Just Run Lah! - Singapore's online running community | JustRunLah! - Part 27

Salomon Fall/Winter 2020 Trail Running Range Features New Wildcross and Supercross Blast Models

Led by the legendary Speedcross, the Salomon “Cross” family of footwear has been a mainstay in the brand’s industry-leading trail running range for more than a decade. And for good reason. If you’ve been on a trail run—or even a hike—just about anywhere, you’ve likely seen a pair of Speedcross shoes go past. That is, if you weren’t wearing a pair yourself. 

 In 2019, Salomon launched the Speedcross 5 with a refined look and upgraded performance. Now, for the Fall/Winter 2020 season, the company’s trail running footwear design team brings new models—the Wildcross and Supercross Blast GTX®–to the Cross family. 


The Fall/Winter 2020 trail running lineup is designed for people committed to an active lifestyle, specifically younger individuals who are motivated to try new challenges and seek out the optimum gear to do so. Aimed at a younger, committed runner who desires a shoe with technical design elements, the Wildcross applies a new silhouette to the Cross family and delivers new technologies like Sensifit Wings to help hold the foot in place and a new lug geometry for trail running in tough conditions. The waterproof Supercross Blast GTX® is built to run fast and fearlessly on a variety of terrain and in any conditions that winter throws your way. 


To invent the new Wildcross, Salomon footwear designers combined the latest technologies and fabrics to create a trail running shoe for the most challenging conditions. Designed for the consumer who is a bit of a rebel, the Wildcross has the ability to maintain pace in the muddiest conditions. A full rubber Contagrip® outsole with multi-dimensional lugs gives you more traction in the mud. Salomon has also added more space for your toes, along with Sensifit Wings and water-repellent TPU mesh to keep your foot secure and comfy. The drop and stack height have been optimized to keep your foot close to the ground. With better grip and your foot securely in place, you can focus on speed without worrying about your footing. 

Men’s Wildcross Dark Denim/Black/Blazer and Women’s Wildcross India Ink/ Winetasting/Black is available in Running Lab & LIV ACTIV at $209

Supercross Blast GTX®

A waterproof trail shoe for running fast and fearlessly, the new Supercross Blast GTX® offers the extra grip and protection to tackle any playground regardless of the conditions. The fully waterproof, yet breathable GORE-TEX® membrane will keep your feet dry without them overheating. All of Salomon’s off-road essentials—adjustable foothold, protection and durability—combine with a soft lining, generous fit and spongy foam, so all that waterproofing doesn’t cost anything in the way of comfort. The Supercross Blast GTX® also features Salomon’s Contagrip® TD sole for great traction and extra-durable grip on uneven or muddy terrain.

Men’s Supercross Blast GTX Stormy Weather/Black/Quarry is available in Running Lab & LIV ACTIV at $179.

Shop now on Salomon LazMall: http://bit.do/Salomon-Lazmall-Promotion

Runners can like and follow Running Lab, LIV ACTIV and Salomon Singapore social pages to check out more exciting product launches.

#Salomonsg #Timetoplay with the latest Fall/Winter 2020 trail running lineup. Follow Salomon on IG @salomon_sg & FB @salomonsingapore.

8 Best Workout Equipment You Can Use At Home

Working out carries an innumerable number of benefits for your body. But not everyone can afford a hefty gym subscription fee. Even for those who can, it’s always possible that the gym is so far away that going there is just not practical.

Because of these reasons, more people have started to workout at home. While doing so offers more convenience, exercising in your house is also quite tricky because you don’t have the advantage of accessing the vast collection of machines a gym provides. To counter this problem, and to make your home workouts more productive, we’ve compiled a list of the best home workout equipment that’s available out there.

1. TRX Fit System

If you’re more focused on doing bodyweight exercises, the TRX is an excellent piece of equipment to purchase.

A gym essential that’s easy to carry and can be hung anywhere on walls, the TRX helps you perform pull-ups, dips, and other similar bodyweight exercises. The TRX’s handles are also finely engineered to offer the most significant amount of comfort during your exercise regimen.

2. Hyperwear Sandbell Sandbag

Sandbags are similar to your typical dumbbell, with one small difference. When exercising, the sand inside them begins to shift continuously, causing you to strain numerous smaller, harder-to-reach muscles in your arms and stomach.

You can do cardio exercises with this equipment by picking it up and throwing it repeatedly on the floor. The neoprene material, which the sandbags are made of, ensures that your flooring isn’t damaged. If you’re looking for an alternative to fill your sandbag have a look at some sandbag filler ideas.

If sandbags aren’t your thing, and you’re looking for an alternative cardio workout, GroomAndStyle is a great option to check out. They offer the highest quality treadmills at a very reasonable price to use in your home.

3. Resistance Loop Exercise Bands

When it comes to versatility, nothing beats resistance bands. They can be used anywhere in almost all types of exercises. Whether your goal is muscle recovery or resistance build-up, these easily adjustable bands are a significant investment to make for your fitness equipment.

They’re also highly durable, so you can incorporate them into a high-intensity workout session without damaging them.

Furthermore, many brands sell them along with e-books, offering various instructional exercise videos to help in your fitness routine.

4. Gliding Discs Core Sliders

A great way to improve your core is by purchasing disc sliders. Later on, as you become more familiar with them, they can also be added to your upper body workout sessions.

If you don’t prefer heavy lifting, disc sliders will also offer you the same benefits without all the burdensome lifting. What’s even better is that you can create an entire exercise routine around these discs, saving yourself the expense of a gym membership.

5. Squat Machine

Everyone wants glutes that are dreamy to look at. The squat machine will help you achieve this goal. Try this equipment out in your next squatting session, and you’re sure to feel the burn.

It’s also easily foldable, so you don’t have to fill up your house’s space with it. Just do the exercise, wrap it up, then place it in a corner.

6. Foam Roller

Exercise is important, but cooling off after your workout is equally significant because you don’t want to injure yourself and remain out of action for the next 2-3 months.

As a substitute for your post-workout stretching, foam rollers are an excellent option to try. They’re known to effectively deal with muscle-soreness and body stiffness, giving you a friendly, relaxed feeling after an intense workout.

Some of the critical exercises to increase flexibility are also done on foam rollers. Using them ensures that your intense gym sessions don’t damage your muscles, keeping them working smoothly.

7. Kettlebell

You can build the perfect set of ‘guns’ at home by using kettlebells. The sturdy iron makes them last for many years without deteriorating in quality. Furthermore, they also come in handy for both single and double-handed exercises.

Kettlebells are great for squatting, swinging, twisting, and many other exercises. When purchasing them, you have to be careful in choosing a weight. The weight must provide the right amount of challenge for you.

8. Jumping Rope

A jumping rope is great for losing weight and elevating the heart rate. It’s used in a broad array of enjoyable activities, such as jumping, skipping, double and triple jumping, etc.

The foam handles offer a secure and comfortable grip, and the steel wires ensure that you get a smooth and uninterrupted exercise experience.

Jumping ropes are a piece of equipment that we would recommend even to those who aren’t frequent exercisers.

Time To Begin Your Workout

Now that you know what equipment you need to begin working out from your home, it’s time to start. Go pick up those kettlebells and get to it!

Long Runs During Covid 19

So now we have entered into Phase II of the COVID 19. Small groups exercise are actually allowed for not more than 5 people.  Most gyms, yoga and dance studios have also opened their doors but to a limited number of students to prevent any spread.

How To Run Like A Pro – What It Takes To Be A Champ

Here’s a fun fact: The distance between running champions who win races and recreational runners who follow behind them isn’t as wide as you might think.

It’s highly likely for recreational runners to eliminate this gap by making basic changes to their lifestyle and training habits. While investing in a product that can boost your efficiency is definitely a plus, it’s equally crucial to learn how to sleep, eat right, wake, train, recharge, and work to take your training to the next level.

Now, we aren’t saying that making a change in your running lifestyle is easy, but all the efforts are worth it since the payoff is huge.

In this article, we’ll discuss the secrets of how you can run like a pro to become the next racing champion. So, let’s start right away!

Taking rest is just as important as training

There is a common misconception where people believe that pro runners are always training for insane hours every day, which is why they take the first position. While training is definitely a vital aspect of optimizing your run, recovery is just as important.

According to Rachel Schneider, a professional middle-distance runner and nine times All-American in track, recovery should be taken seriously. “It’s an essential part of the training,” she says.

“The training process has best been described to me as: ‘Stress plus rest equals success,’“ adds Zaka Marion, who is a 100-mile ultra champion and is also a running coach in Salt Lake City.

You see, when you practice for days in a row, you can put a lot of undue stress on our body, especially, because we force the activity to create a psychological response.

Instead, you should work on creating a good routine – one that includes practicing, getting an adequate amount of sleep, and taking the necessary rest days off. This will then promote the overall efficiency of the training program, helping you become a better runner. This can also boost your muscle growth.

Taking one day off every week is another tip that Marion preaches. There is nothing to feel ashamed of when you feel like taking rest; you should rest as much as you need.

Getting the fuelling right

Pro runners should have a deliberate and systematic approach to fuel – some may use energy gels, some may drink sugary liquids. In fact, running champs fuel every 30 to 40 minutes during a race to saturate their blood with glucose, which in turn, helps them run faster.

It’s important to practice fuel before every event. More so because high-intensity workouts or races put our stomach under stress, making it hard to keep the food down. Additionally, you can use aid stations to fuel as well – ones that are usually found on the course.

We would also suggest working on your “run and grab“ to ensure grabbing and drinking from the paper cups doesn’t let you lose distance during the race.

Understand the art of pacing – but just a bit

Recreational runners often have a tendency to hit the goal pace right away. What they don’t realize is running all out will slow you down considerably within a short span of time, especially if you are running longer races.

Caitlin Gregg Goodman, an elite runner, and coach in Providence, Rhode Island, won accolades when she completed a 5K run at 15:29. Her winning mantra? “‘Calm and controlled’ for the first mile.“

As for the second mile, try to be closer to your goal pace, but the effort level here should always be higher. Goodman suggests, “Do a body scan and say, ‘Alright, where am I at? It’s hurting, but it’s supposed to if I‘m on the track to reach that ambitious goal.’”

The author of Run Like A Champion, coach Alan Culpepper also points out how your exact pace at a given effort level will always vary depending on the course. Hence, it’s important for you to study the profile of your goal 5K and try to memorize whenever you turn corners.

Culpepper is also a two-time Olympian who completed 5K in just 13: 25.6.

Try to run as far as you can

According to Jason Karp, Ph.D., author of Run Your Fat Off, and professional runner and coach, “If you want to become a better distance runner, the number of miles you run each week is the most important component of your time.”

That being said, it’s true that the more distance you run, the harder you will be exerting your body. But, at the same time, covering miles can help accelerate physiological, biochemical, and molecular adaptation stimulation as well, which is what makes it so crucial.

“One of the initial adaptations is an increase in your blood volume, which means more red blood cells transporting oxygen,” continues Karp.

For those of you who aren’t aware, the increase of RBCs translates to higher energy levels, and more energy means more miles coverage and more runs.

Become your own cheerleader

In addition to working on their physical strength, pro runners work equally hard at keeping themselves mentally fit.

Kona Ironman, the author of The Marathon Method,has emphasized on how your thoughts directly affect your performance. Hence, it’s crucial to use “positive self-talk and mantras” as a method to optimize your runs. Statements like “I am ready“ and “Everything will be nice and easy“ can be effective ways to boost your performance.

Having fun is also important. “Always remind yourself why you are doing it,“ adds Scheider. After all, rough days will always be there, so it’s best to make the good days as better as you can.

Concluding thoughts

Following the above tips will help you position yourself as a better runner, bringing you closer to your dream of becoming a pro runner.

While you can always figure out your own hacks along your journey, one thing that you should never compromise on is your dedication towards improving yourself.

A sure-shot way to become a champion is to constantly work towards achieving your goals, ticking off benchmarks. Start with getting at least eight hours of sleep, eat right to keep your body healthy, practice positivity and optimism, and of course, keep running!

How To Stop Sweating While Sleeping

If you’re looking for ways to work around your night sweats, we’ve gathered everything you need to know – from finding a more absorbent foam mattress topper, to knowing when it might be time to see a medical professional for help.

Waking up with the sheets of your bed soaked through with sweat, means you’re probably struggling with a case of the night sweats. Sweating while sleeping is a common affliction in the United States: according to one survey conducted by the North American Menopause Society, around 75% of perimenopausal women in the US experience this.

Habits That Might Induce Night Sweats

Habits you practice in your day to day life can deeply impact your sleep cycle. Dropping a few unhealthy habits can make a really significant difference in the quality of sleep you get at night, and even reduce symptoms of night sweats.

Alcoholic and caffeinated drinks can both have negative impacts on your sleep cycle and are both equally likely to cause disturbances to your sleep cycle. The nicotine present in smoking and inhaling secondhand smoke can be equally harmful to your sleep, and contribute to sweating while sleeping. 

Some unexpected habits can also have a detrimental effect on your sleep. Avoid eating spicy foods right before going to bed, or wearing tight, restrictive clothing at night – both of which can actually exacerbate your night sweats.

How To Keep Your Bed Cool Through The Night

One of the best ways to deal with sweating while sleeping is by optimizing your sleep set up to ensure you’re maximizing airflow and keeping things as cool as possible. The best mattresses are engineered with temperature regulation in mind. Finding the best mattress for a cool night’s sleep is simple.

First, you’ll want to choose the right mattress – the best mattress type for cooler sleep tends to be hybrids since their combination of innerspring and memory foam naturally encourage more airflow. Next, you’ll want to choose cooling sheets and bedding to go along with your new mattress.

Even the best mattresses can benefit from some cooling bedding. Thicker or heavier material can be disruptive to a good night’s sleep and can cause more sweating while sleeping. Maintaining airflow in your bed by using lighter, cool layers of bedding will prevent this from happening.

Medical Conditions Behind Night Sweats

Even if you do have the best mattress you can buy for cooling sleep, if you’re not sensing any improvement in your sleep cycle, then you might want to check with your local physician or doctor to see if there’s an underlying problem.

There are a couple of different medical conditions that might be the root cause of your night sweats. Women going through menopause struggle with night sweats routinely. Other bacterial infections such as endocarditis and osteomyelitis can also cause issues.

Finally, anxiety can be a revealing reason behind your night sweats. When the body is stressed out, it can remain overactive throughout the night, resulting in sweating while sleeping.

Know when to recognize any other symptoms of these diseases and be sure to flag your symptoms with a physician who can provide you with some insight on how to improve your sleep cycle.

From finding the best mattress you can for your sleep to getting your diet right, there are plenty of ways to deal with your night sweats. Making gradual, positive, changes to your lifestyle, and ensuring you’re keeping your sleep cycle in check will allow you to minimize sweating while sleeping.

Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon launches first ever Virtual Club and Racing Series to complement year-end race

  • The Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon Virtual Club becomes an all-in-one platform for runners to train, compete, earn rewards, and connect with the community
  • Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon 2020 to adopt an alternative race format to replace the traditional road-race, with virtual and possible physical components that are being explored depending on regulations
  • Standard Chartered Bank renews sponsorship of the Singapore Marathon until 2023

SINGAPORE, 24 August 2020 – Today, The IRONMAN Group, event organiser of the Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon (SCSM), officially announced the SCSM Virtual Club (VC) and the SCSM Virtual Racing Series – two innovative initiatives as part of an alternative model to create a unique and world-class runners experience.  The two initiatives provide runners and the SCSM community with a much-needed racing alternative during what has been an uncertain and ever-evolving year in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic. With the health and safety of the runners, community, and supporters being of utmost importance, race organisers will continue to work closely with relevant government agencies for the unique race format for 2020 SCSM.

Signups for the Virtual Club are free and accessible to athletes globally, and runners from all over the world will now be able to train, compete, earn rewards and connect with the running community.

The SCSM Virtual Club

The IRONMAN Group is introducing the SCSM Virtual Club (VC) to help runners stay active, train and gear up towards the Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon. The SCSM VC is an all-in-one engaging and rewarding platform that includes weekly races and challenges, an online store with redeemable rewards, training and nutritional resources, and performance tracking.

Runners can track their training data easily, compare themselves against their peers across local and global leader boards. They can also improve their performances through the nutrition and training guides available and join themed weekly challenges and races to build up their training mileage for the race at the end of the year.

Each week, races under the SCSM Virtual Racing Series will be categorised according to four themes that celebrate running routes that are unique to Singapore. The four themes mirror the Singapore Tourism Board’s passion tribes, which include the Action Seekers, Culture Shapers, Explorers and Foodies. These routes will give runners the opportunity to explore and rediscover different sides of Singapore and its hidden gems. There will be a total of 15 races.

Runners can also take part in an activity-based loyalty point system, designed to motivate them by earning points as they train, and be rewarded through merchandise, discounts and special benefits.

“For decades, the Singapore Marathon has been the highlight of runners calendars, and a true celebration of human spirit,” says Geoff Meyer, Managing Director of Asia for The IRONMAN Group. “The Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon Virtual Club will bring together the running community in new ways, while introducing extra motivation into the training routine and bringing runners to the grand finish, all in a safe and controllable environment.”

2020 SCSM Race Format

For 2020, event organisers will be introducing a unique alternative race format with virtual and possible physical components that are being explored depending on regulations to replace the traditional road-race. The first of its kind, the race will allow runners to take part in the race safely and virtually, and still look forward to the signature finisher experience – complete with the finisher photo for runners to celebrate their accomplishments. There will also be a virtual reality component allowing runners to create avatars who can navigate through the virtual SCSM route in real time, competing with fellow runners. Planning for the race is still ongoing, and more details will be shared soon. Runners and partners are encouraged to stay updated for the latest information from SCSM’s digital platforms, as well as official government platforms and recommendations to keep the risk of transmission low.

Mr Edwin Tong, Minister for Culture, Community and Youth & Second Minister for Law, commented, “The Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon will be a unique experience this year. With the launch of new innovative solutions, we will be able to continue training and connecting with fellow runners and athletes from around the world. I thank the organisers and sponsors for supporting the Marathon, and for bringing people together through sport!”

Mr Keith Tan, Chief Executive, Singapore Tourism Board said, “The Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon is a key highlight of our sporting calendar. We are glad to partner IRONMAN Asia and our tourism industry to continue and present this year’s race in a new and innovative format, given the challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. We’re also excited for the international community to discover Singapore’s hidden gems virtually as they explore our city from wherever they are in the world.” 

Going the distance with Standard Chartered Bank

Standard Chartered Bank, who has been the event title sponsor since 2002, also announced their continued support of Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon till 2023. In the past 18 years, the event has grown in both size and stature to become a signature racing event in the region on the global running calendar. Participation numbers have grown nine times in the last 18 years – the 2019 edition welcomed over 50,000 local and international participants from across 133 countries.

Patrick Lee, CEO of Standard Chartered Bank (Singapore) Limited, said, “’Here for good’ is what we stand for as a brand at Standard Chartered. In these challenging times, it is ever more important for us to reinforce our commitment to our partners and community.

“Our decision to continue supporting the race has never wavered as we understand the role sport plays in building social bonds and community resilience. Our continued commitment is our way of saying, ‘Thank You’ to our partners, government stakeholders and runners who have helped us build Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon to what we know of it today.”

For more information on the Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon and the SCSM Virtual Club, please visit www.singaporemarathon.com/.

How to Share Your Fitness Philosophy with the Rest of the World

If you’re reading this website, then you’ll know the benefits of exercising and keeping healthy. You will likely have experienced the power of the endorphins after a big workout or a long run, and the importance of fueling your body with the right nutrients to help you perform your best throughout the day.

Unfortunately, not everyone has experienced this lifestyle. Many people use sugary snacks and caffeine to get them though the day, leading to a big crash by the evening. Others may find themselves sitting around for most of the day — at work and during their spare time. So, how can you share the joy of fitness with the rest of the world? Here are some ways you can help other people join the ultra-fit lifestyle.

Become a fitness instructor

One of the most obvious ways to help people get fit is to teach them how to exercise properly. Whether it’s a one-on-one session or leading a bigger class, there are lots of ways in which you can impart the knowledge that you’ve learnt onto other people.

Just because you think you’ve mastered the art of how to exercise, it doesn’t mean you immediately know how to teach someone else. First, you need to study and get qualified. Improve your knowledge by reading eBooks about qigong and other forms of exercise. You may know how your body reacts to exercise, but everybody is different. Some people’s muscles might take longer to build up than yours did, so it’s important not to push for the same results in the same timeframes. It’s also important to know how to keep your student safe at all times. There are a whole range of conditions they may suffer from, so it’s important you read up and familiarize yourself with every single one you may encounter.

If you’re leading a group session, it’s not just about exercising. You need to be a motivator and an entertainer at the same time. The best and most memorable instructors are often the most verbally enthusiastic, so you should be turning every session into a little party.

Become a nurse

Exercising regularly and eating a balanced diet may be one of the best ways to keep your body healthy. The sad truth is that you can follow every piece of advice, but sometimes it doesn’t guarantee you’ll be without health problems. One of the most important roles when it comes to looking after someone’s well-being will always be a medical practitioner.

You may think it would take years of training to specialize in one medical field. If you’re already a registered nurse, you could be much closer than you think to achieving your dream role. By registering onto an online dnp program, you could study a wide range of specialities from the comfort of your own home. For example, Baylor University offers Doctor of Nursing Practice courses in becoming a Family Nurse Practitioner, Neonatal Nurse Practitioner, Midwifery Nurse, Pediatric Nurse and even an Executive Nurse within management. Whichever course you choose, you’ll be able to graduate your course and actively shape and improve patient care.

Become a nutritionist

We all know that the best way to get the most out of our bodies is to control what’s going into them. A high percentage of the world’s population are eating too many foods high in sugar and carbohydrates. This has led to an obesity crisis in nearly every country across the world.

Most people know these foods are bad for their bodies, so why do they continue to consume them? One of the main reasons could be the bad reputation that healthy food has gained over the years. Many people think it takes too long to prepare. Others think it’s more expensive to buy the ingredients to make a healthy meal from scratch compared to an unhealthy microwave meal. Some people just believe healthy food won’t taste as good as the unhealthy alternative.

One of the most effective ways to help someone to change their unhealthy diet is to teach them that all those things listed above are a myth. By training to become a nutritionist, you can show them quick ways to make affordable and tasty meals they can enjoy throughout the day.

Thanks to technology, there are now several different types of nutritionists. There is, of course, the traditional nutritionist, which sits with a client, sets them a strict diet and tracks their weight to see how effective the changes have been. You could also encourage people to make better nutritional choices by running a cooking class, setting up your own website or even writing your own cookery book. Whichever way you choose, you could help change lots of lives by improving their energy levels and their body confidence. 

Run a sports team

Many of us see exercise as an escape from work, and the idea of it becoming a full-time job could seem like a nightmare. If that’s the case, consider running something alongside your normal day-to-day work that can help others as well as yourself. This could be anything from organizing a local jogging group or a regular run in your local park to starting your own sports team.

Once we leave school or college, many people don’t get the chance to take part in team sports in the same way. That is, unless you or someone in your area is willing to change that. Whatever sport you enjoy, whether it’s basketball, baseball or soccer, find a court or a field to play in and gather a few friends to play.

You can start off small, maybe by just gathering 9 other friends onto a field to play 5 a side soccer. Once you’ve got a regular game up and running, word will spread, and more people will want to join. Sooner or later you should have enough to set up your own mini-league. If you want, you can take it seriously and consider running sessions to improve skills and tactics before games. If you just want to have fun, you can just enjoy the game like you did when you were a child. No matter which way you choose, if you and your team are running around, you’ll be keeping yourselves and each other fit and healthy.

Best Herbs For Runners Energy

Herbal concoctions have been used for many purposes for many years now. Since many people choose to make that healthier switch to natural alternatives, over the years, the use of herbal medications has increased. These have many health effects for the body–from minor health issues and bodily maintenance purposes to even more serious concerns.

Running is a very good sport, especially when you do it regularly. It’s a very good source of cardio exercise, which keeps your heart healthy. However, it can be very strenuous and can take a toll on your body, such as muscle and joint pains.

Before you head out running, you’ll also need to give yourself that added boost in energy. For that purpose, the most common recourse is to take synthetic energy boosters. However, today, many runners are also choosing to go for more natural means through herbs. To learn more about the usage of these herbs, take a look at this wikipedia of supplements.

Here’s a list of some of the best herbs to boost a runner’s energy:

1. Siberian Ginseng

Siberian Ginseng, also known as ‘Eleuthero,’ is most commonly used by athletes who wish to boost their athletic performance. Others also use this post-running or workout to relieve fatigue and stress.

Siberian Ginseng belongs to a specific class of herbs that are referred to as ‘adaptogens.’ This means that it has a very good ability to naturally adapt to stress.

Other health benefits of Siberian Ginseng include:

  • Strengthens the body
  • Regulates the secretion of adrenal hormones
  • Boosts the immune system
  • Improves the ability to do work
  • May treat sleep problems

2. Ashwagandha

In Sanskrit, Ashwagandha translates to the ‘smell of a horse.’ Ancient traditions believe that people who take this herb will have the strength and vitality of a horse. This is beneficial for many who’ve joined in the bandwagon of runners around the world.

To help sustain a person’s energy throughout the day, Ashwagandha can be taken either in powder or tablet form. Apart from giving you horse-like power, it also has other benefits such as:

  • Improves concentration
  • Reduces swelling or inflammation
  • Reduces blood sugar levels
  • Relieves stress
  • Can lower cortisol levels

3. Rhodiola

Rhodiola, also known as the golden root, is a plant that originates from Siberia. As long as it’s taken within the recommended limit, this is safe to use for many health-related functions. Rhodiola has been used traditionally to improve energy and other health benefits, including:

  • Increased exercise performance and ability
  • Treatment for fatigue
  • Cure for depression

In rare instances, possible side effects of Rhodiola can include:

  • Headache
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Stomach issues
  • Dizziness
  • Drowsiness

4. Shilajit

Ancient traditions have seen physicians using Shilajit to improve the overall stamina, particularly of men. This effect comes in handy for runners since they need all that added boost in energy.

The most common way of using Shilajit is to take the powdered form with a glass of water before running or having a strenuous exercise.

Shilajit also has other impressive health benefits like:

  • Helps curb Alzheimer’s disease
  • Reduce the spread of free radicals in the body
  • Cures low testosterone levels
  • Can ward off viruses
  • Improves the overall function of cells, to fight off fatigue

5. Panax Ginseng

Due to its energizing properties, Panax Ginseng is one of the most widely known and used health supplements around the world. This is because Panax Ginseng nourishes all of the depleted adrenal glands in the body. As a result, the one taking it can better cope up with both physical and mental stress. Ancient Chinese medicine also believes that Panax Ginseng has steroid-like components known as ginsenosides.

The most common use of Panax Ginseng is to boost your energy and stamina. However, it may also offer certain health benefits, such as:

  • Improves cognitive function
  • Aids in managing diabetes
  • Reduces the risk of getting colds or the flu
  • Curbs fatigue

As a word of caution, Panax Ginseng also has some common side effects. One of the most notable is that it could affect blood pressure. Therefore, people suffering from high blood pressure will need to avoid taking Panax Ginseng.

6. Shatavari

Shatavari is a form of the asparagus plant, which is used as an Ayurvedic herb. This is most effective for women in improving endurance, stamina, and energy levels. Shatavari also has excellent antioxidant properties, which can reduce fatigue while boosting the immune system.

It also has a host of other benefits, particularly for females, like:

  • Helps stabilize the production of breast milk
  • Has good anti-inflammatory properties
  • Improves reproductive health of females
  • Boosts immune system
  • Reduces symptoms of menopause

7. Cordyceps

Cordyceps is an odd-looking mushroom that boosts the cells to store and release energy. It’s a kind of fungi that also grows on the larvae of insects.

When energy at the cellular level is increased, the overall mental and physical function improves as well.

Some of the most notable health benefits of Cordyceps include:

  • Boosts exercise performance
  • Can treat cough, chronic bronchitis, and other respiratory disorders
  • Has excellent anti-aging properties
  • Improves athletic performance
  • Can manage Type 2 Diabetes

8. Safed Musli

Safed Musli is a rare kind of herb found in India. It’s widely used in traditional medicine, which includes Ayurveda, homeopathy, and Unani. The secret of its ability to have all these health benefits is in the saponins found in its roots. This refers to a class of chemical compounds that are found in a wide variety of plant species.

Safed Musli is excellent at reviving energy, strengthening the immune system, and boosting endurance. 


All these said, always remember to seek medical professionals’ advice to stay safe. Whenever you’re unsure about anything, don’t hesitate to talk to a doctor. If symptoms persist, discontinue use as well.

All the herbs enumerated above are never meant to substitute any sound medical advice. When you know that taking herbal medicines is the best choice for you, follow through the list above and start shopping.

How to Run Safely with Back Pain

Back pain can put significant strain on your everyday life and make a lot of activities increasingly challenging. Running is certainly one of them.

However, there is a way to run safely with back pain – whether you have a preexisting condition causing your pain or if your pain is caused by the actual runs.

Let’s take a look.

Warm up well

Warm-ups are the key to ensuring you don’t get a lower back sprain or strain during your run, so always make sure you devote some time to them before heading out. A good warm-up will involve both the muscles of your core (abs and lower back) and your leg muscles.

There are several ways to warm up, so you can do whichever you prefer and whichever feels best. Here are a few ideas:

  • You can start with a 2-3 minute walk and then slowly build up speed until you start jogging, from where you can move into a full-speed run. Depending on the distance you want to conquer, make sure you don’t overexert yourself in terms of speed at the cost of stamina.
  • You can do some aerobic exercises like jumping jacks, rope-skipping, or burpees, which are all a great way to warm up.
  • You can also do some yoga that will help improve your blood flow and prepare your body for the run.

The aim of the warm-up is to get your blood flowing, so make sure your back and your legs are feeling ready for the strain ahead.

Cool down well

Cooling down is just as important as warming up. It will help you flush out the lactic acid from your muscles, thus preventing soreness and even injury.

To cool down properly, you can simply do the opposite of warming up – gradually slow down into a jog, then from a jog to a slow trot, and finally into a walk. Walk for 2-3 minutes as you catch your breath and your heart rate drops.

You can also do some stretching or yoga that will help ease your muscles back into regular physical activity after the run. Make sure you also stretch your back, and not just your legs.

Rest between runs

Rest days are just as important as running days. Even if you feel you can run every single day, you still need to give your body some time to recover properly.

Depending on your form and fitness level, give yourself at least two days a week off, when you can go on walks, do some yoga, or simply allow your body not to do much physical activity.

However, it’s not just about resting between runs. It’s also about resting on the days when you do run, in order to ensure your back pain doesn’t start playing up. Consider a new mattress that’s designed for back pain, which will help you rest every night and recover for the next run. Also, make sure you are not only eating well, but that you are eating enough. Even though running taxes your body in different ways than lifting weights, you still need to make sure you’re getting all the nutrients you need.

Make sure your running shoes fit

The shoes you run in can make your runs enjoyable, or they can turn them into hell. Making sure you are running in shoes that fit you well is simply key.

Make sure you consider things like arch height and under- or over-pronation when choosing your footwear. You might want to get expert tips from your doctor or physical therapist, depending on the cause and level of your back pain.

Also, make sure you get some proper running socks. Inadequate socks can cause all kinds of injuries, which will, in turn, cause you to alter your form, leading to added or exasperated back pain.

Replace your shoes when they begin to show signs of wear and tear. Typically, they’ll become less comfortable, and you’ll notice they’re affecting your stride.

Final thoughts

Running with back pain is not impossible. Depending on the kind of injury or strain you are faced with, you might need to be extra cautious and ease yourself into it gently. But if you focus on your form and don’t tax your body more than it can reasonably take, you should be able to enjoy your runs fully.

Gear Review: Nike Air Zoom Pegasus 37


I made a mistake today, for bringing my Nike Air Zoom Pegasus 37 for an easy run. The shoes were so eager to move forward that I ended up much faster than I intended to.

I had been an avid user of the Nike Air Zoom Pegasus 36. Having owned 4 pairs myself, I strongly recommended them to my friends who wanted to start a running regime. The shoes provided a good balance between being lightweight (for uptempo runs) and cushioned (for long runs).

I would have continued getting the 36th edition but I thought I should give the latest edition of the Nike Air Zoom Pegasus a try.

Design & Comfort

The upper mesh is thin and light, making the shoes breathable and flexible. This provided comfort to the feet when flexed during every push-off from the ground. While I find some of the Nike shoes slightly tighter for me at the toe box, the Pegasus line provided me with the right amount of toe room.

Similar to the Pegasus 36, the Pegasus 37 features cushioned heel collars which arch outwards so as to prevent abrasion at the heels.


The key update to the Pegasus 37 has to be the sole of the shoe. The current edition is equipped with the React foam (popularly known for its light, responsive, supportive and durable characteristics in models such as the Nike Epic React and the Nike React Infinity). There is also an increase in the stack height as seen in the comparison image below.

The Zoom Air unit is also now concentrated at the forefoot area, so as to complete the transition from landing the foot on the React foam and pushing off from the forefoot.

This must have explained why I felt that the shoes were always so eager to move forward during my run.


I will stand by strongly to attest that the Pegasus line is a very versatile one which serves many purposes, from short speed intervals to mid-distance tempo runs to even long runs. If I can only have one pair of shoes, the Nike Air Zoom Pegasus 37 (or even 36) will be the one and I also firmly recommend to it to runners of all levels.

Nike Air Zoom Pegasus 37 is available in Singapore via www.nike.com for S$199.

Disclaimer: This review represents the genuine, unbiased views of the author. The author was provided with a free unit. Nike’s products have been and might currently be advertised on JustRunLah! via different channels, however, these relationships do not influence the editorial content of reviews.

Swiss Running Brand On Releases Next-Gen Cloud X

Designed for runners who actively mix their workouts, On’s most adaptable silhouette
leaves limits behind with cutting edge technological innovations and fresh new colorways.

Reclaim your workout in the all-new Cloud X; On’s ultimate lightweight cross-trainer. Powered by the fastest-growing brand in run, the second generation of the Cloud X comes Swiss-engineered to crush any cardio that stands in its way. Refined to the specifications of multi-functional athletes, the Cloud X punches well above its ultralight weight, improving on the strengths of its predecessor: stability, versatility and maneuverability.

“Never before have our athletes and global fan base had to adapt to a situation like COVID-19,” says On Co-Founder and multiple Ironman World Champion Olivier Bernhard, “Although the Cloud X is engineered for running, it comes ready to adapt right along with you, no matter how you mix your workouts.”

Always one squat, lunge and jump ahead, the next-gen Cloud X features a thicker, wider base, ensuring stability, security and support. Larger CloudTec® elements in the outsole are reinforced with Helion™ Superfoam for cushioning without compromise in a shoe that effortlessly absorbs every collision between your foot and any surface.

Flexible but tough in all the right places, the mesh upper sports a function- focused pattern for increased durability and padding while the integrated tongue and sock layer lining provides seamless comfort — Breathability assured.

Explosive comfort in an impossibly lightweight silhouette — this is running remixed. This is the Cloud X.

The Cloud X will be available in-store this week, 3 August 2020, and it will be retailing at $219 in Running Lab and LIV ACTIV and 599RM in Running Lab Malaysia.

8 Healthy Lifetime Habits to Pick up in College

The typical college student is often stressed, overwhelmed, and always short on time. With that in mind, it’s quite easy to fall into an unhealthy routine, such as eating junk or skipping meals and spend many years after trying to overcome or undo its effects.

A healthy lifestyle is a matter of choice. Believe it or not, college is the perfect time to build healthy habits that you can stick to for the rest of your life. In order to lead a healthy lifestyle, it is very important to pay attention to your basic needs. This includes finding comfortable student accommodation in hamburg (if that’s where your college is located), so that you can get uninterrupted sleep and have a space to cook your own healthy meals.

This is just one aspect to focus on. Read on to learn which habits to prioritize in your young adult life that will benefit your health now and in the future.

Start Your Day with a Healthy Breakfast

How you start your day will almost always determine how the rest of it goes. If you begin your day without eating, you will feel tired, sluggish, and grumpy. To avoid being energy-deficit, start your day with a healthy, nutrient-rich breakfast. With a good breakfast, your body will not struggle as much, even if you miss your midday meal. 

In most cases, students miss breakfast because they are late for class. So, plan for breakfast time in your morning routine and try to wake up early.

Carry Water with You to Stay Hydrated

Buy yourself a handy water bottle and fill it up with water for the day each morning before leaving your hostel. Coupled with a glass when you wake up and another in the evening, you stay hydrated the entire day.

So, why exactly do you need to hydrate? Drinking adequate amounts of water will regulate your body temperature, lubricate joints, transport essential nutrients to cells, maintains organ functions, and boost sleep. As a student, water also enhances your cognitive abilities, thus helping you be alert and concentrate better in class.

Moderate intake of Sugary, Caffeinated, and Alcoholic Drinks

While you make healthy meal choices, also be mindful of what you drink aside from water. Alcohol, sodas, and caffeinated drinks provide low, if any, nutritional value to your body. However, they often carry vast amounts of calories that may present adverse impacts on your weight and general wellbeing. 

Alcohol also comes with a hangover among other not-so-pleasant effects. So, party and have fun in college but do so with moderation to remain in your best shape.

Make a Workout Plan That You Can Stick To

On matters of physical wellness, also ensure you stay active on most days of the week by working out. If you intend to remain fit and healthy, a brisk daily walk, short runs, indoor exercises, or going to the gym are all excellent options. Just create a schedule that you know you can stick to effortlessly and switch it up now and then to avoid getting bored.

Sleep at Least 8 Hours Whenever You Can

If you’ve not heard this before, sleep is vital for overall physical and psychological health. The amount of sleep you get every night has a direct connection to your emotional and social wellbeing. In fact, lack of enough sleep has been linked to serious health problems such as inflammation, depression, suppressed immune functioning, stroke, cardiac issues, and cell deterioration. 

Get enough sleep, preferably eight hours or more, and no less than seven hours as often as you can. You can also take short power naps during the day to recharge, especially when you didn’t rest enough the previous night.

Learn to Fight Stress the Right Way

The hectic and high-pressure environment of college can quickly increase your stress levels. So, practicing proper stress management will be good for your mental health even after college. Creating a routine that balances your work and rest times, going for on-campus yoga or meditation sessions, working out, and finding exciting hobbies are some excellent ideas to fight stress.

Give Yourself a Break from Work

Overworking yourself is another bad habit that negatively affects your mental and physical health. So, if you’re a workaholic, try cutting down your working hours to manageable levels and don’t take work to bed. Also, set realistic goals that can be achieved in a day. Don’t try to do everything at once. Lastly, get help if you need to. For example, you could hire a ‘write my essay’ expert to tackle an assignment if you feel overwhelmed.

Build a Solid Support System

Keep in touch with close family and friends regularly to avoid loneliness, stress, and depression. Create time for your friends on-campus too. Most importantly, don’t be afraid to build new friendships. College is the best place to make lasting relationships.

Final Words

Your health, be it physical, emotional, or mental, is your responsibility. If neglected, it can affect the length and quality of life. Taking charge of your health when you are young and in college by building on good habits will benefit you for the rest of your life.

Running For Weight Loss: Important Things To Remember

At present, 71.6 % of American adults over the age of 20 are either overweight or obese, according to the National Center for Health Statistics. While there are many ways to lose weight, an increasing number of individuals are turning to running as a way to not only shed some unwanted pounds, but improve their overall well-being as well. Research published by the National Institutes of Health found that running had a far greater effect on weight loss effort than less vigorous exercises such as walking. There are a number of things to consider when running for weight loss that will help you reach your goals without compromising your health in any way.

Running helps you burn more calories

If you want to lose weight, you need to create a considerable calorie deficit. This deficit, which will result in a weight loss of approximately two pounds per week, is generally between 3,500 and 7,000 calories, according to experts. In an interview with Today, New York City-based dietician Natalie Rizzo exclaimed that running is a superb way to lose excess weight and tone your body, as it burns a lot of calories relatively quickly. While exercise is without any doubt very beneficial, the best way to enjoy a substantial calorie deficit is to couple your running with a healthy, balanced diet. Opt for low-calorie foods both to fuel your runs and aid your recovery afterward. Consider installing a calorie counting app such as MyFitnessPal or FatSecret to help you stay on top of your daily calorie consumption.

Supplementation can boost your efforts

While following a healthy diet can boost performance as well as aid in weight loss, responsible supplementation can boost your efforts even more. During April last year, the IAAF released a comprehensive sports nutrition guide that provides both professional and leisure athletes with useful information on fueling their performance. Caffeine, Beta-alanine, Creatine and L-Carnitine have all been proven to contribute to athletic performance. As far as weight loss is concerned, caffeine and green tea extract are two natural supplement ingredients known to decrease appetite and cravings, reduce fat absorption and boost fat burn. Supplements that contain a combination of any of these ingredients may possibly improve your running and help you get rid of any excess weight.

Running can help decrease your appetite

Apart from helping your body burn more calories, high-intensity running can also help to reduce your appetite after a run. This is particularly beneficial, as exercise sometimes has a way of leaving you feeling particularly famished. A number of studies have found that running can, in fact, combat this intense hunger by reducing the levels of the hunger hormone, ghrelin, in your body. The findings of a randomized public trial that was published by PubMed also indicated that running increases the production of satiety hormones such as peptide YY (PYY). Due to this, your appetite may be suppressed by high-intensity exercise, making running one of the best activities to engage in if you want to lose weight while upping your fitness levels. 

Running can boost your well-being in many ways. Apart from keeping you fit, taking to the road or treadmill on a regular basis can also help you lose any unwanted weight.

Running Through Time: GIFS Show The Evolution Of Iconic Running Shoes

In light of Covid-19 restrictions, more and more people have turned to pounding the pavements as an alternative to their usual gym, sporting or fitness activities. This is reflected in search demand for running shoes, which is up 56% YoY.

With running shoes having advanced so far in terms of design, build and technology, let us take a nostalgic look back at some of the most iconic running shoes of the past 40 years, portraying the evolution of Nike Pegasus, Mizuno Wave Rider and the Asics GEL-Kayano from their first release to their latest iterations.

Nike Pegasus 

First launched in 1983 and named after the winged horse from Greek mythology, the Nike Pegasus was designed to embody quickness, movement and the idea of flying on air. After 37 years of innovation, and constant evolution Nike has turned myth into legend.

The Pegasus has earned its place in the history books and has become Nike’s biggest and best-selling shoe of all time. You can see key evolution moments for the shoe below:

1983: The Nike Pegasus is launched. The model was originally called the Air Wedge Trainer, as it was the first to feature an Air Wedge which was designed to increase shock absorption.
1988: The model becomes Nike’s best-selling shoe.
1991: Steve Spence, Long-distance runner and bronze-medal winner at the World Championships in Tokyo endorses the shoe as one of his favourites.
1993: A decade after its release, the model has sold 17 million pairs.
1996: Visible air is added to the shoe within the visible Air-Sole part in the heel.
2000: After a 3-year wait the Pegasus is reborn! This version of the shoe features a full-length Air Sole unit and is the first to show the “Bowerman Series” tag. Bill Bowerman was the original co-founder of Nike.
2004: The women’s version is adapted to cater to the female foot – a curvier version where medial support is increased.
2005: Long-distance champion Bernard Lagat wins 1500m with a record time of 3:33:34. He had trained in Nike Air Pegasus leading up to the event, running 90 miles per week in a pair.
2008: The Pegasus+25 is released and is “plus enabled”, allowing you to add a sensor into the shoe which reports downloadable information such as distance run and speed to your Ipod.
2009: The Nike Air Pegasus Berlin is released to commemorate the fall of the Berlin Wall which occurred in 1989.
2018: The design moves on to take inspiration from the Vaporfly 4% and Breaking 2 campaign borrowing the fin shape midsole with a heel lip.
2020: The Pegasus 37 is the latest model to be released, with the biggest changes taking place underfoot. Nike switches from Cushlon to React foam, which is lighter and more durable, enabling a comfier underfoot experience. The Zoom Air bag is moved to underneath the forefoot and made to be twice a thick to provide more spring with each stride.

Mizuno Wave Rider

Named the Wave Rider due to its wave-shaped unit in the midsole of the shoe, The Mizuno Wave Rider was created to propel the runner forward, rather than focus on cushioning the impact of each stride. First released in 1998, the shoe was created to differentiate from other popular brands which were using gel and air to cushion the blow of a runner’s stride.

The ocean’s waves were a source of inspiration for the model. Waves gather momentum from winds which push breakers towards the shore and in the same way, the wave plate of the Mizuno Wave Rider redirects downward energy forwards. You can see key evolution moments for the shoe below:

1998: The Wave Rider is released.
1999: The shoe becomes a Mizuno bestseller due to its re-designed Wave Plate featured in the mid-sole.
2001: The shoe receives its first temperature regulation technology called the Intercool, a holed ventilation system which protects feet from blisters.
2009: The first women’s iteration of the shoe is released, with a narrower, more flexible design.
2012: SmoothRide technology is introduced to provide increased propel efficiency.
2019: The Wave Rider 23 is released, sporting a cleaner overall look than previous models.
2020: Mizuno has completely recreated the latest model with rich upper upgrades, a rounded heel collar for an irritation-free fit and an Enerzy heel wedge for improved cushioning. Due to these upgrades, the Rider 24 has a 12% Enerzy return up from the previous model, providing a much smoother ride with more cushioning.


Named after its creator Toshikazu Kayano, the ASICS GEL-Kayano was created in 1993 as a cutting-edge shoe for any long-distance runner. The shoe was created to perform as a hybrid, ideal for both long-distance running outdoors and indoor gym training.

The shoe utilises ASICS’ impact-reducing and performance-enhancing technologies and was inspired by the aggressive motion and firm body of the stag beetle. Key evolution moments are listed below:

1993: The eponymous GEL-Kayano is released as a flagship for long-distance runners.
1999: Until this point, aesthetics dominated the design of the shoe. With the release of the GEL-Kayano 5, visible technology began to be added such as the Duomax sole, double visible GEL and the teardrop tongue.
2000: The GEL-Kayano features scientific production by the Institute of Sports Science.
2002: ASICS add lateral rearfoot flex grooves to smooth the runner’s stride.
2004: The GEL-Kayano is picked as the Japanese athletes’ delegation shoe for Athens Olympic Games.
2009: An eco-friendly version of the shoe is released as a partnership with MIT, with reduced C02 emissions and more environmentally friendly materials used in the production.
2018: ASICS introduced FLYTEFOAM, a spongey, highly resilient material.
2020: The Gel-Kayano 27 is released to provide luxurious stability. This latest version is softer and smoother, with softened midsole foams and slightly deeper forefoot flex grooves, allowing for an easier toe-off. The heel design has also been updated to better isolate impact for a softer feel at foot strike.

Above content and graphics are contributed by SportsShoes.com 

2020 Pandemic and Running [Covid 19] (by Lingderella)

Sensitive topic. Now, it’s still the Phase 2 of COVID-19. Let’s continue to stay considerate and stay safe unless you’re evil and want to see the entire world burn ☹️ The future of this world is still a big question mark.

Because of government laws and regulations of different countries, citizens or people on their land were not allowed out of their home while others willingly stayed home to be safe than sorry. I know of runners who gone coconuts and ran ultra-marathon distances inside of their tiny apartment, on their balcony or even their garage. Some lucky ones had their own treadmill to run on or their house is damn huge to run in.

Luckily in Singapore, during Circuit breaker and Phase 1, we are still allowed out for essential stuffs and exercise with conditions such as maintaining social distancing, exercising with people of the same household only and that unless doing strenuous activities such as running and cycling etc, mask on at all times in the public. Some runners rather stop running and find alternatives such as doing Zumba, Tabata, Yoga etc and stay home to be safe.

Exercising is necessary for some because health may deteriorate quickly especially the elderly, their legs weaken, changes in lifestyle will greatly influence their health physically and mentally. I’m glad that we are not confined, not under lockdown.

Suddenly, there’s a surge of people in the parks during CB. Just be mindful of social etiquette, personal hygiene and safe distancing. I’m actually quite happy as it’s sort of starting point for people to start a positive change in their lifestyle. To go to the park for a stroll, walk, jog or run. It’s something. Phase 2 now and there are still many people in the park be it morning or evening ❤️

When it was February and March this year, COVID19 wasn’t that plentiful and wildly spread yet. I was pretty Garang then and went to Bangkok and participated in a half marathon, as well as to Japan for a vacation even though the Nagoya Women’s marathon got cancelled (only the elites was entitled to run). Then, there weren’t much deaths and cases reported yet, it was still at that period when we were educated as “You do not need to wear a mask unless you are sick” but people already started the panic buying of toilet rolls and rationing food till Sheng Shiong becomes billionaire now.

After coming back, I became overly guilty, worried and paranoid about what if I’ve caught the virus? How am I going to face myself or anyone else if I tio the virus and pass it on to anyone else? I’ll become a 千古罪人 ?  I confined myself to my room and work only. I run lesser and perhaps always being at home rolling on the bed and just looking at all the COVID19 memes, by April, I gained an impressive 6kg in just a couple of weeks! ? My colleague even asked me if I’m pregnant ? I’m not ?

So, a few days before circuit breaker kicks in, I went for a run with two friends on a weekend morning. And the scary thing happened. I fainted (Factors to be taken into consideration of why I fainted: Hot weather, no breakfast, not much runs done for quite a while and I’m anaemic). It’s not the first time I fainted, but fainting is actually avoidable.

After just an 8km run, we went to Punggol Waterway Point to lim Kak Q(Milo). I FAINTED WHILE I WAS ORDERING FOOD. Yes, I was freaking telling the counter staff I want kaya toast and ice milo then piak, I fainted. I’m sure if I were alone, no one will dare to touch me and I will be lying in that position till the ambulance comes because it did happen to one lady when she was in the shopping mall and I’ll be all over STOMP, Mothership etc and even the on news ?  But luckily, I’m with my friend. She was very concerned as she saw the whole faint, that I piak very loudly, head first. It was scary for me but I’m sure it’s even much scarier for her as my eyes were open and I’m unresponsive for a few seconds, she said she almost wanted to perform CPR on me. I regained consciousness shortly, it felt like I’d just woken up from sleep and I wonder where am I. I was lucky there isn’t any sharp objects nearby when I fainted as I can only imagine all the freak stuffs that could have happen.

I’m really grateful and sorry to my friend and I tell myself, NEVER run with an empty stomach again. I can only imagine how frightening it must have been for my friend and I’m in her shoe, seeing any emergency around me, I will definitely freak out and faint together. Ya, so during this sensitive period, especially when the situation of the viruses is not improving, look after your health if not, nobody dares to assist you. If luckily someone heroic did assist you because you’re too handsome or pretty ?  Then pray hard you won’t become 千古罪人 and pass on any viruses to anyone and let guilt haunt you.

So, I’ve done quite a lot of reading up these few days, and making sense of stuff, I concluded that all these years, my fatness and difficulty in losing weight is caused by anaemia. In short, burning of fats need oxygen, I got not enough oxygen in my blood = Fat. No joke, it’s the answer from Google. Still, don’t let the internet be your own doctor, if anything extraordinary is happening to you and your body, visit a doctor and do investigation tests as well as get treatment. My July’s haemoglobin level is only 8.9 ☹️

So Circuit Breaker comes in and I’m like: I don’t want! 我不要!? I like to stick like glue to my boy boy eh ? We are not allowed to meet anyone, not of the same household, which means I cannot meet my boy boy. Law means law, still, there are annoying and irresponsible ones posted on their social media that they are meeting people not from the same household to run, run far far away from their own neighbourhood etc.
Reflection: It’s always not OK for others to do something bad, but it feels “Well, it’s not that bad” if you’re the one who’s doing that bad thing. I wish that I have a bigger heart for others as I have for myself, as well as others to have a bigger heart for everyone ❤️  In life(to me), it’s all about humanity in the end. Learn to be a better person each day by doing the right thing, feeling the right way, saying things that don’t hurt people and think in positivity ❤️

No matter what, wanting self-improvement or getting myself into zen mode isn’t easy. I get triggered easily because I didn’t get to meet my boy boy and want this CB and Phase 1 to be over faster and that needs the entire nation’s cooperation. Some people were just strolling without the mask in the park paktor-ing, some were still out fishing when it’s not allowed and cyclists in groups were still cycling together ?  And the increase of litters around, though some are accidental ?

Honestly speaking, I might be one of the people who kena fine the $300 and appear on newspaper with big big headlines like Women fine $300 for finding boyfriend during Circuit Breaker/Phase 1. But luckily, I have someone who makes me a better person. My boy boy and I video chat almost every day to 解相思之苦 ❤️

So it’s a boring circuit breaker. As I didn’t go out much for food and didn’t meet up with boy boy, with the time I occupied myself by running more and managed to shed off that weight that I’ve previously gained with the runningsssss in a very short period.

And finally, it comes Phase 1. It doesn’t feel any much difference than Circuit Breaker because I still can’t meet my boy boy or meet up with any of my friends. I cut down in running again as I have gotten too exhausted ? I strongly believe the components/levels of blood affects running and tiredness. I still run, but lesser and I spent most of my time watching seasons after seasons Friends as well as shopping on Taobao.

Then comes Phase 2. My boy boy and I survived the “long-distance relationship” ?❤️  Prior to this, I have never not seen him for more than 5 days in a row. I deserve a round of applause ??? ?

At least now I can meet up my friends for runs, but Safe Distancing rules continue to apply.

Registering for races and marriages terms and conditions is actually just alike, you agak know what you have sign up for but there is no guarantee that things will turn out perfect. Races kena cancelled, postponed or turns virtual. Some race had already printed their event tees/singlets, their medals. No doubt the 2020 event tees or singlets and the medals cannot be used for 2021, it’s their cost and you paid. So suck thumb only, they gonna mail the entitlements to you, you can’t get a refund as it’s under the long long list of terms and conditions in the event that the race can’t be held or cancelled due to blah blah blah, but we are only given the option either to click on the box to check for “I agree for the terms and conditions”, before entering personal particulars and making payment for the race or not being able to register for the race at all ? Lucky me, didn’t sign up for much of the local races yet ?

2XU Run is postponed, and runners who registered for 2020 still get their entitlements as per their announcement on their Facebook page ? Some races announced postponement for a few times and then there are no further updates anymore. Some races let you choose to run virtual arbo it means cancelled. There are sibeh many many virtual runs this year lah! Like run to support healthcare workers, run for Singapore etc

So far the races I registered this year were mostly overseas race. Taishin Women Run(Taiwan) offers a full refund for overseas participants, SCKLM(Malaysia), Hatyai Marathon(Thailand) and Danang Marathon(Vietnam) race slots are brought over to 2021 ❤️ And I look forward to 2021 already ?

But I’m one happy girl. At least I enjoyed the first few months of my 2020 to the maximum. I did Skyhawk Nature Run (22km), Amazing Thailand Marathon(21.095km) and Taipei Marathon(42.195km) ? Even did my first Ultra Trail, completed a 52km at Macritchie Reservoir ?‍♀️

Let’s just hope Singapore can get to Phase 3 sooner as well as other countries improvements in COVID19 situation. Earth is still a place full of wonders and beauty which I want to continue exploring ❤️

Photobiomodulation Therapy As Part of Comprehensive Holistic Treatment and Prevention of Sports Injuries

With more than two decades treating clients as a physiotherapist, choosing the proper modalities (e.g., adjunct machines like the Photobiomodulation Pod) to enhance rehabilitation in the most effective and non-invasive manner possible is essential to providing comprehensive, holistic patient care and treatment. The benefits of
Photobiomodulation Therapy – or “red light” therapy as it’s sometimes called – is one of the methods I use daily in practice to complement traditional physiotherapy techniques, specifically for sports-related prevention and injuries.

Choosing the best modality, based on its research-proven studies, is imperative to maintain muscle strength and performance for me to help clients return to their pain-free lifestyle with their exercise routines. And with Photobiomodulation Therapy, the ability to perform better goes beyond an injured athlete, and extends to healthy athletes who want to train better and smarter.

As a duathlete and ultra runner, I use Photobiomodulation as part of my overall training program. Not only do I recommend it to clients, but it’s one of my personal ‘secret weapons’ in my training, competing and recovery arsenal to help improve my performance. I feel lighter and infinite when I do long runs. On top of that I feel the mental clarity that comes with consistent use of full-body red light therapy. And it’s pretty effortless: I lay down in the Photobiomodulation Pod, close the cover and take a breather from the hustle-and-bustle of daily life … all in just 20 minutes.

Beyond sports performance and injury rehab, Photobiomodulation Therapy benefits extend into beauty and overall well-being. The therapy reactivates natural pathways for collagen deposition and fibroblast activity to produce vibrant radiant skin, enhances wound healing, prevents and treats sunburn, and can also reverse hair loss. Essentially,
it improves wrinkles, facial acne, and other skin issues. . In addition, Photobiomodulation contributes to increase melatonin secretion in the pineal gland to help maintain the circadian rhythm and improve sleep patterns.

Recover faster. Reduce inflammation. Prevent injuries. Increase collagen. Enhance skin’s radiance. Sleep better. Who wouldn’t want to jump into a pod once or twice a week?


Jenny Huang, Founding Physiotherapist at HelloPhysio, Duathlete and Utramarathon