Just Run Lah! - Singapore's online running community | JustRunLah! - Part 32

SCS – TalkMed Relay for Life 2020 (By KenJoe)

Life sometimes throws us things which we may not expect. It is how we deal with them that distinguishes us from each other. 2020 should have been an interesting new decade but with the COVID-19 striking almost the whole world after rearing its ugly head in China Wuhan, Singapore is into its Circuit Breaker period 1st day at the point of my writing. We probably heard of the coronavirus back in late January. Things have gotten bleaker with passing weeks and months in Singapore.

How it impacts runners have been the consecutive cancellations and postponement of running events. Marina Run, Eco-run, OCBC Cycle and Relay For Life were some of the events I signed up for and were either postponed or cancelled or changed its format. Relay for Life was changed to a virtual challenge and I had signed up for the 100 km individual event. So we were supposed to be running 100 km own target own pace and own time within the 9 days from 21st Mar to 29th Mar.

I decided to carry on the spirit of doing this virtual challenge. I participated in it to remember the loved and dear folks who had passed on due to cancer and to encourage friends who are currently fighting against cancer in the current grim situation of the COVID-19. Amongst those who had left were my ex-colleagues, close friends, a new runner friend then – Ali Akbar (lunghi run), and my mother-in-law. A couple of friends are fighting against cancer still at this juncture.

I also started an online donation drive to Singapore Cancer Society and committed to completing 100 km within the 9 days. My original plan was to do a constant mileage each day 11-12 km and complete it by the 9th day.

I did a 12 km run on the first day. On the second day, I somehow managed to complete almost 60 km running with breaks in between throughout the day whenever I had available time. I was motivated by another individual who had completed 100km already by the second day and my other friend who also completed a huge chunk by the second day.

I finished 100 km on my third day and was the second person to make it to the leaderboard at that time. At that point, there were only 3 individuals who had completed. It was a bonus to see my name updated into the leaderboard (100.53 km). Given my slow pace and fitness level, I wouldn’t be top 3 in any event’s leaderboard. So it would be mission completed in 3 days instead of 9 days.

Status shown as at 23rd Mar 2020

I also received an encouraging note from the friend who was also participating. He actually quoted from the Bible, ‘Matthew 5:41 New International Version (NIV) 41. If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles.’ He wrote that as encouragement because I had leapfrogged from first two days’ leaderboard near the bottom of those who have started running, to the top two at that point.

I posted my mission accomplished and tried to seek contributions from the general public. As it was, perhaps Facebook wasn’t the best media for such a campaign or perhaps everyone was too preoccupied with all that was happening on COVID-19 situation. My thought then was that even with the worsening situation, the cancer patients will still have to fight their conditions. Some self-doubt came in too, was I doing enough? I had been training for half ironman before the challenge and I wanted to get back to the training because it was progressing steadily as I had built up my fitness (from vo2max indication) to a higher level than before. I knew I had to set some time for recovery because I had felt some pain in my toes and knew that I had gotten my right big toe injured again.

I also kept thinking about the quote.

Anyway, the brief story of it is that I struggled a bit more and made it to 200 km mileage by the 9th day. That is on average at least 22 km per day for the 9 days. An accomplishment in my own running records.

Being curious, I did google after the 9 days, to find how the quote will be explained. What follows below, is the crux of the lessons I learnt in doing this relay and it makes for a longer essay.

If you want to know just the running part of it, the above just about summarizes it. I did 200.09 km at my own slow pace in the 9 days given for the campaign. There was a few days when I was drenched in rain together with the sweat. The run/jog/walk at own pace and time was good as I just used it for some quiet times to myself. Each day’s run I tried to dedicate to dear friends who had left and hope to inspire anyone who was on FB who was willing to spend time to read. The idea that the sponsor Roche will contribute $3 for every km did keep me going too.

By the end of 9 days, I was actually physically fatigued and my two big toes were swollen and bleeding beneath the nails. It took me about another 5 days to feel a bit recovered from the fatigued state. If you ask me whether I will do it, I think I will but probably not the same way. My vo2max which had risen to a max before this, had dropped drastically as I tested my body beyond its endurance limit perhaps.

Back to the real lessons. This was the link that I found useful and you may want to look at it on the quote

I extract some points from it for sharing which I thought, speak to me in this trying times of dealing with COVID-19.

“… What is most commendable is that there should be a concerted effort to overcome evil with good. Thus the Apostle Paul teaches that we should never get weary in doing good (Gal 6:9). You know it gets tiring to carry on doing good in the face of the overwhelming force of evil...”

And if anyone forces you to go one mile, walk him two miles” (Matt 5:41). For if you walk him the extra mile, it is proof of your willing sacrifice. Rather that you can take another by your own initiative. This is what we are much more so to be rewarded for rather than simply to do what we have been asked to.”A

So yes, I have done a few campaigns to help the fight against cancer in the short few years I picked up running and to run for a purposeful cause. To be honest, I do get weary, at least the body and then the mind sometimes because it always didn’t seem adequate. I usually fall short of the target donation set for each challenge. Most of the donations usually come from a few regularly supporting friends and even a fair number of new and anonymous friends.

Was it because I had not connected out to more folks out there, I would ask. Was I not fast and strong enough as a runner to complete the challenge each time? Did I pick the right challenge for myself ? I also notice how old-time friends are usually very busy at the time of challenge, preoccupied with their usual stuff. (And at the point of writing, only a couple or so of ex-colleague and friends had taken time to encourage and contribute.)

Each time, I did recover and say to myself. I did my best. This is what I can contribute at this point and time. It is my willing sacrifice in the first place. I will continue to do so until I cannot do it anymore. To stop doing good is not an option. Especially in this time with a pandemic destroying what has been the norm of social life for most humans across the world. For cancer patients, they will still have to fight against cancer when the coronavirus is finally controlled. That day will come when a vaccine is available.

For the cancer patients, they are not sure if they will outlast the next day or week or month or year. I’m glad to be still healthy at my new anniversary on this earth and to have completed 200 km for this challenge. I trust that every dollar contributed to the cause will bring good to cancer patients. To be in a position to give is a blessing. I thank those who have contributed in the past and those who will read and/or share, and be motivated to click on the link above. Nobody should fight cancer alone. Stand strong. And we will also be united to fight the COVID-19. Stay home during the circuit-breaker period.

For now, really run safe (with social distancing), run solo and run strong.

Supplements That Can Boost Clarity of Mind

Many people wish they could have more clarity of mind. However, “clarity of mind” is a tough metric to measure. It’s even more difficult to understand how you can impact it since many scientific studies don’t consider it in those words. If you’re wondering how you can attain more clarity of mind in your day-to-day life, you may want to consider these supplements, which can all help in slightly different ways.

1. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

These are incredibly important for the development of both your body and brain, and there are seemingly endless studies regarding the importance of omega-3 fatty acids. One of the things it seems to have an impact on is mental decline, especially in the context of ageing. More research is still happening on its connection to the brain, but its various bodily benefits make it a great option either way.

2. Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo biloba is a tree native to China, and it’s been used for a variety of things in traditional Chinese medicine. One of the main claims to fame for ginkgo biloba extract is its ability to bolster brain function. That brain function boost may be in the context of ageing or may just be a clearer mind in general, something many people use to help avoid stress. Brain pill is one of the products currently available in the market which contains this Chinese medicine.

3. Creatine

You’ve almost certainly heard of creatine from workout supplements. It’s very possibly the number-one workout supplement, which means if you have a pre-workout or post-workout smoothie, you’re probably taking in creatine. Aside from its effects on your muscles, there’s evidence that creatine supplementation may be able to help with neurological function in your day-to-day life.

4. Rhodiola Rosea

This herb contains over 140 active ingredients, which is possibly one reason for its massive popularity in folk medicine. It’s a widely-consumed dietary supplement today, and some have labelled its roots “adaptogens,” a term that means it helps your body adapt to different types of stress. That means it can help you handle stress more easily, something that can definitely increase your clarity of mind.

5. CBD

One of the main benefits of CBD is its ability to help people maintain a sense of calm for focus. This is an important benefit because it means you can stay focused, calm, and collected, no matter what stresses come at you. That’s the main reason so many people consider CBD when dealing with anxiousness over everyday stresses.

If you’re looking for the right CBD oil tincture for clarity of mind, you need to make sure you’re getting it from a good source. After all, it’s not going to help very much if you don’t get a high-quality product. To make sure you get the best, choose Charlotte’s Web’s CBD oil tincture. With this CBD, you can be sure that you’ll get all the benefits you’d be able to glean from CBD.

Running Club Series: How do you stay physically, mentally and/or nutritionally healthy during this period? – Haddafi (Team Ultron Runners)

In view of the current COVID-19 situation and measures implemented by the governments, we have asked some of the running clubs to share some tips with our running and sports community on how to stay physically, mentally and/or nutritionally healthy during this period.

1. How do we stay active or physically healthy during this period, considering that we are encouraged to stay at home as much as possible?

Since the announcement of RMO, many gyms and fitness instructors are offering virtual classes or sharing their training tips online via social media i.e. Instagram, Facebook or Twitter. We are no different at Team Ultron. We share our running drills/exercises at our official Instagram and Facebook account @TeamUltron.

We encourage simple, no-equipment-required exercises like squats, lunges, sit-ups, planks, push-ups, crunches and the best is it can be done in a small space. We recommend choosing a few exercises, doing each for few reps then repeating the circuit three to five times. If you do need equipment, getting creative with things you already own such as using water bottles for weights, towels for sliders (for exercises like lunges and mountain climbers) or a sturdy chair/box for step-ups. But physical activity doesn’t have to mean a gym-style workout. Everyday activities like cleaning the house or gardening can improve your overall health—so any amount of movement you can squeeze in counts.

2. How do we stay calm during this stressful period?

Eating a balanced diet, exercising, getting good rest and managing our time/schedule well are among things we can do to maintain our physical and mental well-being.

We know that boredom is a common reaction right now but we have to slowly admit it that it’s happening and try to productively channel those feeling elsewhere. We can take off our focus from what is happening now by bonding ourselves to our plants or gardens, listen to new music, play video games or movie time with our loved ones/family. We can also enrich our life by doing prayers, meditation, diving into new books, develop a new hobby like playing music, baking or even redecorate our home so it will feel cosier.  Keep ourselves updated with the current news but try as much to read more positive things or articles online and avoid reading or spreading rumours especially negativity.

To stay calm, on nutrition plan it is advisable to do a proper list before you stock up on groceries — both to ensure you pick up the right things, and to avoid panic. Take inventory of what’s already in your pantry, and then plan around these items to create balanced meals. While most people are going straight for grains and canned goods right now, it’s actually a good time to buy fresh produce.

And of course, please follow all instruction and the precaution guidelines given by the authorities.

3. Are there any simple nutrition plans, tips or recipes that we can follow?

Buy and eat more fruits and vegetables, (cut them up and put them in your freezer) because they can be used for months to come. Take more high protein foods but less refined carbs including junk or fattening foods. Drink more water during the day. If you do buy canned, dried or frozen goods, choose those low in saturated fat, salt and added sugars. If needed, take daily essential supplements like fish oil, multivitamins and etc.

4. Are there any recommendations on resources (youtube channel/video, social media pages, blogs, books, podcasts etc) to refer to?

Check out daily workout tips or updates at our official Instagram account or our wellness partner at @absolutewellnessmy


Team Ultron Runners is a running movement aimed to promote an active and healthy lifestyle among Malaysian through running activities.

This “Running Clinic-concept” initiative aims to provide exposure, knowledge, to develop interest and promote a healthy lifestyle via running activities especially among the younger generation in Malaysia. The running clinic is held on a monthly basis (once a month) and it’s free (but limited) to the public who are interested in acquiring knowledge and to learn the proper (basic) techniques of running, regardless road or trail, competitive or leisure run.

The running clinics start as early as 7.30 am, conducted by renowned and certified coaches who are also experienced runners themselves, assisted by the Team Captain who was selected among the attendees.

National Athlete Series: How do you stay physically, mentally and/or nutritionally healthy during this period? – Jasmine Goh (Marathoner)

In view of the current COVID-19 situation and measures implemented by the governments, we have asked some of the National Athletes to share some tips with our running and sports community on how to stay physically, mentally and/or nutritionally healthy during this period.

1. How do we stay active or physically healthy during this period, considering that we are encouraged to stay at home as much as possible?

For runners, this is a great opportunity to think out of the box. Why not start the strength training routine that you have been putting off previously? Strength training using body weight or household items can help you become a stronger runner.

Also, incorporate some dynamic stretching exercises with resistance bands as well as foam rolling. These exercises will improve the functions of your muscles over time.

Doing running drills on the spot is a great workout while improving your running form.

Last but not least, if you can, choose a place and timing that is less crowded and go for a solo walk or jog or run. If you train at the right heart rate zones, you will reap many benefits for your body.

2. How do we stay calm during this stressful period?

I meditate daily. With the current situation, I find myself meditating more. It is okay to feel uneasy and uncertain about the current situation. Acknowledge how you feel but know that we are in it together! Video call someone you love and talk about the situation. You may be alone, but you do not have to feel “lonely”.

3. Are there any simple nutrition plans, tips or recipes that we can follow?

My coaches at Coached recommend that athletes should reduce unnecessary sugar and salt intake. One should aim to consume healthy fat and protein in every meal whilst getting the majority of the daily carbohydrate around training.

4. Are there any recommendations on resources (youtube channel/video, social media pages, blogs, books, podcasts etc) to refer to?

For nutrition, I suggest you check out the 2-week test by Dr Phil Maffetone.

For workouts, check out one of my coaches at Coached, Jim Webster’s Instagram account @jimwfit. He has many videos of home-based workouts that you can easily follow along.


Photo source: Jasmine’s Facebook Page

Jasmine Goh is a Team Singapore Marathoner who represented the country at the Southeast Asian Games 2017.

Her other achievements included Female Singaporean Champion of the Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon 2016, Winner of the Great Eastern Women’s Run 2016 Singapore, Women Champion of the TransLantau 100km 2018, and a personal best of 2h54min at the Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon 2017.

Jasmine has a full-time job as an independent financial advisor with Avallis Financial. She is also a single mother to two daughters, Cherish and Faith. She also represents Under Armour as the brand ambassador.

Photo source: Jasmine’s Facebook Page

Running Club Series: How do you stay physically, mentally and/or nutritionally healthy during this period? – See Chun Yan (Peirce Reservoir Runners)

In view of the current COVID-19 situation and measures implemented by the governments, we have asked some of the running clubs to share some tips with our running and sports community on how to stay physically, mentally and/or nutritionally healthy during this period.

1. How do we stay active or physically healthy during this period, considering that we are encouraged to stay at home as much as possible?

I believe there are many ways which we as runners can also benefit from other forms of exercises to maintain fitness and become stronger. In fact, now is the time for you to review what you lack and need to improve on other areas in terms of strength to build on power and endurance and flexibility for injury prevention and longer stride length. Doing housework chores and cleaning up the house is also good and help keep everyone at home healthy too.

i. Key strengthening exercises you can do at home

Pushups, Planking (less than 1min), leg raises, squats & hip lunges are just examples of some simple exercises you can do. You can do each exercise in sets of 10 reps and do as many sets within 30mins or an hr.

If you have free weights or kettlebells, you can also do the squats variations and hip lunges with it.

Maintain the routine daily and you can see much improvements in recovery and performance too.

ii. Stairs climbing

This is another good way to train your cardio without any crowd and easily accessible without going far away from home. Hilly intervals are speedwork in disguise. You can target a certain timing for each set and repeat/maintain the same timing for each set. Min. 3 sets of 10-12 storeys will be good.

iii. Deep Stretch & Strengthening Yoga exercises

There are many youtube resources you can see online for free to learn and stretch many areas which may have been giving you grief & pain for so long without knowing the cause.

As the whole chain is connected, your PF or ITB pain might be due to tightness in areas you are not aware of or you may have muscle imbalance causing 1 leg to overstrain.

If you really must go out for a run and avoid the crowd, try the hot hours. Heat training is also an effective method to stress our body and improve performance. We live in Singapore after all. You need to embrace the sun and still perform during races while the sun is smiling brightly at you. Do rehydrate well.

iv. Sleep more

With travelling time and meal time saved, sleep early as much as possible to improve your metabolism rate and prepare a hearty breakfast to supply the best nutrients to the deprived body. Sleep is the best recovery method for whatever physical exercises you push your body on.

2. How do we stay calm during this stressful period?

Remember the reason why we run. Ultimately to be strong, happy and healthy. Running is only a means to the end and if you plan to run for the next 40-50 yrs, think long term. Your fitness level is not going to drop drastically unless you are training at the elite level.

So enjoy the downtime you have to try new things and experiment what can help you become a fitter & better you.

3. Are there any simple nutrition plans, tips or recipes that we can follow?

One experiment you can do during this period is to learn how to improve your body fat burning capability especially if you plan to run long distances in future. NLB has free ebook library app so check out The Endurance Handbook by Dr Phil Maffetone.

Or maybe you want to try if plant-based diet really works for you. You can read Eat & Run by Scott Jurex.

A big change in diet will take time to adapt to and your body may even feel weak for a short period. You need to know what nutrients you may not be taking enough for proper recovery and muscle building.

4. Are there any recommendations on resources (youtube channel/video, social media pages, blogs, books, podcasts etc) to refer to?

Some useful podcast channels to learn more about our body and how to train effectively: Science of Ultra, TrainRight, KoopCast.


This group was founded on 2 Jan 2013 by See Chun Yan. As there is no FB group for runners at Peirce Reservoir, it was created for any runners to join. This is for regular runners who love to run everywhere and can run the hilly intervals at Peirce Reservoirs together. It will be great for more runners to know more friends too! The group has created running events for our members to join races together. Now there is even a recreation team who plans fun and family activities too!

They do their regular runs at Peirce Reservoirs but they do alternate Sat or Sun morning every weekend to cater for different groups. They will try different routes now and then. They usually run in the morning so that everyone can continue with their activities after that. As some runners live far away, they start not later than 7:30am. Also every Tue night, they conduct speedwork + strength-building sessions.

5 Simple Ways to Reduce Stress

The outbreak of COVID-19 may be stressful for you and your loved ones. These tough periods can be overwhelming and can possibly cause strong emotions in adults and children, especially with the full implementation of Work from Home and Home-based learning. We believe that coping with stress will make you, the people you care about, and your community stronger.

So, here are 5 simple ways to reduce stress!


Exercise doesn’t necessarily mean powerlifting at the gym or training for a marathon. A short walk around the house or standing up to stretch during a break can offer immediate relief in a stressful situation. If you have additional free time, you might even want to run or walk around your neighbourhood or nearest public parks. Do head for uncrowded spaces and practice safe distancing when there are more people. Also, you may even try out fitness classes online after your home working hours.

Getting your blood moving releases endorphins and can improve your mood almost instantaneously. It will help you relax and lower the symptoms associated with mild depression and anxiety. 

Breathe deeply

Deep breathing is one of the best ways to lower stress in the body. This is because when you breathe deeply, it sends a message to your brain to calm down and relax. The brain then sends this message to your body. Your heart rate, fast breathing and high blood pressure will then decrease as you breathe deeply to relax. Just focusing on your breath or changing the way you breathe can make a big difference to your overall stress level. We recommend you to try Square Breathing exercise

Square breathing is a great way to refocus your mind if you’ve been having a hectic day. Multitasking and working from home can be demanding on your brain and your body. It’s important to take a brief break and clear your head before diving back into your schedule. Here is the practice:

  1. Inhale for a count of 4
  2. Hold for a count of 4
  3. Exhale for a count of 4
  4. Hold for a count of 4

Here’s a visual aid for you:

Sleep better

Stress often influences sleep which has a direct impact on how we live our lives. And not getting enough sleep can even make your stress worse.

Make sure to get the doctor-recommended seven to eight hours of sleep. Turn the TV off earlier, dim the lights, and give yourself time to relax before going to bed. It may be the most effective stress buster on our list.

Eat a Balanced Diet

A poor diet can bring greater reactivity toward stress. Emotional eating and reaching for high-fat, high-sugar foods can provide a temporary sense of relief that adds to your long-term stress. Refined carbs, like cookies and potato chips, can cause a spike in blood sugar. When your blood sugar crashes, you might experience more stress and anxiety.

Consuming a healthy diet can help you combat stress over the long haul. Foods like eggs, avocado, and walnuts support mood regulation and energy balance. 

Avoid coffee and other caffeinated food and drinks. They not only increase levels of certain stress hormones but also mimic their effects in the body (increasing heart rate and fast breathing, for example).

Listen to your favourite music or belt it out!

Take a break and listen to relaxing music. Playing calm music has a positive effect on the brain and body, can lower blood pressure, and reduce cortisol, a hormone linked to stress.

Or if that’s not your kind, switch on your favourite playlist and belt it out loud! Singing releases feel-good brain chemicals called endorphins. It also draws more oxygen into the blood and causes better circulation, reducing stress.

We hope these stress relief tips will help you throughout these tough times and we will get through this together!

Expert Series: How do you stay physically, mentally and/or nutritionally healthy during this period? – Ben Pulham (Running Coach)

In view of the current COVID-19 situation and measures implemented by the governments, we have asked some of the experts to share some tips with our running and sports community on how to stay physically, mentally and/or nutritionally healthy during this period.

1. How do we stay active or physically healthy during this period, considering that we are encouraged to stay at home as much as possible?

I see this lockdown as a great opportunity to focus on your health and wellbeing. There’s not much to do when stuck at home, so this situation presents a great time to do some exercise and focus on our diet and sleep.

Fortunately for us, the government is still allowing us to get outside and walk, run and ride our bikes alone, or with direct family members, so there’s no reason not to stay active.

At Coached, we’ve introduced a new online running fitness plan that is helping our athletes to stay focused without a specific race as a goal. We’re also hosting virtual strength training sessions via Zoom and leading a 4-week nutritional challenge. It’s going to be interesting to see how it all goes.

2. How do we stay calm during this stressful period?

Low-intensity exercise, high-quality nutrition and plenty of sleep all help to keep your stress hormones under control. You can also meditate.

One thing that I personally do, and have done for more than a year, is to avoid the news. I don’t read online news websites or use social media. Constantly being connected and ambushed with fear and panic produces a lot of anxiety. 

I prefer to get my news the old fashioned way, via word of mouth or a newspaper. It’s a small change but it offers tremendous benefits to your mental health and the level of anxiety you feel.

3. Are there any simple nutrition plans, tips or recipes that we can follow?

When it comes to nutrition, I would suggest that you stick to whole foods. 

Eat foods like fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, eggs, meat and fish. These things are all real foods. They don’t come with an ingredient list you can’t understand and they provide all the nutrients you need for optimal health and performance. It doesn’t have to be complicated.

4. Are there any recommendations on resources (youtube channel/video, social media pages, blogs, books, podcasts etc) to refer to?

Check out the following books:
– The Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson
– What The Fat? by Caryn Zinn and Grant Schofield

Those books are a great place to start.


Ben Pulham is the founder of Coached, a heart rate training programme that helps you optimise, track and enjoy your training.

A former elite triathlete who has represented New Zealand at Triathlon World Championships, World Cups and in the Olympic Trials, Ben is a sought after endurance coach who has worked with thousands of athletes and many global brands including Under Armour, Nike, P&G, Apple, Standard Chartered, Facebook, Cisco and BMW.

Coached has also made sports science testing friendly and accessible to everyone.

Their testing services include:
– Lactate Testing
– Fuel Efficiency Testing
– Sweat Testing
– Body Composition Testing
– VO2Max Testing

Photo source: Coached’s Facebook
Photo source: Coached’s Facebook

What you can do (or cannot do) to maintain your personal and family’s well-being in response to the COVID-19 circuit breaker measures

The Government will be implementing an elevated set of safe distancing measures, as a circuit breaker to pre-empt the trend of increasing local transmission of COVID-19. The aim is to reduce much more significantly movements and interactions in public and private places.

These heightened safe distancing measures will be in place for four weeks (i.e. two incubation cycles) from 7 April 2020 until 4 May 2020 (inclusive). Current safe distancing measures on capacity limits and physical separation remain in force and must be strictly complied with, especially over the weekend.

Physical fitness

  • Sports and recreation facilities, such as public swimming pools, country clubs, gyms and fitness studios will be closed.
  • Organised sporting programmes will remain suspended.
  • All recreational facilities in hotels will be closed.
  • You are to exercise on your own, around your immediate neighbourhood in open, uncrowded places.
  • Public parks and open-air stadiums will remain open, but gatherings in groups in these spaces must be avoided. Safe distancing must be practised even in open spaces.
  • You can check how crowded the parks are before going for a relaxing activity or running at https://safedistparks.nparks.gov.sg/
  • You can also work out at home by following fitness classes or resources online.

Social wellness

  • Social contact should be confined to immediate family members living in the same household during this period. You can still keep in touch with family members and friends through video calls or phone calls.
  • Retail outlets that provide items and services necessary to support the daily living needs of the population will remain open. Specific outlets in the malls will remain open for this purpose. These include supermarkets, pharmacies, restaurants, food and beverage outlets, and other outlets offering essential services. All other physical retail outlets shall be closed.
  • You can check how crowded the malls are before going to get your essential items at https://www.spaceout.gov.sg.
  • All entertainment venues such as nightclubs, bars, pubs, karaoke lounges, amusement centres, billiard saloons, bowling centres, computer games centres and cinemas remain to be closed.
  • From 7 April 2020, all attractions, theme parks, museums and casinos will be closed.
  • All other public sector social and arts activities and facilities will be closed. These include SportSG activities, community centre classes, museums, libraries and art galleries /performance venues.

Food and nutrition

  • From 7 April 2020, all restaurants, hawker centres, coffeeshops, food courts and other food and beverage outlets will remain open only for takeaway or delivery.
  • Food suppliers – including food and food ingredient production, food manufacturing, food processing, abattoirs/ slaughterhouses, food caterers, importers and traders, and food logistics, cold stores/ warehouses, food safety testing, supermarkets, convenience stores, grocery retailers, wholesale markets and wet markets – will remain open. You can be assured of the continued availability of food items.
  • Food delivery services are available on three key food delivery platforms – Deliveroo, foodpanda and GrabFood.
  • To help F&B businesses lower business costs from their delivery and takeaway operations, from 7 April to 4 May 2020, ESG will fund five percentage points of the commission cost charged by the above three delivery platforms.

Personal care, health and wellness

  • All public and private acute hospitals (including offsite specialist clinics and offsite Ambulatory Surgical Centres), community hospitals, polyclinics, Public Health Preparedness Clinics (PHPCs), and renal dialysis centres will remain open for the delivery of essential services*.
  • Non-PHPC General Practitioner (GP) clinics, specialist clinics, dental clinics, and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) clinics may remain open only for the delivery of essential services. All non-essential appointments should be deferred, and any on-site staffing kept to a minimum.
  • Where possible, services that are suitable for teleconsultation should be delivered remotely. Examples of essential and non-essential face-to-face services are found in Annex A.
  • Operators that provide hairdressing & barber services (basic haircut only), optician services and sale of optical products, laundry services for Essential Services will be available.
  • Plumbers, electricians, & locksmiths will be available.
  • Operators that provide vehicle recovery and repair services, repair of consumer electronics, and household appliances will be available.

* Essential services/ procedures refer to those, if not provided or performed, would result in significant or rapid deterioration of the patient’s medical condition, and potentially threaten their health and wellbeing.

Family and pet care

  • Residential and home-based community care services such as nursing homes, psychiatric rehabilitation homes, psychiatric sheltered homes, inpatient palliative care, home medical, home nursing, home palliative care, interim caregiver service, and meals delivery services will continue to function.
  • Senior care centres, day rehab centres, psychiatric rehabilitation centres, and day hospices will be closed. Selected centres will remain open to support those with inadequate family support, as well as intensive care needs. Such seniors can also be supported with home care services including meals delivery if needed.
  • Pre-schools will be closed. But parents/guardians who are working in essential services and are unable to find alternative care arrangements will get help in looking after their children. Priority will be given to children of healthcare workers as well as those of low-wage or daily-wage workers employed in essential services.
  • Parents working in essential services such as healthcare, who are unable to secure alternative care arrangements may approach their children’s preschools and primary schools for assistance.
  • Veterinary services will be open to provide emergency and non-elective services, including the hospitalisation of your pets.
  • Pet supplies stores will be open for provision of animal feed but no grooming or leisure activities are allowed.

Education and learning

  • From 8 April 2020 to 4 May 2020, schools and institutes of higher learning will shift to full home-based learning, while preschool and student care centres will suspend services. Private education institutions should also move to home-based learning, or suspend classes otherwise.
  • With home-based learning, school-based assessments and examinations for the year will need to be adjusted where necessary. All school-based Mid-Year Examinations will be cancelled.
  • However, national examinations, including the mid-year GCE O- and A-Level Mother Tongue Language examinations in June, Year-End Examinations and Primary School Leaving Examinations will proceed as planned and with the necessary precautionary measures in place.

Workplace safety

  • Workplaces, except for those in essential services and key economic sectors, will be closed. Employers that are able to continue to operate their businesses with their employees working from home should continue to do so.
  • All activities that can take place through telecommuting must be done from home.
  • For those who must be at the workplace – such as those manning essential services – companies must implement safe distancing measures to reduce physical interactions by reducing the need for and duration of physical interactions, staggering working hours, postponing all group events and implementing shift work and/or split team arrangements.

Spiritual wellness

  • Religious services will remain suspended and places of worship will be closed.
  • Where necessary, places of worship may continue to conduct funeral rites but should involve no more than 10 people at any one time.

Financial wellness

  • All financial markets in Singapore remain open, and payment services are unaffected.
  • Banking services will continue to be available through online channels, ATMs and bank branches.
  • Insurance, broking, custody, asset management, and financial advisory services will also continue to be available.
  • Some branches of banks and finance companies and customer service centres of insurance companies may close temporarily because of reduced customer traffic.


  • Essential services, such as national security, law and order, regulatory enforcement, government communications, public healthcare services, transportation, foreign affairs and embassy services, border control, civil defence, critical infrastructure, utilities, greenery and animal management and environmental services will continue.
  • Key physical centres that provide help to needy Singaporeans, such as residential social services and social service centres will also remain open. 
  • Blood donation services will remain in operation, and residents are encouraged to continue donating blood during this period. As part of the additional precautions put in place for safe distancing, donors are highly encouraged to make appointments for their blood donations. Please visit HSA’s website for more information: https://www.hsa.gov.sg/blood-donation.
  • All government-managed columbaria (Choa Chu Kang, Mandai and Yishun Columbarium) will be closed, with effect from 7 April 2020 until 4 May 2020 (inclusive).
  • During the period of closure, installation of urns into niches may continue, with permit from NEA. Next-of-kin may be present but should be limited in number, with proper safe distancing observed.
  • Choa Chu Kang Cemetery will remain open for burials, and Mandai Crematorium will remain open for cremation services.
  • Operators that provide funeral-related services (e.g. funeral directors/undertakers, crematoria, columbarium, funeral parlours) will be available.
  • Operators that provide telecommunications (Fixed, Mobile and Internet Access), data centres, broadcasting services (radio and television), postal services, security printing services, the publication of newspapers, waste Collection & disposal services, environmental hygiene monitoring & public cleansing services will continue.

Social Responsibility is Key

  • Social responsibility is critical in slowing the spread of COVID-19.
  • Those who are unwell, even with mild flu-like symptoms, should see a doctor immediately. They should not go out into the public for any other purpose, and should not come into close contact with others.
  • We should stop non-essential activities and avoid all gatherings beyond our immediate family or household members during this period.
  • All should adopt safe distancing and good hygiene practices even at home, and encourage your friends and family to do so as well.

Expert Series: How do you stay physically, mentally and/or nutritionally healthy during this period? – Jenny Huang (Physiotherapist)

In view of the current COVID-19 situation and measures implemented by the governments, we have asked some of the experts to share some tips with our running and sports community on how to stay physically, mentally and/or nutritionally healthy during this period.

1. How do we stay active or physically healthy during this period, considering that we are encouraged to stay at home as much as possible?

At this time, we are and should be socially responsible in reducing the curve of the COVID-19 rise by staying home, not visiting anyone outside of our household BUT keep healthy by continuing to run ALONE in the parks (as Prime Minister Lee has suggested) or the quiet roads.

I always do my runs early in the morning at dawn to avoid: cars, other runners and walkers, those walking their dogs and the sun (ok that last part on the sun is for vanity reasons. I can’t get any more sunspots on my face!)

What is important, coming from a physio standpoint, is that we do our part by keeping our immune system up by doing regular 45 minutes of exercise (minimum) 4-5 times a week (for me, it’s daily).

We won’t get COVID-19 by running past people and we will reduce chances by running alone and during quieter hours of the day.  As a lone runner, we have complied with both CDC and Singapore social distancing measures. YAY!

ONE caveat when we run longer:  avoid the water fountains and bring your own water if need be. COVID-19 is spread through spit and water droplets.

2. How do we stay calm during this stressful period?

We need to change and embrace a new normal. COVID-19 isn’t going away in a snap whether we said we’d restrict movement for a month or so. It will be around for quite some time and we just need to go with the flow and support a #SGUnited.

The common good for the people and health is what I go with foremost to protect my family and this country. What we have is control and each one of us plays a huge part in that control over COVID-19.  We do our part by making proper choices to stay healthy yet keeping social distancing.

And really?  Remember why we run: we take control over our bodies abilities and we gain brain hormones called endorphins to reduce stress.

3. Are there any simple nutrition plans, tips or recipes that we can follow?

Eat in moderation and avoid going out as much as possible as there are asymptomatic individuals. Cook your own awesome dishes that you can find online (really, Jenny is not a chef nor pretends to be one).

For me?  I love greens and meat and red wine 😀 Again, everything in moderation.  AND know we have enough here in Singapore so no need to hoard.

4. Are there any recommendations on resources (youtube channel/video, social media pages, blogs, books, podcasts etc) to refer to?

Honestly, I have just closed the clinic and now have time to sit and read a bit.  So no, currently I’m just going on Netflix and hanging out with my kids. I love my Spotify playlist of music (it’s where I get to feel happiest with running and music!)


Jenny Huang, the founder of HelloPhysio is an experienced physiotherapist who graduated with magna cum laude in 1997 with her Masters in Physical Therapy from the University of Texas Medical Branch (hook ‘em horns). She loves learning and teaching and strives to provide the highest standard of patient care and customer service.

Jenny is a mom to two awesome teenage kids, runs a ton and loves racing. She has placed first in some notable races such as 2013 Sundown 100km ultramarathon, 2014 Great Eastern half-marathon, 2015 The North Face 50km ultra duo, 2016 Star Wars race winning the Death Star trophy (you can rub the trophy for good luck at HelloPhysio). She is an ambassador of New Balance, Garmin, Jabra, Gatorade, Compressport and EloWater.

Photo source: Jenny’s Facebook
Photo source: Jenny’s Facebook

Finding the Perfect Running Shoes for You

When running, you will want to feel as comfortable as possible. It is important to understand what type of shoes you will need. Here is some advice on finding the perfect running shoes for you.

Surfaces to Consider

The first step you will need to consider before finding the right running shoes is what kind of surfaces you will be running on. The type of surfaces you run on will determine what kind of shoe is best for your foot. If you are running on a track or court that is specifically designed to be flat, you will not need any extra traction on your shoe.

Identify Your Running

It is important that you take the time to identify what type of running you plan to do. If you do not plan, you may end up purchasing the wrong shoe that is not specifically designed for running. There are several types of athletic shoes to choose from such as walking shoes or training shoes, so you will need to work out on whether you plan to run indoors, cross country, or distance running to help you make the right choice.

Receive an Evaluation

If you are unsure of what sort of running shoes to purchase, many running stores now offer specialist equipment that can help analyze your gait (how you run) as well as your foot type. This will enable you to understand whether you need any support to prevent your feet from rolling inward. While there are several different foot-types, the three most common are neutral footed runners, overpronation, and underpronation. Having a foot evaluation will help you get a better idea of what foot type you are.

Finding the Right Shoe Store

Once you have an idea of what type of running shoe you want, visiting a specialist store will allow you to find the right shoes for you. However, make sure that you take the timeto look at all the products on offer as different designs may drastically change the feel and fit of the shoe. Also, the materials of a shoe can have a significant impact on comfort, so you will want to find a pair of shoes that are not only practical but comfortable to wear.

Tips and Tricks

There are many tips and tricks that you can make use of to help you find the perfect running shoes. Over the course of a day, your feet begin to swell from physical activity, so trying on shoes later in the afternoon can prevent you from purchasing shoes that are too small. It might also be worth trying on shoes after a run, as this will simulate the maximum size of your foot. Also, considering a shoe that is half a size larger could be beneficial for you. This is because the strain you put on your feet along, with the resulting swelling means that most runners will need to buy shoes that a half a size larger, so they can run and feel comfortable throughout their exercise.

Ask for Help

If you require assistance in finding the right running shoes for you, simply find a member of staff in the shoe store who will be able to offer you guidance and help to ensure you make the right purchase. You will also need to factor in how much your running shoes will cost. The better the shoe, the higher the price, however, there are ways to get around paying for any unnecessary features. The shoe clerk will be able to give you more information on the configuration or shape of the bottom of the shoes, as well as the vents.

You can find some of the best cheap running shoes online. Also, visiting websites like AllWorkoutRoutines can give you more information on fitness, as well as user reviews on the Bowflex Max Trainer if you want to mix up your workouts. You may find that if you’re going to use a piece of equipment like this trainer regularly, you’ll need a different pair of shoes. So, read up about the piece of equipment first to make sure it doesn’t require a specific type of footwear.

Break in Your Shoes

Once you have purchased your shoes and are ready to go running, it is important that you take the time to break in your shoes. Breaking in your shoes will help prevent blisters as well as increasing comfort. You will need time for your shoes to adjust to your feet and it is likely that there will be a bit of friction at first, which could potentially cause blisters. To help eliminate the risk of blisters, make sure to go on shorter runs or go for a walk first. Starting slow and steady can help reduce the risk of blisters.

Each of the factors listed will help you get a clearer idea of what steps you will need to take to find the right running shoes for you. If you have any friends or family who go running, make sure to ask them on what sort of shoes they use, so you can get a better understanding of what running shoes you will need.

How To Take Care of Shin Splints

Shin splints are very painful and can be pretty debilitating if they are not dealt with swiftly and effectively. Runners commonly suffer from shin splints, which are caused by the connective tissues that attach your muscle to your shinbone becoming inflamed. This can cause aching, throbbing pain, but can also make walking and mobility very difficult too.

Plenty of factors can cause shin splints, including things like flat feet, ill-fitting shoes, and not warming up (or down) properly. If you want to remain as active and mobile as possible, then the best thing to do is to look at how you can take care of shin splints. These are some remedial options that you can explore to help with this as soon as possible.

1. Foam Roller

A foam roller is one of the best things you can use here, and it can provide some much-needed relief for those looking to ease the pain and discomfort of shin splints. You should spend a bit of time each day rolling a foam roller all over your ankles, shins, and calves. This is a technique that can help to loosen the fascia and really help you improve your shins and ease a lot of the pressure and pain that could be harming them.

2. CBD (Cannabidiol)

CBD has long been popular due to the fact that it is a product believed to have medicinal properties. And it is certainly an option when you are looking to combat shin splints; specifically, CBD cooling cream or CBD balm stick can provide blessed relief from the symptoms of shin splints. This is something you need to make sure you work on as much as possible. It can be an excellent option for helping to make the most of the treatments out there.

3. Massage

There are few aches and pains that can’t be at least slightly alleviated through the use of a massage. This is something that you are going to need to work on as much as possible, and it will help you to factor this in as much as possible. Even a self-massage of the shins can go a long way toward helping you take care of shin splints.

4. Change our Shoes

Changing your shoes can make a massive difference to the way you are feeling these days, and this is something you need to consider. Shoes that limit pronation or come with arch supports can be really essential for this, and will often make all the difference. Make sure you are choosing shoes that will protect and look after your feet and legs as much as possible.

If you can follow the ideas on here you should have no issues being able to manage and take care of shin splints effectively. Treating this condition is so important when it comes to being able to run and work out as well as you possibly can. Make the most of this moving forward, and you will be able to improve your mobility as a result.

You can also read more about shin splints at “Most common running injury – The Shin Splints” and “How to Treat Shin Splints“.

5 Key Features to Consider While Choosing Headphones for Exercising

If you’re looking for the best headphones for exercising, you need to look beyond things such as sound quality and pricing.

Studies show that music can help make your workout better. But if you can’t stand the music at your local gym, it’s better to bring along your own headphones for exercising.

In this article, you’ll learn how to choose the best headphones for your workouts. You’ll find out:

  • the differences between in-ear, over-ear, and on-ear headphones and how to choose the best for exercising
  • what the Ingress Protection (IPX) rating means and what IPX rating you should look for
  • which headphones provide the best sound isolation properties
  • whether you should get headphones with a built-in microphone or not
  • how to find the most comfortable headphones for exercise

Let’s dive straight in.

When looking for headphones to wear while exercising, you need to look at the following:

  • form factor
  • IPX rating
  • sound isolation
  • microphone
  • comfort

1. Form Factor

Headphones come in different forms. The most common you’ll find at the gym are in-ear headphones. You may also see over-ear headphones that cup over the entire ears or on-ear headphones that sit on top of the ears.Place bananas, pear (or apple), kale, orange juice, water, ice cubes and flaxseed in a blender. Pulse a few times, then puree until smooth, scraping down the sides as necessary.

a) In-ear headphones can be in-ear monitors (IEMs) or earbuds. These are lighter, more portable, and easier to clean than other headphones.

  • IEMs have foam or silicone tips that are inserted into the ear canals. These create a seal that cuts out ambient noise, allowing you to listen at lower volumes. IEMs sit inside the ears and are less likely to fall off than earbuds. They may also come with neck bands or ear wings to keep them in place.
  • Earbuds sit on the concha, the hollow bowl located just outside the ear canal. Earbuds are much more likely to fall off than IEMs because they’re normally available in a single size. If your ears are slightly larger or smaller than average, your earbuds may easily fall off during your workouts.

b) Over-ear headphones are more likely to stay on your head. Because of the large ear cups, they also tend to produce higher-quality sound. But over-ear headphones can get heavy, especially on longer workouts.

c) On-ear headphones can be a good alternative to over-ear headphones. They are lighter and more portable but will stay on your head as long as you’re not doing crazy acrobatics. Their downside is the cups press against your earlobes, which can cause discomfort if worn for too long.

2. IPX Rating

The average person produces up to 1.4 litres of sweat for every hour of exercise. That’s more than enough to damage your headphones if it’s not thoroughly protected.

If you’re looking for headphones for exercising, you need to find a pair that’s sweatproof. You can use the IP rating to figure out if your headphones can easily withstand sweat. In general, you need headphones with at least an IPX4 rating. This means water splashed on the headphones will not cause damage.

However, IPX4 headphones aren’t enough if you’re looking for waterproof headphones for swimming or other water sports. In this case, you need to look for headphones with a rating of IPX8. This rating means the headphones have a hydrophobic nano-coating that allow them to be submerged underwater for up to 3 meters for a long time.

3. Sound Isolation

If you’re working out at a gym that plays music you don’t like, you might want to get headphones with good sound isolation. IEMs, because they create a seal in the ear canals, are good at blocking out background noise. Some over-ear headphones also have electronic noise-cancelling features to minimize ambient sounds.

However, if you prefer to exercise outdoors, look for headphones that allow some background noise. This helps you be more aware of sounds coming from your surroundings, such as a beeping car.

4. Microphone

While some headphones are made only for playing music, you might want a pair with a built-in microphone. This lets you make calls without pausing your workouts. Most headphones have their mics on the ear cups or attached to the wires. They also usually have built-in controls for playing or pausing tracks, adjusting the volume, and answering calls.

5. Comfort

In-ear headphones are lighter and more comfortable, especially in warmer weather, but you may have to shop around to find a good pair that fits snugly inside your ears. If you prefer over-ear or on-ear headphones because they are easier to fit, keep in mind that they can get hot on your ears after a short while.

Also, look for wireless headphones. Wired headphones are okay for exercises with basic movements, such as walking or running. But for lifting weights, riding a bicycle, or other workouts, you don’t want wires tangling or tripping you on your feet.

Find Exercise Headphones That Work for You

There’s no one-size-fits-all pair of headphones, so you need to find a good pair that works for your workout preferences. Whether you choose in-ear, over-ear, or on-ear headphones, they must be comfortable and sweatproof. They must also have the right level of sound-isolating capability and have a built-in mic in case you need to take calls while exercising.

5 Virtual Runs For You To Stay Fit, Motivated and Healthy During This Tough Period

Recently, all marathons/running events are cancelled/postponed due to the current COVID-19 pandemic. However, this should not hinder you from exercising or taking care of yourself. In fact, the most important thing now is to take care of your health and well-being. Therefore, join Virtual Runs to help you stay fit and healthy during these tough times and keep yourself motivated!

Here are 5 Virtual Runs we’ve specially picked for you!

1) Phoenix Virtual Run 2020

In Greek mythology, a phoenix is a long-lived bird that cyclically regenerates or is otherwise born again. Associated with the Sun, a phoenix obtains new life by arising from the ashes of its predecessor. In this virtual run, we want to emphasize the importance to embrace new beginnings.

Registration closes: 30 April 2020
Run until/ Upload closes: 30 April 2020
Available in: Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei
Shipping: 15 May 2020, from Malaysia
Categories/Entitlements: 5KM 2x Medals + 1x T-Shirt set + Certificate – RM70.00

Sign up now!!

2) Give the Dogs a Second Chance Virtual Run

“Man’s best friend” is a common phrase about domestic dogs, referring to their millennia-long history of close relations, loyalty, and companionship with humans. Over the years, we have thousands and millions of stray dogs in the world that need your help to give them a second home. In this virtual run, we want to emphasize the importance of adopting a dog instead of buying a new one. Be kind to motherless fur babies and have faith that you can finish the run on time.

Registration closes: 31 May 2020
Run until/ Upload closes: 15 June 2020
Available in: Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei
Shipping: 15 June 2020, from Malaysia
1) 10km Medal only- RM29
2) 10 km Medal + Finisher T-Shirt – RM59

What are you waiting for?

3) OWLsome Virtual Run

The owl has been associated with the need to retreat from the world. Owl energy teaches us to look inside ourselves for the answers that we seek. A powerful spirit guide when embarking upon meditation or study, the owl will help you to keep secrets.

Registration closes: 31 May 2020
Run until/ Upload closes: 15 June 2020
Available in: Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei
Shipping: 15 June 2020, from Malaysia
1) 10km Medal only- RM29
2) 10 km Medal + Finisher T-Shirt – RM59

Don’t Miss Out!

4) Power of Excellence Virtual Challenge 2020

We wish to inspire and upgrading anyone who is enthusiastic in running and make their goal fulfil with reward, another excitement after Power of Determination and Power of Passion, now is time to strengthen your inner power!

Registration closes: 31 July 2020
Run until/Upload closes: 31 Dec 2020
Available in: Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Japan, Hong Kong, Mongolia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, Brunei, Taiwan
Shipping: 1 January 2021, from Malaysia
Categories/Entitlements: 2020km Finisher Medal & T-shirt Package – RM100.00

Sign up now!

5) Princesses Virtual Run

Registration closes: 31 Dec 2020
Run until/Upload closes: 31 Dec 2020 / 31 January 2021
Available in: Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Brunei, Other
Shipping: 1 Apr 2020, from Malaysia
1) 10km Medal + Short Sleeve T-Shirt – RM65
2) 10km Medal + Long Sleeve T-Shirt- RM70*
3) 10km Medal Only- RM35
4) Short-Sleeve T-Shirt Only – RM30
5) Long-Sleeve T-Shirt Only – RM35

Register now!

We hope with these virtual runs, you will continue to stay healthy and motivated especially during this rough period. Let’s also practice social responsibility and social distancing when we are exercising outdoors. We are in this together and this too, shall pass. Together, we can overcome! #SGUnited

Are you looking to join more virtual running events?

Check out the selected events available for registration on our platform, JustRunLah! Connect. Registering via our platform is safe, fast and secure!

Salomon Unveils New [opti·vibe] Technology and Their Spring 2020 Trail and Road Running Range

Salomon introduces its new [opti·vibe] technology which is specially designed for all road and trail runners. [opti·vibe] technology is the result of six years of research that has produced a comfortable, high-performance shoe. It is a unique combination of cushioning and dynamism. During each foot strike, the cushioning not only reduces shock absorbed by the body, but it also returns energy.

By combining two materials with complementary properties – cushioning and rebound – Salomon has produced a heel that meets all expectations in terms of cushioning, stability and feel. Heel strikers will benefit from the comfort of great cushioning that is also dynamic. Runners with a forefoot strike can also take advantage of this technology by choosing a model with a low drop. When fatigue sets in they will appreciate the increased comfort that comes from the cushioning in the heel.

To create [opti·vibe] technology, Salomon invested in a digitally-modelled human leg—including the bones, muscles, and ligaments—in order to study biomechanics. In this case, the Salomon biomechanics lab focused on dampening vibration and how shoes can help protect runners. Doing so helped the product team create a shoe that is intended to reduce lower leg fatigue, and do so without sacrificing dynamic rebound. In fact, Salomon biomechanics experts were able to confirm a 15 percent reduction in the vibration when compared to traditional running shoes.

[opti·vibe] technology is injected into the new road running series Sonic 3, and can also be found in trail models, Sense Ride 3.

Road Running Range – Sonic 3

New Sonic 3 footwear collection designed for everyday training and protection

It’s no secret that Salomon cemented its reputation in running by being at the forefront of the trail running explosion of the last 10-15 years. More recently, however, the company has made it clear that it is highly capable of creating seriously good road running shoes. It started with the hiring of several longtime running industry personnel, which showed that the company was taking its foray onto the street seriously. The results over the past two years speak for themselves. Salomon had huge retail success with its Sonic and Predict RA shoes in 2019, which turned heads with both specialities running shop experts and podiatrists for their unique design approach. In fact, the Predict RA was a Runner’s World Hot List award winner. 

For the spring 2020 season, the company builds on that gathering momentum with an evolving range of Sonic models—the Accelerate, the Balance and the Confidence. Working with the firm belief that a running shoe should work with you, not against you, Salomon developed three new Sonic models designed to match the stride of every runner. Each model features Salomon’s [opti·vibe] technology, which helps runners save energy so he or she can run more. [opti·vibe] technology uses a unique combination of foams—one to dampen, the other to propel—which helps to reduce fatigue-inducing vibrations at foot strike allowing you to focus on moving forward. Sonic 3 is designed for runners in search of a training or all-around running shoe (see specific descriptions below) that will protect their joints and muscles.

Sonic 3 Accelerate

Men’s Sonic 3 Accelerate – Hawaiian Ocean/White/Poseidon
Available in Running Lab at $239

At just 223 grams, the Sonic 3 Accelerate is a lightweight training shoe packed with features designed to optimize your speed training. [opti·vibe] technology, a unique combination of foams (one to dampen, the other to propel), helps reduce vibration on foot strike to decrease fatigue without affecting your overall ride. To ensure a fast, efficient forward transition from contact to propulsion, the Geometric Decoupling axis is oriented medially with a larger lateral platform. The road-specific, lightweight Sensifit upper fits the contours of your foot, gently securing it in place, for dynamic comfort with no added weight.
Drop: 6mm. Stack height: 24/18mm

Sonic 3 Balance

Women’s Sonic 3 Balance – Meadow Brook/White/Patina Green
Available in Running Lab at $239

 An advanced training shoe for all-around performance, the lightweight Sonic 3 Balance is packed with all the essential features you need to optimize your road running, and nothing else. [opti·vibe] technology, a unique combination of foams (one to dampen, the other to propel), helps reduce vibration on foot strike to decrease fatigue without affecting your overall ride. The Geometric Decoupling axis is centred to deliver a balanced, effortless forward transition from contact to propulsion. The road-specific, lightweight Sensifit upper fits the contours of your foot, gently securing it in place, for dynamic comfort with no added weight.
Drop: 8mm Stack height: 28/20mm

Sonic 3 Confidence

Women’s Sonic 3 Confidence – Camellia/White/Quail
Available in Running Lab at $239

A structured training shoe when you need a bit more, the Sonic 3 Confidence training shoe is packed with features to give you extra assurance on the road. [opti·vibe] technology, a unique combination of foams (one to dampen, the other to propel), helps reduce vibration on foot strike to decrease fatigue without affecting your overall ride. The Geometric Decoupling axis is oriented more laterally to create a larger medial platform for a more stable forward transition from heel to toe. The road-specific, Sensifit upper fits the contours of your foot, gently securing it in place, for dynamic comfort and extra reassurance.
Drop: 10 mm Stack Height: 30/20mm

Trail Running Range – Sense Ride 3 & Sense PRO 4

New product offering caters to experienced and new trail runners as sport continues to grow

As the undisputed leader in trail running, Salomon has consistently invested in the growth of the sport with trail running workshops, community runs and sponsored events for both amateur and elite athletes. Through these efforts (and the efforts of other brands and organizations), the sport continues to flourish around the world. 

According to the 2018 Outdoor Industry Association, the number of trail runners in the United States more than doubled between 2007 and 2017 (+117%). The average yearly growth in trail running participation with 18-24 year-old Americans over the last four years was 10 percent, and ages 18-24 now represent 22 percent of trail runners in the U.S. In France and Germany, trail running sales have grown more than five percent per year from 2015 to 2018. In fact, there are now more than nine million trail runners in the U.S. and one million in France. 

The proper experience with footwear, apparel and gear are crucial if these newcomers to trail running are to return for more. When it comes to footwear, comfort and traction provide confidence as new trail runners gain experience running off-road. To deliver that confidence, Salomon offers several shoe models in spring/summer 2020 with the fit and feel of a road running shoe in a package built to handle technical terrain. The new Sense Ride 3 and Sense PRO 4, for example, have ample cushioning and Salomon’s [opti·vibe] vibration reduction technology for a well-protected ride.

In spring 2020, Salomon will continue to offer Plogging runs during which participants help clean up the environment around them by gathering litter. Additionally, the brand will continue its How to Trail Run Workshops and offer a new, second-level experience designed to help novice runners take their abilities to the next level by practising uphill and downhill running in timed sessions. 

Sense Ride 3 and Sense PRO 4 are designed for trail runners, road runners looking to head off-road and urban residents who run in a park or in the forest.

Sense Ride 3

Men’s Sense Ride 3 – Stormy Weather/Pearl Blue/Lapis Blue
Available in Running Lab & LIV ACTIV at $239

An everyday trail running shoe from the leader in the sport, the Sense Ride 3 draws on road-running standards to provide overall comfort and soft cushioning. For extra grip and protection, it’s also packed with trail-specific features like anti-debris mesh, a ground filter and a Contagrip® outsole. Using Salomon’s road running knowledge, the Sense Ride 3 delivers a comfortable ride via extra cushioning, an optimized midsole with [opti·vibe] technology vibration-reduction and decoupling. The soft upper is designed with just the right amount of protection. The full rubber Contagrip® outsole offers premium traction, while Profeel film protects your feet from sharp objects on the trail.

Sense PRO 4

Men’s Sense Pro 4 – Black/White/Cherry Tomato
Available in Running Lab at $269

Ideal for picking up the pace on fast, rolling terrain, the Sense PRO 4 features road running technologies to deliver a dynamic ride and just the right amount of protection to take on challenging trails. A soft hydrophobic upper, ample cushioning and optimized midsole featuring [opti·vibe] technology vibration-reduction technology provide a well-protected ride. The full rubber Contagrip® outsole offers premium traction, while Profeel film protects your feet from sharp objects on the trail. The Sense PRO 4 also has an Optimized drop (4mm) for greater precision and stability and a more efficient forward transition.

#Timetoplay #RunOnEmotion with the latest [opti·vibe] technology.
Follow Salomon on IG @salomon_sg & FB @salomonsingapore

5 Home-made Beverages to Boost Your Immune System

Your immune system needs a healthy dose of vitamins and minerals to keep its energy up and going.

Below are 5 easy recipes to make your own immunity-boosting beverages at home.

Green Smoothie

The greens in this recipe are the powerhouse nutrition for vitamins A and C, as well as protein, fibre and calcium.


  • 2 ripe medium bananas
  • 1 ripe pear or apple, peeled if desired, chopped
  • 2 cups chopped kale leaves, tough stems removed (see Notes)
  • ½ cup cold orange juice
  • ½ cup cold water
  • 12 ice cubes
  • 1 tablespoon ground flaxseed


  1. Place bananas, pear (or apple), kale, orange juice, water, ice cubes and flaxseed in a blender. Pulse a few times, then puree until smooth, scraping down the sides as necessary.

Carrot Orange Juice

A juice containing carrots that contain carotenes that help nourish the thymus gland. The thymus gland is responsible for much of the immune system functions.


  • 3 medium carrots, peeled
  • 2 medium oranges, peel and pith removed
  • 1 tablespoon chia seeds, optional


  1. Juice the carrots, then the oranges, following your juicer’s specific settings for each. Stir in the chia seeds if using and let soak for 5 minutes. Serve the juice immediately over ice, if desired.

Kiwi Watermelon Lime Juice

Kiwis has more Vitamin C than an orange. Mix in this smoothie recipe.


  • 2 kiwis, peeled
  • 1 1/4 cups chopped watermelon
  • 2 large, juicy limes, peel and pith removed
  • 1 tablespoon chia seeds, optional


  1. Juice, in this order, the kiwis, watermelon and limes, following your juicer’s specific settings for each. Stir in the chia seeds if using and let soak for 5 minutes. Serve the juice immediately over ice, if desired.

Coconut Water Smoothie with Mango Banana and Strawberries

Nicknamed the “water of life,” coconut water delivers nutrients to the body while boosting the immune system. Use in this smoothie recipe.


  • Coconut water, regular or flavoured
  • 2 bananas
  • 2 mangos
  • 1 cup strawberries (fresh or frozen)
  • 1/2 cup Greek yogurt
  • 2 tablespoons honey


  1. Fill ice trays with the coconut water and freeze until solid.
  2. Place the fruit, honey and 12 to 14 coconut water flavoured ice cubes into a blender and blend until smooth. Serve immediately.

Orange Ice Tea

A study showed that immune system blood cells from tea drinkers responded five times faster to germs. Building on that, and adding in Vitamin C infused orange juice leads to a delicious iced tea.


  • 1 cup orange juice
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 2 cups water
  • 7 black tea bags
  • 3 cups sparkling water, chilled
  • 1/2 small orange, thinly sliced
  • Ice
  • Fresh mint or basil sprigs, to garnish


  1. For the syrup: In a small saucepan, bring the orange juice and sugar to a boil over medium-high heat. Simmer, stirring occasionally, until the sugar has dissolved, about 5 minutes. Remove from the heat and cool for 20 minutes.
  2. For the tea: In a small saucepan, bring the water to a boil. Add the tea bags and remove the pan from the heat. Allow the tea to steep and cool to room temperature, about 20 minutes. Remove the tea bags and discard. Pour the tea and syrup into a pitcher and refrigerate until ready to serve.
  3. To serve: Pour the sparkling water into the pitcher and add the orange slices. Pour the tea into 4 ice-filled glasses. Garnish with fresh mint, or basil, and serve.

Advisory for Sport and Physical Exercise Activities

The Ministry of Health (“MOH”) issued an additional advisory “Tighter Measures To Minimise Further Spread of COVID-19” on 24 Mar 2020. In view of the evolving COVID-19 situation, Sport Singapore (SportSG) is providing operational guidance on physical distancing measures. Below is a summary of SportSG’s advisory for Sport and Physical Exercise/Activities.

  • All tournaments/competitions, leagues and matches to be suspended till 30 Apr 2020, or cancelled with effect from 26 Mar 2020, 2359hrs.
  • All senior-centric programmes are suspended till 30 Apr 2020.
  • All ActiveSG children & youth-centric organised programmes are suspended till 30 Apr 2020. All others must follow suit from 26 Mar 2020, 2359hrs till 30 Apr 2020.
  • All gatherings must not exceed 10 people.
  • Physical distance of at least 1m from each other must be followed strictly.
  • Private operators and NSAs must follow the advisory strictly.

Rules and Regulations

Gyms– Operating capacity must be kept to one person per 16 sqm of usable space.
– No organised group activities must be allowed to intermingle within the space.
– Ensure strong access control for proper screening.
Studios– Operating capacity of each studio must be kept to one person per 16 sqm of usable space or maximum of 10 people, whichever is lower.
– Activities must be conducted with at least 1m spacing between individuals.
– Ensure strong access control for proper screening.
Outdoor programmes– Organised outdoor activities must keep to a maximum of 10 participants with 1m spacing between them.
Stadiums/ Swimming Pools– Capacity must be limited by the norm of one person per 16 sqm of activity space.
– Organised programmes must keep to a maximum of 10 people with 1m spacing between them.
– For pools, ensure strong access control for proper screening.
Indoor Sport Halls– Capacity must be limited by the norm of one person per 16 sqm of activity space.
– Organised activities must keep to a maximum of 10 people with 1m spacing between them.
– For pools, ensure strong access control for proper screening.

Best practices

  • Reduce crowding as follows:
    • Implement a queue management system where necessary. Space participants out with clear demarcations (e.g. floor markers with distancing of at least 1m) with not more than 10 people in the queue.
    • Stagger entry and exit timings to the event or venue. Consider implementing an alert-based entry system (i.e. visitors arrive at the entry point when they receive an alert).
    • Implement seating arrangements with separation distance of at least 1m between participants (e.g. leave one or two vacant seats between participants or chequerboard seating), except where participants are related (e.g. families or couples).
  • Display notices and posters prominently, detailing prevention and control measures (e.g. avoid shaking hands, wipe down gym equipment, wash hands with soap, practice good personal hygiene). Refer to https://www.moh.gov/covid-19/resources for the latest notices and posters.
  • Advise participants to practice social responsibility, including monitoring their own health condition and avoiding attending the event if unwell.
  • Put in place temperature screening and health declaration measures, including turning away participants who are unwell.
  • Organisers are encouraged to promote the use of the Govtech-produced app [https://www.tracetogether.gov.sg].
  • Conduct frequent disinfection of common spaces. Increase frequency of cleaning for surfaces and interactive components within the venue (e.g smart kiosks, turnstiles). Place hand sanitisers near frequently touched surfaces like door handles.
  • Provide hand sanitisers to frontline staff who handle cash and other payment devices.
  • Organisers are encouraged to participate in SG Clean. For more details on the programme, please refer to www.sgclean.gov.sg.