Singapore Aquathon 2018 attracted an 800 participants athletes racing while Singapore National Athletes took top spots across their age group categories. 21-year-old Singapore Bryce Chong claimed the championship for the standard distance of 1.5km swim and 10km run with a formidable time of 1 hour 10 minutes and 44 seconds. 44-year-old British Timothy Kelsall and 47-year-old Singaporean Danny Lim took second and thirds spots with a time of 1 hour and 12 minutes and 1 hour and 14 minutes respectively.
Singapore YOG representative Emma Middleditch took the top spot for the sprint category with a time of 35 minutes and 27 seconds racing ahead with her father coach James Middleditch who also took a podium spot at the sprint category with a time of 40 minutes and 1 second. Nicholas Rachmadi was crowned champions in the sprint category with a time of 34 minutes and 10 seconds ahead of French Valentin Van Wersch and Singaporean Samir Varma who finished second and third spot.
This event is specially designed to be fully inclusive for all fitness levels and ages, with physically challenged Emma Oldager completing the 750m swim leg of the Sprint relay category along with friend Laura Young who finished 11th place with a time of 48 minutes and 24 seconds.
Managing Director Orange Room, Elvin Ting mentioned: “As the years go by, the Singapore Aquathlon goes from strength to strength. This year’s race is a dazzling display of how far multisport has come in our nation and we hope to continue encouraging everyone to tap into their competitive spirit, get healthy, and enjoy this amazing sport.”
After completing the YOLO run the morning before, I woke up again early the next day for The Performance Series (TPS) Race 4. I had signed up for this race with a generous discount from JustRunLah! as a past blogger. But this has not affected my review in any way. TPS started since 2016 and this is the third series and finale race for the year. TPS is also done in Malaysia. The theme is around promoting healthy lifestyle through the appreciation of iconic landmarks in Singapore and Malaysia within the local and foreign/expatriate community.
This series was first of its kind to encourage individuals of all levels, from non-active to leisure to competitive, to have a schedule of races to work towards and progress along with the series. Hence Transcending Yourself !
Garmin has incorporated its name to the series this year as the main sponsor. The race pack collection also took less than 5 minutes (same as YOLO) and I was a bit surprised too at seeing nobody queuing that weekend afternoon. I was wondering if the lustre has worn off or just that there were too many races these days.
Rain again… before TPS
I was again early at the venue, East Coast this time. And it was the good cooling weather with rain coming down till the last minute. Still, there was a good crowd – and I saw some runners who had participated in YOLO Run the day before too. The race this time was postponed by 15 minutes. At 7.45 am, the race was flagged off punctually as announced.
Nice cool weather and a simple loop back route for the 10 km distance. I felt good and ran as per planned. No muddy shoes this time despite the downpour earlier. To be fair, the East Coast Park surface is more similar to the hard unyielding surface I found myself pounding at the Pangsua Network Connector most mornings.
I’ve participated in TPS since its inaugural session and liked the theme of improving yourself, transforming yourself through these races, through running. Folks who had read my accounts knew that I had started with running only early 2015 more seriously, after age 51 then. Since then, I’ve done biathlons (run and swim), spartan races, swim for hope challenges, vertical marathons and even cycling challenges. Running became a preoccupation and maybe obsession even as I went on to an ultra 50 km and the Relay For Life event (overnight running, jogging, walking in the stadium) last 1 year. Yes, even as I was nursing my fractured lumbar (spine) back to health, which I incurred during one of the virtual cycling challenges.
Photo Credit : Portrait from the Heart – Relay for Life
Reflecting back, it was probably foolhardy to still run with an unstable spine and this might explain why the back stiffness and tailbone pain has repeatedly visited me till today. Pain became my teacher as I struggled through the distances in the past 1.5 years or more after sustaining the injury. My body adapted, whether it is deeper puffing to get rid of the pain, or an imperfect gait. I recently found out that my left leg was longer than my right leg. So it wasn’t just a bigger left foot which was one size bigger.
In the past couple of years too, my black toe nails and plantar fasciitis had plagued me constantly but luckily in the past few months, I’ve gotten back to almost normal. That may explain why I’m able to keep a relatively faster pace vs before – still below the average runner. One easier change I did was to reduce my footwear choice to just two brands these days – first letter starting with A and N. The shoes helped too because I’ve now tried to be nicer to myself by changing the shoes when they wore out. I used to patch the bottom left heel with rubber that was shed by other runners on the trail. While it worked to some extent, I seemed to have much less issues these days if I just stuck to the worn out shoes but rotate them regularly. The patched surface might have caused some misguided adaptation of the foot as I ran.
1 of 5
At the Start
When in pain,puff...
Most folks' favorite food, though not mine !
After the run, we had a relatively trouble free collection of the finisher medal, finisher Tee and drinks. East Coast area would probably be one of the better race grounds for its terrain and ‘convenience’ for running – free from traffic. It was nice too to run close to the sea and take in the morning sun and wind. I had probably the best if not one of the better timings for my 10 km run in recent times. I didn’t take the hydration but saw a few hydration points so it was probably more than adequate for most runners.
Enjoyed myself and happy with the results. So on to the HomeTeam NS Real Run half marathon one week away from this race. This would be my first half marathon after a fairly long break. I had been making good progress despite the stiff back last few weeks but have not attempted any longer distance than 12 km leading up to it. Would be interesting to see how I do for myself.
Meantime run safe and run happy.
(Author’s Note: I started writing this about the same time as YOLO run but got delayed by works of my own – hence the reference to YOLO run that took place one day before this race. The nice photos on the race are with credits to JustRunLah! photographer too – thank you.)
Ten years ago, when I first started running, I ran my second marathon only 6 weeks after my first. I told myself I wouldn’t do that again, and I haven’t. Instead, this month, I ran a marathon only 1 week after another one.
The Goodlife Rottnest Island Marathon celebrated its 25th anniversary this year, and the race was more fun that I could have imagined. It’s held on Rottnest Island, a nice little getaway 18km off the coast of Perth, Australia, and is organized by the West Australian Marathon Club. These folks know how to put on a good race.
Why was I running marathons two weekends in a row? Well, I’d been planning all year to run the Melbourne Marathon, and one of my friends saw that and sent me a note. It seems a bunch of my running mates from the 2014 Antarctic Ice Marathon and 2016 North Pole Marathon were gathering for the Rottnest race (a couple folks in this group live in Perth and invited people to join this year). My friend’s point was, “you’re already in Australia, just stay an extra week and come on over,” and that was pretty convincing, so I did.
Most of us arrived by ferry on Friday, and immediately started taking photos of quokkas, the little marsupials that are indigenous to the island and that are incredibly cute. Rottnest Island has a range of accommodations, and most of us stayed at the budget end of the spectrum in a pair of cabins, old World War II barracks that now hold up to 13 guests. At least I wouldn’t have to worry about sleeping through my alarm; surely, someone would wake me on race day.
Quokkas are like junior kangaroos
I had been warned that Rottnest Island would be even hotter than Melbourne, perhaps up to 30C on race day, so I’d left my cool weather running gear in my big suitcase back at my hotel on the mainland. Naturally, upon arriving, it was cloudy, windy, and cold. The forecast for race day kept changing, between 12-18C and with high chances, then low chances, of rain. One thing that didn’t change was the forecast for high winds. Despite all the catching up we wanted to do with each other, the biggest topic of conversation was, “What are you going to wear for the race?”
Still smiling, so it must be the first half of the race.
Race day came, and I had decided to add a performance t-shirt under my singlet, and a cap in case it rained, but otherwise go with my normal gear. We arrived at the Starting Line for the 630am start, greeted by the sound of bagpipes. The pipers are a tradition at Rottnest, and we would see them again.
There were 182 runners, and at the beginning we ran a 2.2km out-and-back loop, then followed that with four laps of a 10km course on the roads around the eastern end of the island. Our group of friends spread out pretty quickly, though I always had at least one of them in sight. About 7km in I met a Taiwanese runner who is working in Australia, and after chatting a bit we realized we were both hoping to finish around the same time, so we decided to run together.
If the weather forecasts during the previous week seemed to be fluctuating, that was nothing compared to the fluctuations in the actual weather on race day. To start with, the winds got up to around 35kph, and for some reason, no matter which direction we were running, they always seemed to be a headwind. There were times when the clouds would seem to drift away and the sun would be beating down on us, then suddenly we were getting rained on. It seemed like there were little microclimates all around the island, and after a couple laps I knew what to expect at different points.
I didn’t see many animals along the course other than the 18 species of birds who call it home. The quokkas are mostly nocturnal so they were still sleeping off their shenanigans from the night before, and I didn’t see any snakes, though some of my friends did; since the Dugite snakes are among the 10 most venomous snakes in the world, that offered a pretty good motivation for them to run faster.
For some reason, I had come to the island thinking it would be flat. What a joke. I never really appreciated what the term “rolling hills” means until I ran over the rolling hills on Rottnest Island. Once again, since we were running four laps, we could at least get used to the terrain changes and know what to expect. The bagpipers made another appearance at what appeared to be the highest point on the course, and here I discovered another Rottnest tradition. As you made your ascent toward the pipers there were two very energetic cheerleaders on the road, with a sign that said, “Yell when it’s your last lap!” The reason for the yell – which I was very happy to finally do – was that they would hand you a gold coin so that when you got atop the hill you could “pay the piper,” dropping the coin into a bucket there. It felt really, really good to do that, because I knew I only had about 5 kilometers remaining.
By this point my Taiwanese colleague had cramped up and suggested I keep going and he would catch up. Since I was feeling surprisingly good, I had gone ahead, and even in the final lap I was amazed by how much energy I had. I would normally expect to hit the wall around 30km, but for some reason I entered that last lap feeling very strong. The climb up the hill to “pay the piper” was tough, but I still had a good stride coming off of that. Entering the final two kilometers I felt myself starting to fade, and one of my North Pole mates who had been just behind me for much of the race caught up and passed me. We stayed pretty even with each other as we came down the final hill and entered the last kilometer toward the Finish.
Start strong, finish stronger
I had not been paying much attention to my time; unlike Melbourne the previous weekend, this race was just supposed to be fun, without worrying about specific goals. After all, if I was ever going to have an excuse for running slow, “I ran a marathon a week ago” was a pretty good one. The sun was very bright and I wasn’t able to read my Fitbit clearly, so I just ignored it. But as I approached the Finish I could see the clock, and it appeared to be about 1 minute below my timing goal from the previous week. I suddenly kicked it into gear, passing my North Pole friend, then realized the clock was actually 6 minutes below my previous timing goal, so I slowed down and we ran across the Finish Line together. In the end, I was 13 minutes faster than I’d been in Melbourne – my fastest race in over three years – which made me think maybe I should run a marathon every weekend, if that’s going to be the result.
This was the smallest marathon I’ve ever run, and in some ways that made it a lot more fun. Sometimes, instead of the large expos and the big city streets and the bands and cheerleading squads, it’s nice to just get out there and run, to see what your body can do and how you respond to different challenges. I highly recommend this race for city runners looking for something different. Go with family or a group of friends, stay on the island a few days, meet the quokkas, and just have a good time.
Shahrom Abdullah is a triathlete and extreme sports enthusiast from Gua Musang, Kelantan. Shahrom is a proud owner of a bicycle shop and also works as a part-time coach; coaches his students who are participating in IRONMAN Malaysia.
Without further ado, here is the Q&A with Shahrom Abdullah!
The Basics
Full name : Shahrom Abdullah
Place of Birth : Kelantan
Date of Birth : 20 July 1979
Occupation : Bicycle shop owner
1) What is your greatest strength?
Strong determination
2) How do you handle stress and pressure?
I try to look at the positive side of things, don’t make excuses and always look for a solution.
3) What was your greatest accomplishment as an athlete?
Ranked amongst the top 15 Elite at the Powerman Zofingen Long Distance Duathlon World Championship.
4) What excites you the most about a career as an athlete?
It’s my passion for the sport. Being able to do what I love every day for the past 20 years have been great.
5) You are a bicycle shop owner. How do you find time for training?
I only have time for 1 session a day now. I start my day early with training almost every day. I am at my bike shop at 11 am and the day ends at about 9-10pm as I also coach my students at night who are doing the IRONMAN Malaysia. Time management is key.
6) Can you list down 5 Fun Facts about yourself?
I love to dance
I like pranking people when they are stressed
I enjoy cooking
Enjoy watching motorsports
Enjoy watching movies
7) What is your favourite discipline and why?
Running as I can go run anywhere and explore places. Cycling/MTB especially when I am traveling, as I love to explore the countryside on my bike.
8) List down your achievements as an athlete:
I have been consistently at the top in the duathlon scene for many years. But have recently attempted the 2017 IRONMAN Malaysia and emerged as the 1st Malaysian finisher after my last attempt at full IM distance 13 years ago.
9) Can you share with us your nutrition plan when doing a triathlon?
I take the usual energy gels and bars. But during long bike rides, I consume raw honey to keep my body going.
10) What is your advice to people who wants to try a triathlon?
Do it because you love it and not because others are doing it. Consistency is king and listen to your body. If you are tired then rest, if you feel good then push on.
Registration fee was just a cheap cheap $10 and best of all, the registration fees goes into the welfare communities in Jalan Besar GRC and Potong Pasir GRC. Thanks to the sponsors, event pack collected before the event day includes event tee, umbrella, draw string bag,
National Geographic magazine and a wall hanger that you can hook whatever you think you want to hook you can hook ?
It’s my 5th running event of the month. Last week, after Real Run I was already exhausted and I asked Willis could we give this a miss instead? But Willis had only participated in a few runs this year due to busy work schedule and 3 runs he registered isn’t happening. He didn’t heard anything about Run Free, Halloween by the Bay was cancelled due to low registration rate and Gold Coast Marathon for us didn’t happen because of blah blah blah.
So, on event morning, I took about 5 minutes before Grab arrives to cut away the sleeves and length of the event tee after trying it on and feel it’s gonna be hot run since flag off gonna be at 8am. The tee length was also too long or either way, I’m also fine to say that I’m short instead of blaming the tee ? I’m glad I chopped off the sleeves as its indeed a HOT HOT morning! 但本宫针线活不精,得空时必需找绣娘把衣服缝制好,不要糟蹋了衣服 ?
We arrived minutes before 7.30am at event venue and was quite sian as queue for registration to get the coconut and the wrist tag (wrist tag for identification purpose to collect finisher entitlements such as medal and isotonic drinks after the run) was super long, but the volunteers did a great job as more of them come forward and expedite on the registration process and within minutes, the long queue was gone.
While waiting for the flag off, I’m pretty entertained by the emcee, he’s quite funny and he’s giving safety advice and also advising runners not to carry coconuts in the plastic bags and run as its not nice for photos ? At about 7.50am, after the Grassroots advisor of the GRC gives a short welcome speech, warm up was K-pop dance routine. The dance instructor and his assistant were so smiley and full or energy in a morning which I wish I could stay in bed but it sure was a fun work out as I could see everyone was enjoying. Just me and Willis stood there like a log but we really enjoyed just by eye power ?
I thought the coconut will only be given after the completion of the run because it’s like so irritating to carry it and run right? So, Willis and I instead or running, we do a pak tor 4km hold hand stroll, we finished with only a mother and her daughter behind us ? Though it’s hot and glaringly sunny but honestly I really enjoyed the stroll and pak tor-ing with Willis ❤
It’s not a big event with I think maybe about 400 participants at a glance. There’s 2 different distance categories of 2km and 4km. Both were different route and for the 4km categories, we thought that there’s many volunteers along the route and not exaggerating, we estimated 1 volunteer every 30 metres(after 2km it’s a loop back) ?
Though it’s at a inconvenient location at Lavender as I stay in Yishun but I love these type of runs and don’t mind to travel for the run as it’s not expensive, it’s run for a good cause, it’s fun themes of coconuts this year and last year it’s balloon theme. And it’s really well organised and most of all I enjoyed it. Wondering what’s next year theme might be?
I have been running regularly for the past 5 years and have received questions from peers on how to choose a good pair of running shoes or which shoes do I recommend. The sharing of personal and other running enthusiasts’ experiences had always been casual and face-to-face. This post will be the first official shoes review which I will be doing through writing.
Having run more than 800km with my existing 2 pairs of Nike Zoom Fly (a pair of blue ones and a pair of black ones-pictured below), I am happy to be given the opportunity to try on this Flyknit version of the Nike Zoom Fly.
Zoom Fly – Black
Zoom Fly Flyknit
I must admit when I first opened the box, my first reaction was that the shoes looked kind of feminine to me.
Design & Comfort
To my surprise, the shoes looked great when I put them on! The colours blend well and they were not too loud for my liking. Having worn the non-Flyknit version (Lunarlon material) in the past, the breathability of Flyknit material is a blessing for some heat dissipation in the hot climate in Singapore. However, the feet still heat up after some running under the sun.
The Nike Zoom Fly Flyknit also fits true to my usual US size 10. The material is stretchy and light which fills my feet more snugly and comfortably as compared to the stiffer Lunarlon material. Featured with full-length carbon fiber plate found in the “legendary” Zoom Vaporfly 4% and Nike React cushioning foam, this pair of shoes felt like a bouncy cushioned trainer which can also be used for longer distances pounding on the roads.
Another lovely feature about the Nike Zoom Fly Flyknit is the lightweight cushioning and support (weighs about 272g according to online sources). Gone are the days when thick cushy stabilising running shoes were heavy and bulky.
After admiring the design and comfort of the Nike Zoom Fly Flyknit, I decided to put them to a test across different terrains. The shoes are actually very responsive on the 4 terrains which I tested on: Road, Grass, Track and Treadmill.
On the road: My feet felt very protected from the hard pounding on the road. The Nike React Cushion absorbs the impact very well and is also very responsive in propelling my feet forward. It was a joy running on the road with this pair of shoes.
On the grass: The shoes felt sunken into the soft grass terrain upon the landing of my feet and I could not feel much of the cushioning effect. Running on the grass terrain with these shoes gives me relatively good support and stability nonetheless.
On the track: I enjoyed the most running on the track with the Nike Zoom Fly Flyknit. The cushion felt optimum and the propulsion from the carbon fiber plate makes me fly literally on the track.
On the treadmill: Similar to the track, there is a very balanced feel when the feet land with the shoes’ cushion touching the slightly soft and bouncy surface. Every step feels comfortable, making the run enjoyable.
I will continue to use these shoes for both short interval runs at the track/treadmill as well as longer runs on the park connectors. The lightweight cushion and the propulsive carbon fibre plate make the Nike Zoom Fly Flyknit a versatile pair of shoes for running both long slow distances as well as fast uptempo intervals.
Nike Zoom Fly Flyknit is available in Singapore via for S$239
* Disclaimer: This review represents the genuine, unbiased views of the author. The author was provided with a free unit. Nike’s products have been and might currently be advertised on JustRunLah! via different channels, however, these relationships do not influence the editorial content of reviews.
Different individuals have a different meaning of success. Most of us equate success to goals, and we work so hard to achieve it. But you wanna know a secret? Your key to success is actually to run.
1) Running allows you to set higher goals.
You may run or maybe jog for a good 15 minutes at the beginning of your workout session. Once you get used to that routine, you set higher goals. Maybe next time, you’re already running for an hour nonstop. This is a significant improvement. Every time you successfully manage to achieve your goal, immediately set a higher one. A lot of studies has shown that those who effectively set goals tend to achieve more. Setting goals will always keep your focus and do what is required, and this will always keep you motivated. With that, you will be able to see success soon!
2) Running reminds you to finish what you started
We all have days that we don’t feel like doing anything, and all we want to do is lie on our bed. We sometimes feel down because despite the hard work and effort we put in to achieve it, we are still far from it. This time is critical. You should always keep in mind your end goal and practice self-discipline. Don’t cave in to such thoughts and remember why you started and finish it. Like what Joe Namath mentioned, “if you aren’t going all the way, why go at all?”. Being persistent, tenacious and having self-discipline helps anyone to thrive in life.
3) Running makes you realize your pace
It is normal during a marathon that some people will pass you, and some people might fall behind. But you are going on your own pace. There’s no need to rush and don’t compare yourself with others. It’s always okay to run slower and take it easy. You are different from others. As long as you continue to look ahead and make it through the finish line, you are already doing well. You can also use your surrounding to motivate yourself and thus improving your pace. As long as you finish strong, that’s what matters the most. Relating back to real life, some of your friends might achieve more at your age and that’s okay. As long as you are focused and know your goals, you will eventually get there. The most important thing is not to compare yourself with others, but to know your true capability and work towards it. You do you. You are still successful.
Running improves your life and makes you a stronger and better person. It is definitely your key to success. So what are you waiting for? Start running today and be successful!
Standard Chartered Bank were crowned the “fastest firm in the city” following their first-place finish in the sixth running of the Bloomberg Square Mile Relay Singapore, as 166 teams took to the city’s financial district to battle it out for top spot in the annual event, with 22% more teams on the start line than previous years.
Each team consisted of 10 members who were tasked with running the one-mile course in the fastest possible time before passing on the baton to the next colleague. The team to complete its 10 cumulative one-mile laps in the fastest time was Standard Chartered Bank who were winning the race for the very first time, with the firm crossing the line in 53 minutes and 50 seconds. In second place, were Macquarie completing the course in 54 minutes and 35 seconds and Norges Bank Investment Management finished third with a time of 1 hour and 41 seconds.
Standard Chartered Bank team captain, Mohammed Rahim said: “This is our sixth attempt at the relay, and it feels great to have finally won! This year, we had more training sessions and worked at maintaining our consistency throughout the race. The team performance exceeded our expectations and we are extremely proud of our achievement.”
The fastest runner on the night was Ashley Miles from Macquarie, who ran his leg in 4 minutes and 51 seconds. The highly competitive Fastest Mixed Team award was won by GIC with a time of 1 hour, 1 minute and 58 seconds. Their team captain Sylvester Wee said, “We are ecstatic about our securing our first win at the Bloomberg Square Mile Relay! It was a great team bonding experience, and to be part of an event that is supporting the community is even better. We have been training together with weekly runs and occasional time trials, so we are glad that our efforts have paid off! This is our fourth year participating in the relay, and we definitely hope to be back next year.”
Building on Bloomberg’s long-standing tradition of supporting local communities and giving back, the Bloomberg Square Mile Relay in Singapore teamed up with sport-for-development charity SportCares to give back to the community as part of the global “The Extra Mile” initiative. The Extra Mile aims to address unique social challenges in each city where the relay race takes place.
Runners are encouraged to vote for one of three causes that will have yearlong support via a US$25,000 donation and runners will have a chance to volunteer in activities that address the winning challenge.
Maggie Ng, Head of ASEAN Bloomberg, said: “Square Mile Relay offers a perfect opportunity for the city’s most competitive runners to come together for a night of camaraderie, teamwork, celebration and networking. At the same time, it gives us the chance to contribute to the overall wellness of the communities we operate in. We hope to see more teams next year, as more companies continue to instill healthy lifestyles within the workplace!”
166 teams competed in the Singapore leg of the global race series, which takes place annually in 10 cities world-wide, with two more cities being added in 2019. Headline sponsor Bloomberg returned for its sixth year of sponsorship in Singapore, joined by Virgin Active as fitness partner, Conrad Centennial Singapore as hotel accommodation partner, Grand Hyatt Singapore as catering supplier and Peroni as beer supplier.
“Our global race series is like no other sporting event, as the city’s workers come together for a night of camaraderie, teamwork, celebration and networking, all whilst supporting a fantastic cause. We are excited to announce that two new cities are being added to the annual series next year, but we now look ahead to our final race of the global series which will be hosted in Hong Kong on 8th November,” said James Hassett, Managing Director of event organizer Square Mile Sport.
On a work trip to Melbourne three years ago, a friend told me about running toward the Melbourne Marathon’s Finish Line by taking a lap inside the iconic Melbourne Cricket Ground, and ever since then this race has been on my list. Finally, this month, I saw what all the fuss is about.
The organizers of the Medibank Melbourne Running Festival say that this is biggest field of runners in Australia, and once you add the 21km, 10km, 5km, and 3km events to the 6,000+ marathoners, I see how that can be true. I’ve run Sydney and Gold Coast before, so I’ve seen that Australian hospitality tends to create a good event, and that was definitely on display here.
After arriving Thursday morning following an overnight flight, I decided Thursday would not be my day to visit the expo and race pack collection. Instead, it would be a day for taking a nap and then enjoying some of the cafes for which Melbourne is known. The desk agent at my hotel was suggesting a 3-hour walking tour of the central city, but I tried to explain that with the marathon coming up on Sunday, I would do my touring in smaller doses.
I finally wandered over to the Melbourne Cricket Ground on Friday to pick up my bib and figure out how I would get there on race day. The expo itself was outdoors and fairly small compared to others like Gold Coast, but they had someone selling Gu, so I had all I needed. The Starting Line would be nearby, close to the Rod Lever Arena at the tennis center, but they would have a bag drop-off at the MCG, near the Finish. The website called it the Warm Clothing Drop-Off, so that gave me some expectations for race day, expectations that were about to be destroyed.
One reason I was excited about the race was the prospect of cool temperatures, which would be a nice change from running in Southeast Asia. However, on Friday, things seemed to be warming up, and when I finally checked the weather forecast, I saw that Sunday’s temperatures were projected to be 17-26C, not exactly what I was hoping for. The Warm Clothing Drop-Off suddenly seemed to be a cruel joke. Local folks whom I talked to told me they had the heat on in their homes just a few days earlier, but the temperature had spiked. Wonderful.
The Warm Clothing Drop-Off, under the MCG
Race day arrived, and I took the tram to the station closest to the MCG. Start time was 7am, and I got there a little before 6, early enough to duck into the Warm Clothing Drop-Off (I still had my fleece in my bag, in hopes that a sudden Antarctic cold front would come whistling through). Everything there was very well organized, and soon enough I was walking over the Starting Line. There were no waves, no corrals, everyone just lined up, and when the gun went off, then off we went. It was all very relaxed, fun, and friendly.
The sun was just coming up, and the streets were wide enough that we didn’t feel too crowded, with no need to weave around each other. There was one small bottleneck a couple kilometers in, where there was some construction going on, but otherwise things moved smoothly. The early part took us through the city, and but within a few kilometers we had moved into a park. I’m not always a big fan of spending a lot of time in parks, unless they are down near the city center, because it’s hard for supporters to get there, and I always get a lot of motivation from cheering spectators. Plus, I like to break up my run into a series of little landmarks instead of just going for the next kilometer marker, so I aim for a building or a sign or a streetlight, then pick the next…but in a big open park, you don’t have many landmarks. So instead, I aimed for a pacer group ahead that I wanted to pass, and made it my mission to get beyond them. It worked, but about 10km later they passed me. Oh well.
Once we got out of the park, we had a lot of local folks along the roads helping us out. Kids were out there giving us candy, or just some high-fives, and that’s always awesome. At one point I saw two guys with a small hibachi grilling prawns, literally putting “another shrimp on the barbie, mate,” which was fantastic and not at all feeding into stereotypes haha. As we ran around the bay, the sky was a gorgeous blue, and the water looked wonderful, and it was a really good day for a run.
I entered the race with two timing goals: first, to shave time off my races from the last few years, and secondly, to come in below a particular time. I’ve been getting progressively slower the last three years, but I’d recently seen some positive changes in my running and fitness, and combining that with the low temperatures (which turned out to be a fantasy) I set some ambitious goals. At the 28km point, 2/3 of the way through, I was on track to finish 30min faster than my timing goal, which would be amazing. I had tried to slow down a little bit early on, because I was getting overeager, but doing well at this point was very encouraging. Looking back at my splits, I was still in good shape at the 36km point, and was predicted to come in 19 minutes below my goal, but that’s when the trouble started.
Turning into the final 3km at Flinders Street Station
Though the course was mostly flat, there were some hills toward the end that proved a little painful. The real problem, though, was I developed a tingling sensation in my fingers, which is a sign of heat problems, either dehydration or heatstroke. I started doubling my water intake at each station, but I knew I needed to be careful. Looking at my watch, I still had a shot at making that second goal, but I would need to keep a steady pace. When I hit 39km, I could feel the tingling again, but now I was feeling dizzy, too. I had seen plenty of runners lying on the sidewalk with medics, and didn’t want to join them, so I started walking and tried to concentrate through the dizziness. If I had started seeing blue spots in front of my eyes I would have sat down, but fortunately it didn’t get that bad. I quit looking at my watch and just tried to run, albeit slowly, through the end. I was pretty upset at this point; it sucks to be so close to a goal and feel it slip away. Ultimately, though, you have to listen to your body.
Approaching the Finish Line in the Melbourne Cricket Ground.
During the final kilometer I quit worrying about goals and just focused on the finish. Entering the MCG was as cool as everyone said it was, and taking a lap around the inside was a great feeling. The stands were crowded in the final few hundred meters, and I yelled at them to “make some noise!,” getting some chants of “U-S-A, U-S-A!” in response. It’s pretty awesome to run through a 100,000-person stadium, even when there aren’t 100,000 people in it.
Crossing the Finish, I sat down until the lightheadedness disappeared, then made my way back to the Warm Clothing Drop-Off (by now, just something to laugh about) and collected my gear. By the time I got back outside I was feeling ok, and happy to have finished rather than upset about my missed goal. Of course, the fact I was faster than I’d been in three years took some of the sting out of it.
Melbourne is a great city, and the Melbourne Marathon is a fun race. A course made up of wide roads, a crowd that is big enough to be exciting but small enough not to be overwhelming, and (usually) cool temperatures, make this a great event for people from warmer climates to come and do well. And maybe, if you’re feeling up to it, you can do that 3-hour walking tour a day or two after the race.
About 400 hundred triathletes joined the first ever Tri-Factor event in China, Quzhou TRI-Factor International Triathlon 2018. The participants came from more than 20 provinces and cities including Beijing, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Anhui and also had 17 countries and regions represented like New Zealand, Singapore and the Philippines.
The Triathlon event was hosted the people’s government of Quzhou, Quzhou City Sports Bureau, Quzhou City Water Conservancy Bureau and Shanghai Orange Room Co. Ltd. There five categories for TF Quzhou with TF-ENDRO, Standard Distance, Standard Relay, Sprint Distance and Run-Bike-Run. The main category was the TF-ENDRO with a swim distance of 1.5 km, bicycle ride of 80 km and a 20 km run.
Quzhou TF Triathlon 2018 Race also showcased a lot of heritage and culture of Quzhou with race starting in the historic Shuiting Gate right in the heart of the city centre. The swim event was at the Qu River, which was at the west side of Shuiting Gate. The bike and run route were along the Qu River and visited the new and old urban areas such as ancient city wall of Quzhou, the Lixian Bridge and other historic sites of Quzhou.
New Zealand World Champion Cameron Brown graced the event as an ambassador of Quzhou TF Triathlon 2018 Race. Brown also got to appreciate Quzhou as a sports destination when he visited the place last June 2018. Also, several top-tier international triathletes including first Japanese Olympian Triathlete Mr Hiroyuki Nishiuchi and Top Chinese Triathlon Mr Fang Zhou were invited to join the event.
Cameron Brown topped the Men’s TF-ENDRO distance with a time of 3:36:40. John Chicano topped the Men’s Standard distance with a time of 2:09:17 while Li Jianqiang won the Men’s Sprint distance with a time of 1:16:16. Chen Cheng was the top female on the TF-ENDRO distance with a time of 4:41:25. Heather De Freitas won the Women’s standard distance with a time of 2:35:14 while Li Fang topped the Women’s sprint distance with a time of 1:34:17
Triathlon, which combines the disciplines of swimming, biking and running, has been among the growing its roster of athletes around the world. Tri-Factor is organized by Orange Room Co. Ltd. Tri-Factor Asian Championship Series is currently the largest and fastest growing private brand event in Asia, suitable for all age groups and different levels of participants. The event has hosted nearly 70 Triathlon competitions in six countries, including Singapore, the Philippines and Thailand, with more than 90,000 participants. The formation of a triathlon community of more than 100,000 people in the Asia-Pacific region by 2020 is their immediate goal.
Quzhou TF Triathlon 2018 Race is the first event in China to enter the Tri-Factor Asian Championship Series. This is the start of Tri-Factors presence in China with a long term partnership with the state of Quzhou being in the center of triathlon in the country.
“Orange Room hopes to help Quzhou develop the sports + tourism industry through its rich experience in sports events, professional teams and international resources, and bring a healthier lifestyle to the people of Quzhou through competitions and build a relationship between domestic and international athletes. We aim to set up a more participatory sports community. We are very honored to be able to participate in the implementation of the national fitness strategy plan,” says Elvin Ting, co-founder of Orange Room.
TF Triathlon Quzhou 2018 hopes to grow the awareness on the sports of triathlon in within the Zhejiang Province starting at the state of Quzhou in preparation for the 2022 Asian Games that is scheduled in the same province of Hangzhou. The event also hopes to promote Quzhou as a sports + tourism destination and a sporting hub for triathlon in China.
This year’s Home TeamNS Real Run is held at The Meadow, Gardens By The Bay on 21st October. Compared to last year’s run at Punggol Waterway, this year’s incorporates 2 new categories: 3 km fun walk and 21 km run. I am participating in the 21 km run, while my friends Angie and Kamal are participating in the 10 km category – all thanks to JustRunLah! for providing us with 3 complimentary slots (thank you, JRL!).
The 21 km route brings the runners to East Coast Park, u-turn and back to The Meadow via Gardens By The Bay East. It is different from the 10 km route, which covers mainly Gardens By The Bay East. This must be one of the few morning races where the 21 km flags off late at 5.30 am and the 10 km flags off early at 5.50 am, a mere 20 mins apart. I believe the organizers made this arrangement to facilitate a single shuttle service pick up time for all runners and at the same time, minimal ‘idle time’ for the 10 km runners awaiting for their flag off.
Race pack collection at Novena Square was relatively fast and done within 5 mins. There were quite a few useful items in the race pack, such as the Superbowl vouchers.
My 2 Goals for this Run
I never enjoy long distance running. But I do like to challenge that distance once in a while. So I set a rule that I will not run more than 2 half marathons within in a year and they should preferably be at least 4 months apart.
Having said that, my last half marathon was The Income Eco Run at end April. I completed that race at a time of 3 hr 07 mins and with knee pain. For this Real Run, I decided to try a different approach, with a primary goal to eliminate the knee pain. I think it just doesn’t make sense to complete a race resulting in pain or injury. Finish the race within 3 hrs is my secondary goal. This was my plan:
After the 12 km mark, slow to a walk for a min or two before covering the next 1 km. I used my Runkeeper app to monitor and repeat this cycle.
Perform quadricep stretches during each walk/stop.
Apply pain relief (‘Star Balm’) if necessary. So yes, I actually brought it along with me for the run.
Race Day
It was warm and humid on race day morning. I took the shuttle service at 4 am at Bedok and reached the race site at 4.30 am. Volunteers were setting up the various booths and the bouncy castle. I was pleasantly surprised that drinks were already available at the hydration point. I think this is good as runners could hydrate themselves before their run. I deposited my bag and explored the site with my friend, Angie, who was taking part in the 10 km run. We had a good catch-up before we proceed to the Start Point.
There were 2 waves to the 21 km flag off at 5.30 am. I joined the 2nd wave. This was my first time running at Gardens By the Bay, Marina Barrage and East Coast Park (ECP) at this early hour. The surroundings were quiet and peaceful, though there were already pockets of other runners enjoying their morning jog. By the time I hit the 9 km u-turn mark at ECP, it was already 7 am and the sun was up. The weather was hot. Apart from hydrating myself with pocari sweat at the hydration stations, I wet my face and neck with water to cool down. I have been to ECP many times, hence did not specifically take time to enjoy the scenery and sea views. I guess my focus was on the run itself.
Once I reached the 12 km mark, I slowed and acted according to my plan, performing quadricep stretching and taking it easy. So much so that a volunteer thought I was in ‘trouble’ ! I repeat this cycle until I reached the Marina Barrage, where I felt exhausted. There was still 2 km to clear and I did it with a mixture of running and walking.
I managed to complete the race at a net time of 2 hr 45 mins and most importantly, without any knee pain. I had achieved my goals, feeling great and not overly exhausted.
Post Race
There wasn’t much activities at the race site, apart from the free massage for the runners and the awards presentation to the top runners. I believe many runners (and their families) had left after collecting their entitlements, as the day was getting very hot and there was no shelter to offer respite from the sweltering heat.
I took some photos at the photo booth and lingered a while before making my way home.
Did My Plan Work?
Frankly, I am not sure. What I know is that patellofemoral pain can occur when the muscles around the hip and knee don’t keep the kneecap properly aligned due to repetitive stress on the knee joint. Hence, what I did was to prevent it from even happening by inducing lesser stress and periodically ‘align’ the kneecap. I have been doing vertical runs too. Perhaps the strengthening of core muscles help in some ways also.
1) The carrier bag for the race pack appears to be an ‘over-kill’. I think a drawstring bag is more suitable and practical.
2) I didn’t notice any sign directing to the Start Point. There was a white arch at the venue which I mistakenly thought was the Start Point. It was only after the race I realized that was the start for the 3 km walk.
3) There were sufficient hydration stations throughout the run. And they provided good choice of pocari sweat and water. But I feel the water was too chilled for consumption when you were exhausted. Having it just ‘cold’ may have been better.
4) There were sufficient volunteers and road marshalls. Many of them were enthusiatic and gave words of encouragement to runners to persist to the end.
5) I didn’t notice medical support along the run. I thought an ambulance on standby at an ‘out-lying’ area such as ECP for a long distance run would have been re-assuring. Perhaps I didn’t notice there was.
6) Personally, I prefer last year’s edition at Punggol Waterway. There was a good theme (fire-fighters vs law enforcers) and the route took us to Coney island. City areas and ECP are just too common places to provide a refreshing experience. Perhaps for next year’s edition, if it is feasible, could be held in conjunction with the SCDF Exhibition at the Singapore Expo? I believe such an experience would be more unique as participants can explore additional activities at the Expo after their run.
The keto diet has taken the world by storm recently. With the diet restricting carbohydrate intake to between 20 and 50 grams a day, it’s been shown to improve focus and energy levels – both of which are handy traits for runners who want to push themselves and their bodies as far as they will go. Athletes like LeBron James have made it public that they’ve followed a keto-related diet, too – suggesting it’s something that’s becoming more popular among athletes.
Yet what exactly does this diet involve? And is it suitable for runners who need a lot of firepower and fuel in order to achieve their goals? This article will explore the relationship between this innovative diet and running.
What is the keto diet?
For most people, including runners, food is a source of pleasure – but it’s also a way to provide your body with fuel, and a way to shape it into a fat-burning machine. It encourages ketosis, which is your body’s way of tapping into its fatty energy resources when carbohydrates are no longer there. As a result, substances called ketones are released – which means your body burns fat faster. Read this ketogenic diet guide.
Carbs have to be cut out almost entirely for the diet to work, and many on the keto diet actually consume between 20 and 50 grams per day when the recommended level is over 200. But the keto diet doesn’t have to sacrifice the pleasure of eating. Grabbing a nut-based snack with coconut oil after a run is a delicious way to satisfy sugar cravings while also contributing to ketosis. Delicious fatty foods like bacon are also often used!
How can it help runners?
The main way in which a keto diet can help runners is in terms of bodily function and composition. One study focusing on runners following a keto diet found that fat was more effectively burned – and while they experienced a slight drop in energy at first, high performance was eventually achieved. “All athletes increased their ability to utilise fat as a fuel source, including at higher exercise intensities,” the study in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition found. There’s also evidence to suggest that ketones are a much better source for brainpower than the sugars found in carbs or elsewhere – meaning focus and drive may be improved.
The keto diet, then, has a number of benefits for those who want to enhance their running skills as far as possible. While the thought of restricting carbohydrate intake to well below the recommended level may put some people off, there’s lots of evidence to show that it can help burn fat faster and boost energy levels. As a runner, then, the ketogenic diet may well be the way for you to go.
Everybody, no matter how passionate they may be about what they’re doing, needs a motivation boost from time to time. The truth is that motivation can be really difficult to find. Yes, once you’re at the gym, ready for your workout, things come naturally. However, getting the motivation to go there is the tough part, especially during the fall and winter months. And let’s face it! Cute gym clothes can motivate you up to a point. After that, you’re on your own. This is why, in this article, we will show you how to stay motivated for your workout routine, regardless of your mood, time of the year, and anything else that might keep you away from the gym.
1. Keep Track of Your Goals!
Regardless of your preference when it comes to working out, be it yoga, weightlifting, indoor cycling, or running, finding the necessary motivation to get up and work out is oftentimes a huge struggle. This is why keeping track of your goals and fighting to accomplish them, one step at a time, is a good idea. Take a notebook and write down your gym schedule, your main goals, and the reasons behind those goals.
For instance, many people exercise because they want a healthier lifestyle, but that goal can be rather vague. You need to break down a major goal, like leading a healthy lifestyle, into smaller, actionable bits or mini-goals, like working out three times a week for a month. Next, keep track of those goals by writing down specific positive changes that you can observe after a month of working out.
If you your master goal is building muscle or sleeping better at night, write down how far you’ve come and how long you still need to go. This routine will not only help you keep track of what you need to do, but it will also motivate you to finally do it.
2. Share Your Intentions with People Who Can Motivate You!
Another important way to keep yourself motivated to work out is telling your trusted loved ones what your plan is, along with your gym schedule. This doesn’t mean annoying all your friends with these details of your life, but make sure that, at all times, there are people around you who will push you to finish what you’ve begun.
However, don’t tell them your goals, only your plans! In fact, it seems that we are a lot more likely to follow through with a plan if we tell our peers about it. Also, ask them to check up on you if they think you are not going to the gym or working out as planned. What other motivation do you need when you have friends telling you to do what you need to do because it is what you set out to do?
3. Mix Your Workouts!
Once more, a strict workout routine is not always enough to keep you motivated since it can get boring. So, if you feel like you’re losing some of your motivation mojo, you should immediately vary your workouts. There are countless ways to work out differently including signing up to a different class such as the WarriorBabe BluePrint or Blogilates’ Pop Pilates, just to put the spark back in your routine. In addition, a new routine will keep you challenged and motivated to do better and better.
For example, if you usually do high-intensity workouts, try some relaxing yoga classes instead. Also, if you like weightlifting, go for an intense cardio workout from time to time, like spinning. Are you concerned that indoor cycling might hurt your joints you can always check out some indoor cycling facts and online guides to get you started. Don’t let anything stop you! Mixing your workouts is also good for your progress because it keeps your muscles guessing and your mind interested.
4. Create a Reward System!
A reward system is a very useful thing to have up your sleeve when the situation turns monotonous. Before a boring workout, think about giving yourself a reward that will motivate you enough to get up and start working out. Anything from a relaxing bubble bath or a nice dinner to a piece of your favorite cake or new clothes can motivate you to keep pushing.
Visualize your reward while you are at the gym and you’ll notice that your workout will be a lot more effective while it will also feel great. However, don’t always do this because you’re not a dog that needs constant training and rewards to get things done. Try this method only when you feel truly down and unmotivated.
5. Watch Reruns of Your Favorite Shows!
As weird and unrelated to physical exercise as it may seem, watching reruns of your favorite TV shows or movies has been recently proven to help most people get more motivated, according to a study by the University of Buffalo. Moreover, it may even boost your morale and give you the energy to finally go to the gym to work out. However, only watch one episode at a time before exercising because if you allow yourself to binge-watch Friends, this method will definitely become useless.
6. Keep Your Workout Gear Where You Can See It!
This one is very simple. Do you want to gain some extra motivation to work out, even if it is in the comfort of your own home? Place your workout gear right where you can always see it, by the TV or near your desk or bed if possible. Your exercise mat should have a bright color, so you can see it no matter what your other plans are. Want to sleep? Here’s that mat looking at you! Feel like watching TV and not working out? There it is again, staring back at you. Stick a pair of googly eyes to it if you must, but don’t ignore what you have to do! You’ll see how fast motivation will return when you always have your workout gear lurking and waiting to be used.
All in all, it looks like finding the motivation to keep pushing with your workout routine can be a real struggle, especially when the weather is not nice or when you simply don’t feel like going out. It is for situations like these that our tips can work wonders. Everybody has their bad days, but the trick is to do something to change that instead of persisting in that mood. So, with a little bit of imagination, everything can be successfully completed, even your workout routine.
Guest post:Luke S. Mitchell is an MS Undergraduate in Sports Journalism and manager of Exercise Bikes Expert. He is interested not only in the mind-body relationship and how motivation shapes our bodies but also in how we draw energy just from one simple yet powerful thought.You can find him on Facebook and Twitter.
And so after a break, I went back to 10 km races with the Straits Times Run. Didn’t have enough time and there wasn’t any ‘interesting’ topics so I will skip the account for that. Suffice to say it was a reasonably satisfactory race in most aspects.
YOLO Run 2017 was deemed a ‘fiasco’ by many (or at least the vocal ones) for many reasons from logistics to the actual race distance itself coming in around 7 km instead of the expected 10 km for example. Still, the organizers spent 11 months to redeem itself, braving the criticisms throughout this year.
There were folks who didn’t plan to run but were commenting on the facebook page and adding along the line of ‘I’ve told you so’ whenever things go wrong this year.
As I was a past participant I took up the complimentary slot that was offered, registering quite early. My expectations were rather low. When the time came for race pack collection, I went there without expecting too much. I was surprised to notice there was no queue and I got my race pack in less than 5 minutes. However I wasn’t expecting to be collecting a bib, a Tee and a can of Nuhoney with no carrier. I guessed this was probably due to cost cutting measures. On the other hand, it could be a good move to align with the Green Movement except it was not communicated thus. A lost opportunity perhaps. At the same time I was told that we would collect the finisher medal and drawstring bag on race day – of course the medal makes sense.
Anyway, my expectations were low as I said. And also having left the corporate world, one rule I learnt is that there aren’t any free lunches in life (usually). So it was ok too to not have the foam roller or the singlet (sports bra for female runners). When I went back, I noticed the online grumbling started to grow louder. I even noticed one post that said he/she didn’t get the yoga mat too – that was last year’s package so was it a typo error or? But you get the sense – a lot of noise amidst the more valid complaints.
One major complaint I read was runners wondering when the delivery of the race pack by Honestbee would reach them. The organizer had partnered with Honestbee to deliver the race pack for $5 a piece. As the timeline for the race drew closer, the anxiety of the runners affected grew. Apparently in the end, some packages would be sent by the night before the race. It seemed like there was no visible tracking of the delivery status and the folks directed questions on the facebook page. Of course not all the questions were answered individually. That led to more frustration. It appeared too that some genuine runners decided not to participate at this point. It is understandable too as runners would like to prepare the bib and tees before the race whenever possible.
Many queries appeared online and if one were patient enough to browse through, a large number of them was repeated queries and some were answered but most were frustrated because the organizer didn’t answer their queries individually – ‘why I got no answer; at least you got your answer…’.
I believe if more open and effective, timely communication were given, much frustration would have been avoided.
At the Meadow Car Park – raining before the race
And race day coincided with the wet season. The rain worked through the night till the following morning. I remembered that 2 out of 3 times I attended YOLO race so far, it had rained briefly too, either at the beginning or near the end.
I was early by an hour at the Gardens By the Bay venue and ended up walking around with an umbrella initially. It was announced early too that the race would be postponed by half an hour due to the weather. For that, the organizer was prompt enough and the race did start punctually at the rescheduled time.
I avoided depositing bags for most races since I want to avoid queues. I deposited my umbrella at the workmen site nearby. If I returned and it was there, I would just take it. The workmen were welcome to take it if they needed it more than me.
The ’10’ km route
I ran the 10 km but realized at the 1.3 km mark according to my Garmin, that perhaps the distance was again out. The big sign said 2 km. And then we went up the ramp. I thought perhaps the 2 km sign was placed there because the folks didn’t want to carry the sign up to the ramp. However that was the last thing on my mind. I was enjoying the run and the moment. It was rare to be running after 7.30 am and not having to face the sun.
It was cooling and pleasant run throughout probably due to the downpour earlier on. The ramp didn’t feel as bad as in previous other races. In fact coming back on the loop, the second round seemed as good. By then, I got a sense that it would probably be less than 10 km. Checking my Garmin at the finishing point, it was only 8.86 km. Some got it closer to 9 km. An improvement over previous year’s 7 km but still it fell short by at least one km.
As I had only stopped once at one of the hydration points, I didn’t notice specifically how each hydration point was staffed. Based on some accounts, one such point was staffed only by two volunteers who were trying their best to serve the runners. I have to give kudos to the volunteers who had braved the weather and spent their precious time for this event.
Still, due to the rain, the event ground was all muddy. Most pairs of shoes were caked with mud, including mine at the finishing line as we queued for the finisher medal and the other stuff. The good thing was there was positive energy and folks were just chatting around with their friends or patiently waiting their turns to collect the items. I was standing behind Spiderman (the runner) in the queue when a middle-aged man in front fell backwards as he suddenly lost consciousness. I felt we kind of froze briefly as we tried to make sense of what was happening. Then I tried to position myself near his head and was prepared to keep folks from crowding around him, to give him the space to breathe. Most of us were a bit stunned but almost immediately, folks started shouting ‘medic’.
The Medal
Very soon, two men could be seen making their way quickly forward through the crowd. The fallen man’s eyes and mouth were open but he was very still. Then I saw him blinked and I knew he was going to be alright. He lifted his neck as he tried to sit up. By then, the medic had squatted near him and helped him up. Someone picked up his handphone and gave it to one of the two men. They steered him towards the first aid tent in the end. I heard the man asking about his phone and the man behind him reassuring him and showing it to him. He seemed cognizant of his environment by then but I hope he would just go and visit a doctor just to make sure everything was alright.
We were a few feet away from the booth when I saw two young volunteers handing out medals from a box. They were trying to expedite the process by giving the medals out first – basically they had to also mark the medal taken off your bib as they handed them to you. That might explain why they didn’t put the medals in the bag in the first place – some were questioning the process after the event. But kudos again to the volunteers for doing a great job and the two men who were at the scene almost instantaneously I collected the drawstring bag and can of drink without any additional issues.
After that, I walked back to retrieve my umbrella and got my handphone out as well. I had entered one of the contests and was lucky enough to win a carton of 24 cans of Nuhoney. There were 3 winners and we were told to collect personally from the booth on race day. As it was, the booth was located in a deeper spot where the ground was all filled with water and mud. As the person-in-charge was not around, and after waiting for some time, we took a photo of ourselves with the volunteer and the cartons. It was just as well too.
Winners of Nuhoney Drinks Online Draw
By the time I reached the road junction, it started to rain again. But I was glad and happy that runners exhibited a very positive spirit at the scene despite the weather conditions, the muddy terrain and perhaps even the unpleasant logistics some might have gone through the past few days. Runners are generally a forgiving and positive lot.
In my opinion, the organizing team had redeemed itself somewhat but there was still a lot of room for improvement and they must realize that runners would also be more selective over time. So kudos for all the good work and more reflection on the feedback and better communication for future events.
You Only Live Once – either take it and enjoy it or just leave it and not dwell on the unhappy stuff over and over again.
My next race was the Performance Series finale race the following day, also a 10 km race. (Featured Photo Credit and Thanks goes to Tan Kim Lai who braved the rain and spent time capturing many photos of the runners – FaceBook: U-Run I Shoot Gallery).
Like a zombie because I only had a little more than just an hour of sleep as I reached home late due to participating in Asics Relay full marathon category, that was held in Sentosa which ended just a mere few hours before Home TeamNS Real Run flagged off.
[Home TeamNS Real Run]
I think this is the only run in Singapore that is opened for Singaporeans and Permanent Residents only. There’s 3 distance category, 21.1km category, 10km category and the 3km fun walk. And this is the first time they’re organizing the 3km fun walk and half marathon category.
Initially, I wanted to participate in the 10km category as recently I have too many long distance races, I can hear my legs crying already and I still have another 3 half marathons before I end the year of 2018. I jio-ed Eleanor and Sabrina to run with me thanks to Just Run Lah! for the 3 slots for me and my two friends (start sharing your running experiences or write race reviews for the perks of having free race entries! ? Though I must say, blogging is sort of my hobby and I quite enjoyed it), I thought Sabrina will participate in the 10km category because she got pacing duty for the half marathon distance the previous day at CSC Run by the Bay. And I thought Eleanor would like to participate in 10km category as well because she was my team mate for the Asic’s Relay but who am I kidding? I have hardcore friends ? They both wanted to run the half marathon category so might as well I’ll do it too ?
Flag off was at 5.30am at The Meadow of Gardens by The Bay. Eleanor and I stayed near by and we took Grab Hitch to the race venue and coincidently sharing the Hitch ride with Cindy, one of the podium runners for the 10km distance category! Congratulations! ?
We reached at about 5am and deposited our bags with no queues at all and chop chop went to the start line for the flag off. The start line and finish line is at the same place and so the only nay side of feedback we’ve got for this run was that we thought the start/finish point was pretty far from the race village.
It’s a scenic route that most runners will enjoy but I’m bored of it already as most of the runs I participated in very recently such as Great Eastern Women’s Run and the Straits Times Run were also having similar routes, running by some of the same places ? The route starts from The Meadow at GBTB – Marina East Drive – East Coast Park – Gardens by the Bay East – Meadow at GBTB. Flag off was punctual with pacers fastest finishing at 1 hours 50 minutes and even the slowest pacing group finishes the half marathon in 2 hours and 20 minutes.
Honestly, my aim is at the minimum and that’s to complete the race and I did. It’s not easy running the crazy upslopes in Sentosa just 8 hours before this half marathon and I was exhausted with the lack of sleep.
I liked what the emcee said, we’re halfway finishing the race as we had turned up at the start line. I was happy to see Kelvin at the start pen and I wanted to follow him for some companionship and motivation throughout the run. It’s a super humid morning and worst thing happened. I felt giddy at the start pen. I thought hoseh liao and squatted down while waiting for flag off ? Felt better when I started running.
Thank you, volunteers, along the way and at hydration points! This is one of the many runs I’ve noticed with enthusiastic and cheerful volunteers as well as enough volunteers and road marshals along the route. There’s plenty of hydration points and most of them have super chilled water and Pocari Sweat. Shiok to the max! ? Each hydration points have plenty of volunteers mending the hydration points, cheering and motivating runners and handing out the water to runners. Distance marker is well placed and accurate thoughout the route with motivational quotes.
It was super humid till we enter East Coast Park when I started to feel some breeze. The only thing I look forward at ECP was the u-turn point ? After 10km, I was sweating like I could make a swimming pool out of my sweat so I drank at almost every hydration point as well to keep myself hydrated. I felt super exhausted and complete the rest of the distance with many walking. At the last four km, I started to get annoyed by my left ear as it seems blocked, I could hear my own breathing as though someone is breathing into my ear. Then, even Kelvin’s walking speed is too fast for me to catch up with, I was on my own for the last 2km.
(Photo credits: Ang Chi Song)
The feeling of nauseous kicks in. Maybe it’s because I drank to much isotonic drink along the way, maybe because of the lack of sleep, maybe because of the back to back runs, maybe because of the blazing sun. I’m nor made of steel and not everyone have a body thats as fit like Iron Man. I must’ve looked horrible as one of the volunteers saw me and asked if I was OK, I said I was fine and carry on for a while before I felt giddy and a little bit unbalance. I know I need to rest and I sat down on the floor for a while like a weird out of no where. I was just like 100m away from the finish line. The volunteers cheered for the runners to run the last stretch, but I just can’t. I saw a wheelchair at the finish line and I was so close to sit down on it and beg to be push back to the race village but I thought I can still tahan. I start cursing when I need to walk back to that race village which was like at least 400m away.
I started to gag and wish I could vomit out because I knew I would feel better. It’s just that few hundred metres to the race village but it seems so far away. Decided to sit down on a curb and rest. I almost want to cry, till I saw Chiuping zehzeh. I was super happy to see someone familiar and she immediately knew I wasn’t alright and accompanied me back to the race village offered me her drink and fanning me all the way back to the race village though she was already on her way home ❤
Though its the first time they’re having the half marathon category but it’s very well organised. The medal and finisher tee looks gorgeous this year ? I pretty like the brand sponsor, The North Face of the race singlet and finisher Tee. And the bottled water and Pocari Sweat collected at the finisher entitlement was super cold as well ? I was too unwell to check out the race village but saw there’s policemen and firefighters uniform for the kids and runners to try on! Left after resting a while and some photos with friends ❤
This was my third run with Home TeamNS Real Run and all these runs so far offered different experiences at different places. It was well organised and nothing to complain about, just that the weather can’t be helped. Looking forward to what next year’s run gotta offer already!
Whether you are running around the block or are logging miles to your treadmills, running is an activity that most college students do not consider. In most cases, the right exercise is critical for you to get that perfect body. However, if you feel that you are already at your ideal weight and do not need to workout, think again. Running has been shown to help pump extra blood to your brain thus giving it additional nutrients and oxygen.
Cardio workouts flood your brain with chemicals that enhance your memory, decision making and problem-solving. In fact, some studies suggest that the exercises engage in having the ability to change the structures of the brain itself permanently. As you improve your cardiovascular health, you will also enhance learning memory and help yourself attain the grades you want. However, that is not the only reason why you should run as a workout routine.
Mental advantage
Studies have shown that people who exercised during their workday were 25% more productive on the days that they worked out as compared to the days they did not. Most of the people used for this study were involved in aerobic workouts. The activities on the brain revealed that these workouts produced the same effects as a cup of coffee. The best part is that it is healthier and helps increase your circulation, filled your energy and allows you to think clearer and sharper. A study published by the Brain and Cognition found that after riding a bike for just 30 minutes subjects performed better in their cognitive tests than they did before working out. This effect lasted for 52 minutes after the workout was completed.
As a student, you can use this cardio-induced clarity of thought to study and complete those assignments. You can schedule your workouts on your lunch break or before you have to complete a demanding task, instead of searching for someone to do my assignment Australia services.
Boosts your memory
After you have studied for the test all night, you need to get your brain to remember everything you studied. It is essential for you to succeed in your course. However, sometimes that is not always the case. In the exam room, you see questions that you studied on but are unable to answer because somehow you have forgotten all your answers.
Running is a type of workout that can improve studying, increase your memory and problem-solving abilities by 20%. However, for more results, you must make sure that you intensify your workouts so that you get these benefits. From studies, people who do more physically demanding exercises have a bigger spike in their levels of epinephrine, BDNF, and dopamine in the brain. So challenge your body as much as you can.
Reduces stress
As a student juggling jobs, assignments, exams and strenuous social life, it is easy to feel stressed. There are numerous cases of students falling into depression as a result of the studies and the issues they undergo in their day-to-day life. According to a study published by the American college of sports medicines, exercises produce serotonin in the brain. Serotonin is also called the happy hormone because it makes the brain feel contented and happy. This mood lift will last up to 12 hours. If you workout before a strenuous essay or exam, you will feel happier and will be more relaxed and ready to answer the questions. It also works if you have had issues in your personal life. Working out allows you to concentrate on what is important.
Other benefits
Your brain is not the only part of your body that will benefit. If you have an addiction to either alcohol or cigarettes, workouts allow you to fight that craving. This is good news for people who are working out because they need to shed a couple of pounds. If you are a snack addict, workouts can help you maintain a healthy lifestyle.
It also helps you reduce your chances of getting heart attacks and breast cancer. However, make sure that you interchange your workouts, so you also tone your muscles. Include some weight lifts so you have all the muscles toned and looking great. Remember that exercise and studying are the two pillars which your academic and overall success rest on. Exercise helps you maintain a healthy body and studying guarantees that your mind is clear and sharp.