Just Run Lah! - Singapore's online running community | JustRunLah! - Part 51

7 “Laws” for Newbie Runners to Follow

Running is one of the simplest and most rewarding physical activities. According to the report, almost 60 million people participate in jogging and trail running in the United States alone, but what is it that makes this type of exercise so popular?

First of all, you can do it almost anywhere in the world. Secondly, it’s a solo activity that doesn’t require too much time or planning. All these factors make it perfect for modern-day individuals who can’t afford to spend hours playing team sports with their friends.

If you are interested in jogging, you should learn a few basic things before getting started. In this post, we will present you seven fundamental rules for newbie runners. Let’s check it out!

Benefits of Jogging

Before we announce the list of tips for first-time runners, we want to give you extra encouragement by presenting the most important benefits of jogging.

  • You will improve health and prevent a lot of diseases. A study reveals that people who run 20km to 30km a week have better immune systems and are less likely to get sick.
  • Stress relief as the result of increased endorphin production.
  • You will feel more energized and boost physical and mental endurance.
  • Weight loss is usually one of the first consequences of regular exercise.
  • It boosts confidence because it makes you feel better both physically and mentally.
  • Jogging improves the quality of your sleep.
  • With all the things we mentioned so far, it’s not surprising to learn that regular running makes you happier.

Things to Know Before You Start Running

After a brief introduction, it is time to concentrate on the crucial segment of this article. Without further ado, here are the top seven things to learn before you begin the jogging adventure.

  1. Make a plan

You shouldn’t start running without a training plan. As a beginner, we recommend you exercise three to four days a week for around 30 minutes. This should be more than enough to cover some 4-7 kilometers, depending on your pace. However, you should not think about speed, but rather try to go for longer distances at first. Keep increasing the distance each week by 10%.

  1. Buy a professional gear

The days of sweaty, cotton-based running clothes are long gone. Today, there are all sorts of synthetic shirts and shorts that can make your training sessions much more comfortable. Running shoes are another important segment of the gear, so don’t save money buying cheap but poorly cushioned pair. The purpose of buying quality equipment is two-fold: you will enjoy jogging and also have an extra motive not to skip your training.

  1. Join a running group

Speaking of motivation, joining a running group is definitely one of the best ways to keep you engaged in a long-term perspective. Sports psychologists say running groups help people meet other newbies: “You are going through similar issues and challenges, so you can support each other and give encouragement in the time of crisis that every runner has to face sooner or later.

  1. Take a rest

Some first-time runners are so thrilled about the new activity that they don’t want to spend a single day without jogging. However, you should be smarter than that because you want to avoid injuries. Keep in mind that days off are a natural segment of training as they give your body enough time to recover and stay fresh for the next round.

  1. Prepare for injuries

Although it’s a real pleasure to exercise, running can also bring you pain every once in a while. How come? Well, around 70% of runners will pick up an injury. Constant repetition of movements can cause issues such as runner’s knee, Achilles tendinitis, hamstring pain, and many other conditions. The best way to deal with it is to take a rest, while quality shoes can prevent most of these issues.

  1. Follow up with a diet

If you believe that running alone can help you lose weight, you are so terribly wrong. On the contrary, you have to introduce a special diet with a lot of healthy ingredients to maximize the effect of training. But if you come back home after jogging and eat a couple of Big Macs, rest assured your beer belly will stay where it is today.

  1. Keep a training log

The last but not the least important rule is to keep a running log. It’s a useful document that enables you to track and measure progress, while it also serves as a nice reminder of your jogging achievements.


Jogging is the perfect type of training for millions of people around the globe because it’s simple and doesn’t require too much equipment. You can do it almost anywhere you want, anytime you want it. However, beginner-level runners still need to learn a few things before engaging in this amazing activity.

Our post showed you seven laws for newbie joggers that will make the first running experiences much more pleasant and comfortable. Keep these tips in mind and don’t hesitate to leave a comment if you need additional information – we will be glad to help you out!

Guest post: Tom Jager is a professional blogger and a content manager at bestessaytips. He covers topics related to digital marketing, blogging, social media and business in general.

From Road to Trail: Distance Running Tips For Making The Leap

There are two potential responses to the task of transitioning from long distance road running to long-distance trail running: some people underestimate it, thinking that there isn’t really all that much of a difference, it’s still just running. Whilst others exaggerate the size of the task in their minds, viewing it as a seriously demanding transition. In truth, you ideally want to be somewhere in the middle: well prepared and researched but safe in the knowledge that if you were a good road runner, you can become a trail runner. To that first point, here are a few tips to make sure that you are well researched when taking on the task of making the leap from one to the other!


It’s a good place to start, since, despite the huge array of exciting gizmos there are to help long distance runners, they’re really the only bit of kit you truly need. Now, you want to be specific with your shoe choice. A lot of trails can actually be run perfectly happily in good road running shoes. That being said, there are a lot of other trails where road shoes will be unacceptable. If you’re running on jagged or slippy rocks or anywhere near water or mud, you’ll need the increased traction offered to you by trail shoes. But for forest paths and the like, save your money!

Don’t Fear The Fall

Ajay Robles, sports writer, says that “It doesn’t matter how good your shoes are… the time will come when you take a tumble. The key is not to fear it to much. Don’t let it hold you back from giving a good performance.” Don’t be reckless of course, but naturally, during potentially hours and hours of running you are likely to trip. It’s all part of it, so just embrace it and maybe carry some Band-Aids!

Accept Slowing Up

Your course time will be slower. It’s pretty obvious why that is, it’s just harder running through natural uneven landscapes with so many variables than it is running along an LA bike path. So, examine the differences, work out where you lost time but never be discouraged by being a bit slower than you normally would be on road.

Don’t Skip Ankle Day

All runners fear twisting an ankle. It’s so easy to do and it can actually set you back a lot, or potentially pull you out of a race. “Trail racing is actually really good for strengthening your ankles”, says Lela Greig, running blogger. “There is so much movement required of you on trail which isn’t on road, so it can really build up your tendons and ligaments.” But, naturally, there is also a greater risk of rolling your ankle. So, do some ankle exercises when you work out regularly, it’ll really help to offset the risk, and it’ll make you even more sure on your feet if you go back to road running later.

Lift Those Feet!

Lifting your feet requires extra effort which, late on in a race, can be really hard. But, whereas on road you can basically shuffle along and there is no risk at all, in trail running you are in big trouble if you barely lift up your feet. Your chance of going down increases hugely and it actually matters most when you are most tired, since taking a fall then can spell the end of your run. If you have to run slower, fine!

Don’t Take Anything Too Tough On Immediately

The excitement inherent in starting out with trail running can make you want to jump into dashing through pools of water and leaping from rock to rock. If you haven’t done it already, you’re not ready for that, believe me. Start with a nice wide path trail and work your way up.

So, There You Have It, it’s not too hard, it just requires forethought and patience. The most important thing is to just enjoy it. It’s more interesting than a road run and the scenery that flies past as you run should be appreciated and admired. You may even find it easier to run longer distances, inspired by your surroundings and the sense of adventure. So, off you go!


Guest post: Grace Carter is a runner and sports writer at Essayroo and AustralianHelp services. She blogs about her preparation to marathon and trail running tips. Also, Grace teaches journalism at

Steps for Organizing a Charity Race


Charity events are increasingly becoming a great way of raising money for a good cause. While a charity race provides a healthy way for participants to get involved, it also offers a good opportunity to visibly publicize the charity. A charity race can provide people with a chance to get together and have fun raising money. Even though trying to organize a charity race can seem like a massive and daunting task, it can be a successful event to bring a community together while raising funds. Here are a few steps that can help you when organizing a charity race.

Pick a Route

Picking a route is an essential part of organizing a charity race and will require asking for permission and a lot of planning. This task should be discussed by the organization and safety aspects and visibility should be taken into consideration. Try to keep to well-lit roads and areas where the public will be able to see what is taking place, so you also attract attention for your cause. Don’t forget that you will need the local government’s co-operation in order to get approval for road closures and may even need police supervision. Try and make the route as inclusive as possible so that people of all ages and capabilities can take part. The more that take part, the more money raised and more public attention the cause can receive.

Marketing the Race

Promoting the event is a crucial step when organizing your charity race as without the public knowing about it, it will not receive the attention and success rates that you hoped for. Social media is a great way to promote your event as it provides you with a fast way to reach a huge group of people all in one go, but it also gives you an easy way to spread the relevant information to participants once they have signed up. You could create a Facebook event on the organization’s page and invite people to take part. It would also be a great idea to advertise your event with local running clubs. There are also running event websites in which you can advertise your charity running event. Another really good way to market your race would be to order giveaways for your participants as a good promotional tool. By using things such as custom lapel pins for those who participate in the race, you will get further publicity after the event has taken place.

Recruit Volunteers

Once you have an idea of how many people have registered to take part in the charity race, you will know how many volunteers will be required to staff the event. You can start by recruiting volunteers through the charity organization itself and seek out people to help on the day from the already existing pool of volunteers. Your social media event is also another good way to ask for people to volunteer to help at the charity race. Volunteering could be a good way for those people who do not feel comfortable to do the race itself to still get involved in the good cause. Even people who are not available on the day may be able to help set up the event the day before or help create the giveaway bags. If possible, try and provide some sort of perk for the volunteers (for example, provide some small refreshments) and ultimately make it a fun day for everyone involved.

Despite a charity race event being a big event to organize, it can be a successful way of raising funds and attention for a cause. While it is a great opportunity for a charity organization, a race can provide a great day of fun for the whole community.

Saving For Race Day – Tips to Afford Marathon Expenses


The cost to enter a running marathon has nearly doubled in the last decade, forcing runners to pay hefty sums just to be registered to race. Not to mention the thousands it can cost to travel to marathon destinations around the world. With these skyrocketing costs showing no signs of decline, many runners are left having to sacrifice their love for running due to a lack of money. On top of the immense nutritional training required to run a marathon, plus extensive cardio exercises – runners now have to pace themselves for the hit on their wallet. Fortunately, there are some preparation measures that runners can take to travel for marathons without completely breaking the bank.

Creative Fundraising

With the advent of the internet, people are able to communicate more efficiently than ever before. This has led to new and improved ways for fundraisers with a good message to get into the public eye. Many marathon runners are often motivated by a number of great causes, and highlighting these reasons for running online can generate a group of loyal people willing to pitch in some extra cash. Sites like Kickstarter and GoFundMe are incredible resources for runners to generate the money they need to run, especially if part of the funds will go to a charitable cause.

More traditional financial options exist for runners as well. For the cream of the crop, running sponsorships can not only provide for travel expenses and registration fees, but also give runners enough money to live comfortably. A more practical financial option would involve applying for a bank loan, which you pay back over time. If running marathons truly is a passion, this option can provide you with the capital you need to make it to the select marathons are most important to you.

Save, Save, and Save Some More

Sometimes, raising the funds all at once can be too daunting a task for a busy runner. Instead, a slower, more methodical approach is needed. Saving money over time can carry plenty of financial advantages. Most notably, the ability to pay for unexpected events – or to take a trip (in your case, for a marathon). Similar to the traits required for marathon running, saving money requires dedication and discipline. Finding the time and patience to save isn’t always easy, but usually proves well worth the effort. Studies show that Americans who properly save money, report reduced stress, and more confidence in their work and social lives.

At the beginning of the year, pick the few marathons that you want to compete in, and find out what it costs to enter the marathon (travel included). Next, come up with a method of saving that will allow for enough money to take part in the race. A common and reliable way to save involves putting a portion of your weekly paycheck into a separate bank account, which will be used to pay the marathon expenses.

Most runners will say that their hobby is impossible to quit. The feeling you get after a long run is unparalleled by anything else. On top of this, the feat of completing a full marathon is possible for only a small portion of the world’s most physically fit runners. However, in order to feed this desire for success in the running community, smart financial decisions must be made. Either through fundraising, or generating wealth through saving – finding the cash to support this sport is a marathon in it’s own right. But for someone who can run 26.2 miles, raising the money is the easy part.

My Amazing Thailand Marathon Bangkok 2019 [HM] (by Lingderella)

Yes lah! Runcation again! ? It’s like I’m always looking at overseas races online and looking at somewhere else to go. Thailand races is awesome, I ran half marathon category at Laguna Phuket Marathon and 5km Music Run Bangkok last year and hence I wanted to try other Thailand races ?

I jio-ed Eleanor and Rey to go with me and they very steady and on, once registration opens we registered and got the limited early bird rate ? Once the early bird rate were sold out, normal registration slots were sold in batches, once the race slots sold out, have to wait for another batch of slots to open up at a little bit more expensive.

There’s different categories such as 3.5km family run, 10km, half marathon, and the full marathon category. Rey registered for the full marathon category while Eleanor and I registered for the half marathon. I love the design of the event singlet, it looks so nice sort of like a basketball jersey! ?

We booked SQ flights as even budget airlines with baggage cost about $250 per pax when we were looking for air tickets, and SQ return flight tickets to Bangkok was $289 but we can get more comfortable and enjoy food and in-flight entertainments so why not?

We went to collect our race pack on the day before race and we were there in and out very fast as we wanted to go to Chatuckak Weekend Market though its glance its quite a large expo with many sports stuffs and merchandise for sale. Traveling around Bangkok is very easy as there’s the MRT, Tuk Tuk, Taxis and Grab. Grab is pretty cheap and we almost went everywhere by Grab.

News had recently reported that air pollution had gotten quite bad in Bangkok, we were at first really worried that due to the bad air quality, the run would be cancelled. However, the moment we touched down in Bangkok, I felt that it’s not that bad actually and I was very sure the run will not cancel. I just hope I will not get sick. The organiser had done a great job by sending emails and providing updates on their Facebook page on issues relating to the run such as if haze was bad till a certain degree, the run will be cancelled.

On race day, we took Grab to race site and arrived about 30 minutes before race start. It was also just coincidentally we were all in Pen B. We wondered how do they assigned the pen as during registration we did not submit our past results, we thought the assigning of pen might be based on first come first serve basis. The earlier the registration, the nearer pen you’ll be to the start line.

It’s one of the most major running event in Thailand. Flag off was at Thailand’s biggest sports stadium Rajamangala National Stadium at 3am flagging off the marathoners and half marathon runners together. To me, it was by far the most spectacular and magnificent stadium I’ve ever seen ?

There were water points at the entrance of the stadium and some volunteers were giving out masks for the air pollution. But still, the air quality seems perfect fine to me. Segregation of the different start pens were clear and shortly we were all standing on the tracks and fields inside of the stadium ready to start running. All the pacers were in the front at Pen A, I decided to chase the 2hr15mins pacers.

Flag off was delayed for about 8 minutes and we were gun off by beautiful fireworks ? I was like looking at the floor for timing mat so I could start my Garmin but couldn’t find any after a while and started my Garmin anyway. I thought maybe they are technologically advanced and uses something like infrared to scan our timing chip but it’s just that I think too much, the timing mat was outside of the stadium ? But it’s too far away already, almost 100m since we started running maybe? My Garmin showed that I was about 2 mins slower than my official gun time.

Then I noticed that at every hydration point, there was update of PM2.5 measurement, the measurement of air quality. Water was not given in a cup but bottled which seems like 100ml or so which I find it very environmentally unfriendly, also dangerous to runners as I found many bottle caps along the road like a hazads, hopefully nobody sprain their foot.

I manage to catch up with the 2hrs 15mins pacers at about 2km into the run after some chasing. The route was awesome running by some of the Bangkok’s iconic landmark such as the Victory Monument and Golden Mountain Temple etc. The hydration points is available every 2km, but the distance board along the route isn’t really prominent. It’s not an easy route, there were at least 6 or or more up slopes for the half marathon runners as its running up the expressway and there was one unforgettable long up slopes which seems really endlessly long ? The volunteers were all very nice and supportive and I can hear them cheer and could really hear “kaaaaaaaa” echoing. At one of the hydration point/runners aid station somewhere around 15km, there’s even Dunkin Donuts, ice cream multiple and types of fruits ?

I followed the 2hrs15mins pacers till about 15km till I started getting slower
as I felt some pain as I must have drank too much water and lost them. Before that, 2 of their 2hrs15mins pacers already dropped out, they passed the pacers flag to other runners who are also pacers that was running together. At about the last 3km into the run the hydration point offered sponges soaked in iced cold water. It’s super awesome as I felt refreshed.

At the last 2km, I felt my left leg becoming jelly, it wasn’t my leg anymore. It’s like cramped or something. I walked a little and had thought of stopping but I was determined to finish the run and just kept running. At almost 1km to finishing, it’s only then the run was separated for the 42km and 21km runners. A prominent board was displayed in the middle of the road to indicate that 21km runners have to do a uturn and volunteers were there to guide the runners but they were speaking Thai. At the end of the run, Eleanor told me she ran the wrong route, luckily she noticed after a while and make a u-turn ?The medal was super cool, I love the colour and it’s really nice.

This was really a Unforgettable Marathon. ? It was comparable to Osaka Marathon in regards of runners welfare. We were given coupons to change for bento set of different meat, drinks of different flavours, different types of desserts such as chendol and grass jelly etc, different flavours of ice creams and a variety of fruits. Though there wasn’t much supporters as the run was held in the early morning at 3am. When I complete the run it wasn’t even 5.30am yet and the sun haven’t rise ? I will definitely want to run this run again!

It was a great trip and simply enjoyed my holiday/runcation!

Race Review: Chom Bueng Marathon 2019 (by healthobeing)

Another Thai race which I participated Mid Jan.  Taking place in the province of Ratchaburi, the race is really little known to foreigners but extremely popular with the Thai locals.

Getting around

Mini Bus station in Mochit

To get there without chartered buses, you can take the mini van from the Mo Chit Mini van terminal ( which is opposite the Mo Chit long distance buses).  From there just head to the “D ” building and at row number 4 you can get a direct ticket to Chom Bueng at about 130 baht ( SG$7 estimated).  The distance is about 160 km away and seriously the Mini Bus may be a bit cramped, it is definitely the fastest and most direct way to get there especially if you do not speak Thai that much.

Station Signs

Race Information

You can sign up for their race at the official website.  Do note that the slots are like hot cakes and gets sold out within a week.  You can also write in through Facebook Messenger or Email after that to check if you can get a waitlist slot.  I joined the Full Marathon at the cost of about 800 Baht ( about SG$40) it is really cheap because not only finishers will get 2 tee shirts and a drawstring bag, the mandatory finisher medal.  There is a carnival of Thai food for breakfast after the race.  The race has a water point almost every 2km and has a team of on the ball medics checking out almost every 5km.  To top that up, this race is IAAF certified too.

Lady Zone accommodation
Tentage accommodation in the open field

Race Pack collection

carnival at night

Held at the Muban Chom Bueng Rajabhat University main Hall.  The whole town is basically an University town.  It gives you a nostalgic feeling to be back here.  Buildings an structures are like in the 90s.  Accommodation can be very challenging, so check their Facebook page often to see if you can get a tent or stay at the Lady only zone in the school building.  Staying in the University itself will save your travelling time required to get to the start line as the Start and end are all in the University itself.

Banners around the school

The whole place turns into a big sports bazaar for the two days.  Runners can get their running needs at the fair, there was also a food bazaar beside the school field where you can get many Thai favourites.  Even if you do not like the food in the Bazaar, the main town itself has many choices and the 7-Eleven convenience store is the best place to shop for your last minutes needs.

Collection of bib and goodie bag
Busy with shops around the start area
Some items from the goodie bag

Although the race pack is very simple, I judge that most of the cost is gone into organising the race itself.

Race Route

Start Point

The route is simply fantastic for the FM, just one turn back and its the Full Marathon done.  There were not much elevation and the course is flat.  It does help that Chom Bueng is pretty cooling in the morning making the run felt good.  Along the way there are water points serving water, Isotonic and basic fruits like watermelon and banana.

On the roads

It is very well organised.  You only get to meet the Half Marathon , 10Km runners way further nearer to the finish line, but the road is wide so there are not much congestion.  There were also a lot of photographer lined throughout the whole race.  Especially so towards the end of the race.  I had like 95 shots in all.  After checking on other people, everyone seemed to have more than 50 shots and it is not difficult to search, just get into the running connect webpage and you can just key in your bid and there you go all the pictures. The pictures can be downloaded in low quality, or if you want , you can purchase the shots too.

The ending portion is superb with the red carpet lined on the floor , really give the runners a VIP feel.  With photographers at the end , you will not miss your finishing picture at all.

Finishing Line

Finishing point with water
Backdrop for photos
Medals area
Fancy dress and cheer leading

The finishing carnival is very well organised too.  Full marathon has its own dedicated area while Half and 10km has their own.  Both have sumptuous breakfast spread out, which you can retrieve with the coupon dished at the finished line.  There were also many exhibitors displaying food and recovery drinks with samples and free gifts for all.

It felt more like a fun fair than anything.  There were also massage counters to give those sore legs and feet a good rub.

Cameo with volunteers from the uni

Overall, another race which I will recommend as it is really very relaxing and good to run.

Small win

My JustMove! Asia: Upper Seletar Reservoir (by Lingderella)

Singapore is just a small dot on the World Map, although I’ve been living on this little dot since birth, there were still plenty of beautiful places that I’d never been to such as the Little Guilin in Bukit Batok. Thanks to signing up for the series of challenges, I am now very motivated and inspired in running and also looking forward to explore Little Guilin someday soon.

JustMove! Asia is a virtual run to run at time and pace at our own comfort or liking but it is unlike many other virtual runs: there’s a specific location to run in, it’s sort of to explore Singapore! ? There were currently a total of 11 challenges for the series to run at certain places of interest around Singapore.

– Bukit Batik Nature Park
– Bukit Timah Hill Summit
– Fort Canning
– Jurong Lake
– Labrador Park
– Macritchie Reservoir
– Rail Corridor
– Singapore Botanic Gardens
– Southern Ridges
– Tampines Eco Green
– Upper Seletar Reservoir

Each challenge registration cost $14.90, register for 5 challenges at once would get a 5% discount and 10 challenges at once for 10% discount. I’ve registered for all the 11 challenges because I would like to use this as a training for my upcoming Tokyo Marathon and at the same to explore some of the places that I don’t usually visit now but used to go often or have never been to ?

It’s easy, just to run or walk a minimum of 2.5km and upload the activity on the website and the super chio finisher medal unique to the place that we’ve register to run/walk in will be posted to us via mail in a few days time locally free ?

The first place I decided to run among these places is Upper Seletar Reservoir as its nearest to home in Yishun, it’s about 5km from home so I decided to run there and back. Upper Seletar Reservoir have awesome scenery and is a famous spot for pre-wedding photo shoot ? Not exaggerating but 90% of the time when I was there during weekends evening, I could see couple there for there for photo shoot ?

It’s not really accessible as the nearest MRT station is Khatib station which is about 3km to 4km away or got to take a bus there. Carpark is also available. I’ve been there a couple of times before and I felt that the best time to head there is before the sunset so as to get a view of the awesome sunset also it will be quite dark at some areas when it gets late and could be unsafe. Just like Macritchie and Bukit Timah Hill, sometimes monkeys can be seen around the area too.

There are certain checkpoints we need to make sure that we run pass to make the run valid. Though the previous day I ran in Macritchie Reservoir to support some of the Garang runners, but I could not use the run to submit for the virtual run as I did not run pass the verification checkpoint of Macritchie Reservoir, which is the Tree Top Walk. The verification checkpoint of Upper Seletar Reservoir is the Rocket Tower.

I highly recommend visiting this place as the beautiful scenery is really worth the effort to go there ? Though I didn’t take note whether there is any water cooler or not but I noticed there are vending machines at the executive golf course area nearby and there’s a toilet available at one end of the reservoir.

Now, I look forward to receiving the medal with the iconic tree and rocket tower of Upper Seletar Reservoir in my mailbox after submitting my run entry! It’s rather easy to use and navigate around the website and e-cert would be available after the admin verified the post ?


Registrations are open

Great news for JustRunLah! readers. Click here to enjoy an additional $5 OFF JustMove Asia challenges.

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Review: Spartan Stadion and Run for Light 2019


This blog comprises the review of 2 races – Spartan Stadion and Run for Light. Both races took place on the same day – 26 Jan 2019.

A Spectator’s Perspective: Spartan Stadion Singapore 2019

The Singapore Spartan Stadion is the first of its kind in Asia, where the race is run in a completely urban setting. This race is held at the National Stadium, on the 26 Jan. There are 2 categories, namely the ‘Stadion Open’ which consists of age group 14 yrs and above, and the ‘Kid’s Open’ for children below 14 years old.

I had participated in the Spartan Sprint Race for the last 2 years. I decided not to take part in the Stadion mainly because I prefer to run in a natural terrain and also, I find that the prices for Stadion are steep. Perhaps this is due to the leasing of the stadium for the event. Nevertheless, I was curious how the race will take place. Hence I decided to be part of the action as a spectator.

Race Day

I reached the National Stadium at 9.00 am. The race had already started, with the elites being flagged off as early as 7.30 am. The organizer allocated only one entrance/exit to the race village. I had to fill up and submit an indemnity form and before I can gain access, I had to go through a bag search and body scan. Any filled water bottle had to be emptied. Security was really tight, comparable to that of airport standard!

The view from the top of spectator seats to the race site was a sight to behold. It was a hive of activities. With loud, upbeat music being played, there was generally an air of excitement and anticipation. It really got my adrenaline pumping, even though I wasn’t racing!

The race village took up almost the entire stadium floor area. There were separate registration counters for Stadion and Kids and many booths for the race partners. There was even a booth for Health Promotion Board!

The Stadion consists of 22 obstacles in a 5 km run, while the Kid’s Open consists of 16 obstacles in a run not more than 3.2 km. There were quite a number of children participating in the Kid’s race. Kudos to their parents for letting them try out!

Public access to the obstacles were limited and carefully ‘barricaded’. Some obstacles setup within the stadium include the ‘Monkey Bar’, ‘Rope Climb’ and ‘Multi-Rig’. Spartans were also required to carry sandbag up and down the staircases.

The race route brings the racers to the outdoor, where they had to overcome more obstacles such as ‘Spear Throw’, ‘6 FT Wall’ and ‘Hercules Hoist’. I guess the obstacle that is relatively new to me is the jerry can carry, where female spartans were required to carry one jerry can while the guys had to carry two, in a loop of staircases. Of course there are others too, such as the ‘Heavy Jump Ropes’ and ‘Box Jump’, but I did not manage to catch those in action.

Failure to overcome any of the obstacles require the spartans to do 15 burpees as a punishment. This is a discount from the usual 30!

The ‘A-Frame Cargo’ is the last obstacle the spartans have to overcome before crossing the Finish Line in the stadium to collect their well deserved entitlements.


After viewing the Stadion, I would say I still prefer doing the spartan race in a nature environment, with elements of mud, sand and the sun. Stadion is just too clean. But in any case, this is a good race. So, congrats to all the finishers!

Aroo! Aroo! Aroo!

Run for Light 2019 [10 Km]

Into its fourth edition, there are 3 categories to this event: 10 km competitive, 5 km fun run and a 1 km blindfold walk. It was held at the Punggol Town Square on the 26 Jan. I was participating in the 10 km run.

Race Day

I reached race site at 5.10 pm. While I was doing my pre-run stretching, I saw Nimesh Gurung doing his warm-up exercises as well. Wasting no time, I grabbed the opportunity to request for a photo with him. (who knows, next time I may have luck to take with Jasmine Goh or Soh Rui Yong too?)

The first wave of 10 km runners were flagged off at 5.30 pm.  This was the right time for an early evening run, as the sun was about to set and the route took the runners along Punggol Waterway, where the tall buildings block out the last rays from the sun, keeping the runners cool. I joined the 2nd wave which was commenced 10 mins later.

This is the usual Punggol route which I believe most runners are already familiar with. There is nothing much of a surprise, though I always find it refreshing and enjoy the scenery when coney island is within sight. This is more so at 6.00 pm, where the early evening and quiet surroundings give me a sense of tranquility.

There were hydration points for every 2.5 km, offering runners H-Two-O isotonic drink. But I think there were insufficient cups, so at one point, I saw runners drinking out from big bottles instead.

This is my second 10 km within the month after the NUS Bizad Charity Run. I decided to take it easy and stopped to a walk-&-run after the 8 km mark. It is always good to slow down, catch your breadth and take in the sights. This must be my first evening run at Punggol. It was really nice seeing families enjoying themselves and having dinner at Punggol Waterway Point.

I managed to cross the Finish Line within my usual time. There were a number of booths from the race partners but I think the runners were more keen in the free scoopz ice cream, as evident from the long queue. Fitness instructors from ‘Fit Club’ led the runners to do cool down exercises.

I lingered for a while before taking the train home, feeling glad that I had come to Punggol for an evening run.

Manila: My Little Pony Friendship Run Is Back!

OVER 3,000 runners are expected to participate in the most fun of fun runs, the My Little Pony Friendship Run Manila 2019 this February 24 at the SM Mall of Asia.  For sure, everyone will grab the opportunity to run with their favorite ponies from the famous animated television series.

Distance categories are five, three and one kilometer.  Just proceed to Chris Sports branches located at SM Mall of Asia, SM City North EDSA, SM Megamall, Uptown-BGC and UP Town Center to sign up or you may visit www.mlprun.ph for online registration.

Race fees are reasonable at PHP 900.00 for five, PHP 800.00 for three and PHP 700.00 for one kilometer.  Family packages for four are also available at the discounted rates for PHP 2,900.00 for three and PHP 2,500.00 for one kilometer.

The actual race kit from the My Little Pony Friendship Run Manila 2019.

The race kit includes an authentic My Little Pony event shirt, sun visor, string bag and a race number and for an additional PHP 250.00, one may avail of a rainbow-colored tutu.  Online registrants may claim their kits at Toy Kingdom branches in SM Mall of Asia, SM North EDSA and SM Megamall.

Medals will be awarded to all finishers while the top three in each distance and gender category will be recognized with gifts from sponsors.  Everyone is also eligible for the post-race raffle for more gifts and prizes.

A lot of fun games and activities have been lined up in the race village to complete a Sunday morning of wholesome family fun.  Last year, the first My Little Pony Friendship Run was successfully staged and that served as the inspiration for the organizers to do a sequel not just in the Philippines but also in some nearby Southeast Asian nations.

Lovable and Endearing My Melody Debuts Her Run in Singapore on 12 May

Sanrio fans rejoice! The adorable icon, also from the family of Sanrio characters, will debut her My Melody Run in Singapore on 12 May 2019. Held at sunny Sentosa, the inaugural 5km fun run will be the first My Melody Run to be organized worldwide.

Fans of the endearing white rabbit will enjoy a festive opening ceremony filled with inflatable sweets and desserts. Get your kawaii on, as runners can look forward to receiving a series of exclusive My Melody Run items which includes My Melody Runner’s T-shirt, Plush, Bib, Goodie Bag, and Medal as part of their entitlements.

We’ve been looking to bring My Melody Run to Southeast Asia for quite a while now. We’re fully aware of how passionate the Singaporean fans can get over Sanrio characters. This will be the first of hopefully many more years to come,” said a spokesperson from Sanrio Hong Kong team.

Look out for a special appearance by My Melody herself as fans can get up close and personal for a photo opportunity. Participants can expect many Insta-worthy moments, as the route will be sprinkled with sweets themed checkpoints.

I’m so excited to be able to take part in this run. I love all Sanrio characters and it would be great to add to my own personal collection of memorabilia at home. I can’t wait to see what the organisers have in store for us after the overwhelming support for Hello Kitty Run,” said 28-year-old trade finance analyst Tania Bin, who is a Sanrio fan.

The Run will include a carnival site featuring exciting games and activities such as a human claw machine and many more. A live band performance will also be on site to fill the air with joyous tunes and invigorate the crowd.

Registration is ongoing with the following registration fees:

  • Early Bird (now – 31 Mar) – S$ 60.00
  • Normal (1 April – 28 Apr) – S$ 65.00

Previous Sanrio themed runs such as the Hello Kitty Run Singapore drew over 17,000 people.

Register Now!

The North Face 100® Thailand set new record with near 3,900 runners

Almost 3,900 trail runners lined up for the eighth edition of The North Face 100® Thailand in what was a record turnout for Thailand’s top trail running event. Representing more than 30 countries, the intrepid runners competed across five distances – 15km, 25km, 50km, 75km and the iconic 100km, from which the event gets its name – in Pakchong District of Nakhon Ratchasima province on Saturday 26th January, 2019.

Increased elevation for all distances has made the popular course even more challenging and the tough cut-off times for the ultra distances (50km, 75km and 100km) have seen runners dub the course a “fast 100km”, which this year was underscored by a high DNF rate for the ultra distances.

A bumper field of 1,420 runners running the 50km, 75km and 100km included a number or returning winners with Thai stars Jay Jantaraboon and Sanya Khanchai (100km winner, 2013, 2014) going head-to-head in the 100km while The North Face Athlete Vlad Ixel (100km winner 2014, 50km winner 2016) and last year’s 100km winner, David Emch (USA), both competing in the 50km. 2,486 runners competed in the 15km and 25km including many first-time trail runners underscoring the popularity of the sport in Thailand.

100km Distance

Jay Jantaraboon (THA) set a blistering pace leading the male 100km field through the 20km 10 minutes ahead of Sanya Khanchai (THA) in second, and Atthapol Intajak (THA) in third, while last year’s second place finisher, Kristian Morgan (GBR), was in fifth.

Winner of 100 KM: Jay Jantaraboon | Photo courtesy of Infinity Communications / TNF.

At the half way point the order was Jantaraboon, Khanchai, Intajak and Morgan. Despite twisting his ankle, Morgan was on a mission and by 62km Morgan had moved into second and was set on chasing down Jantaraboon. However, he was to remain the bridesmaid, having finished second in 2018 and again this year. Jantaraboon managed to extend his lead finishing in a time of 09:55:40 with Morgan in second. Intajak got the better of Khanchai in the last 20km and finished third overall.

Thai runners put in a good showing in the female 100km but it was American Charlyn Holden who claimed the win in 15:03:23, ahead of Duangruethai Pakdeevanissukho (THA) and Uthaiwan Khunothai (THA).

75km Distance

A little over a minute separated the top two in the men’s 75km field. Closely tracking each other around the course, it was Narin Keawsompak (THA) who managed to create a one minute gap and take the title ahead of Wai Kin Lee with Niti Lertritsirikul (THA) further back in third.

Mikae Nishiuchi (JPN) dominated the women’s field with a strong performance to win the 2019 75km title ahead of Kanokkorn Vitesakan (THA) in second and Jennilea Hortop (CAN) in third.

50km Distance

Vlad Ixel (AUS) got off to a flying start in the men’s 50km and within the first 11km had already put four minutes between him and his nearest rival. He continued to stretch out a lead finishing clear of the field in a time of 04:33:07. Paul Dunn (GBR) held off some stiff competition to place second ahead of Chinese runner, Wai Hei Ng.

Speaking after the race, Ixel said “The course has got better each year. This year it was much tougher and it was excellent. Thailand deserves a course like this. Congratulations to the race organisers on a good job.”

In the women’s division, Thai runner Phitchanan Mahachot, put on a masterclass. Having won the 100km in 2017, this year she opted for the 50km and there was no doubting her speed, finishing in a fast time of 05:21:07, 30 minutes ahead of second placer Monika Lidia Jablonska (POL). Xiomara Templeton from (USA) finished in third.

25km Distance

The cool weather saw some close racing in both the men and women’s 25km divisions. Ponsin Fookammerd (THA) got the better of Marcus Down (CAN) and Witchawat Burapavong (THA) who placed second and third respectively while in the women’s division just seconds separated second place finisher Sirikamon Watcharaseemanan (THA) and Sophie Mazieres (FRA), with Lindsay Nickel (USA) setting a blistering pace finishing in 02:42:46.

15km Distance

Romain Chevalier (FRA) got off to a fast start in the 15km men and never looked back, beating last year’s winning time and finishing the course in a time of 01:13:55. Less than two minutes back, was Labhon Rakchart (THA) in a time of 01:15:29 with Wasan Ratana-Aporn (THA) in third.

In the women’s race it was close at the front with Sabrina Gatti (FRA) edging out Torill Haga Olufsen (NOR) by less than 30 seconds with Pornuma Onnoum (THA) placing third.

> For the full results, visit www.sportstats.asia.

Debuting for the first time at The North Face 100® Thailand was The North Face Thailand Team, which included Pakawas Mangkang (100km), Pavadee Pachariyanon (50km), Patarada Thanachan (25km), Sophon Poowapattaraporn (25km) and Pakanee Burutphakdee (25km). Launched in 2012 in Amphawa, The North Face 100® Thailand is part of The North Face 100® Asia Pacific Series and was the first 100km trail event in Thailand. Since its launch, the event has welcomed 19,000 runners across all distances. The 50km, 75km and 100km distances are recognised by International Trail-Running Association (ITRA) and are official Qualifying Events for the Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc®.

Adapted from Press Release

> For more information, visit www.TheNorthFaceThailand.com, or www.facebook.com/TNF100Thailand.

Running the Long Bien Bridge (Hanoi, Vietnam)

When in Hanoi especially near the Old Quarter and looking for a place to run, you’ll likely end up running loops around Hoan Kiem lake (almost 2km) or doing a huge one around West Lake (17km).  But its actually not hard to run on the streets there in the early hours.  Mornings are the same as in any other place when you start on the blue hour – a lot less traffic – so you might as well do your own exploratory or touristy loop.  While you’re at it, go swing by the Long Bien bridge, not just to see it and take pictures but to actually run through it.

(For virtual run on this bridge, just click the YouTube play button below)

Its a rusty cantilever bridge that is likely older than any living grandma you know personally.  Built by the French during their occupation of Indochina, it flies a mile (1.68km span) over the Red River and was one of longest in Asia at the turn of the 20th century.  Trains run in the middle while motos and bicycles ply on either side.  It can be crossed on foot but can be nerve wracking.

Not just on streets of Hanoi, even on this bridge, some riders go counter-flow

Footpaths are on the outermost side each way.  The thin and rusty railings hardly gives much cover that a toddler can easily fall through, then at some parts they were as as high up to my hip only.  Not at all advisable to traverse on bad weather or strong winds.  Not even sure if the railings will hold up when leaned on hard enough or it ever get hit by a moving vehicle.

Its unsettling enough to see too much of the water below, the railing in this part is just up to my hip.

The path itself is just lined up cement square tiles only about 4cm thick, and seems secured only by place holders.  There are gaps between that you see what’s at the very bottom, because there’s nothing else under those tiles.  With the rather open railing and the repeating peek-a-boo gaps below your feet, it gets unsettling when you are at the highest point and its water all around.

Though they are great riders, still need to be mindful of those hauling cargo

It is also just comfortably wide for 1 person only.  If you run into someone, both have to twist a bit to not bump shoulder, or stray briefly into the path of the riders to overtake.  Yes, there’s no physical barrier between pedestrian and wheeled traffic, except that the footpath is elevated like a street sidewalk.  You need to watch out for those riders hauling cargo that may stick out their sides.  And this being Hanoi, some riders will go counter-flow even on this bridge when its already not wide enough for 3 riding abreast safely.

Straying into the path of oncoming motorcycles to pass by the guy going the opposite direction.

So why hassle yourself to run it at all?  To get yourself transported back in time I guess?

Imagine how people in the 1900s felt when they saw this bridge, surely it was a marvelous sight to behold for everyone, probably akin to seeing the Eiffel Tower but in Indochina.  You can’t feel the same way now, but for the last intervening 120 years it was witness to a lot of events and changes in the world and also became part of it.  It definitely transformed communities near and far with the people and goods it helped transport  It became an vital participant in wars, and thus was sitting duck target as well.  In its existence for over a century, imagine generations within the same family now, from great grand parents to the youngest kids telling stories of different lifetimes and eras but with the same old bridge as a backdrop.  If this bridge was an actual grandma now, it would be enjoying with her great grand children memes and GIFs from the /r/NamFlashbacks.

Just at the edge of Old Quarter, a train wait atop the viaduct at Long Bien train station before it crosses the bridge.

For whatever reason that got you there – the stories, the romance, or otherwise – either way, don’t be that guy who had to leave mark (grafitti/vandalise) or pluck a piece as a remembrance just because its a worn down relic.  You want to be part of its history?  Just run it end to end, there’s a Strava segment leaderboard there waiting for your name.

(And a virtual walk going the opposite direction – going back to the Old Quarter. Hit that play button)

5 Reasons Why Fitness Tours are Starting to Gain Popularity

Both professional and recreational sports activities are good for human physical health, mental state, and beauty. However, modern lifestyle often leaves insufficient time that we can dedicate to regular training. It’s a real shame that such a beneficial aspect of life is so low on most people’s scale of priorities, but there is a way to fix this problem. A new touristic trend that’s gaining momentum is emerging and it combines the excitement of learning about new cities and the benefits of exercise. Fitness tours are growing in popularity and we’ll discuss 5 top reasons why people enjoy it so much.


The first reason, and the most important for most people is that fitness tours are so much fun. Just think about joining a group of people off to see all the amazing sights of New York, London, Tokyo, Berlin or some other major city in the world and stopping for a few workouts while the guide shares interesting facts about that particular spot or the city. It’s also a chance to meet new people who share similar interests to you. Therefore it’s obvious that fitness tours are an excellent choice for those who travel alone or are looking to meet someone.

There are plenty of health mobile apps, like CircleCare or others that allow you to set your own goals, track your progress, and earn rewards. These apps can help you maintain your wellness, have fun, and enjoy the best of your fitness tour.

Health improvement

It’s not unusual to crave for a holiday where you can just lay back and enjoy your time off, eating as much local food as possible, staying in a hotel that’s close to all major attractions – simply shut down from the life that awaits us once we get back to work.

Nevertheless, our daily lives leave stress-related consequences, sleep deprivation, and also have a visible influence on our waistline. These are all the reasons why spending a holiday that lacks exercise is not recommendable and it appears that people just begin to grasp the importance of active holidays. Early morning Yoga sessions, combined with a lively walk along a tour guide is just the thing you need to get your juices flowing, keep your body in shape, regulate your blood pressure, and also build an appetite for later if you wish to check out some local restaurants.

Keeps you motivated

Although it’s not an official medicinal condition, Back to Work Blues is a physical and mental state that people experience after a holiday. Winter hits us the hardest because it’s the time of the year when people overdo everything from eating, drinking to not getting enough sleep. Once we get back to work, it’s not easy to rewire your body to keep you operational as you just adjusted to not having to get up early, spend time in your office, or deal with a demanding boss.

Most fitness tours offer package deals which include multiple activities in separate timeframes, thus keeping you used to obligations, even though they are not work-related but rather fun and good for your health.

Travel bloggers inspiration opportunity

Image credit: 123RF

Since the time of Marco Polo, describing interesting places and curious traditions of distant nations has been the bread and butter of many writers. Nevertheless, the world, amazing as it is, is shrinking as technology and transport options are advancing and it’s difficult to keep creativity and authenticity on a high level. Fitness tours are an excellent opportunity for travel bloggers in search for inspiration and new topics.

Offering fresh content to the readers is of paramount importance for every blogger, and the rising trend of fitness tours is full of potential stories. Those that were thinking about starting a travel blog should consider this type of adventure as the main concern of their writing. As these tours know to take a lot of time it could be challenging to find enough time to edit or proofread your work. One of the best options is to hire an online writing service like Essay Geeks, Proessaywriting, or A-Writer.com that will do the job for you while you enjoy your time.

A good way to start working out regularly

According to experts, people feel uncomfortable when it comes to sweating in public, outdoor exercises, feeling cold, stepping into puddles of water, and other “extreme” circumstances.  On the other side, fitness tours are not strictly about fitness as they include sightseeing and learning about new places and that’s what makes people more eager to participate. Additionally, it is a nice place to look for a partner that will keep on working out after the tour is over, so you can keep each other motivated.


The Ancient Latin people had a saying that goes “a healthy mind in a healthy body”. This phrase is an evergreen postulate that should remind us of the importance of physical exercise and its effects on the state of mind. Fitness tours are a unique opportunity to combine learning and a healthy lifestyle, a one-way ticket to longevity and vitality.

Guest author post: Becky Holton is a journalist and a blogger. She is interested in education technologies and is always ready to support informative speaking. Follow her on Twitter.

6 Running Events to Join in the First-Half of 2019

It’s a brand-new year, and of course, most us wish to join a marathon or to at least start exercising as part of our new year’s resolution. Perfect for you since there’s a lot of exciting races coming in the first half of 2019! With all the different races coming up every month, there is always something for everyone!

1) Safari Zoo walk

If you feel like starting the year slow, you may consider joining a 4km run/walk with your family and friends. This run encourages family bonding while empowering runners to support wildlife conservation. Also, grab this opportunity to run through Singapore Zoo, River Safari and Night Safari!When: 24th February 2019
Where: Singapore Zoo
Categories/Price: Safari Zoo 4 km Walk (S$50.00)
Entitlements: Exclusive Safari Zoo Run 2019 race apparels, medals & more

[Sold out]

2) The Performance Series Virtual Challenge 1

A new addition to The Performance Series this year – Virtual Challenges. A virtual challenge is a series of runs that you can complete at your own pace and time. Additionally, Join both TPS road races and virtual challenges and reward yourself with an add-on lion-head medallion where the different races, get connected.

When: 1 February – 30 April 2019
Where: Anywhere
Categories/Price: Cumulative 50 km/100 km (S$15.00)
Entitlements: Finisher Medal

Register Now!

3) Mizuno Women’s Run

ALL ladies unite ’cause this event is especially for you! This run is to celebrate women from all walks of life and to encourage women of all ages to get active through running.When: 7 April 2019
Where: Clarke Quay Central
Categories/Price: 2km fun Walk (S$35.00) / 5 km Individual Open (S$55.00)
Entitlements: Mizuno runners tank top (worth $49) & sponsored goodies in their race packs

Register Now!

4) 2XU Compression Run Singapore 2019

Be part of this huge running event in Singapore with your family or runner friends! A perfect running event for you to improve on your PB or just run for fun! It is a race for everyone and anyone!

When: 7 April 2019
Where: F1 Pit Building
Categories/Price: 21.1 km (S$70.00) / 10 km (S$60.00) / 5 km (S$52.00)
Entitlements: 2XU singlet, 2XU finisher Tshirts for 21.1km and Finisher medals

[Sold out]

5) The Performance Series 2019 Road Race 1: Emerge

Take this opportunity to run around iconic landmarks in Singapore where you will be fully immersed in nature and the lion city! Also, 21.1 km is back by popular demand and also, complete your TPS entitlement set! Are you ready to #TranscendYourself in 2019?

When: 5 May 2019
Where: Punggol Waterway
Categories/Price: 21.1 km Competitive (S$69.00) / 10 km Competitive (S$59.00) / 10 km Non-competitive (S$55.00) / 5 km Non-competitive (S$45.00)
Entitlements: Runner Singlet, Finisher Medal, Exclusive 21.1km Finisher Tshirt

Register Today!

6) OSIM Sundown Marathon 2019

Strive for greatness beneath a starlit sky and cooler temperatures with Asia’s largest night marathon, OSIM Sundown Marathon. Not only that, you will be running for a cause. Some of the beneficiaries include the Singapore Disability Sports Council, The Straits Times School Pocket Money Fund and RunningHour. Sleep can definitely wait.

When: 1 June 2019
Where: F1 Pit Building
Categories/Price: 42.195 km (S$95.00) / 21.1 km (S$75.00) / 10 km (S$65.00) / 5 km Adult Fun Run (S$45.00) / 5 km Kids & Youth Fun Run (S$35.00)
Entitlements: OSIM Sundown Marathon 2019 Running Vest, Bag with Sponsor products, Finisher Medal, Exclusive Full Marathon Finisher’s Tshirt

Register Today!

Are you looking to join more running events?

Check out the selected events available for registration on our platform, JustRunlah! Connect. Registering via our platform is safe, fast and secure!

5 Tips to Smash your P.B in 2019

JustRunLah! is excited to introduce our newest accredited author, Run2PB Online Coaching, founded by 4 elite athletes based in Australia, they are helping people all over the world achieve P.Bs at a variety of events from 5k Parkruns to Marathons. Their combined experience provides valuable insight into how to best prepare for all running events, not only with a huge range of training sessions, but experience with nutrition, strength and conditioning and recovery.

In their first article, Brady Threlfall shares 5 of his top tips to help you achieve your PBs in 2019 over any distance.

Brady is active in the running world in Australia and wears many different hats. He recently ran a 2:19 marathon to finish in 25th position at the Berlin Marathon, he is the producer and co-host of Australia’s most downloaded Running Podcast – Inside Running Podcast as well as a co-founder of Run2PB – an online coaching platform helping runners of all abilities achieve PBs all over the world.

1. Go Steady when Building Mileage

The more oxygen you can supply to your working muscles, the more energy you can produce and therefore the faster and longer you can run. This is where mileage becomes very important, as it can assist in your body producing more mitochondria-the main part of your cell that produces energy and make more capillaries-delivering more oxygen from your blood to your muscles. However, your body needs time to adapt, therefore slowly increasing your mileage will allow your body time to adapt to that stress, before then being able to go for more.

2. Switch up your Surfaces

Hard surfaces give you a lot of force back, which can allow you to run quicker, however, soft surfaces have the ability to reduce the risk of injury by putting less strain on the body. Soft surfaces can also assist in building strength, so be sure not to shy away from them. If you ate the same food, at the same place for the rest of your life, it would quickly lose its satisfaction. Just like that, it can be easy to lose motivation if you hit the same path for every run, so ensure you mix it up a bit. Every kilometre will bring something new to view!

3. Don’t Run Everything Flat Out

In order to grow and allow your body time to adapt to different stresses, you need to incorporate rest and recovery. Going flat out day in, day out means you may stress your body too much, which can lead to injury, loss of form or leave you over trained.

4. Be consistent & beware of the ‘super session’

10 weeks of running consistently is better than that 1 amazing run where you’ve ran too hard and ended up injured, resulting in missing weeks of training. Think of every run as a book that you’re putting in the book shelf. You want to get as many books in your shelf as possible.

5. Incorporate a Weekly Long Run

For a distance runner, the long run is like the mortar between bricks, binding everything together and without it, you’re not going to be able to stand up as strong on race day. Not just purely for marathoners, the long run allows your body to build up an aerobic base, which not only will help come race day, but will allow you to push harder in your session days. Therefore assisting in running economy, making you quicker and giving you more confidence. These are also great ways to either catch up with some of your running buddies or even listen to a good podcast!

Want to be personally coached online by elite athletes with a proven record of helping runners achieve their PBs? Run2Pb boasts a number of clients based in Asia, as its online platform allows you to be coached 24/7 anywhere in the world. Check out all the details at www.run2pb.co and fill out the ‘Sign Up’ form to start achieving your personal best today!

Review: OBS Christmas Run 2018 @ Beach Street, Penang (by Jay Chha)


Every since Beach Street in Penang is turned into a Walking Street on every Sunday in accordance with the No Car Day in Penang, this place has always been filled with activities for Penangites.

The one that I always join is their festive fun run. This time I bring to you OBS Christmas Run 2018. I was held on 23 December 2018, which is just a few days before Christmas.

Every participant is entitle for a T-Shirt, Medal, Christmas Hat and E-Certificate. Flag off at 7.30 am, the run is full of people and it is basically crowded here at Beach Street. The run route cover part of Georgetown, Penang and it covers a distance of 6 km.

Route Covered

Distance Covered

After the run, there are some drinks that are complementary from the organizer like Mineral Water, Keluarga Chocolate Drinks and Milo.

Every runner who completed the 6 km run is entitled for a finisher medal. I feel that the finisher medal looks cute, haha! Design as a Santa Claus, the medal look special and interesting, haha!

Also, after the run, the organizer actually take the effort to prepare something special for anyone attending the run on that day, which is to give you a Snow Fall Experience, haha!

The Snow Fall Experience is the one that caught many people’s attention, as it is so impossible for Malaysia to have snowfall, haha! Everyone is enjoying the experience and taking a photo of it. Well, even though the snow is fake but at least it gives people the feel of how it would look like if there is actually real snow in Penang, haha!