Just Run Lah! - Singapore's online running community | JustRunLah! - Part 26

When Should You Get Back into Running Following a Car Accident Injury?

You’re running, perhaps trying to lose weight or preparing for a race. Maybe you do it for personal enjoyment. Whatever the case, you’re hitting your goals and staying disciplined until one day out of nowhere you suffer a life-altering injury from a car accident.

Depending on your personality, you may be quick to want to get back into any physical activity you were doing, but many car injury doctors would heavily advise against this. The reason being you may hurt yourself more and stifle your ability to get back into running. Being aware of this, there are a couple of things that will guide you in knowing when the right time to get back to physical activity is after a car wreck.

See A Specialist

The first thing you’ll want to do after getting into a car accident or suffering a significant injury is to get checked by a doctor. Depending on the extent of your injuries, your doctor will explain what you need to do to correct the injury and heal properly. Often times doctors will recommend physical therapy, chiropractic care, or orthopedic care. If you have extensive injuries you may need multiple experts to take a look at you, this can begin to get expensive especially if your insurance provider is reluctant to cough up. It’s for cases like this that contacting a Lakeland car accident lawyer (or another elsewhere more relevant) is key, an experienced lawyer can handle the legal jargon with your insurance provider and other parties involved in the accident in order to see you fairly compensated. Getting the right compensation paid out can be life changing in opening up your options when it comes to affording your recovery, so it’s definitely something you should consider if you want top quality care to recover after your accident.

If you need to find a good chiropractor, search for a chiropractic clinic like this one in Marietta, Georgia. Once you undergo a treatment plan and start to see improvement, your chiropractor or physician will clear you for certain activities. Running and exercising will be on that list. Trust their professional opinion.

Make Sure There is No Pain or Discomfort

While you can wait for a specialist to clear you, ultimately you’ll also need to listen to your body. If you are cleared but begin experiencing pain doing something that used to not bother you, this may be a sign of tenderness or swelling. Your body is still trying to recover. Don’t fight these feelings or sensations by brushing off the pain. Instead, listen and feel what your body is trying to tell you and respond to that.

The key to restarting your fitness journey is to take it slow. There’s no need to rush the process or start challenging yourself off the bat. If you choose to begin working out again, do ‘easier’ exercises to ease back into it. Your body will thank you!

How Long on Average Should A Person Expect to Be Out?

Again, this question will change on a case by case basis. Some people only suffer neck injuries and need whiplash treatment while others can experience disc herniations, fractures, concussions, and much worse.

However, you’re reading this to know an approximation of when most people return back to life as usual. Most people are back into the swing of things with no symptoms anywhere from 2 weeks to 3 months. Some cases are fewer; for example a whiplash injury may only take a couple days to feel normal again. A more severe injury could require 3-6 months of physical therapy and rehabilitation.

Always make sure you feel no pain, have been cleared by a doctor, and take it easy when getting back into running. The last thing you would want is to hurt yourself further and cause an injury down the road that has trouble recovering properly. 

Author Bio: Isaiah Ram is a writer, digital marketer, and musician from Atlanta, Georgia. He works with orthopaedic clinics and is an advocate of all things health and fitness related. In his free time, he works with Beyond in exporting raw cashews from West Africa. His dream is to help develop third world countries and create sustainable living.

Which Supplements Can Benefit Runners?

If you are a runner, there’s nothing more disheartening than a slowing pace or being too sore to operate the following day after a long run. If you have noticed a change in your running habits, the root cause could be a deficiency. As running takes up a lot of your energy, some supplements can help you smash your personal bests and reach new heights.

Whether you’re going for a simple run around the track or training for a marathon, here are some of the best supplements that can enhance your running performance.


If you’re a moderate or endurance runner, protein supplements are integral to your athletic and general wellbeing. Even if you follow a strict diet and eat the right foods, if you want to hit the trail hard, protein is vital for your muscles to repair the micro-tears that stem from rigorous exercise. If you aren’t getting plenty of protein, you will be at an increased risk of injury and experience more sore days after a hearty run. Hair loss can even occur too, which is why you should incorporate protein shakes into your diet that will ensure your body is getting everything it needs. If you don’t want to use protein shakes, there are many products that include protein. For example, Gold Bee honey is full of protein. 


It’s estimated that over 70% of the U.S population is magnesium deficient. And for those who enjoy running, that statistic is likely far higher. Magnesium is needed for your muscles to operate properly and repair. So, if you’re exercising strenuously without plenty of magnesium in your body, your workout may not be as effective and could do more harm than good. For your body to be able to absorb essential minerals and vitamins like calcium, magnesium is a necessity.

Vitamin B12

If you’re lacking in vitamin B, you may experience a range of neurological issues that can affect your running performance. Vitamin B12 is classified as ‘stress’ vitamin. This is because it works in your body by helping it to healthily respond to stress. If you don’t have a sufficient amount of vitamin B in your body, you may also experience fatigue which can harm your energy levels and make it more difficult to get the most out of your run. It’s estimated that roughly 20% of America’s population is deficient in B12, but for vegans especially, this number could rise to 92%. There is a unique multivitamin that vegans can take to ensure they’re getting enough vitamin B12.


Iron is a crucial element for oxygen-carrying red blood cells. If you’re an older runner, you will be at an increased risk of having iron deficiency because of the demands involved in training. Endurance athletes are at an increased risk of having low iron levels too. This is because their main focus is on carb-loading, rather than high-quality protein. If you are experiencing constant fatigue, supplementing your diet with iron is key. If you aren’t sure whether to use iron supplements, it’s best to make an appointment with your doctor first.


Your immune system and gut health can benefit immensely from probiotics. To limit the number of days you’re off the running track because you don’t feel well or are experiencing stomach issues, taking probiotics is a must. Probiotics are full of good bacteria that your gastrointestinal system requires to alleviate symptoms associated with indigestion. Even if you’re following a balanced diet, your gastrointestinal system may not be able to absorb all the foods you eat, which is why taking probiotics can help maintain a balanced system.

No matter what level you’re at, all runners can benefit from supplements that can create the mental focus, stamina, and energy needed to get the most out of your run. Supplementation is critical for maintaining your potential and protecting your body.

How can Running Boost Your Mental Health?

Participation in road running races in Asia has increased by 169%, reports SCMP, with some training for marathons, half-marathons, or Ironman style events. Others are signing up merely to enjoy a great day out, boost their fitness, or even shed a few unwanted pounds. Running is a great way to boost your cardiovascular fitness but it is also a powerful mental health booster. If you are curious to know why you often feel ‘on top of the world’ after a good run, read to discover the scientific reasons why.

Running Improves Mental Fitness

A study by researchers at the University of California-Davis Health System has found that when you take part in vigorous exercise like running, levels of two important neurotransmitters (glutamate and CABA – which carry out chemical messaging functions in the brain) rise. As explained by lead author, Richard Maddoc, “Major depressive disorder is often characterized by depleted glutamate and GABA, which return to normal when mental health is restored.” Scientists still don’t know why athletes ‘hit a wall’ or suddenly feel too tired to go on during a workout, but they think that it is a blend of the muscles being depleted of oxygen, and the brain having reached its limit.

Stress in Asia

Emerging data shows that many Asians are battling stress, with employees working significantly longer hours than their counterparts in the UK and Australia. Chronic stress can lead to a host of physical and mental conditions – including obesity, Type 2 diabetes, and anxiety. It can also cause bruxism (grinding of the teeth and clenching of the jaw) at nighttime. Those who have bruxism can wake up with painful, tight muscles. Exercises can soothe jaw pain but stress should also be tackled at a deeper level, through sports such as running and mindfulness-based practices such as meditation, nature walks, yoga, and Tai Chi.

Running vs Stress and Anxiety

Running can help the brain buffer the effects of chronic stress. In particular, scientists at Brigham Young University showed that running can help eliminate the negative effects that stress can have on memory. Prolonged stress weakens the connections between neurons over the time and this process, when prolonged, can affect the memory. The study showed that when stress and running co-existed, the strength of these key brain connections is maintained. As pointed out by lead author, Jeff Edwards, “The ideal situation for improving learning and memory would be to experience no stress and to exercise… we can’t always control stress in our lives, but we can control how much we exercise.”

Running can Help You Stave off Depression

In a recent University College of London study on the link between sedentary lifestyle and depression, findings showed that engaging in moderate-to-intense physical activity – such as going for a run or a cycling ride – resulted in poorer depressive symptoms in adolescents. These symptoms (including mood issues and poor concentration) were significantly higher in teens who did not exercise. Every additional hour of physical activity per day lowered depression scores by between 7.8% to 11.1%, depending on children’s age. The older the teen, the more exercises like running were likely to lift their mood.

If you love the way running makes you feel, chances are you already know of its many mental health benefits. Running lifts your mood, helps lower the negative effects on stress, and brings you into the Great Outdoors, known itself for soothing stress. Try to run regularly to maintain all the documented benefits of this sport, and if you feel like a change, cycling will also improve your mental fitness and help you prevent anxiety and depression.

How to Effectively Lose the Extra Fat in Your Body

Most people want a fast and easy way to get rid of all of their excess weight – unfortunately, there really is no quick and easy way to lose all of your extra weight in the short term. For you to be successful with your efforts, you can start by learning more about weight loss vs fat loss, and then gradually adapt to a healthier lifestyle for good.

If you’re looking for a quick and effective way to lose the extra fat in your body, then this article will show you how to do just that. Here’s how you can effectively lose the extra fat in your body:

1. Eat the Right Foods

Another technique that you can use to help you get rid of the extra bodyweight that you have is to eat the right foods. The foods that you eat play an extremely important role in helping to burn fat in your body. There are many foods that can help to help you burn off that extra fat that you have accumulated over time.

For starters, you have to stop eating junk food. There is absolutely no reason to eat anything that’s been pre-packaged or has chemicals in them. This includes chocolate, potato chips, soda pop, and even fast food. It’s best to go with natural foods that are high in fibre and protein.

Instead, eat as much fresh fruits and vegetables as you can. This helps you have an ample amount of good nutrients that will make you feel good and help you burn off the excess fat in your body. When you eat more raw foods, you’ll be able to give your body a lot more nutrients that it needs to remain healthy and active.

2. Consume Less Calories

One of the first things that you need to know about losing the extra fat in your body is to make sure that you cut down on the amount of calories that you’re eating. If you can cut the calories down in a healthy way, then you’ll end up losing weight.

Foods that contain unhealthy calories are alcohol, cake, dairy ice cream, pizza, and potato chips. If you’re truly serious about losing the extra fat from your body, you should remove these foods from your diet and stick to healthier foods instead.

Ticking off the mentioned food items from your grocery list can be challenging, but you’ll be surprised on the variety of healthier options available to you. Instead of consuming pizza and dairy ice cream as your afternoon snacks, opt to make smoothies from frozen fruits or prepare some vegetable sticks.

3. Eat More Fibre

Fibre is one of the most important nutrients that your body should have if you want to lose extra fat. Fiber works by keeping your gut bacteria healthy and reducing your appetite. Having a sufficient amount of fibre in the body can make you feel full for longer periods, and prevent cravings during the day.

For you to experience the benefits of fibre to your weight loss journey by increasing your fibre intake, eat more avocados, apples, banana, green peas, and carrots. Several nuts such as almond nuts, pecans, and walnuts are also great sources of fibre, so make sure to add these to your grocery list. You can also make recipes using oats, whole grain pasta, and quinoa to boost your daily fibre intake.

4. Drink More Water

One very effective way to lose the weight that you are carrying around is to drink plenty of water. Water helps you to sweat more that can help you get rid of that extra body fat

Drinking water will also keep your digestive system in perfect condition which will result in a more regular and healthier bowel movement. Water also flushes toxins out of your body that can cause you to feel sluggish and regulates your body temperature, thus helping you burn fat more efficiently.

5. Exercise Often

You should also try to exercise on a regular basis as this can help you lose weight much faster. When you’re doing your exercises, you should be working out the different muscle groups in your body in order to increase the blood flow to your muscles, which will help to burn that extra body fat. You can start following workout routines for your upper body Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and then work on your lower body during the other days of the week.

If you haven’t exercised before, then you may want to start by walking every other day and slowly increasing your frequency to five days a week. You don’t want to push yourself too hard but you need to start slow, and gradually progress the intensity and frequency of your exercise.

Aside from walking, you can also try out running, swimming, and doing cardio exercises. All of these routines can help speed up your metabolism and help your body burn more calories in lesser time.

6. Get Enough Sleep

Eating right and staying active isn’t enough for you to lose the extra fat in your body and keep the pounds off – your sleeping habits can also affect your success. Sleep deprivation can increase your cravings, and prevent you from making healthier lifestyle choices. Over time, these can become reasons why you’ll gain fat instead of losing it.

If you don’t want this to happen, prioritize getting at least eight hours of sleep every night. A healthy sleeping habit can effectively repair damaged tissues and muscles from physical activities, making it very easy for you to recover from your workouts. Sleeping for at least eight hours every night can also improve your focus so you can make sound decisions concerning your diet and exercise.

Your Effort Counts

Losing weight is a goal that a lot of people have. Whether it’s to lose weight for health reasons, or just to look good in the mirror, losing weight is always a good thing to strive for. It doesn’t matter what your reason is – you can lose weight as long as you are willing to put in the effort.

Starting from Zero (Singapore’s Mile Zero)

1. a stone setup beside a road to mark the distance in miles to a particular place
2. a significant stage or event in the development of something

For sure, Singapore has achieved a lot of milestones faster/earlier in its relative young age compared to its neighbours in Southeast Asia, that is in the alternate meaning of the word. But in the context of its original meaning, where the heck did all the milestones go in Singapore?

Went for a volcano mountain trail run here, 623 km south of Manila

Milestones or kilometer markers are a nice visual reference of how far you are somewhere. In the age of social media, you’d definitely have a selfie with this inanimate object (plus a cute dog) than share a screenshot of where you are in Google Maps.

On road trips and provincial bus rides, it’s one of things I look for to pass the time while the landscape scroll by the window like a 2D video game. It gives me a reference point as to where I am relative to the next town and how long more do I need to hold my bladder until the next rest stop. Also with some mental math, measuring the time between markers will tell me the cruising speed of the vehicle. Got a pricey fancy watch with too many numbers on the bezel and don’t know what it’s for? That’s how you use the tachymeter. So if the time between km post is lower than 32 secs, hold on to dear life as your bus hurtling down Malaysia’ expressway have gone over the speed limit already.

Kilometer 0 Post, Rizal Park, Manila, Philippines
Kilometer Zero post at Rizal Park, Manila, Philippines (image from Google Maps Street View)

I must have started noticing this absence of markers from long cab/bus rides here in Singapore. Then the more I go around on foot with my weekend one-way long runs and the further I go on my road bikes rides to the ends of Singapore – Tuas, Lim Chu Kang, Changi, the more sure I am that I’m just not being inattentive, that they’re not hidden or not easy to spot, there are none at all. Or at least nowadays? Maybe in this day and age, given how small Singapore is and made even smaller figuratively with great infrastructure and public transport, its not that hard to find your bearings.

It made me wonder though. If there were such markers here before, then where would it all start from? I initially searched for ‘kilometer zero’ as that’s how a similar post is called in Rizal Park in The Philippines and it didn’t lead to anything. Eventually I found that in Singapore the imperial measure is used so its called Mile Zero, and it is at the former General Post Office (GPO) now Fullerton Hotel. The road mileages going outwards are documented in this map from 1936 kept by the National Archives.

Singapore Mileage On Roads (1936) from the National Archives

Thought it would be good to use the zero point plaque as a starting point for a long run inspired by that historical map. But run to where, when there are no more physical markers outside of the GPO? There’s at least one landmark that’s named after a milestone – Ten Mile Junction LRT station which is now closed and the mall now renamed Junction 10.

So off I went like a mailman with a promise to deliver parcels through inclement weather, following the shape of the original route which I believe should go though – Anderson Bridge, Padang, Stamford Rd, Victoria St, Middle Rd, Selegie Rd, Bukit Timah, and Upper Bukit Timah. On Plotaroute website its 10.6 miles to that junction in Bukit Panjang going to Choa Chu Kang and it looks on point per the old map.

Video of a mailman’s promise to deliver even through bad weather

At the end of my run, the building/terminal seems named wrongly, it should be called Eleven Mile Junction or Junction 11 ?. Joking of course. You know runners, always whining their expensive GPS watches not being super accurate, griping how distance markers of race events are not on point, etc. Sweating buckets and getting your feet sore from a long run is never fulfilling enough, there’s always something to complain about ?.

PS. Just remembered. The rail corridor do have distance markers. The yellow flag-like signs were carried over from the old railway setup though are renumbered now. Videos of KTM trains running on tracks here have those signs showing numbers in the 700 range, with the zero point likely at the northern tip of Malaysia.

Rail Corridor 10km marker at Bukit Timah, trail going up the wilder side.

5 Reasons Why Running is the Ideal Sport for You

Some people get into running at a young age. They find they’re good at it, and they enjoy it. Maybe they love racing the other neighborhood kids and beating them every time.

Running is something you can continue to do your entire life. However, you can also pick it up at any time, provided you’re in at least decent shape.

Let’s look at the more prominent reasons you should either continue running as an adult or get into it in 2020.

1. There’s Not Much Injury Risk

Some parents encourage their kids to try running in school because it’s a sport where injuries don’t happen often. There’s not much chance that a kid must deal with a concussion or a brain stem injury if all they’re doing is running around a track. A kid who takes up running:

  • Is likely to stay in school
  • Won’t be a childhood obesity victim  

As an adult, there’s only a minimal injury risk. If you get into an amateur sports league, you can easily hurt yourself, especially if it’s something like football.

When you run, the only ways you might injure yourself is if you overexert yourself by pushing too hard before you’re ready. You can pull a muscle, but that’s nowhere as severe as a concussion or CTE that can come from other sports.

2. You Can Compete if You Like

When you run as an adult, you can also get competitive, but only if you want to. You can always enter a marathon or half marathon. These are great because:

  • They’re a way to dominate the competition
  • You can run to promote cancer awareness or some other cause

Some runners are competitive, just as much as with other sports. However, it’s up to you whether you wish to go in that direction. If you would prefer to just run around your neighbourhood for exercise, that’s fine too.

3. If You Run, You’ll Live Longer

Many studies also indicate that if you run regularly, you’ll extend your life. No one knows how long they are going to live. It’s always possible that you might die in an accident at any moment.

However, if you live healthily, you have a better chance of having a long and happy life, and that’s what most people want. Running gets the blood flowing and your heart rate up. If you live a sedentary lifestyle, you risk contracting heart disease, becoming overweight or obese, and all kinds of other things.

Running will probably extend your life, and that’s something you want, not just for yourself but also for those you love. You want to be there for many years for your spouse or partner, or your kids if you have children. In that sense, running is a selfless choice.

4. You Can Do It with People About Whom You Care

You can also make running a group activity. Maybe your partner or spouse also runs, and you can go out together sometimes. It’s a great way to start the morning or finish the day.

You can run along with the whole family if your kids also enjoy it. If they see you doing it, they may want to emulate you.

You can go running with your friends, or even your coworkers. It’s a social activity that brings people together and lets them all motivate each other.

5. It’s Free

One other big running plus is that it costs you nothing unless you have to pay a nominal entry fee when you enter a marathon or something along those lines. Generally, running is free, which means you don’t have to pay a gym membership or get expensive equipment like a Peloton or Mirror.

At a time when Covid-19 is still everywhere, avoiding the gym is a great idea. You can stay away from people while you exercise, and you don’t have to touch your savings.

It’s true that winter is not far away, and if you live in an area with heavy snow, you probably can’t run once it comes. You can always run at an indoor track somewhere like the YMCA. When spring arrives, you can take to the streets again.

Running is one of the biggest favours you can do for yourself. It makes you feel and look great. You also get an amazing endorphin rush that’s hard to duplicate.

If you’re doing it already, you have every reason to keep it up, and if you’re thinking about trying it, there’s no better time.  

Keeping Up the Pace at Home

The World Health Organization has recommended at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity or at least 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity or a combination of both throughout the week. That’s at least 30 minutes of movement, five times per week., but many of us seem to find it challenging to maintain our daily routines as we learn to adjust with the new normal.

It can be challenging to stay motivated to keep up with exercise when we have to deal with the stress of working from home and having limited access to gyms if they are even open.

An inactive lifestyle can have detrimental effects on our health, wellness, and quality of life; however, maintaining an exercise routine at home can seem more like a ‘should’ than a ‘want to’ right now.

With so many people trying to adjust to their new normal, staying active can seem like much less of a priority. However, even a small amount of activity can make a difference to your overall physical and mental health. In a time when gyms are closed due to stay-at-home government guidelines, running is one of the most convenient exercises to do on your own.

Here are some tips on how to keep up the pace at home.

Remind Yourself of Why You Run

There are ups and downs to trying to keep the pace. Instead, acknowledge the difficulty and remember why you picked up the pace in the first place. Maybe you have a favorite mantra that you like to remind yourself of. If you stumble over that mental roadblock, remember the goal you set up for yourself – running faster over a certain distance, the total distance you’ve run, or even pushing your longest distance yet. The point is to have some kind of personal goal to measure each run against, giving you more reason to head out there with a purpose.

When your running feels like “should” than “want”,  this can weaken your motivation. Words can be very empowering and transforming your choice into “desire” can be the motivation you need to hear.  Inspire yourself to run and commit to your goal.

Invest in Equipment

The gym isn’t the only place to get that fat-burning heart-pumping cardio workout. You can do so at the comfort and convenience of your own home. If you have space available at home, a treadmill is a great investment to keep you motivated to run. When you’ve got your equipment at home with you, not being able to go to the gym won’t be an excuse anymore.

By having a treadmill at home, you don’t have to take countless turns around the hallway of your home and risk slipping or bumping into something. Just make sure you get a quiet one. You don’t want to disturb the neighbours, especially if you live in an apartment. Treadmills are naturally noisy machines but nowadays, quiet treadmills are available for you to enjoy the advantages of a healthier lifestyle at a sound operation.

Dress The Part

Even if you’re stuck at home and could run in your pajamas, there’s no reason why you can’t stick to your routine of dressing up the part for your workout. Putting on your running gear can set the tone for the day and make you feel more at ease to wear something you normally wear on your runs. According to Professor Carolyn Mair, author of “The Psychology of Fashion”, “Keeping a routine helps us maintain a sense of control and degree of normality in times when we are feeling a lack of control which leads to stress and even anxiety.”

What you wear can help you remain focused and increase your productivity. This is also a great opportunity to dress up for yourself and gain more confidence and positivity as you go about your activities. To continue what Mair has said, “what matters more than the actual garments we wear is that they help us feel good.” Not only will you look good, but you’ll also feel great afterwards.

Don’t Be Afraid to Try Something New

Variety is the spice of life. You may be comfortable with your current workout regimen but don’t be afraid to shake things up with your running. You might find that the more you keep things fresh, the more enjoyable the activity becomes.

If you become complacent in your routine, it can easily become mundane. Progress can turn stagnant which can lead you to become unmotivated and less focused in the end.

When you’re feeling stumped in your goal, when the going gets tough, don’t be afraid to take a break, rechannel your energy and try something new. By varying your motivation and trying out different things, you may be able to discover many things about yourself and improve aspects of your running that you haven’t given priority before. This renewed focus and interest in your activity increases awareness and more motivation.

Give Yourself Something to Look Forward to

It’s normal to feel frustrated when you can’t do your usual routine. Everybody is feeling this right now and you’re not alone. Don’t beat yourself up over it but enjoy experimenting with new workouts at home until you find something that sticks with you. If you feel your motivation starts to wane, remember how good it felt to sweat out all of your stress and worries away with a good workout and regularly review your goals and progress. Seeing your progress can boost your self-esteem.

It may also help keep your motivation elevated if you reward yourself to celebrate your success, big or small. It doesn’t have to be a grand reward. Rewarding yourself for meeting milestones can be as simple as ordering online something you’ve had your eye on for a while, having a pamper day at home, or indulging in a cheat day.

Incentives have a positive effect on keeping up the pace at home because you know you’ll be getting something that is of value to you.

Just Do It

Maybe Nike was on to something when they popularized “Just do it”. Action often comes before motivation. There are days when motivation is hard to come by and it may span for some time. The idea here is that just like a relationship, motivation needs to be nurtured to sustain itself.

You may not feel very motivated to keep running at the moment. Thinking of your running and the activities associated with it might overwhelm you and you find yourself not taking action. It’s normal. Some people don’t always look forward to their workout but somehow, find ways on how to work around demotivation.

How? You may ask? The answer is simple. Just start. Try choosing one simple task that you can do to chip off that wall of goals you want to achieve. When you find your flow, you end up having more progress than when you’ve originally started from. There is no need to pressure yourself into performing big leaps of effort. It’s the discipline of doing something little by little with determination and grit that makes the difference.

Wrapping Up

Reiterating the WHO’s recommendations on exercise, you’ll end up thanking yourself in the long run. Keeping up the pace at home requires determination, discipline, and motivation. When you practice consistency, you’ll find that the goal that intimidated you from the start is a goal you have already conquered.

Hampstead Wetlands Park


Sound very alien but its a park on our tiny country ? How great it is that every few months we have a new park appearing on our Google Map ? Though you can’t find it on the Google Map unless you really zoom in to the max ?

(Boardwalk @ Seletar Airport)

(Boardwalk @ Seletar Airport)

Just a few km away from home in Yishun, so I decided to explore it since I was on leave and Eleanor had just spoken about it. Though I just explored the Hyde Park Gate Garden just about a week ago to go to the Boardwalk @ Seletar Airport to take some super chio photos and admire the sunset scenery with aeroplanes in the backdrop, it’s just like a stone throw away from this Hampstead Wetlands Park and I didn’t know about it.
(Boardwalk @ Seletar Airport)

So, Hampstead Wetlands Park is just about 7km run from home in Yishun, reachable from opposite Khatib MRT Station (bus 117) in just perhaps a 15 minutes bus ride ❤️

The park is very small, within 10 minutes top, able to complete the entire loop of it.

It’s a weekday early morning, with only me and an explorer who’s here as well to explore the park. Its not totally quiet because many workers are heading towards work at the nearby aerospace park.

This brother here is literally doing what I want to do and will totally enjoy doing in my golden years (Realised now I’m getting more cautious about calling people uncle or auntie. I used to think that 30 is old when I was 15! I don’t want to be called as auntie even when I’m 60 ?) But still, number 1 choice would be to travel and explore the world in a caravan ?

It’s a very small park, perhaps the entire loop around it is maybe just like the 400m stadium track’s distance.

There’s lifebuoys around, but hope the human beings species is sane enough to know that the area is not meant for swimming ?

It’s a very beautiful “pond” with white lotus flowers blooming in the morning. When I just reached from afar, I thought those were cranes ?

There are nearby cafes and eateries. Also, as above mentioned, beautiful sunset view of Seletar airport so I would recommend to explore the place in the evening and then enjoy a dinner there ❤️

Which Is better… Running Vs. Working Out?

If there’s something we can call as the topic of hot debate, then it would be the real winner between running vs. working out!

Some say that running is the best, while others believe nothing is better than working out in the gym. No matter if you want to shed those extra pounds or you just want to stay fit, exercising is indispensable.

But what should you choose, running or working out? Well, here is a sure-shot answer to this question. Read on to find out whether you should run or spend time in the gym.

The freedom to exercise

If you want the ultimate freedom to exercise wherever you want, then you will see running as a better option. There is no need to hit the gym, and you can start running in the nearest park or trail. Furthermore, you can decide the hours as per your schedule so that things will seem more sorted and comfortable.

You can run outside your home or on the treadmill if you don’t feel like going out. On the other hand, working out requires you to hit the gym, which means dedicated hours.

You will miss the flexibility in your schedule, but the promising results of working out can fill this gap. There are some 24-hours gyms as well that you can take a subscription to enjoy some flexibility and ease of planning the schedule.

Cuts the commuting time

How far is the gym from your home? If it is miles away, then you will surely admit that commuting to the facility is challenging some times, especially when you are already missing your schedule. In the case of running, you don’t need to commute anywhere.

Just head out of your apartment, and you are good to go. When it comes to working out, you need the equipment, and that’s only available inside the gym.

Saves you money

Aside from investing in a quality pair of running shoes, running doesn’t cost you anything. You don’t need any subscription, no gym bag, no sippers, and nothing. An average gym membership can cost somewhere around $60 a month, and that can be around $720 a year.

Running will save you money while you can attain your fitness goals, like losing weight and getting lean. But does that mean that subscribing to the gym membership is worthless? Well, no!

When you take a gym subscription, you get access to the equipment, and trainers are there to help you out.

Depending on what your pocket allows, you can choose from running and working out.

No hassles of rain and shine

So, the sun is scorching, or is it raining outside? Well, these situations may push you to take a step back if you are a runner. Running in hot weather can be something most of you may want to avoid. Also, the same goes for when it is raining, so there are chances that you can miss your schedule.

But this is not the case with working out. You can head to the gym even if it is raining or the sun isn’t in a mood to let you come out of the house.

In short, when you work out, you get no excuse to miss it as the gym is there to welcome you no matter what the weather is.

Hits your entire body

Running strengthens your legs, back, arms, and core. And undoubtedly, you will feel some significant changes in your body after running for quite some time. But when you work out in the gym, it will hit every part of your body.

When in the gym, you get access to various tools and equipment so that you can exercise every part of your body from legs to arms and chest.

Improves your social circle

Whether you go to a gym for working out or run outside your house, you get a chance to expand your social circle. You get a win-win, no matter what you choose, and you can meet new people and learn about their experiences and how the exercise has helped them.

You don’t get bored

Going to the same place every day and meeting the same people can be boring, right? Well, that is the case when you work out in the gym. Running lets you explore new areas, and you can go to different locations with your buddies.

A shower is just minutes away

You cannot agree more about how much you miss the shower when the sweat is dripping from your body! While running, you don’t have access to the shower, and all you can do is come back home and hop in your bathroom.

But when you work out in the gym, you can take a shower before leaving. Gyms have separate bathing areas, and some even have spas and saunas, so you will get a place to relax after getting exhausted.

Which is better?

Running and working out both have respective pros and cons, and you have come across them in this article. The benefits you get with running can’t be achieved with working out, and vice versa. So, the best deal is getting the right balance of running and working out so you can enjoy unlimited benefits while staying fit.

Plan your schedule accordingly so that you can achieve your weight loss goals in the gym while refreshing your mind by running out in the wild, breathing in the fresh air.

Supplements to Aid You in Running and Working Out

So, you don’t feel like running or working out, and you miss being active? If you nodded your head with a yes, you need some natural endurance supplements that aid you in running and working out.

There are some performance boosters available that will surely make you feel more energetic, and you can spend more time in the gym or on the track. You can take advantage of Supplementadvisor free assessment in order to get a complete personalized list of available products, appropriate to your specific needs.

You can go for a supplement such as Detox Organics or SuperGreen Tonik, as they can act as a natural performance booster for runners. To enhance your stamina during the workout and to ramp-up the recovery rate, consider going with Green Superfood Powder.

What is Kickboxing?

History of Kickboxing

Kickboxing, although it came from Asia, is not as old as some of the other forms of martial arts that it is based around.

KickBoxing was first introduced in the late 1950s by a man named Osamu Noguchi. He adapted from other forms of martial arts, one of them being Thailand’s martial art, these days known as Muay Thai. Along with other forms of fighting techniques such as boxing Muay Thai is a type of fighting technique that dates back to the 1700s. However, it had different and more generic names.

No one really knows where martial art, karate, came from. We do know that it was used in the Okaiwaian islands.

Karate in the Japanese language means the empty hand. It was used as a form of self-defence.

Difference between Kickboxing and Karate

Although both kickboxing and karate are both forms of sports that originated in Asia, they both are unique.

Kickboxing is not considered a martial art, just a sport. Karate, on the other hand, is considered as both.

Karate has a connection to a spiritual side of art forms, such as mediation, and has been around for hundreds of years. Kickboxing has only been around for the last 60 years or so. Kickboxes use gloves while karate does not. Kickboxing is considered more of a sport which takes other martial art forms and incorporates it into kickboxing.

How Many Different Styles of Kickboxing are there?

Although kickboxing sounds like one style of fighting technique, there are about 13 different styles of kickboxing. Most of which are related to different countries around SouthEast Asia. Such as India, Cambodia, Burma, China and Thailand. Which soon became popular in the western world during the 1970s

The film industry helped boost the popularity of both kickboxing and karate. Karate was probably made more popular from not only Bruce Lee taking films to Hollywood, but also one of the most popular 80;s films, the karate kid.

Soon after that, the not quite so famous Kickboxer film was released. Both of these films had a big impact within the martial arts industry, with many teenagers signing up to karate and kickboxing classes. Both films have since been remade, and once again both sports saw a rise in interest.

The main differences between styles is, what part of the body you can use to strike an opponent. Different styles mean different types of clothing are allowed to be worn, for example, in Savate (French kickboxing) it is possible to wear shoes into the ring, which inevitably will cause more serious strikes.

In the western world, cardio kickboxing is becoming more popular and is aimed for fitness and around kickboxing. It is basically a way of staying fit and practising kickboxing without having to fight anyone.

Different Types of Fighting

There are three different main types of fighting; the most brutal of them would be knock out fighting.

Knock out fighting has up to 8 rounds or more and each round last 2-3 minutes. If both fighters are still standing after the rounds are up, then the winner is determined on a points-scoring basis. Knock out fighting would be for a more experienced fighter.

An amateur fighter would probably have points tested fight. This means that whenever a connecting punch/strike is gained, the fight is stopped and the attacker wins a point. The first fighter to get a certain amount of points in a certain time frame will win the fight.

This type of fight is very energetic and fast pacing.

In a continuous fight, if an opponent is struck, then the fight is not stopped. The judges will count the number of points which each fighter has. There are generally 3 rounds in this fight. The points are added up at the end of each round. The winner is announced at the end. Each round lasts for 2-3 minutes, the same as in a points-based fight.

Equipment Needed

As kickboxing is a full-contact sport, it requires certain safety features to protect the athlete and their opponents. There is no piece of equipment that is more important than the other. Each piece of safety equipment will protect different parts of the body. Although gloves, mouth guard and a helmet are all the most obvious pieces of safety equipment.

Kickboxes need to be able to move as quickly and as easily as they can. The lighter the shorts, the better.

Hand wraps that are in place to protect the hands are an important piece of safety equipment.

For younger fighters, full contact would not always be an option but having all the appropriate safety gear is a must.

As kickboxing can be a dangerous sport, safety equipment should be worn at all times, if used incorrectly could do more damage than good. 

At What Age Do Kickboxers Start To Train?

As long as a person is in good health, there are no age restrictions to start learning kickboxing. There are people from the age of 5 and as old as 80 who train.

Many children start to train at a young age then drop out and return to train as an adult. This means that they will more than likely have to start all over again, due to the fact they have forgotten their training.

People who are in their 80s will have generally already been training for some years. Not many elderly people would take up such a physically demanding sport.

Research has shown that starting from a younger age can be more beneficial not just from the physical aspect that goes with kickboxing, but from the mental point of view as well. Some of the best kickboxers of all time started training at a tender age. In some cases, it has come down to the instructor themself on whether or not someone can train in such a brutal and physical sport. The safety and well-being will always be the top priority for any responsible trainer, instructor, or teacher.

How To Bring Up A Young Athlete: 6 Tips For Parents

To be the champion’s mom or dad is a big job. It takes a lot of time, patience and effort. At the same time, it brings incredible pride and joy. We tell you how to help your child to win the highest titles both in sports and study.

If a child succeeds in his favorite sport, it will bring him and the whole family a lot of advantages.

Let’s figure out how to raise a champion.

Let it be your child’s decision

It is necessary to make a conscious choice of a sport in which a child will develop. The achievements of a son or daughter should be their own merit. If a child has no desire to move to the professional category, the championship is out of the question.

Unfortunately, it happens that the motivation of parents to raise a champion from a child is the desire to ensure their future at the expense of their sports successes. But if this motive is the only one, the child will not go far. Rational motivation is the physical and emotional development of your son or daughter. The child should have a sincere desire to win the title of champion and to succeed.

Do not dwell on victories

Many of us believe that the main thing in sport is a victory. Change your attitude to this situation: participation in the competition is important! Strange as it may seem, this is what will give your child the opportunity to win.

It is proved in the psychology of sport that when an athlete is not focused on achieving victory at any cost but, for example, on mastering a new technical element, sports activities lead to more effective results. Thus, the chances to bring up a champion are much higher.

Be an example

Adults are role models in everything. Your task is to help your child maintain discipline. For this purpose, it is important to be organized by parents.

Introduce sports in your life as well – not at the champion level, but at least at the amateur level. It is not necessary to pour ice water over your child every day, but it is possible and necessary to put moderate physical activity in the daily life of your family. Arrange jogging, hiking and skiing or practising with a volleyball machine with them.

The right family lifestyle greatly affects the motivation of the child to reach heights.

Find a mentor

It is great if a child will have not only examples of adults to be equaled, but also a mentor who deals directly with its development, inspires and helps to go to the goal.

A competent mentor knows how to support a child in difficult moments, to inspire and not to let him lose, how to make the sporting path easier and more joyful.

Change the form of studying

If your goal is to raise a young athlete, a traditional school with a daily six-fifty lessons and mountains of homework will cause a lot of trouble. Future champions need to follow a strict training schedule, and often have to move from place to place during the competition. As a result – a large number of absences and a drop in performance.

Switch to family training to combine professional sport with a certificate. It is possible not to go to school, but to study at home. It is not necessary to teach a child on your own. Many athletes are attached to an online school, which takes on all the hassle of scheduling, taking into account the individual training schedule of the child. Finally, if there is no opportunity to study at home you may let your child use this useful source, that will definitely help him with studies.

Stay realistic

Before the child reaches the level of the Olympic Games, there will be a lot of training, defeats and disappointments. Be there all the time, no matter what.

If adults make unrealistic demands (three hard trainings a day, no rest and no international championship in a couple of weeks), a sports career can turn into torture. Do not demand quick and classy results, it will lead to the opposite effect – frustration, loss of faith in yourself and burnout. Remember that a young athlete has a whole path ahead of him. You have to help him pass.


If you are thinking about how to raise an athlete from a child, follow certain rules. Let your child choose whether to move to a professional level or not. Keep a healthy lifestyle for the whole family and always support the young champion. Change your form of education to fit your child’s basic general education schedule easily. Do not make any overwhelming demands on the future champion.

Delivering Featherweight Form, Heavyweight Function With The Garmin® Forerunner® 745

Advanced GPS running and triathlon watch supports serious runners and budding triathletes reach their race goals

Singapore, 18 September 2020Garmin Singapore today announced the Forerunner 745, an advanced GPS smartwatch built for runners and triathletes looking for a lightweight training companion that can track detailed training data, on-device workouts, smartwatch features and more.

The Forerunner 745 offers a smaller form factor with more color options to female triathletes and athletes with smaller wrist sizes for a better fit. The Forerunner 745 weighs a mere 47g, designed so that users will hardly feel the weight of the watch so athletes can take on challenges to chase after their personal best.

Whether heading out for a run, ride or swim, the Forerunner 745 will monitor stats and analyze data to help athletes reach their goals. Featuring dozens of built-in activity profiles, including triathlon, pool swimming, track running and more, athletes can round out their training routine and can seamlessly switch between activities with the press of a button during a race or brick workout.

“With a compact form factor for the ease of training, the Forerunner tracks every sweaty run, bumpy bike ride and long swim, combining the performance monitoring tools athletes have come to depend on with new daily suggested workouts, as well as an improved recovery time advisor and wellness tracking features, to help runners and budding triathletes beat their personal best,” said Mr. Scoppen Lin, Director, Garmin Asia.

Featherweight form, heavyweight function

To help athletes better prepare for a race or training cycle, the Forerunner 745 includes key performance monitoring tools from Firstbeat Analytics like VO2 max, training load, training status and aerobic and anaerobic training effects. Athletes will even receive on-device running and cycling daily workout suggestions based on their current training load and VO2 max.

With the addition of a Running Dynamics Pod or compatible heart rate, runners can go even further with their data, seeing all six running metrics – including cadence, stride length and more – right on the watch. The Forerunner 745 also features advanced dynamics to help with cycling and swim training. While on a bike, it will track data such as left/right balance, time seated and standing, platform center offset and power phase. In the water, the Forerunner 745 will track distance, stroke, pace, personal records and more. Based on the difficulty of a workout, the improved recovery time feature will let athletes know how long to rest before a hard training session. It also accounts for other factors that impact recovery including all-day stress, sleep and daily activities, and will adjust the recovery time on the watch, making it easier than ever for athletes to get the most out of their workouts.

Runners and triathletes can take their training to the next level with the Forerunner 745. The watch lets users sync indoor and outdoor workouts automatically from Garmin Connect™ or other training apps, including TrainingPeaks® and TrainerRoad, right to the watch. What’s more, the Forerunner 745 is compatible with Garmin Coach, free training plans that adapt based on a runner’s goals and performance. Garmin users can train for a 5K, 10K or half-marathon with the help of three running coaches – Jeff Galloway, Greg McMillan and Amy Parkerson-Mitchell – to guide and motivate them.

Make your Forerunner 745 work harder for you

Before heading out for a run or ride, athletes can plan and download routes using the course creator in Garmin Connect, which uses Trendline™ popularity routing to provide the best road, trail or mountain routes that are aggregated from those most travelled by fellow runners and cyclists. For athletes using platforms like Strava and Komoot, they can create courses that will seamlessly sync to the Forerunner 745.

The Forerunner 745 gives athletes the freedom to enjoy their favorite tunes on a run or during a workout without having to take a phone along. The watch stores up to 500 songs and lets users sync playlists from select preloaded music streaming services such as Spotify®, Amazon Music and Deezer, or transfer music from a computer. What’s more, while out for a run or ride, athletes can stop for a bite to eat and quickly pay right from the wrist with Garmin Pay contactless payment solution.

Stay connected while on the move

Designed to be worn all day, every day, the Forerunner 745 features tools to track an athlete’s well-being. A wrist-based Pulse Ox sensor5 will help provide a clearer picture of how athletes are sleeping and adjusting to altitude acclimation while the Body BatteryTM energy monitor lets athletes track their energy levels to find the best times for activity and rest. Additionally, the menstrual cycle tracking feature helps women adjust their training to maximize improvement potential and plan for upcoming races based on where they are in their cycle.

Even while on the move, the Forerunner 745 lets athletes stay in touch. Directly from the wrist, users can receive text messages and view social media updates, emails and more. Whether working out alone or with friends, built-in safety and tracking features include incident detection, assistance and LiveTrack to let loved ones follow along on a run or ride. Following a workout, the Forerunner 745 will automatically upload activities to Garmin Connect.

Pricing and Availability

The Forerunner 745 features up to one week of battery life in smartwatch mode, up to 16 hours in GPS mode and up to 6 hours in GPS mode with music. It is available now in black, neo tropic, magma red or whitestone and has a suggested retail price of SGD 769 at Lazada, Shopee, KrisShop.com, Garmin Brand Store located at 360 Orchard Road,#01-15 International Building and all Garmin authorised retailers. All purchases of Forerunner 745 will come with a free additional 1-year local warranty worth $200.

From left to right: Forerunner 745 in Black, Magma Red, Neo Tropic and Whitestone

Engineered on the inside for life on the outside, Garmin products have revolutionised life for runners, cyclists, swimmers and athletes of all levels and abilities. Committed to developing technology that helps people stay active and elevate performance, Garmin believes every day is an opportunity to innovate and a chance to beat yesterday. Other Garmin fitness brands include Tacx and Firstbeat Analytics. For more information, visit Garmin’s virtual pressroom at garmin.com.sg/news/pressroom/, or follow us at facebook.com/garminSG, instagram.com/garminsg or youtube.com/GarminSingaporeAsia.

Benefits Of Drinking Protein Shakes Before Exercising

If you’re looking to be physically fit and healthy, you’re probably thinking of consuming protein shakes before your workout. Realistically speaking, the benefits of drinking protein shakes before exercising are many. When a person is exercising, they can lose a great deal of weight. But to lose weight, it’s necessary for the body to burn more calories than it consumes, and there are some foods and supplements that are good for burning calories, such as protein shakes.

If you consider drinking protein shakes before exercising, below are the benefits you can get from doing so.

What Is A Protein Shake?

Protein shakes are made from various types of proteins, such as soy, whey, egg, and even milk, so they’re extremely nutritious and contain high amounts of protein. They also help increase the energy level of the body and can help prevent fatigue and soreness. They can also be mixed with water or other beverages, and used as a quick energy drink. You should always try to incorporate protein drinks in your daily workout routines to see the maximum results from your workouts.

Protein shakes have been popular among athletes and bodybuilders for years because of their effectiveness in improving musculoskeletal fitness, as well as their ability to promote weight loss. Bodybuilding supplements, like pre-workout proteins, are often dietary supplements used by individuals involved in professional bodybuilding, weightlifting, mixed martial arts, and other athletic events to increase muscle mass.

Lastly, it’s crucial to know that the types of protein shake you have to make will depend on your personal taste, the type of workout you’re doing, your age, the diet you follow, the intensity level you need, and other factors that you must consider. Thus, when making your shakes, be sure not to make the wrong type of protein shake because it could either be too high or too low in calories. In order to find out the proper protein shake for your workout, you must know all the things that can affect the amount of protein that you can get from each meal you eat. It should also be noted that not all types of protein contain the same number of amino acids; thus, you may be able to make use of one of them and the other may need to be replaced.

How Can Drinking Protein Shake Before Exercising Benefit You?

When you wake up in the morning, your body might not have enough protein nourishment for several hours, causing your muscles to break down to provide your body the energy level it needs. This is one reason why a quick protein boost can be a great way to maintain muscle recovery and re-energize them before the breakdown starts. Thus, if you’re exercising in the morning, drinking a protein shake can be a perfect option. 

The following are the benefits of getting a dose of protein shake before your workout:

Helps Reduce The Risk Of Serious Health Problems

One of the benefits of drinking protein shakes before exercising is that it can help reduce the risk of developing heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure. Plus, it can also help strengthen your immune system. If a person has an adequate intake of protein before working out, their body will be more resistant to illnesses, such as cancer, and might have a better chance of avoiding some health problems that are related to diet and lifestyle. As such, the benefits of drinking protein shake before exercising can benefit all parts of the body.

However, it’s important to note that the benefits of drinking a protein shake before exercising will depend on how much protein a person takes in. For most people, it’s best to take in around 0.8 gram of protein per pound of body weight. However, if you’re a woman taking birth control pills, it’s advisable to take up to 0.7 gram of protein per pound of body weight. In short, you should make sure you’re taking the right amount of protein your body needs to maximize results. 

Ramps Up The Muscle Building Process

When looking to build muscles during the workout, one of the quickest and easiest ways to add some bulk and definition is to simply ramp up the muscle building process by drinking protein shakes. Some people get frustrated because they want to get bigger in such a short period of time, thus they don’t work hard enough. When building mass, you need to eat more food and drink supplements, like protein shakes, to make it possible for you to keep going. 

For example, when you’re working out at a gym, but haven’t eaten for a few hours, consuming protein shakes before exercising can help ramp up your muscle building process and ensure your body has the energy it needs to fuel and refuel during the workout. This is one of the perfect ways to stay motivated for your workout routine

Burns More Calories

Consuming protein shake before exercising can help burn more calories. This is especially true if you didn’t eat anything, like carbohydrates, at all. In short, even if you haven’t eaten some food prior to your scheduled workout, your protein shake intake can make sure you have the energy level you need to burn fat and lose weight in the long run. Remember, following a high-protein diet can reduce your appetite, improve metabolism, and preserve muscle mass.

However, it’s also essential to know that drinking protein shakes might cause some digestive problems. But, as long as you consume them within the appropriate time, you can achieve the benefits of this supplement without experiencing any negative digestive issues. For instance, you should consume your protein shake within one to three hours before you begin working out.

Wrapping Up

If you’re a bodybuilder, sports lover, or even a fitness enthusiast, you probably already know the benefits of taking a protein shake before your workout. Fortunately, most of the available pre-workout supplements for runners in the market are packed with lots of protein and amino acids. 

However, it’s important to take into consideration that not all supplements are created equal. It’s also crucial to consider your nutritional needs before buying any supplement. While protein shakes are one of the most efficient ways of getting more proteins into your body, you should bear in mind not to exceed your recommended daily allowance of protein intake.

Hopefully, you find this article helpful in understanding how pre-workout protein shakes can help you in your health and fitness goals. 

Lower Seletar Reservoir Park

Just a tiny dot on the world map, but I must say that I’m happy to be in Singapore and its simply amazing out of the vast land area on Earth, I’m on that dot. I feel pretty safe running around(but never be complacent as still, there are many horrible things that had happened to runners while they are out for a run in Singapore or elsewhere on the globe) and there are many beautiful and well-maintained parks all over the island which I had explored and some not yet been to. I wanted to cover each park one by one ❤️

Other than being the number one most happening place in Singapore, Yishun is actually best located geographically to me, it’s very centralised and convenient to run to anywhere island-wide. It’s also possible to run to Malaysia ? Maybe one day if I eat too full with nothing better to do I might give it a try when the borders open up ? There’s PCN leading to many beautiful parks in the area such as the Springleaf Nature Park, Rowers Bay, Sembawang Hot Spring Park and Upper Seletar Reservoir and Lower Seletar Reservoir ❤️

Lower Seletar Reservoir Park is located

I usually run in Lower Seletar Reservoir Park as its just a few hundred metres away from home and I only need to cross just 1 traffic light and I’ll have an undisruptive run ❤️ I did so many runs there and back home that I even counted it took me about 860 steps from the HDB’s void deck to the carpark of Lower Seletar Reservoir without referring to my watch with steps tracker ?

There’s umpteen times of park upgrading and improvements over the years to reach the beautiful current state. Different time of the day, as well as the weather, offers a different feel and scenery. I have plenty of memories here in Lower Seletar Reservoir Park with family, friends and with my boy boy be it running or chilling in the park ❤️

It’s home to monitor lizards, squirrels and recently the otters family do visit here but I only spotted them twice out of the hundreds runs I did there.

I had an encounter with a Mynah chick there before. There’s plenty of their nest around the MRT track and the baby Mynah must be practising flying but it was on the middle of the PCN road and I wanted to bring it to safety. I was ready to bring it home as my neighbour uncle is a bird lover and expert as I name his home “Yishun Bird Park”, there was once I counted 20 birdcages along the corridor. He even breeds his own worms and crickets to feed to his precious feather babies. I’m very sure he could take very good care of it. But after 10 minutes with it on my hand, I return it to the same place and left it on the grass patch by the side. What if the poor baby’s mum is looking for it?

The park is dog friendly but the dog must be leashed ❤️ Fishing is allowed at a certain part of the park but well, some people just fish anywhere they like. Once, this guy was walking machiam on his grandfather road and engrossed with his phone with a fishing rod held in another hand, he almost pokes me with it and I glared at him hoping my eye power could make him understand ? It’s his friend who apologised for him while he’s still in his own world ? I ever imagined freak accidents such as kena hook by the fishing hook by people who fish dangerously.

I’ve been to the park countless times and seen many different activities ever done there. Running, cycling, rollerblading, skateboarding, kids playing with water (area cordoned off now since COVID 19), scenery photography, having their wedding photoshoot, composing music, playing with whatever musical instruments, bird watching, karaoke-ing, fishing, group/individual exercise such as yoga, dance, taichi, bagua etc etc. Recent new trend I noticed is that more people with picnic mats, having a picnic, napping under the trees, or just simply read books. Sibeh relax sia ❤️ There used to be a period where there are water sports activities such as kayak/canoe or maybe its dragon boat, didn’t give it much notice but since COVID 19, there’s no longer any water sports activities going on.

There’s a carpark but parking lots is very few. There’s a public toilet which is always kept clean but no shower facilities available. There’s a water cooler as well as a vending machine. Would actually really appreciate a cafe in the park ? AED can also be found here and many lifebuoys can be found along the park.

It’s a very well lit park even at night and there’s also an exercise corner. It’s a place suitable for long or short distance run as it can lead to and from many PCN.

It’s a very beautiful park worth visiting. I hope that Nparks could give it a better name instead of just “Lower Seletar Reservoir”. On some days, it’s worthy of names like “Lake of reflection” or something similar and romantic like this ❤️

Will Strength Training Make Me A Faster Runner?

Running is a sport that requires coordination, core stability, leg strength, and agility. Strength training should be a fundamental part of any runners routine because it increases muscle, reduces the risk of injury, and improves mobility in the joints. When you prioritize proper weight lifting, you strengthen the muscles that are used in running. These muscles allow you to run faster and further while exerting less energy.

When you begin your strength training journey, there are important elements that are crucial for success. First, it is important that you target the proper muscle groups when looking to enhance your running. Second, it is important that you focus on the core benefits of strength training. The core benefits include improving overall balance, coordination, and strength. In this article, we will discuss what muscle groups will enhance your running and the fundamental benefits of strength training for runners.

Target Muscle Groups

It is important that runners target muscle groups that will help them become faster and more efficient. As you begin strength training, you will have to determine how to integrate strengthening into your weekly routine. Most researchers state that 2-3 days of strength training is optimal for runners. Make sure to time your training sessions correctly based on when you are planning to do your speed workout and the long run of the week. Although some runners do HIIT workouts, you will see increased benefits from focusing on muscle groups through low impact movements. In the next paragraphs, we will discuss the muscle groups that all runners should strengthen.

Gluteus Maximus

The gluteus maximus is the largest group of muscles in the entire body. Although this muscle is the largest, it is not always the strongest. The buttocks muscles help create alignment across the entire body. When you align your body, you improve your posture. Alignment decreases the likelihood of unnecessary strain impacting the pelvis and the shins. Some of the best gluteus maximus movements include:

Since the gluteus is the base of your core, it creates stability that allows you to move with comfort and ease.


The core helps to stabilize the entire body, allowing movement to be fluid and calculated. The term “core” refers to a combination of different muscles including the pelvic floor muscles, diaphragm, abdominis, obliques, and rectus abdominis. All of your limbs are anchored into the base of your core; it is the foundation that provides strength and coordination for every movement. Some effective core exercises include:

When movement can be calculated and stable, less energy will be exerted because the body is not working to regain balance. When fatigue hits, runners struggle to stay upright and maintain proper posture. A strong core helps runners to remain upright, maintain a proper form, and stay balanced.


As a runner, you activate your quads as you move your legs in a forward motion. Your quadricep helps absorb the shock that occurs when your foot makes contact with the ground. The quadriceps are a group of four muscles that make up the front of your thigh. Some of the best quad exercises include:

  • Bulgarian Split Squat
  • Leg Press
  • Leg Extension

Quads help to power and energize each step you take. By strengthening your quads, you can go further, faster.

Image Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/Y0woUmyxGrw

Core Benefits of Strength Training for Runners

There are many ways that strength training increases one’s capabilities as a runner. When your legs, core, and upper body are firm and strong, you are less likely to suffer an injury due to lack of coordination or instability. In the following section, we will discuss three core benefits of strength training for runners.

Greater Efficiency and Endurance

If you are a runner, you know that it is difficult to maintain proper form and resiliency at the end of a long run. When you invest in strengthening your muscles, you are able to maintain proper form for a longer period of time. Gaining strength allows your body to complete tasks with less energy. When your legs are stronger, it requires less energy to move them fluidly. Towards the end of a long run, many runners experience extreme fatigue. Creating larger muscles allows you to run further without fatigue.

Injury Prevention

Injury prevention is one of the main reasons why runners should consider strength training. Running is a high impact sport; your feet are constantly pounding against the pavement and that impacts your entire body. Having strength allows you to have resiliency in your steps. When you strength train, you are creating a strong foundation of strength for your entire body. Joints and muscles continue to strengthen and develop, increasing your level of functional fitness.

Toning Muscle = Burning Calories

If you compare the two side by side, weightlifting typically burns less calories per hour than running does. When your body has more muscle than fat, your metabolism is activated and you continue burning fat throughout the day. Muscle mass and muscle tissue continue to burn more calories even while they are at rest. Fat does not burn calories in a resting state.


Strength training is a necessary practice for runners. Not only does strength training increase muscle mass, but it also allows you to run further without experiencing fatigue. Muscle continues to burn fat even in a rested state. You can decrease your risk of injury by improving your posture and increasing your resiliency. Whether you choose to go to the gym or workout at home, prioritize integrating at least two strength sessions into your weekly routine.

3 Best Things to Eat Before Training

Nutrition is an enormous part of training at any level, and giving your body the right fuel to burn during the day and during a training session is important. Knowing what foods will work best for particular types of workouts, which foods will aid in recovery, and how much of each food group or type to eat requires quite extensive knowledge, but some basic rules on pre-training nutrition and knowing the best foods is a good start. Let’s have a look at what types of foods you should be eating as well as some of the best options for your meal before training.

Consider Your Workout Goals

The goal of your workout plays a role in what you should look at including in your meal before training. If your goal is bodybuilding or building muscle, you’ll want to focus on bulking your meal with lean protein and carbs. You should opt for a smaller meal too, so you don’t have heavy food sitting in your stomach while you’re pushing your body to its limits. Include things like egg whites, rice, oatmeal and chicken in your pre-workout meal.

If you’re opting for a workout aimed at weight loss, then you should pack your meals with high energy, low-fat foods that will keep your body fuelled for the duration of your workout and the demands you place on it. You’ll want to opt for a smaller meal about 30 minutes before your workout and include foods like bananas, almond butter, fruit and some oatmeal.

1. The Humble Banana

There’s a good reason bananas are often referred to as a natural energy bar. They’re high in all the stuff your body needs for sustaining a good workout session like carbohydrates and potassium. Because they’re 90% carbs, you get a real bang for your buck out of the banana too. You can’t complain about the fact that they’re packaged straight off the tree to be easy to take with you to the gym either!

2. Chicken and Rice

Chicken is incredibly lean meat when you opt for the breast meat, and pound for pound provides a really great source of protein. Combine it with a clean carb source like rice or sweet potato, or follow it up with a good serving of oatmeal and you’ll have a well rounded pre-workout meal perfect for those hard gym sessions.

3. Training Supplements

Training supplements have a natural advantage for pre-workout nutrition because they are purposely engineered to give your body everything it needs for a strong and sustained training session. They also come in many different combinations to suit any need or body type and are designed to boost your energy and keep it up for the duration of the workout.

Timing Your Pre-Training Meals

Getting your meals in at the right time can be just as important as what you’re eating. The first step is having a hearty, balanced meal between two and three hours before you hit the gym or go out on your run. This gives your body time to process and digest the meal, so it doesn’t make you feel lethargic and slow, but still provides your body with the nutrition and energy it needs. About 30 minutes to an hour before your workout, you’ll want to eat a few snacks to top up those energy reserves and get your body ready for optimal performance.

It should be quite clear by now that nutrition plays a big part in exercise and working out. Knowing what to eat and when will leave you in good shape, no pun intended!