Just Run Lah! - Singapore's online running community | JustRunLah! - Part 45

Getting the Most out of the MacRitchie Trail Network

Singapore’s trail runners don’t seem to figure much, if at all, on the radar of the city-state’s planners. Our fast growing community has to make do with a limited and diminishing set of options. I am vaguely hopeful that the need for more, and more continuous unpaved options may be picked up by that radar, but in the short term, the only substantial change can come from us runners looking at our environment in a new way. As I’ve argued in an earlier post, great trail possibilities might stare us in the face, right next to the unforgiving concrete our complaining feet are pounding.

This post is about a version of that cleansing-our-doors-of-perception so as to see the obvious: I recently went out to MacRitchie with the objective to see how many trail kilometers one can actually do without doing the same again and again. I came up with two loops, one of which I’ll describe here. The full write up with both options is available on my personal blog.

Route specs (excluding the closed trails): 28k and 425 altitude meters

Start at the Mushroom cafe and head out past the paddle lodge, onto the regular MacRitchie trail. Include the first two entry/exit trails going off to the right as out-and backs. Then continue toward the turn off into Windsor Nature park . During the first traverse of this section, at junctions, always take a left until you can see the toilet block ahead of you. Past the toilet block ignore the park connector and make for the grassy slope. I have marked this next bit of trail red as I am pretty sure hardly anyone knows about this perimeter option. It’s all trail, mostly lining the gardens of upmarket landed properties on one side and the jungle on the other. When the park connector ends, keep following the grassy slope, first straight East, then straight South before turning East again and hitting the dead end of Gardenia Rd. Look for the rickety metal bridge across the ditch into the forest again. You’ll see a trail to the left which makes for a 1.2k out and back to where the second entry/exit trail emerges from the forest. After this out and back, head into the forest on the faint and wild 3rd of MacRitchie’s Eastern entry/exit trails and hit the main trail  after 150m, about 1.35k from the turn-off to Windsor park. Doing this bit of main trail twice is unavoidable if you want to explore this 5k loop.

At the turn-off go into Windsor Nature park once more, now take right turns at all junctions until you hit the park connector, turn left toward the boardwalk you emerged from first time round. On the way back on the route you came in on: include the Hanguana trail – a little loop just after the bridge to the toilet block.

Back in MacRitchie, it is quite straight forward all the way to the Petaling hut via the tree top walk (with the exception of including the concrete footpath on the right just before the ranger station to the Bukit Kallang service reservoir as an out and back). Obviously the suspension bridge is non-running territory but the stairs and board walks after should be no problem outside weekends. From the Petaling hut do the sims track to the ranger station as an out and back and then continue toward Riffle Range Rd (taking a right at a t-crossing – following Bukit Timah signage).

When you hit the road (which is a broad trail here) an “entry only for authorized personnel” forbids you to add an out and back on Riffle range Rd to the East and one along the rapid water flow channel to Upper Peirce reservoir to the North – good for a combined total of 3.7k of trail (both shown on the map so you know what I am referring to). Signage along these tracks suggest that they were accessible in the past, and neither conservation nor security arguments make for plausible reasons to close these trails. Sigh…..

But you can take Riffle range Rd to the West as an out and back, return to the t-crossing and continue to the Jelutong viewing tower – which, as I have argued before and before you should climb: free altitude meters and in this case a stellar view. From the tower make the out and back detour to a side entrance of the Singapore Island Country Club, climb the viewing tower once more, just for the heck of it, and then take the regular around-the-reservoir trail back to the Mushroom cafe. Throw in the two entry/exit trails from the Lornie trail for good measure.

The Southern section of MacRitchie offers the possibility of another loop, using the board walks hugging the reservoir and trails you’ve ruin in the above described circuit, but now to be run in the opposite direction (for the description of that 11k possibility, go here). May I stress that yes, it’s indeed a changed world when you turn your head the other way! Which also means that the various mentions of out-and-back in the above description shouldn’t scare you off. Give them a try.

Three highlights and one bummer summarize my experience of this exploration. Let’s start with the bummer: everyone complaining about available trails being closed off for no good reason, unfortunately they are right.

But the highlights outweigh the negative:

  • Even in the epicentre of trail running Singapore one can find genuinely new trail possibilities
  • Looking at our environment with clean washed lenses does make for many more trail kilometers than just repeating the same old over and over again. The above circuit is 28k, combined with the other option my MacRitchie exploration added up to 39 kilometers.
  • Overcoming the widely spread but misguided aversion against out and backs, running the same trail in the opposite direction, just in itself points at the easiest way of adding to your trail repertoire. Once we know a trail we tend to always run it in the same direction. Run it in the opposite direction and you’re suddenly in new territory!

You have made it through a long bit of text, by way of making it up I offer this fabulous Belgian jazz singer as some auditory icing on the cake:

My Melody Run 2019 [5km] (by Lingderella)

Sometimes I find it super sian to travel the distance just to run a 5KM run. The traveling time to the event site might even be longer than the run itself! Hahaha!! ? But I just need to remind myself, years ago when I started running, even 1km was far too long for me to run.

And it’s My Melody Run and also the first My Melody Run on Planet Earth! ? I’m quite a fan of Sanrio characters ❤ This isn’t my first Sanrio Run. My 2nd ever race that I’ve participated in my running journey was Hello Kitty Run in 2014, which was also held in Sentosa. It was an unforgettable race as it was raining and I was damn poor thing carrying a heavy bag the entire distance. New into running events, I didn’t check and didn’t know there’s no baggage deposit ? The weather looked threatening machiam it would rain, at least we get to start but while after flagged off, it drizzled and then it became heavy downpour. Phew, it didn’t got cancelled halfway through and I got my super cute Hello Kitty finisher medal ❤ Not a collector of race bibs back then and I threw away the cute cute meow meow bib ?

Met Sabrina for the race pack collection at Novena on Saturday. As Sabrina was early she started queueing and I was showed a super sian photo as the queue was sibeh long like a snake ? Fortunately, the entire waiting time was at most about 15-20 minutes. There’s a super cute race bib, tee shirt and a plush toy ?

Flag off was at Palawan beach in Sentosa at 8.30am on Mother’s Day. There’s only the 5km fun run category. On event day, I ran to Sentosa from Novena MRT station wanting to clock some mileage with some of my hardcore running friends who’d even started their runs from Yishun to train for their upcoming Sundown Marathon. It was about a 8km run for me before the event. We reached the event site slightly before 8am, the place was already sibeh crowded with many people eagerly waiting to start. The start pen opened at 8am and we went in the start pen and were lucky enough to be in the first wave. Phew, the intervals for each wave was an additional of 10 minutes. We waited a long 30 minutes till 8.30am under the sun to start. I felt that the race should start earlier at 8am as 8.30am was rather late and we waited long under the hot sun.

It was a run without a timing chip meaning our timing wasn’t recorded so we thought we should have fun unlike the usual runs where we usually run without stopping. Once flag off want to run actually also quite tough lah, too many people already and many families with kids and prams. It’s a very warming family day for the mamas ❤ Happy Mother’s Day! ?

After the first km, the route was another good km of upslopes. We sweat a lot even we didn’t really run. It’s sunny, temperature high, should be high humidity as well. We were already looking for water point just shortly after 1km but almost 2km then there’s the water point.

While some of our friends got caught up in the later waves, we took this opportunity to walk, talk, enjoy the route and took many many pictures while we waited for them to catch up ? Distance boards were available every km but the total distance was only about 4.5km.

And that 2km water point was the one and only water point along the entire route ? Really not enough, think minimum also need to have 2 water points. Must consider there are many many kids eh. Adults can tahan a bit without water but the kids? And heard from a friend that the most jialat thing was that they run out of water at that single water point ? At least hope that after completing the run, there’s still mineral water left for them at the finish line.

Photo credits: @alonslow

There’s some activities and photo booths at the race village but we didn’t explore around because everywhere people mountain people sea with long and scary queues. We left shortly for breakfast to fill our stomach ? When I meet up Christine for dinner, she said I looked burnt ?

Race Review: Income Eco Run 2019 (by healthobeing)

This race was just 2 weeks after my Guam Marathon.  And it’d been a long time since I ran a Half Marathon or Marathon in Singapore.  It felt kinda exciting having to come back after a long hiatus from running longer distance in Singapore.

I did not manage to get to the Race pack collection.  Being a Zero waste runner this year, I am entitled to only one Bib and a runner’s event tee. It is really saving the environment.  The good thing about being the Zero waste runner is that the cost of registration is cheaper.  For about S$30 plus you get the run a Half Marathon race, to me that is pretty good.  The tee shirt was a little bit too loud for me and besides I always wear the tortoise shirt to run.


Early Morning F1 pit gathering point
Car Pool Kevin and on our way to the start point.
21km runners waiting to start

Taking place at the F1 pit, this location is becoming a hot spot for run races, I guess it is because organizers can eliminate the number of road closures.  Quite lucky in the sense that the road closure did not block out the way to the Flyer’s carpark so we were able to park there and walk really near to the start line.


Morning scene

Going pass mainly the southern part of Singapore from the F1 pit to Nicholl Highway, down to stadium and Gardens by the bay finally pass the CBD and back to F1 pit.  The route is quite the usual suspect.  But strangely maybe a long away from running in Singapore, I begin to feel the momentum to run come back.  This was added by the cool breezy morning after a shower the night before.

Zero waste check in
Resusable cup given to zero waste runners

The were ample water points along the way, mainly water and Isotonic drink.  At some points there were banana and Isogel.  To speak the truth a 21km road race does not need a lot of food but more for the hydration.  But since this was an Eco zero waste run, most runners actually brought their own hydration and saved on the paper cups.

Ending point is the same as the start point only at the different direction.  Managed to catch some friends along the way and at the end point, kind of remind me that it is time for me to join more Singaporean races to catch up with them.


zero waste runners check in point, no tee no medal 🙂
You get banana , water and isotonic
Finished look

As a zero waste runner, I was not given the finisher tee and medal.  But refreshment like the banana and hydration , water and isotonic was provided.  There were also booths around to show how you can be more environmentally friendly and save the earth at the finish area.  Many runners just laze around and take pictures with the flyer as the back ground.

Massage corner

A massage corner was also set up with masseurs giving on the sport massages.  This week was quite a madness week for me doing almost 4 pole classes and running my best for this Half marathon.  I guess I really need to take a good break and start to plan for my next marathon training.


Tortoise Group!

I would say Income run has always been one of the races I like.  It is also not so crowded.  Somehow as I grow older, I am beginning to fancy the more boutique and less crowded races.  Also its reasonable prize and doing a part for saving the environment, I will definitely come back again!

If Running is Freedom, why stick to the Tried and Trusted?

Every day, the running blogosphere, of which I admittedly am an insignificant but nevertheless guilty part, adds motivational, reflective, entertaining, educational, journalistic, etc. etc., pieces to its already unfathomably large and seemingly diverse universe. I say ‘seemingly’ because ultimately the number of genres it contains and the thematic conventions ruling each genre are surprisingly limited.

To avoid any misunderstanding: this is in no way particular to what we runners produce, it’s the same for all fancies/obsessions/interests/hobbies/industries/subjects because the list of reasons why we’re involved in anything is surprisingly limited. You don’t have to trust me on my word. Just immerse yourself in something, and if you read this, that something is probably running, and you’ve probably already immersed yourself for a bit. Unless running is a totally new thing for you, I bet it didn’t take too long before you started noticing that less and less really surprising, unexpected, new material passed by. Sure, writers, vloggers, etc. find countless new ways to present you with same old same old, and that is both unavoidable and exactly as it should be. Most of us need to hear important things in many different ways before we come across a version that manages to get really through and actually affects us.

A couple of popular genres for running are health and wellness, sport/competition/racing, companionship, self-discipline and self-improvement, and freedom. The last one is more of a niche preoccupation, but quite distinctive because of its often strongly philosophical flavour. At the edges it blends with the more pragmatic wellness genre, but it deserves separate mention because it values freedom for its own sake. I’ll give you an example of the genre:

Now ask yourself, if this kinda approach to running appeals to you – if it does not, no worries, but then this post is not for you – do you actually run Singapore in its spirit? I doubt it. And I don’t mean this as criticism, it is just a statement of fact that here, like in most places, us runners, even when we associate running strongly with ‘freedom’, stick to ‘established’ routes. We don’t take all of our environment as our play ground. Why is that?

A thought: we aspire to freedom but have this hang-up with it needing the right kinda environment, some spectacular natural landscape, of which there isn’t that much to be found here. Jogging the cityscape just doesn’t evoke that same sense of limitless possibility. And spectacular landscapes indeed can do that to us. But the message of the video is that it goes both ways: entering an environment with a free spirit, not hampered by hang-ups about what is nice or appropriate for running, beautiful, fun, etc., will unveil the limitless possibilities – well maybe not limitless but certainly plentiful – of the ordinary.

There is so much more than the tried and trusted. All public space is ours! And yes, we runners shouldn’t be a pain for others so the guiding principle always needs to be that our running doesn’t inconvenience others. But when we don’t, why bother if our running somewhere seems oddball? Some suggestions:

  • Underground Singapore (City Hall-Suntec-Esplanade, Raffles Place-Downtown, Orchard Rd) is very runnable before the shops open; and even when they are open, quieter days and times allow for quick run/walk traverses.
  • Figuring out your way through malls to overpass connections (J-walk in Jurong East, Bugis Junction, Orchard Rd), why not?
  • Explore, explore…every neighbourhood has ways through HDB compounds, tracks along canals, footpaths that only the locals know about.
  • Why not enter markets and Singapore’s older shopping centres and discover the very distinctive microcosms they often are; and don’t just do one floor.

Use your running to get to know the city better. Freedom is to go out and not know exactly what you will encounter today.

Sometimes, your environment makes you free. If it does, be grateful and enjoy it as long as it lasts. But most of the time, freedom needs your help to emerge. You need to bring the right attitude to the table. When freedom then does emerge it tends to transform the environment.

My Forest Force 50 [15km] and JustMove! Asia: Bukit Batok Nature Park (by Lingderella)

It was the first edition of Forest Force 50. And the race site was at Dairy Farm with the scenery much different than the usual Gardens by the Bay, F1 Pit Building or the high rise buildings. This time, the highlights of the route were just simply nature and the greenery ?

Willis and I participated in the 15km category and there were 25km and 50km categories as well. Flag off was at MOE dairy farm located near to Hill View Station of Downtown Line at 7.15am for the 15km, 5 mins earlier for the 25km and 50km runners 15 mins earlier. But we would not be possible to reach on time by public transport so we took Grab to the race site.

Photo credits: Silia

Though dark clouds soared above us and the sky looked scarily dark and I did hear some thunder as well but we were blessed that it didn’t rain. I love to see trail runners all dressed and geared up in their hydration vest and armed with trekking poles, looking all colourful with all the accessories you could think of such as caps/visors, arm slevees/calves sleeves, compression top and bottom and scarfs and all geared up like serious and professional runners. They looked prepared. Unlike me, always in the usual shorts and singlets and a arm band for phone. It was a BYOB race but I didn’t bring any hydration because I know Willis have hydration belt and I can just rely on him and look for him when I’m thirsty ? Anyway, I’m pretty amazed with technology nowadays. Thank you to Forest Force 50 organisers, though distance short, I have forgiven them as to a certain point it’s still a awesome race ❤ Its the first time I came across something I had never experience in my hundreds of races that I participated in before. While waiting to start, I didn’t see any timing mat but theres a chip behind out bib so we should have timing available for the race. I told Willis no timing mat and he said now got other technology nowadays which I was quite skeptical about. I even jokingly said maybe got infrared scan or something which we can’t see. But still it may be more than what I thought, I don’t know what sorcery or magic(ok, maybe it’s science ?) but it’s really super impressive, I think it’s even with GPS I think ? You may check your results here.

Once flagged off, it’s up slopes already. It was quite funny as I heard all the awkward and forceful laughs by the runners ? Willis and I ran together and he took care of me, warned me of slippery and uneven ground and walk with me when I was tired of running the up slopes. It’s not fair that I run more, I had clocked higher mileage and a higher frequency in running than him but running seems much more easy peasy for him. At first I thought yeah, I would slow down and wait for him to catch up but LMAO, it’s the other way ?

(Photo Credits: Epalite from Running Shots)

I love the greenery but not the up slopes ? But up slopes are good trainings. There’s different type of terrain for this race such as tarmac, grasslands, dirt trails and also some rocky parts. I remembered telling Willis it’s so well done as direction signs were clearly displayed for the 15km runners but I might have praised them too early ?

I sompa I studied the map just to agak agak know where I’m running to at least but I have not been to Zheng Hua Park before so I’m not familiar with the area. And we came to a point where 5 or 6 volunteers/marshals stand ahead in a line like a human wall very firmly on the path, blocking what’s ahead and they told us to u-turn. It dosent make sense for us to question them at all. I could have if I have downloaded the GPX file of the route but I’ve not yet explored the function of my sports watch ? All runners before us made the u-turn so we u turned as well. At about 9km, a runner run towards us in opposite direction and said something like running the wrong route and I thought he was sharing his experience and I felt sorry for him. Then another runner make a turn and we accidentally followed him and he stopped and told us the whole story that road marshals have directed runners wrongly and everyone had ran a shorter distance and he’s running additional distance on his own. Turns out I think that the majority of the 15km runners ran the wrong route and only completed 9.5km ? Sian to the maximum right?

The runners looked so angry as if they could kill somebody. Just kidding, runners are generally the most nicest people in my opinion lah. For no reasons I also have crazy logic that people who loves to drink ice milo were nice people as well ? Willis and I were rather calm, no questions asked nor did we go to the organisers to bang table and shout shout demanding for an explanation. We just approached a group of runners to gather some information and felt relief that it’s not we blur sotong nor the only ones with shorter distance.

I happily go to the Milo Van and drink my cold cold Milo ❤ Good that they have Milo Van, it’s my second favourite drink in Podium after Milk Tea with Pearls so I think I still consider this as a awesome event ? Drink till I shiok already then Willis and I walked a little further down to collect the medal.

The support was awesome with apples and bananas for runners and even free massage services for runners! And I saw ice popsicles! ? It’s available in different flavours and I’m seriously happy to see ice popsicles as well! While I was happily eating the ice popsicle, I told Willis that the medal we took machiam not meaningful and have no value to us at all. I only ran 9.5km and I will be constantly reminded that I didn’t complete the full distance. Just like that Yolo run medal I took a few years back which kept haunting me that I took a 10km medal but the race was cut short to only 7km ?

We felt that we should run and complete another 5.5km on our own to make the medal worth keeping and the trip not wasted. Willis suggested that we could run to Bukit Batok Nature Park since I have not been there before and at the same time I could do my virtual race challenge by JustMove! Asia ?

Bukit Batok Nature Park used to be an abandoned quarry and now its a small park but that offers a stunning view of the quarry! ? I was there for quite a while to admire the view or simply call it as nature appreciating ?

It’s a peaceful and beautiful park though its quite slopey ? There’s a memorial plaque situated within the park to pay tribute to the soldiers and victims that sacrificed during World War II.

Turns out that the distance to Bukit Timah Nature and back was perfectly fine and we hit our 15km target! ?

While we were on our way back from Bukit Batok Nature Park, we passed by a restaurant which is so kind and sweet to offer free ice cold water! I mean who else will pass by there other walkers, cyclists and runners! ❤

Though I’m not really affected by the shortage of distance of the race since I completed the rest of the short changing distance, I felt that it would leave a bad impression of Singapore races to the foreigners. I saw many Caucasians in this trail race and I heard that some of them flew in to Singapore all the way just for the race! ?

Although they sort of messed up for the 15km, but I didn’t hear much complains from the 25km and 50km runners. At least the organizer admitted their mistake and apologize through Facebook which I felt is a sincere apology and they assured us that they would make amends to the 15km runners through email. So let’s just be patient and see! ❤

Lesson learnt: Study route/map thoroughly ?

Trekking Up ‘Needle Hill’, Hong Kong (by healthobeing)

Earlier on this year, I went to Hong Kong en route to Taiwan for the Chinese Lunar New Year.  Trails in Hong Kong are popular among Singaporeans because it is relatively cheap and there are many trails and mountains to choose from.

The last time I faced Needle Hill was quite some time ago.  There is actually a short cut to the Needle Hill if you do not have enough time and maybe only half a day or so.

Where is Needle Hill

The Needle Hill (針山) is a mountain in the New Territories in Hong Kong.  With an altitude of 532m, it got its name because of the resemblance of a needle top by its peak’s shape.  It is a popular hiking spot and also very good for photography.  Many trail races in Hong Kong also passes by the Needle Hill.

Public Transport

MTR station Tsuen Wan is the last station on Red Line

First take the Red MTR line to Tsuen Wan.  From there, you need to go to the Mini Bus pick up points which are opposite the station.

Bus Pick up point at Tsuen Wan

This special pick up point is only for Mini buses, there are many small shops around selling finger food and also giving massage.  Its kinda messy here, but you should be able to locate the Mini Bus 82 which takes you to the Shing Mun Reservoir.  You will alight at the end if this route, most people taking this bus will end there.  The trip is not long only at most 20 minutes, but it gets really crowded on the weekends and Public holidays, so do set off early.

On foot all the way

On the way to Maclehose 7

You will see a public toilet and a small store outside the toilet selling snacks and drinks, the price is not very high so it is okay if you did not prepare some drinks and snacks.  As for the toilet, it is relatively clean and do use it here as it will take a bit more before you can use the toilets again.

Along the way

Once ready.  Simply walk along the right of the route from the terminal small bus station.  Along this route, you will see some monkeys and wildlife along both side of the road.  It can get really hot here so make sure you prepare sunscreen and hat.  The area is totally not sheltered so also be prepared for wet weather contingency.

Soon you will see the reservoir on the left.  It is actually quite scenic here and one might wonder whether this is really Hong Kong, minus the tall buildings in Kowloon and Hong Kong Island, it is really quite amazing to know that there such places still existing in Hong Kong.

Start of MacLehose Trail

To the end of the reservoir is the Stage 7 for Maclehose trail.  From here it will be quite a forest walk with many slopes ups and down.

Then finally from afar, you will see this pointy hill with a trail of steps leading to the top.  It looks very amazing from afar, it can also feel quite scary at the same time.

Climbing up the Needle Hill

The Shing Mun Reservoir

It can be quite a dizzy feat if you turn back and look when you are climbing up the steps of Needle Hill.  The stairway is very narrow and sometimes traffic is coming from the opposite direction so you will have to give way to them.  The scenery up there is amazing and it is good to have some cameo shots here.

Needle hill from afar

Although it can be quite tedious and tiring climbing the needle hill, it is quite fufiling and at the same time a sense of accomplishment will overcome you when you finish the climb.  Coming down is also not that easy because there are no handles around for you to hold.  So just be extra careful.

Going Home

with needle hill as background

After the descent, you will be led into the forest again. Keep walking and you will see a sign on the right point to go down to Sha Tin MTR station.  From here on, it is all the way stairs with handles to hold on.  Just keep going down.  Then you will come to this kind of meditation centre, very tranquil and peaceful, from there. Keep going down wards and you come to a village.  It gets a bit confusing here but if you got lost , do ask the villagers, they are more willing to show you the direction to Sha Tin MTR.

Once you reach the MTR a strong sense of civilization will overwhelm you, for a moment you will remember you are in Hong Kong.  Do give Needle Hill a try if you get too bored dim suming or shopping around Hong Kong Island.  To speak the truth this trail if done slowly is doable for those who does not really exercise that frequently.

Reviews: Income Eco Run 2019 and Garmin The Performance Series 2019 Race 1 (by stargazer)

Income Eco Run 2019 [10 km]

The annual Income Eco Run champions environmental conservation and aims to encourage everyone to play their part in support the cause for zero waste. Held on 28th April at the F1 Pit, it includes the following categories: 21.1 km, 10 km, zero waste 5 km and Kids Dash. Last year I participated in the HM category and having just run the 2XU HM 3 weeks ago, I decided to opt instead for the 10 km category for this year’s edition.

Collection of race pack was at the F1 Pit 2 weeks earlier and just like last year, the retailers at the Farmers’ Market offer runners a wide variety of healthy snacks and lifestyle products. Income is really one of the few organizers offering runners a good range of pre-race activities.

Race Day

The weather was very cooling on race day morning as it had been raining on Saturday. The 10 km runners were scheduled to flag off at 6.30 am. However, I chose to start later and forgo taking Grab or shuttle service to the race venue and instead took the train. I arrived at around 7 a.m and commenced my run after some warm up.

There were only a handful of runners running along with me as the majority were already way ahead. It was ‘surreal’ as we literally had the whole Nicoll Highway to ourselves. But I had just run here 3 weeks ago during the 2XU race and is expected to cycle along this same road 2 weeks later during the OCBC Cycle.

I managed to catch up with some of the front runners at Tanjong Rhu and Gardens By The Bay. These were familiar routes and were uneventful in the early Sunday morning. I completed the race within my usual timing. Specific lanes were arranged for each size of the finisher shirt so that the collection process was faster.

Hydration stations were sufficient, providing runners with choices of 100 Plus and water. There were also many volunteers along the route and some provided directions at critical junctions. In addition, I noticed some volunteers were on bicycles. I believe they were helping to cover the race routes and ensure anyone needing first aid or medical attention was promptly attended.

At the race village, there were many post-race activities for the runners to participate. There were games which involved (or constructed) with recycled materials. There were also displays or artwork which encourage us to ‘Save The Earth’ by reducing and recycling.

Starbalm provided free massage and a ‘bouncy slide’ was set up to keep the kids entertained. But I guess one of the main attraction was getting the free ice cream after you ‘pledge’ a recycling option at the booth of Shaws Preschool Singapore.

Volunteers were also seen going around to persuade the runners to return their safety pins and the red clips from the shoe tags for recycling purposes.


I feel that Income Eco Run is one of the very few local events which provide participants with ‘total’ experience, right from the day where we collect the race packs to the race itself and post race.  Preliminary race results were also made available within the same day, which I feel is pretty efficient.

The only drawback is the design of the finisher shirt for the HM runners. Personally, I don’t appreciate the ‘cartoon’ design at the front and the faded finisher wordings at the back. I think the 2017 edition was much better.

In all, I feel this is a good race and I congratulate the organizers for a job well done!

Garmin The Performance Series 2019 Race 1 [10 km]

This year’s The Performance Series (TPS) consists of 3 road races and 2 virtual challenges. Together, they make up a collectable Finisher Medals set. I probably will not be able to achieve it as I am seriously not a fan of virtual runs unless it is for a special occasion, such as the Raffles 200 Bicentennial Virtual Run.

Race Day

Held at the Event Lawn beside Safra Punggol on 5th May, this is the first of the road race. It is called ‘Emerge’ and have 4 categories: 21 km, 10 km competitive and non-competitive and 5 km fun run. I was participating in the 10 km category.

There were thunders in the early morning, but fortunately, that did not translate to rain. I took LRT and alighted at Sam Kee Station, which was just opposite the race site. The flag off was at 7.30 am and I arrived slightly later.

The route took us along Punggol Waterway to Coney Island through the East Entrance. I last visited this place in March during my North East Cycling Expedition. But my last run in here was during the Real Run in 2017. So I was quite happy to have the opportunity to revisit this route through TPS.

The weather was hot and runners helped themselves to the H20 provided by the hydration stations at every 2 km. I was perspiring profusely and on hindsight, I surmised bringing along a towel would have helped to clear away the sweat and enable a better run. I did that for half marathons and had thought this was not necessary for a shorter 10 km run. Well, I learned it really is a matter of what time the race was conducted and how comfortable I want myself to be!

I completed the race within my usual timing. It was already near to 9 am and it appeared many runners had already taken their entitlements and left. Perhaps it was because the sun started to beat mercilessly into the Event Lawn and also, there wasn’t much post-race activity. There were not many retailer booths, with notably just Garmin which was the title sponsor.

I left shortly after the prize presentation to the podium winners.

How Many Weeks Do You Need To Train For A Marathon?

More often than not we are humbled by the marathon distance. The 42.195 is tough an gruelling and is no easy task. Because the distance is so long, anything can happen.

The marathon distance should be tackled in a methodical strategic manner such that injuries can be minimised and success can be maximised. The underlining rule is that you require at least 12 – 20 weeks to prepare for a marathon, and that is dependant on your fitness level.


If you’re just starting out to run, you would require more time to train for a marathon. If you have taken an extensive break off running, you fall into this category as well. A competitive runner who has taken a long break and a beginner both have a low level of fitness.

If you can achieve 16km long runs, you would require 18-20 weeks to adequately prep yourself. This will ensure you have enough time to build up your mileage. You have to increase your mileage gradually (not more than 10 percent every week).


If your weekly mileage is rough 40-60km a week, you fall in this category. You would require 14-18 weeks to train up for the marathon distance. Within your training block, you would want to build up your long runs to about 30km. Not every week has to be a 30km run. You can do a 25km run with a 10km marathon pace run for instance. This is to train your general endurance and marathon-specific endurance.


If you’re comfortable running over 65km a week and able to run 20-25km long runs, you are an advanced runner. You are in pretty good shape and don’t require as much time to train for the marathon distance. You would require about 12 – 16 weeks of marathon specific training. The first 6-8 weeks would be to work up your mileage to hit a 30km long run whereas the next 6-8 weeks would be for you to work on your marathon pace specific training.

Whatever your level, the goal remains the same. You would want to be able to run more consistent long runs with a large volume at goal marathon race pace.

3 Exercises to Prevent Running Boredom

Running is an amazing way to de-stress, keep fit and stay healthy, and provide a sense of challenge both mentally and physically. But what if running — the long distance on same routes — seems a tad bit bland? You feel like runs get a little more tiring, not because of detraining but due to overtraining?

Overtraining is not just physical strain and overwhelming overload. It also incorporates the mental part. Boredom is a good sign that you might be encountering overtraining from all these routine runs that once seemed like something you looked forward to every other evening but not anymore.

In this article, we will talk about 3 exercises that you can try when you get bored with running.

Muay Thai & Boxing

Whether you are a man or woman, picking up some skills on self-defence will boost your confidence, increase your ability to protect yourself, and get a kick out of just one hour of workout.

Martial arts are catching the trends recently at a pretty rapid rate. Education of fitness and exercise for women in Singapore has been growing steadily. From simply running on the treadmill in public gyms to lifting weights thrice their body weight. And now, we have women participating and owning the MMA scene.

The Jungle Asia Muay Thai Boxing
Image Credits: The Jungle Asia

Benefits of Muay Thai & Boxing

1) Dynamic & Full-Body Targeting

As opposed to running, Muay Thai and boxing consists of very dynamic movements, challenging every part of your body to push itself out of comfort zones. This full-body workout option is able to get your heart rate up very quickly and provide that exciting twist of learning new skills and exploration of what your body can do.

By the 24th to 72nd-hour post-workout, you will feel all major muscle groups sore — in the best way possible.

2) Unleashes the warrior within yourself

Warriors are more than just good fighters or super fit individuals. They are strong in all aspects, from the physical being to the emotional, mental, and spiritual being. Going to a professional Muay Thai and boxing gym, and learning from an expert will enable you to unlock more potential than you thought you have.

Learning self-discipline and being equipped with the culture of Muay Thai and boxing can enhance the way you handle stress from your daily life.

Where To Start

One of the best Muay Thai and boxing gyms in Singapore is The Jungle Asia located at 35B Boat Quay (River Facing, Top Floor), Raffles Place MRT.

Apart from Muay Thai and Boxing, these guys also have HIIT, MMA & BJJ, and personal training classes. The Jungle Asia also lies right in the heart of central Singapore and surrounded by many cafes serving healthy and nutritious post-workout meals.

Yoga & Meditation

Yoga+ yoga studio
Image Credits: Yoga+

If you haven’t tried at least one class of yoga but you’ve been wanting to, I’m challenging you to book one trial session with a yoga studio now! Yoga has escalated its fame in the fitness industry for very good reasons.

The benefits that people reap from consistent yoga practice goes beyond a tight and toned body. Yoga improves one’s flexibility, strength, muscular endurance, and one of its most crucial components — the mind and soul.

Benefits of Yoga & Meditation

1) Improves your flexibility and strength

The pictures on Instagram that you’ve been liking proves how amazing your body can become. Yoga allows you to learn how to properly utilise your muscles in the newest way possible, especially if you’ve been running your whole life.

2) Perfects your posture and reduces back pain

How healthy is your posture right now? If you are guilty of constant slouching, long sitting hours, and carrying a truckload of stuff in your bag which weighs your shoulders down, you’d most probably experience back pain as well.

Yoga can improve your posture and alleviate back pain by increasing your upper body strength and flexibility with body weight poses and movements. This exercise helps you to be more mindful and aware of your body, and to help you regain back the straight back that you started with.

Where To Start

Yoga studios are found everywhere around Singapore now. The one that I would recommend is Yoga+ as they have several studios in different places. You can find them at Arab Street, Pagoda, and Tanjong Pagar.

They have many different classes to choose from. So whether you’re a newbie or yoga master, you can head to their studio and give this a try.


BazGym gymnastic classes
Image Credits: BazGym

Many of you might strike this off the list but I have personally tried all these three exercises on top on running — they are very revitalising, challenging, and shakes the mundane out of your system immediately.

Going into a gymnastics gym, you would most probably be one or the other: I can’t do it or I want to do a backflip now. I was the latter and later learned that I had to learn more basics before I could look like one of the kids flipping from pole to pole.

Gymnastics, however, is not just meant for kids. I did an adult gymnastics class and it was very educating, sweat-busting, and gets you feeling alive instantly.

Benefits of Gymnastics

1) Get better at coordination & body awareness

They say self-awareness is key; the self is more than just your mind but the body as well thus, body awareness is an important aspect to grow in.

Some of us are more coordinated with our hands and legs, hands and eyes, etc. than others. But no matter which category you associate yourself with, gymnastics can help to improve this skill of yours.

Being more coordinated can really help you feel much more confident when you are trying new things when it comes to exercising. With most of our lifetime spent on sitting down, our coordination skills might have been slightly dampened.

With gymnastics training, you can get more aware of your body and feel in tune with your body and space.

2) Overcome fear of heights

 Getting into gymnastics empowers you to overcome many common fears such as heights. It all looks easy when another person is jumping on the trampoline. Once you actually get on it and see how high you are, the fear of heights might creep in a little. However, the fact that you are going head-on with this is powerful in overcoming the fear that exists only in your mind.

Applying this back to your running journey, overcoming the fear of a marathon or another route that seem too hard in your head, becomes a copy-paste strategy. Being brave and going head-on with fear is the only way to defeat it and see growth.

Where To Start

Adult gymnastics is not the most common class in the market but there are a few of them. BazGym is the one I went to for my first-ever gymnastics session. The reason why I chose them was that they were the only one on ClassPass. After that first session with them, if I ever go into gymnastics as an adult, they will definitely be my choice.


It is always good to try new things. Everything that you do and experience can and will value-add to your running journey. It did for me and I hope that you will be adventurous enough to experience this for yourself too.

PROTON HSN21KM 2019 Returns on a Brand New Course

Malaysia’s favourite half marathon is back for its 4th edition with a whole new vibe this 13th October 2019. PROTON HSN21KM 2019 continues on a brand new course taking runners on an excursion through the scenic and inspiring nation’s administrative capital, the Federal Territory of Putrajaya.

Welcoming 18,000 professional athletes and amateur runners from across the world, PROTON HSN21KM 2019 has in store a series of exciting on-ground activities and will be returning to its original format of a daytime run, which is expected to make it one of the largest running events in the country.

Participants who sign up now through JustRunLah! using the promo code HSN21KMJRL5 at http://hsn21km.com/ will be entitled to a 5% discount (limited slots available).

Staying true to delivering challenges, PROTON HSN21KM 2019 will for the first time, introduce a competitive race category for its 5KM distance. Participants running the ‘5KM Competitive Race’ will be timed officially in accordance with Federal Territory Amateur Athletics Association (FTAAA) standards and are entitled to compete for rewarding cash prizes.

The event will also open its doors to junior competitors in the ‘Junior Race’ category for its 10KM and 5KM distances. Runners participating in the categories will be timed and are entitled to compete for the respective category’s cash prizes. Junior entries are open for youths ages 16 – 20 years old for the 10KM Junior Category, and the 5KM Junior Category are open to youths ages 12 – 15 years old and 16 – 20 years old respectively.

As an additional treat for its runners, participants who sign up now through JustRunLah! using the promo code HSN21KMJRL5 at http://hsn21km.com/ will be entitled to a 5% discount (limited slots available).

Further complementing the thrill of the race will be a range of lucrative prizes, as PROTON HSN21KM 2019 is set to remain as one of the nation’s prominent running events with a large cash pool prize, and a multitude of attractive lucky draw prizes to be won, including a brand new Proton Iriz as the top lucky draw prize.

The race will also feature a host of fun-filled and exciting activities oriented to all ages. These include performances, a range of fitness and health classes, a ‘Sports Expo’ featuring premier athletic and fitness brands and a ‘kid’s carnival’.

Visit the official PROTON HSN21KM 2019 social media channels at Facebook; @hsn21km, Instagram; @hsn21km or log on to our website at www.hsn21km.com for more details.

Race Review: Income Eco Run 2019 [Half Marathon] (by KenJoe)


Three weeks ago, the last review was on the  2XU Compression Run.  A quick update: the race did have some hiccups as the official race results were not released due to some contractual fulfilment that was pending.  So it was 19 days later before the results were released.  This was a big deviation from the usual norm of 1-3 days.  But the results were accurate (at least based on my own comparison) contrary to some runners’ expressed fears.

Last week’s Good Friday through Saturday morning, I just completed my 86 km ultra challenge.  A lot of stuff happened in between but I will leave it for a later write-up if time permits.

The Eco Run race pack collection was swift.  These days, it felt like the number of participants have shrunk to some extent.  Perhaps there were too many events happening at the same time.  Maybe it’s worthwhile for some in the field to research into this.  I appreciated the efficiency of the race pack collection regardless, at F1 Pit two weeks before the race.  I opted to collect the essentials without the carrier so I had the singlet and bib handed to me in a neat bundle.  Participants could go the full zero waste ie skip the finisher medal and tee too.  I still wanted the medal for ‘commemoration’.  I didn’t have time to browse through the Farmer’s Market that day.  But the iconic ECO RUN stood out with the names of runners printed.

On race day, it was a subdued morning.  Dark.  It had rained on Saturday at my place (and the venue).  Start time was 5 am and as usual, this meant waking up at 3.30 am and so a short night again.  I had some family emergencies and a personal health scare the week before so I wasn’t too sure if I would be able to run this race.  Moreover after doing the 86 km – 20 loops round Bedok Reservoir overnight for the campaign I took up (https://singaporecancersociety.give.asia/campaign/run-86-km-for-singapore-cancer-society) I would still be in not so good state even if things had been normal the week before.  Please support if the cause resonates with you too – Thank You.

Still, I assessed the situation and decided that I would want to turn up still – I just hated DNS.  I had not been able to do any run in the week leading to the race. I could only muster enough energy to jog at slow pace of 8:44 min per km for 2 km before I had to stop on Friday evening.  Worst case: I would just have to walk and complete the race in 3 to 4 hours.  It seemed like I couldn’t really change my attitude towards some things.  Back in corporate days, I was given a strange title by my team/department – Never Say Die.  Caricature credit to ShenZo (神作) who was in my team in those days.  Perhaps some things never change somehow.

When I reached F1 Pit, it was fairly dark still but there was some music this time.  The first wave was flagged off on time at 5 am and about 10 minutes later, wave 2 was also flagged off.  I was taking it easy since there was no pressure to get PB.  I prayed for a peaceful run.  It was cool and calm.  The breeze wasn’t strong but it wasn’t humid.  A lot of turns but the route wasn’t pitch dark like the previous race I reviewed though we could do with some light in earlier part of the route.  And near the end, we also had to go up the slope of Marina Barrage and down but I didn’t feel the strain – it seemed to be over fairly fast.

I planned to go at average about 8.5 min pace but in the end I was able to keep below 8 min, even though I stopped for a pee break.  I took two energy gel this time round, at about 9 km and 15 km and stopping at almost every hydration point.  Enjoyed the run though there wasn’t much scenery as it was still early morning.  In the end I surprised myself by having another fairly fast half marathon, a minute faster than the previous half marathon though Garmin showed the distance to fall short of 21.1 km.

I collected my finisher tee and medal and went back immediately as I wanted to attend the morning exercise routine at my place at 9 am.  I just had enough time to have a quick shower and change of clothes before I went down again.  I was fairly surprised at my energy level.  Thank God.   Run happy.  Run Safe.

(Note: 1. The timing results were made readily available when I messaged on Monday afternoon – some folks had mentioned the results were available on same day. A few friends commented that the finisher tee looked nice.  2.  The cover photo’s credit is due to Running Shots.)

Lakeside Garden at Jurong Lake Gardens is now open

Lakeside Garden, the 53-hectare western portion of Jurong Lake Gardens, is now open. You can enjoy the western portion of Singapore’s third national gardens, and the first national gardens in the heartlands. Located along Yuan Ching Road and next to Lakeside MRT, there are exciting features such as Forest Ramble – the largest nature playgarden in the heartlands, the picturesque Grasslands where you can take great photos of yourselves, and Rasau Walk where you can take a stroll by Jurong Lake and enjoy the sights and sounds of a restored freshwater swamp.

Photo credit: NParks Facebook

Children can explore the 13 different adventure play stations at Forest Ramble – the largest nature playgarden in the heartlands – and emulate the actions of animals found in freshwater swamps.

The Frog Play area is set amidst grasses and enables children to hop from one “lily pad” to another. The “lily pads” are small trampolines that are set in the ground.

At Forest Ramble’s Snake Play area, children can climb up a structure that resembles a tree, and mimic the actions of a Paradise Tree Snake scaling a tree. From the top of the structure, children can enjoy a panoramic and unrestricted view of the playgarden. As they glide down any of the slides, they will feel the joy of sliding down like snakes from a tree.

Photo credit: NParks Facebook

The picturesque Grasslands is a 3.5-hectare area dominated by tall grasses. There are six different species of grass, and around 300,000 plants here. It is an important habitat for small bird species that feed on grass seeds and seek shelter among the grass. Bird hides located within the Grasslands enable visitors to observe birds without alarming them.

Rasau Walk is a 300m meandering boardwalk which takes you right up to the edge of Jurong Lake. It is a restored freshwater swamp habitat, with over 50 species of plants. The wetland habitats are inundated with water based on the rise and fall of water levels in the lake, creating zones for water birds to feed and forage.

Experience biodiversity up close at the new Lakeside Garden at Jurong Lake Gardens.

Enjoy the soothing sounds of flowing water along the 1.3km of naturalised waterways at Neram Streams, take in the view of Jurong Lake from the meandering paths of Rasau Walk, keep an eye out for feathery visitors from the bird hides in the Grasslands, chill out amidst the serenity of the Southern Promenade, and study the behaviour of Herons at Heron Island.

Lakeside Garden is easily accessible via public transport, car, or on foot if you live nearby.

By MRT: Lakeside Garden is a five-minute walk from Lakeside MRT Station (East-West line).

By bus: Passengers can alight along Yuan Ching Rd (Bus stop ID: 21639 and 21759) when taking bus 49 or 154, alight at Lakeside Station along Boon Lay Way (Bus stop ID: 28091) when taking bus 49, 98, 98B, 98M, 187 or 335, or alight along Ayer Rajah Expressway (Bus stop ID: 21019) when taking bus 30, 49, 154 or 178.

By cycling: Jurong Lake Gardens is accessible via the Round Island Route and Jurong PCN.

By car: You may park at two car parks along Yuan Ching Road (nearest carpark is the South Carpark opposite Tao Ching Road).

My Income Eco Run 2019 [10km] (by Lingderella)

While most of my running friends were participating in the half marathon category, I participated in the 10km category this time as I had scheduled for a minor surgery just a little more than a week prior to the race. Doctor had adviced no running for 2 weeks, but I still registered for the race anyway as I thought if I’ve recovered earlier, I could run 10km as it sounds manageable but not half marathon as I do not want to risk my wound tearing up ? It’s quite interesting, while I was on the operating table, the nurse was concerned that my heart rate was a bit low and a few seconds later asked me if I’m a runner, I looked up and saw my pulse rate just about 50 ?

So prior to the race day on 29th April 2019 Sunday, I did a short run around my neighborhood to test water. The wound was already healing quite well, it’s a 2cm cut with disolvable stitches on. It’s still painful when pressed on, but while I run its just feels sort of “bouncing” or “pulling”. Yup, I thought it’s still manageable and so, I turned up on race day.

Income Eco Run is a run to raise awareness on environmental conservation and to encourage zero waste. It stands out than other runs because they have this zero waste runner option and categories so the runner can “say no” to finisher medal and finisher tee. I participated in the 10km category, it doesn’t have finisher tee but I still want my medal ? I try as much as I could to save the environment but I’m not extremist lah. Recently, I started to bring my own tumbler to buy drinks and dabao food without taking plastic spoons as I have brought my own spoon to use while at work. Bring own tupperware is another level up, I’m not ready yet ?

Flag off for 10km category was at 6.30am at F1 Pit Building and I arrived around 5.30am taking Grab Share that cost me $12. I would be pretty late already if I’m taking public transport. As Eleanor and I would be going back together after the run, I didn’t want to risk being late and be in later waves as we have leg massage plans and a date with Avengers in the later part of the day. Her half marathon category flags off at 5am and she would have finished the race long before I would.

Deposited my bag at the queueless counter and proceed directly to wait for the start pen to open. Once I entered the start pen, I sat down while waiting for the flag off. I’m like the only person who sat down in the start pen as I wasn’t feeling very good. It must be the anemia. I’m like a auntie looking to sit down whenever and wherever I can ? I felt so lonely as all my other running friends were running the half marathon category and here I am, sitting down alone waiting to run ?

Anyway quite ??? after so many years participating in Income Eco Run, now then I know there’s Union Member Category ? I would have saved like $10 or $20 more on registration fee per race.

Flag off was on time and I played music with my Phone from my playlist in YouTube, Starhub weekend free data ma ? Plus I needed the distraction because of the unwell feeling. I ran with no stress as I told myself I am still recovering from a surgery and I just run what I can and I did quite well with 1hr02mins. Results out damn fast just few hours after the race.

Though I was running by feel, I tried to stay in front of the 1hr pacers, but I slowed down a lot after the Stadium and they soon overtook me. Distance marker was available at each km accurately, tallying with my sports watch.

There’s quite a few hydration points along the route but I only stopped at 2 of them for water. At the end of the hydration points were big bottles of water for those Zero Waste runner to refill their cups and bottles. I could usually run 10km without any water like a camel but I still considered myself as a patient. I needed that 100 Plus and I needed to keep myself hydrated ?

After my run, I went to get my my medal and didn’t take that banana because I don’t usually eat banana(only Banana Prata and Goreng Pisang the unhealthy version ?) unless it’s a full marathon and I needed something for energy. It must be one of the quotes I read on one of the distance board. Buy only what you need. I don’t eat, I don’t take even if it’s free.

The Power Within

Calories are like human batteries but don’t overload on them because all that excess energy is going to give you a belly.

Did you know?

Scientists have calculated that a person’s typical caloric consumption of between 2,000 to 2,500 calories a day generates enough energy to power a 100W light bulb (no one has actually been hooked up to a light bulb, though).

Good news: We’re all sizzling hot. Not in the beach hunk or babe sort of way, but more like, well, a barbeque. Imagine that the flame is our metabolism and the charcoal used equals calories from food.

Calories are vital as they give us the energy to perform daily activities. An average person requires about 2,000 calories a day to function; weight gain and weight loss are also linked with caloric intake.

So if you toss too many pieces of charcoal into a weak flame, some of them won’t get burned. Then you gain weight. But don’t drastically cut calories to lose weight; this could send your body into “starvation mode” – where it adapts by lowering metabolism and storing food for survival. What does this mean? Your diet will make you hungry and miserable, all for nothing.

Activities and Calories Used (70kg person):

  • 30 calories – doing dishes for 15 minutes
  • 60 calories – driving for 30 minutes
  • 70 calories – folding clothes for 30 minutes
  • 230 calories – walking for an hour
  • 520 calories – playing tennis or swimming for an hour
  • 600 calories – playing football or jogging (8km/h) for an hour
  • 1,200 calories – cycling (at >30km/h) for an hour

Party your calories away…

If you are a social creature who likes to party, guess what? Going out to dance burns calories, too – about 400 calories for each hour of dancing.

After you’ve gone home, brushing your teeth for 3 minutes burns five calories, while going to sleep for seven hours burns more than 370 calories. Even a good night kiss, if you are enough to get one, burns calories – about 1.5 to 2 calories for a one-minute smooch.

Do: Consume more protein

As this particular nutrient doesn’t break down as easily as others, our bodies naturally adapt and work harder to digest it, burning more calories in the process.

Don’t: Drink too little water

If your body senses a lack of hydration, it’ll automatically mellow the “fire” – your metabolism – to ensure your system does not overheat.

Race Review: 2019 Boston Marathon (by Doctor Will)

Any review of the Boston Marathon could be summed up in just two words:

It’s Boston.

This is the race everyone talks about. If a non-runner has only heard of one race, it’s this one. I have been running for 11 years, and when I tell someone I run marathons I often get the question, “Have you run the Boston Marathon?” For now and forever, I can finally say, “Yes.”

Boston was an especially big deal for me. I spent a few years pursuing a goal, The Marathon Grand Slam, and when that was done I knew I would need a new goal. I decided the next big one would be to complete all the Abbott World Marathon Majors and become a Six Star Finisher, and Boston was the last piece in that puzzle. I was thrilled to receive not only my first Boston Marathon medal, but also my Six Star medal, soon after the Finish Line on Boylston Street.

Rather than just talking about how great the race is, let me offer some thoughts for those who will be running it in the future, to help you have the best time you can:

1. Hope for the best weather, plan for the worst

Heading to the Starting Line in the rain
Wear some clothes you can throw away at the Start — volunteers will collect them and give to charity.

In the days leading up to the race, every conversation between runners was about the weather. The forecast was perfect for a while, then it started looking like the mess from 2018, then in the final 24 hours it changed again. The problem was figuring out what to wear. I had brought a whole range of clothes, from shorts and singlet to tights, long-sleeve shirt, ear protection, and gloves. I literally decided on my clothes about 10 minutes before going out the door that morning, and fortunately I got it right. We had rain, with thunder and lightening, as I woke up; then clouds and 13C temps at the start. The sun came out around Mile 8 for me, and the temperature climbed to 21C. Then around Mile 18 it began raining off and on to the Finish, with a 20kph tailwind. I had chosen to run with shorts, singlet, and a hat, and that all worked out. I also managed to get sunburned, which at 7am had seemed an impossibility.

2. Make sure you are ready for race day

The race had over a 97% completion rate. If someone started, they were pretty much ready to finish it, so you want to make sure you have trained up for this and are ready to go the distance at whatever pace you wish to pursue. Considering that most people get into Boston by running a qualifying marathon time, this typically is not going to be your first marathon, so you expect the people around you to be able to run it. (there are also about 6,000 charity and invitational bibs, so there may be a few first-timers in there, but the people I know who DNF’d tended to be faster runners in the earliest waves who simply had a bad day) This is Boston; be ready for it.

3. Take it easy at the Start

The race begins with a downhill run, and the elevation keeps dropping for a while. It’s very, very easy to get moving fast and feel like you’re going to fly through this, but the stress you put on your quads by going too fast on the downhill will haunt you later. If you find yourself running a personal best pace after the first couple miles, chances are you are going too fast and need to back it down. That’s tough to do – I mean, it’s Boston, and who doesn’t want to do well there? – but you need to save something for later. One nice thing I did notice about the Start was that, unlike in so many races, I never felt like we were all bunched up without any maneuvering room. I felt like I had the space to run whatever pace I wanted, and not be blocked by others or have to weave around people. That was so nice!

4. The Newton Hills are everything people say they are

Starting around Mile 17, and continuing through Mile 20, are the infamous Newton Hills, 4 rolling slopes that culminate in Heartbreak Hill. This is where you will discover if you went too fast on the earlier downhills, because your quads will wake up and say, “Hello there! We are going to hurt a lot now.” People talk about having to dig deep and grind through the final miles, but for me the Hills were the most challenging time. Starting around Mile 18 I developed serious pain in my left leg, stretching from my IT band up to my hip, and while I couldn’t tell where the real problem was, I could definitely tell that it was slowing me down. I popped a couple Panadol and stopped at one point just to stretch things out on Heartbreak Hill, and if I ever make it back to Boston it will be with the intent of conquering that one particular piece of the course.

5. Listen to your body

The weirdest thing happened on the course: I had to stop twice to go to the bathroom. That’s not normal for me, and I had been especially careful about my hydration before the race, so I was really surprised. What concerned me was that maybe I was taking in more water than I needed early in the race when the temperatures were pretty cool, and so I started skipping a few water stops. Boston has water stops every mile, which is a little closer to each other than I see in most races, and I cut back a little bit so as to avoid overhydrating. If something doesn’t feel right, then even though this is Boston and you want the experience to be perfect, give yourself a chance to slow down a bit and assess what’s going on, and take advantage of the medical teams and other support along the way if you need to. When your body talks, you need to pay attention.

6. The crowds will make you feel like an elite

The crowd loved me, I loved them — then again, the crowd loved all 27,000 of us!

A Singaporean friend now living in California flew out to cheer me on. He’s seen me run a couple times in Singapore, and his idea of race spectators was that they wait for the person they know, yell some support, then go quiet again. He was unprepared for the hundreds of thousands of people cheering for total strangers along the road. If all your races have been in Southeast Asia then you may be very surprised by the enthusiasm of the crowds at Boston, which stretch from Start to Finish. The Majors all have big crowds with 1-2 million spectators, depending on the race. I felt the fans pushing me the whole way, and in the final kilometer I felt like I was winning the Olympics. Big crowds are awesome. Enjoy them.

7. Get a hotel downtown if you can

I made a hotel reservation even before I had a spot in the race (I highly recommend this, by the way, as hotels fill up far in advance – just make sure you get a reservation that you can cancel if things don’t work out!). Originally I had a hotel in the town of Cambridge, figuring it was a short subway ride away, but after the Starwood/Marriott merger was complete a bunch of new options opened up for me, and I ended up 2 blocks from the Finish Line. This was perfect; not only was I close to the Finish, I was also a 10-minute walk from the Expo, and a 20-minute walk to the buses to the Starting Line. In addition, the whole neighborhood was filled with runners for the entire weekend, and that added a lot to the experience. Try to stay in the thick of things!

8. Consider running for a charity

Unlike the majority of runners, I was able to run because I had a spot on a charity team, raising money for a group called IMPACT Melanoma that fights skin cancer. This is one way to get into the race even if you don’t run a qualifying time, and I found it added a lot to the experience. Boston was the third race in which I have raised money for a charity group, and I love it. It’s a lot easier to get through those final miles when you are running for a reason. (note that if you get your bib by qualifying, you can still raise money for one of the official charities, and I suppose you could also pick your own and use this as a chance to raise money for them – it really does make the whole event more meaningful) My supporters raised over $10,000, and I want to give a special shout out to BestTop Career Consulting of Singapore, who made a very large donation!!

Our charity team raised over $370,000 for IMPACT Melanoma. Overall, more than $30 million was raised for charities in the marathon.

9. Make a spectator plan

If you have friends or family who are going to be cheering for you, figure out in advance where they will be and how they will get around. My friend joined my charity team’s cheering section between Miles 16 and 17, which was one of the first spots on the course that was easily accessible by public transit, and really, that’s the only way you’re going to get around that day. However, even the public transit can get overcrowded and cause delays; my friend was on trains that had to be taken out of service because there were too many people on them and something broke. My suggestion is to pick a point near the middle of the race, and then after you pass it have your supporters go to a spot near the Finish; you’re probably only going to get two chances for them to see you. Don’t worry though, there will be plenty of other people cheering for you.

10. Run your own race

High-fives at Boston College to celebrate coming over Heartbreak Hill.

Everybody has their own goals for the Boston Marathon. Some are running it to go as fast as they can, some are trying to qualify for next year’s race in this one, and some just want to enjoy the experience. For me, I figured this might be my only Boston, so I wanted to enjoy it. I would high-five the little kids, I would kiss the ladies at Wellesley College, and I would not worry about my time (well, I might worry a little, but not too much). Don’t focus on anyone else’s goals, and don’t try to meet others’ expectations; this is YOUR Boston Marathon, so figure out what you want from it, and then go for it.

This was my 30th marathon, and while I have had some amazing adventures before this, there was something uniquely special about this one, even compared to the other Majors. As much fun as all the Majors have been, this race is really the Super Bowl/World Cup of marathons, or at least it feels that way. You spend the weekend surrounded by thousands of people all excited about the same thing, you bump into elites in the hotel elevator, and then you run the oldest marathon in the world. There are many races that are great, but Boston is BOSTON!!

Running the early miles(Want to know more? I share my adventures on my Facebook Athlete page.)

Your Next Run-cation Destination Is Calling For You!

Yes, Taiwan is calling you to visit them this October!

The weather in Taiwan in October is definitely ideal when you think about your next run-cation. Why not kill two birds with one stone? Run a half marathon and also explore the beauty of Taiwan during autumn! If you’ve been to Taiwan before, rest assured that this run-cation trip will be a special one as it allows you to experience the city from the brand new angle or get reacquainted with places you’ve visited before.

The Race

EVA Air, Taiwan’s leading independent airline, will be hosting the EVA Air Half Marathon again in 2019 in Taiwan’s capital, Taipei. The event is scheduled to kick off on the 27th October 2019. Offering a wide range of distances; Half Marathon (21.0975km), 10km and 3km – runners are expected to enjoy and explore Taipei’s beautiful skyline on foot! Also, this run is certified by IAAF AIMS.

EVA Air Marathon 2018

Flagging off at 5.20am and 5.45am for the half marathon and 10km respectively, runners will be able to capture majestic scenic moments during sunrise that only Taiwan can offer. Runners will pass top attractions in Taipei as they begin their journey from the plaza in front of the presidential office building, run along the Keelung River and will conclude at Dajia Riverside which is known for its scenic beauty. 3km competitors will also enjoy the morning breeze and busk under the sun as the run will begin at 8.30am, Dajia Riverside Park.

Take A Look at The Race Map

EVA Air Marathon 21km Course Map
EVA Air Marathon 10km Course Map
EVA Air Marathon 3km Course Map

Register Now!

Cool Entitlements Just For You!

A new collection to your entitlements set! All half marathon participants will receive an exclusive storage bag, a NIKE race tank, and a towel. 10km participants will receive a NIKE race t-shirt and a towel and 3km runners are entitled to a NIKE t-shirt after registering.

Half Marathon Drawstring Bag

Finishers of all categories will receive a Finisher’s Medal. Additionally, finishers of the half marathon and 10km will also receive a race result certificate.

Race Fees

Half Marathon10 km3km
NTD 1,100NTD 800NTD 500

Registrations are open from
16th April to 12th June!

Exclusive Discounts For ALL of You!

Eva Air pledge to provide you with the warmest Taiwanese hospitality by offering you an exclusive discount code for you! Enjoy a 10% OFF your EVA Air tickets with this promo code: EVAKUL when you book a one-way or return flight from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to Taipei, Taiwan.
Sales Period: 16 Apr – 30 Jun.
Outbound Travel Period: 12 Oct – 26 Oct. *T&C

Finishers are entitled to Sweepstakes

Complete the competition and go into the draw to win 30 free flights to Europe, US, Australia / Asia / Within Taiwan for any destination or free mileage: 50,000 miles for half marathon runners and 35,000 miles for 10K runners.

Read more about the sweepstakes deal here!

So, are you excited about your next or probably your first run-cation? Its time to highlight 27th October on your calendar and start planning right now. Taiwan is welcoming you with open arms!

Want to know more about the EVA Air Half Marathon 2019?
Check out their website and Facebook!