019 (in June 2019), a 50-km trail run with Elevation Gain 2,921m. Next came PUTRA Perlis Ultra 2019, a 75km road run in Dec 2019. With 4th-place finishing in PUTRA Perlis Ultra 2019, I found the confidence to take on LU 100km. Finally I participated in UTOS 2020 (another 50-km Johor trail run in Feb 2020), just 3 weeks before LU20, to ensure that my endurance training was consistently maintained.

Come Feb 29th, 2020, I stood at the starting line of 100-km race with another 86 runners and eventually completed LU20, with Finish Time 13:38:16 and ranked 7th in my category.

What I Learned – For UM, physical and mental preparation are equally crucial! Physical training would prepare your body well for UM, but your mental resilience and heart desire must be strong enough for you to finish the race. Your ultimate strength doesn’t come from your body, it comes from your heart, asking you, ‘How bad do you want it?’”

There were many times during the 2nd half of UM race when my tired body would tell me to throw in the towel, but the ultimate decision came from my mind.

At that moment, I remembered the words from Michael D’Aurelio, the author of the book ‘The Ultramarathon Guide: A Simple Approach to Running Your First Ultramarathon‘ – “The moment when your legs give up is the exact moment when your heart gives more.”

For me, it has been a wonderful marathon journey so far (2016-2020) and perhaps more will come in future. Which brings me to my sincere wish that you have enjoyed reading them and learned some tips from my experience. Hopefully my anecdotes may even inspire some of you to greater heights.

In your running journey, you are there to improve yourself, NOT to compete against others (unless you are a professional elite runner). Remember that as long as you are better than yourself yesterday, you have taken a positive step to be a better you!

You are running your own race. You compete with no one but yourself.

So train to your best ability! Go out there and create your own memorable runs!! This is your journey!!!

Common Injuries Runners May Experience

Running is an interestingly common sport that’s popular among people of all ages. While running is one of the friendliest activities that you can try during your free time, some people take running to a higher level and participate in running sports.

Being a runner, you should be prepared to experience some kind of injury at least once in your running career. In fact, 79% of runners suffer from injuries at least once a year.

Since runners aren’t immune from experiencing running accidents, it’s still important to be informed on what injuries are common among runners and how they’re treated accordingly. Essentially, most of these injuries will involve the lower body, which runners constantly utilize for their running.

Here are eight common injuries that runners should be careful from experiencing:

1. Plantar Fasciitis

The irritation and degeneration of the plantar fascia, which is the large ligament on the bottom of your foot, is an injury known as plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis can occur from a variety of causes:

  • Wearing tight shoes or shoes with poor cushioning
  • Excessively running long distances
  • Excessive stretching of the fascia
  • Recently exercising on hard surfaces

Symptoms of plantar fasciitis can vary depending on the person, but they usually include a popping or clicking sound, a sudden and sharp pain, and swelling. Also, plantar fasciitis in runners can occur in any joint in the foot.

In fact, plantar fasciitis in runners may also occur in other areas of the body, like the neck and back, because the plantar fascia runs under so many nerves and tendons that a person’s range of motion may be compromised.

Plantar fasciitis causes a lot of pain and discomfort, especially when walking. The best way to alleviate the pain is to rest your foot for at least a day. The pain can also be relieved by wearing compression socks that help relieve the pressure.

If the pain and discomfort are so bad that you’re not able to walk for more than a few minutes at a time, you should contact a doctor or visit this website.

2. Stress Fracture

Stress fractures are one of the most common injuries among runners and other athletes. Runners frequently injure their bodies through repetitive exercise, especially when doing long runs. Injuries caused by this type of stress to the joints and ligaments can be painful and can even lead to permanent damage.

Running also promotes bones strengthening over time, which is good for runners, but as with everything in life, your bone will be unable to withstand too much stress over too short of time

There are many factors that can cause a stress fracture such as pressure exerted on your bones by running, specifically the stresses of running and jumping. Another factor is the stress of being thrown around, especially during sprinting and running on uneven surfaces.

3. Achilles Tendinopathy

Achilles tendinopathy is a common condition that occurs mostly among younger runners who don’t take any special care to prevent it. This injury causes pain on one side of the foot that starts from the heel area and gradually progresses up the leg towards the ankle joint. There’s no specific reason for this condition and no definite cures or treatments available.

Therefore, most runners who suffer from Achilles tendinopathy prefer to undergo some sort of physical therapy, especially rehabilitation. In fact, treating this condition is the same as treating patients who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis. As such, treatment involves correcting and strengthening the Achilles tendons.

Rehabilitation is an essential part of treating Achilles tendinitis in runners. Therefore, you should ensure that proper exercises are undertaken to strengthen the muscles involved in running. These exercises include stretching and strengthening, which can last from three to six weeks. Once the rehabilitation program is complete, the doctor may require the runner to continue with the rehabilitation for a longer period of time, if necessary.

4. Muscle Pull

A muscle pull injury is usually caused by a misalignment or improper technique used, especially when training for high-distance runs. Muscle pull in runners occurs when the muscle fibers are pulled too tight or too far from the direction of motion. It’s a common injury that occurs by stretching the muscle far beyond its optimal range.

When a muscle pull occurs, the body tries to repair the damage as fast as possible, causing another muscle problem called tendonitis. Tendonitis is caused when the muscles that surround the injury are pulled toward the original injury. If your muscle pull goes deeper than the tendon itself, it can also cause a rupture in the tendon. This can cause a person to experience pain along with the muscle, sometimes to the point that moving becomes difficult. In these cases, it’s a good idea to consult a doctor and get treatment as soon as possible.

The best way to prevent a muscle pull injury is to avoid doing too much of a single exercise and don’t make the mistake of doing so with little rest in between each set. Also, keep your elbows up when you’re running. If you have to pull your knee out during a run, try to keep it down as much as possible and don’t let it drag on the ground. Runners who don’t avoid these mistakes tend to end up with injuries like muscle pull and even tendonitis.

5. Shin Splints

Shin splints, or tibial stress syndrome, happen when a runner suddenly increases their running volume, particularly on hard surfaces. Shin splints occur along your shinbone, which is in the inner parts of your lower legs.

Moreover, they’re caused by the bone being overworked and can be aggravated by running shoes that lack cushioning and shock absorption. This causes the bone to become more susceptible to bone spasm, resulting in shin splint. Many medical practitioners will advise runners to wear supportive footwear with a firm but soft midsole to absorb shock.

Fortunately, tibial stress syndrome isn’t a serious injury. It may disappear provided you have enough rest. If you’re still required to run with shin splints, it would help if you would lessen your running frequency.

6. Ankle Sprain

Ankle sprain injury in runners is more common than people imagine. A major reason for this is that runners frequently rotate their ankle while running because of an abrupt stop or beginning an exercise at a wrong angle. The ankle is often bent inwards to absorb the shock while the foot turns out and away from the direction of motion, and, at the same time, to protect the ball of the foot.

This can be dangerous in a variety of ways. For one, if the foot is twisted out or pulled slightly away from your body’s center of gravity, you’ll experience an immediate jarring sensation in the ankle.

An acute ankle sprain can be a very serious injury. In fact, an ankle sprain can lead to permanent nerve damage and nerve compression. Because of this, ankle sprain in runners should be treated immediately and appropriately by a doctor to minimize the possibility of long-term, permanent, or debilitating consequences. To prevent the possibility of another sprain or injury from occurring again, a doctor will most likely recommend that the athlete return to their normal activity level after the treatment is complete.

7. IT Band Syndrome

Your leg has a long, connective tissue called the iliotibial band (IT band) or Maissiat’s band that traverses from your outer hip to knee. Your IT band has a plethora of functions: abducting, rotating, and extending your hip, as well as knee stabilization. However, the overuse and repetitive flexion and extension of your IT band can cause an injury known as the IT band syndrome.

When your IT band becomes inflamed, tight, and irritated, it’ll induce friction on the outside of your knee during stretching or bending. Typically, younger athletes who use their knees frequently become the victims of IT band syndrome, such as runners, cyclists, hikers, soccer players, basketball players, and weightlifters.

To avoid IT band syndrome, make sure that you avoid the following training errors:

  • Training in poor body form
  • Improper warm-up and cool down
  • Not having enough rest between activities
  • The abrupt increase of training frequency or volume
  • Training in wrong surfaces
  • Wearing improper footwear

8. Bursitis

This last injury focuses more on your hip than a combination of your legs and knees. Bursa is a small, sac-like, cushion structure in your bones, such as the hips, which is filled with fluid that lubricates the motion of joints and tendons during any activity. Bursitis occurs when your bursa becomes inflamed. Fortunately, bursitis is commonly a temporary condition that doesn’t cause any kind of deformity in your hips.

Your body possesses over 150 bursae, but runners specifically injure only three of them:

  • Pes anserinus bursa: along the inside of the knee
  • Retrocalcaneal bursa: at the back of the heel
  • Greater trochanteric bursa: the most common in runners; at the hip

To treat hip bursitis, the runner requires intensive physical therapy involving stretching and strengthening exercises for the hip muscles and lower back. For more dangerous cases of hip bursitis, surgery can be a good option. However, this surgery involves removing the bursa itself, and it’s still unclear if it would affect your running abilities. Therefore, it’s important to discuss this with your therapist.


While running is a simple activity, it’s overwhelming that the slightest mistake on your running angle, speed, or turn can put you into a compromise of having these injuries. Since most runner injuries happen due to overexertion, runners must know how to make the most of their training without pushing themselves past their limits, while still doing their best to improve their running ability.

Tuning Your Home Fitness Regimen To Boost Running Performance

Working out at home can add another string to your bow in improving your fitness and overall athletic performance. According to The Mayo Clinic, making fitness and exercise a part of your life – including home regimens – can benefit your fitness in ways that having scheduled physical activity cannot, with performance, mental benefits and recovery all enhanced through consistent at-home work. Fine-tuning your home workout regimen to benefit running will help you to convert these benefits from something general into a specific and measured boon to your overall health.

The weights

Many runners will not want to pack on muscle – or rather, they will want to keep to an ideal running weight. This means a strict diet, often, and time spent away from muscle-focused exercises. However contradictory it may seem to pack more weight onto the body, it remains that a degree of weight-training can help you with your athletic performance. This is true whether you need the explosive lean muscle of a 100m sprinter, or the conditioning of a long-distance runner.

Dumbbells and barbells are some of the most ideal fitness equipment for exercising at home that you can obtain for overall physical benefit, but doing this work properly lies in one specific time period. A study analyzed by Scientific American held that you should separate forms of activity out so they never cross-over within a six-hour period. This means keeping your weights to one day and cardio to another. Otherwise, the contradictory exercises can lessen the benefits of each other and create an enhanced risk of injury.

Preventing injury

Injury is very prevalent among runners. According to an important 2019 study published by the British Medical Journal found that preparation for running events holds a 20% injury risk alone. One of the best ways to prevent injury comes through regular stretching and flexibility exercises; the home exercise environment is perfect for this. Whether that’s taking regular stops through the home and doing mini-stretch sessions; think a leg here when at the stove, or doing full-body stretches when drying off from a shower, or something more long-term like yoga. Whatever method is chosen can have a great positive impact on body flexibility and help to prevent damaging long-term injuries.

Improving mental health

The majority of a person’s time is spent at home these days – that’s a lot of time given over to reflection and quietness, away from the hustle and bustle of cities and towns. This creates an opportunity to improve mental health, something which has a well-founded impact on athletic performance. Whether recovering from injury or having the mindset to be able to push through pain barriers when in the race, mental health is incredibly important. Making mental health part of a home exercise regime is entirely possible, too. Yoga is again a great example of exercise that includes both aspects of whole-body health, but it can also be something as simple as meditating while doing aerobics, or listening to helpful advice or philosophy while on the treadmill or working weights.

Brought together, the home provides a great studio for positive physical enhancement. There is so much you can do to help your body prepare for the rigours of a race, and that can be accomplished without stepping outside the door. Consider that for next time you’re training.

4 Sources OF Electrolytes You Should Be Taking Daily

Electrolytes and fluids are necessary for all cells, organs and even the human body itself to function properly. These substances are electrochemical in nature and help maintain a proper balance between chemicals. Electrolyte fluid is used in the skin to help prevent dehydration and can also help keep the body from becoming starved of vital nutrients. The electrolytes keep those fluids moving that is needed for the skin to retain moisture and to retain colour.

What Electrolytes Do

Electrolytes play an important part in your human body’s functions. Without enough of them, it is nearly impossible to carry out normal functions, especially when there is a lack of fluid in the body. Electrolyte fluids are found in the muscles of the human body as well as in the brain. They are what help to keep the communication going between the two.

Some essential electrolyte sources are found naturally in our foods and water, while others may need to be added to our diet. Some people may need to consume more than others because they may have health problems or an existing condition that affects their electrolyte needs. This can happen when someone is ill with the flu as well. Electrolyte fluid should always be consumed before a workout, if possible.

Where Electrolytes Are Found in the Body

The three main sources of electrolyte fluids are water, muscle, and red blood cells. Water is always the first on the list because it helps flush out the wastes in the body. If you are dehydrated, the body will use this liquid to replenish itself. Muscle cells also contain electrolytes that help maintain the body’s electrical balance and enable it to perform properly without becoming overworked.

Red blood cells are the last type of electrolyte fluid to come to mind. Red blood cells require an electrolyte fluid source in order to continue operating correctly. Some people may need a vitamin, mineral or enzyme supplement to provide these fluids for them.

Lack of Electrolytes

For some people, there may not be enough electrolyte liquid in the diet. This is particularly true of people who are diabetic, pregnant, or taking medication. It may be difficult for them to take in a sufficient amount of fluid without harming their health. For people with kidney or heart conditions, the body’s ability to metabolize food may be compromised. There are special supplements that can help a person who has kidney problems to get electrolytes from their diet.

Another issue that affects electrolytes in the body is that the blood sugar level can drop. too much glucose in the blood is absorbed by the cells and this can cause a drop in blood electrolyte levels. When the blood sugar level drops, the body does not have the ability to absorb calcium, which is needed for the bones. People who are on diuretics or diuretic medications may suffer from low levels of electrolytes, too.

The solution is to ensure your body gets its daily dose of electrolytes. Whether it’s in liquid form, a supplement, or food, it is important for your system to operate properly and not be dehydrated.

What exactly are the 4 sources of electrolytes that you should be taking daily, and what exactly do they do for your body. The answer is potassium, magnesium, chloride, and calcium.

1. Potassium

Potassium is both a mineral and an electrolyte. Its basic function is to keep your body balanced with electrolytes and maintain the amount of fluid in the body’s cells. It is vital for how your muscles and nervous system works.

Your potassium correlates with the sodium in your body. When one goes up, the other goes down, and vice-a-versa. When the potassium level in your body is too high or too low, it can cause serious conditions such as low blood pressure, nausea, constant urination, muscle weakness, confusion, or even paralysis.

2. Magnesium

Magnesium is also very important with regards to your electrolytes. This chemical is vital in the transporting of oxygen and calcium into the various cells of your body. It is directly related in affecting your potassium and sodium levels as well. To prevent excess cramping and muscle contractions, magnesium must be a core part of your daily regimen.

3. Chloride

Chloride may be one of the most vital of the electrolytes in your body. It is actually this compound that balances the amount of fluid both outside and inside the cells of your body. Chloride is also known to maintain your blood pressure, your blood volume, and the PH level of your fluids. Generally, chloride comes from the salt that your body takes in. Your intestines absorb the sodium chloride as you are digesting. Any extra chloride in your body is eliminated through your urine. Although this compound is most important, it does not take much for it to work properly. Only a small amount of salt is needed actually for it to do its job correctly.  Basically only 1 teaspoon a day will fulfill its recommended allotment.  

4. Calcium

Calcium is a mineral that is basically responsible for carrying electrical charges when its dissolves into the fluids of the body. It is interesting to note, however, that most of the calcium in a body remains not charged. Although most of the body’s calcium is stored in your bones, muscle cells and blood cells also carry this mineral. Calcium is most noted for the essential functioning of muscle contractions, bone and teeth formations, normal heart rhythms, and clotting of the blood. It is interesting to note that calcium is one of the most abundant minerals in the whole body.

Daily Dose of Electrolytes

Vegetables are good sources of electrolyte fluids because they are low in calories and also contain a variety of nutrients and minerals. When vegetables are combined with a source of electrolytes, they provide a complete balanced diet. Most fruits and certain vegetables may also be a good source of electrolytes. However, it is important to read the labels on the fruits and vegetables and know the proper amounts needed. Along with vegetables, there are other kinds of foods that can add electrolytes to your system. These include such things as dairy, nuts, whole grains, and beans.

Each element contains a list of its appropriate food group to best maintain your electrolytes.

  1. Potassium: sweet potatoes, cooked spinach, prunes, raisins, melons, oranges, tomatoes, peas, avocados, bananas, and nonfat yogurt.
  2. Magnesium: Dried beans, lentils, peanut butter, nuts, whole grains, and leafy green vegetables.
  3. Chloride: Lettuce, celery, tomatoes, rye, seaweed, and olives.
  4. Calcium: Meat, milk, milk products, eggs, fish with bones, beans, asparagus, dried apricots, figs, and fortified cereals.

Eating these foods will provide for a balanced diet as well as replace electrolytes in your body from day to day. If your diet does not include these minerals, you may want to think of enhancing it with an electrolyte beverage or supplement. These can be very beneficial because our diets don’t always include our necessary nutrients. Electrolyte supplements can be found in the stores or online from companies like dripdrop.com.

What Affects Your Electrolyte Level?

The best way to keep the electrolyte fluid in the body is to take in enough fluids. If your blood is not getting enough, then you should consult your doctor for electrolyte tablets or fluids to give you what you need.

Electrolytes are important for different types of activity too. A person who exercises needs more electrolytes than someone who doesn’t exercise at all. If you are a woman and are going through menopause, the body changes a lot during this time and can also affect your electrolyte levels.

Certain medications also can affect your electrolyte levels. Certain foods that should be avoided in a person with a high blood pressure problem include caffeine, chocolate, and alcohol. If you are someone who is taking antibiotics, then you may also need a different type of electrolyte liquid.


As you can see, electrolytes are not just about sports drinks. They are vital minerals that your body needs on a day to day basis to stay healthy and work properly. They can be found in specialised beverages or the food we eat daily. They are important for our day to day functions. Without them, we can become sickly and incapacitated. Our muscles won’t work well, and our brain won’t be able to think. Our heart can become frail and cause complications. It is vital for your body to maintain its electrolytes to prevent oncoming illnesses and dehydration. When in doubt, always contact your physician for any medical advice regarding your diet and your well-being.

The World Comes Together Virtually on The Streets of Singapore For the Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon 2020

Grand Finale hybrid race to take place from 27 November to 6 December

  • New virtual race experience with augmented reality routes featuring Singapore’s iconic landmarks powered by Rouvy (an indoor racing app with augmented reality courses)
  • Grand Finale hybrid race features the Half Marathon, 10K and Double Up challenge and will be free of charge for runners
  • Event concludes with a two-day Grand Finale Celebration experience at Gardens by the Bay on 5 & 6 December
  • Participants and the community can tune in to the live SCSM 2020 Race As One Show on 5 December at 6pm via the official SCSM Facebook page

SINGAPORE / TAMPA, 29 OCTOBER 2020 – The IRONMAN Group, event organiser of the Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon (SCSM), today announced the launch of registration for the 2020 SCSM that will feature a unique hybrid race format for participants to run through the streets of Singapore virtually, creating a world-class experience for runners around the world. This new format will be free of charge for
runners in place of the traditional race due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Following 13 weeks of the SCSM Virtual Racing series, the Grand Finale, starting from 27 November through to 6 December, offers runners both locally and around the world, an opportunity to race together in one of five categories:

  • SCSM Grand Finale Rouvy AR 10KM
  • SCSM Grand Finale Rouvy AR Half Marathon
  • SCSM Grand Finale VR 10KM
  • SCSM Grand Finale VR Half Marathon
  • SCSM Grand Finale VR Double Up Challenge

Adopting a hybrid race format, runners can register for the outdoor or indoor race option with a compatible tracking device or join the immersive augmented reality (AR) format powered by Rouvy on a treadmill. The AR format will allow overseas runners to traverse through the spectacular cityscapes in the ‘Best of Singapore’ routes.

To bring runners together safely to celebrate finishing the race, participants in Singapore can opt to attend a two-day signature Grand Finale Celebration experience at Gardens by the Bay on 5 and 6 December. The experience will be open to runners who have purchased Grand Finale race entitlements, and will be on a pre-registration basis for specific time slots as part of prevailing safe management measures. Overseas runners can also opt for a race entitlement package, and have their race singlet, medal and other goodies sent to them.

An Augmented Reality (AR) Race Like Never Before

This year, The IRONMAN Group worked closely with various partners to push the envelope in elevating the virtual race experience for runners through programming and technology innovations. The AR format powered by Rouvy allows runners to create avatars and see themselves competing with fellow runners in real-time, while also emulating the actual race experience through various in-video features.

The Half Marathon and 10K routes featured in the AR format have been specially curated in partnership with the Singapore Tourism Board (STB) to feature some of Singapore’s most iconic landmarks and scenic streetscapes such as Orchard Road, Little India, Chinatown, the Civic District and more.

SCSM2020 Grand Finale Rouvy AR Route

To allow as many runners as possible to experience this immersive virtual race format, race organisers have also teamed up with Sport Singapore to activate 12 ActiveSG sport centres around the island. These gyms will offer bookable slots for the AR Half Marathon and 10KM categories via the ActiveSG app.

Grand Finale Celebration Experience at Gardens by the Bay & the Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon 2020 Race As One Live Show

While the race has pivoted to a unique format this year, local runners can still look forward to the Grand Finale Celebration experience. Held at the Flower Field Hall in the Flower Dome at Gardens by the Bay, the Grand Finale Celebration will give runners the opportunity to collect their race entitlements and commemorate their race achievements against photo backdrops of their choice. Strict public health and safety protocols in accordance with the safe management guidelines by the authorities will be in place, and
runners are encouraged to stay updated for the latest information from SCSM’s digital platforms.

In addition, there will be a special 90-minute live Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon 2020 Race As One Show on 5 December starting at 6pm. Runners can tune in via the SCSM Facebook page to catch celebrities and personalities race for a cause in the Rouvy AR Half Marathon Relay Challenge. This year, SCSM will be joining National Volunteer & Philanthropy Centre (NVPC)’s Giving Week 2020 and raise funds for Community Chest, more details will be shared closer to date. Through this initiative, the race organisers hoped that all participants, partners, and the community would come together and stand in solidarity amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. The show will also feature highlights and runner stories from the 15-weeks SCSM Virtual Racing Series of this year’s unique marathon.

Speaking at the launch, Geoff Meyer, Managing Director of Asia for The IRONMAN Group, commented “The 2020 Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon will be a race like no other, and a celebration at the end of a very challenging year. I am proud of the team and our partners for rising up to the challenge, presenting runners with a unique and innovative world-class experience. We look forward to having people around the world participate in the race virtually and safely, and to end the year with an uplifting event.”

Mr Keith Tan, Chief Executive, Singapore Tourism Board said, “Marathons are all about overcoming obstacles and pushing your limits. We are heartened that The IRONMAN Group have shown that same spirit for this year’s event, by adapting and boldly reimagining the race during this challenging period. We encourage all event organisers to do the same, to continue exploring new formats and redefining how events could look like in the new COVID environment. In the meantime, we’re excited that runners from all
over the world can experience the sights and sounds of our beautiful city virtually this year. We hope this will inspire them to visit us in person, in time to come.”

“While many Singaporeans were eager to see the SCSM return in its full glory, we know that for this year this was not to be. Undaunted, the organisers have creatively put together a celebration of the SCSM through an immersive and engaging journey and experience. This speaks to the spirit of Singapore and of all runners who want to come together in one voice to celebrate our way of life and in overcoming the limitations of these COVID-19 times. I wish all runners an enjoyable, meaningful and memorable SCSM
2020,” added Mr Lim Teck Yin, Chief Executive Officer of Sport Singapore.

Gear up for the Race with the SCSM Virtual Club

To help runners stay active, train and gear up for the race, runners and the community have been able to participate in weekly challenges and races on the SCSM VC platform. Since its launch in August, the SCSM VC has received over 80,000 participation across the weekly virtual races and challenges.

Races under the Virtual Racing Series have been categorised according to four themes that celebrate running routes that are unique to Singapore. The four themes also mirror STB’s passion tribes, which include the Action Seekers, Culture Shapers, Explorers and Foodies. These routes give runners the opportunity to explore and rediscover different sides of Singapore and its hidden gems.

“2020 has been challenging for all sporting events globally but we are delighted that the Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon is still able to engage runners from all over the world through a hybrid model. Team SCSM has responded in solidarity with our running community to create extraordinary virtual experiences that we will remember for years to come,” said Patrick Lee, CEO of Standard Chartered Bank (Singapore) Limited.

For more information on the SCSM 2020 and the SCSM Virtual Club, please visit

All About the Sports Science Degree

Are you interested in both sports and want to learn what our bodies do during physical activity? Well, then it’s obvious. You must enroll in a sports science degree! In this article, we’ll examine what one needs to get on this course, and what options await you after graduation.

Sports… Science?

Firstly, let’s discuss what exactly this subject is. If you’re hearing this term for the first time, then you’d be correct for thinking that this specialization studies everything related to human physiology and its response to exercise. To be precise, these academic sectors are a mixture of subjects that concentrate on scrutinizing physical performance.

The essential academic subjects that go into Sports Science are related to the human psyche and inner working of our bodies. Additionally, students get to study entrepreneurship to be later capable of working with sportsmen and -women as advisors and even trainers.

Human physiology is being more and more intensely investigated, which progresses and evolves the way that people exercise. As of recently, this field is seeing a big increase in popularity due to sports science graduates becoming more in demand as both personal and sports team advisors.

Here’s What to Expect From This Course

Most commonly, such a degree lasts only about 3 to 4 years, ending on an undergraduate level. However, some higher education institutions are also beginning to provide a graduate-level degree in this field. The Master’s diplomas, of course, focus on academic research and will take up 2 more years of your time to get.

“Can someone do my homework?” – it is a question you’ll be asking relatively often because this degree isn’t one the easiest. The adjacent subjects that you’ll have go through are very hard on their own – neurophysiology, biokinetics, biomechanics, etc. So, don’t let the word “sports” in the title mislead you.

Most subjects in this degree are balanced, as they have almost equal amounts of theory and practice. You’ll be doing as much research and lab work as much as you’ll be reading up on learning materials. At the end of your degree, you must write a final term paper to back up your research during college.  If you have problems with writing an essay, then professional writers will be happy to help you with this, for this you can turn to such a service as www.privatewriting.com/buy-research-paper-online .

How to Prepare for Sports Science?

The degree usually has a pre-requisite science subject. That means that in school, you must successfully finish one science subject if you want to get on this higher education course. The subject you want to choose in school is obviously biology – it’ll give you a good base on which you can continue your studies.

Of course, several other supplementary subjects will give you an advantage in college. These include chemistry and physics, as they make your foundational holistic and more comprehensive. Additionally, putting some effort into PE and learning practical aspects of it will give you a good real-life reference as to how sports science research translates into actual exercise.  

Possibilities for Sports Science Graduates

The health and sports sectors are continuously expanding, and the scientific field in question is swiftly turning into a hot degree! Why so? Because this specialization is highly versatile and can be utilized in many ways. Everything from managing athletic teams to being a personal sports advisor, to curating health events, to treating athletes psychologically, and so much more.

One of the more popular professions to acquire for sports science graduates is a sports psychologist. Of course, this job requires additional certification in psychology, but it’s an engaging and high-paying career. Another popular choice for further specialization is physiotherapy. Someone with sports science and medicinal knowledge has all the required competencies to treat recovering patients.

Our world is continuously becoming more health-oriented, which is most likely the major reason behind the growing interest in sports science. Those who choose this field will surely profit from society’s current fascination with healthy lifestyles, diets, and exercises.

Did Anyone Become Well-Known After Getting the Degree?

There are several famous people with this degree. First of all, the internationally renowned brother boxers Vitali and Wladimir Klitschko both have a Ph.D. in the field of sports science. Furthermore, a member of the British royal family and a Williams Formula 1 team member, Peter Phillips, also was studied this subject as a major.

Lastly, a world-famous scientist from South Africa, Tim Noakes, finished this degree too. In fact, he’s a big name in the healthy lifestyle community, as he has written numerous books on improving your diet and exercising.

Trust Your Gut

If you feel like this is what you’ll enjoy, then don’t get bogged down by researching every single aspect of this field. Trust your intuition and enrol in a course. You’ll always be happier doing what you like than what you feel that you need.

Author Bio: Jennifer Walter is a psychology professor, an independent researcher, writer, and contributor. He is the guru to hundreds of students, the author of hundreds of analysis studies, and the voice behind most liked articles on content creation and strategy at privatewriting.com .