Dr. Ashley Liew
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Doctor of Chiropractic at Family Health Chiropractic Clinic (Singapore)
Dr. Liew is a national marathoner with a personal best of 2h32m12s (top Singaporean for 2012 and 2015), as well as a chiropractor. After completing his Bachelor’s degree, he went on to graduate Summa Cum Laude in his Doctor of Chiropractic studies at Sherman College of Chiropractic (South Carolina, USA). During the four years overseas, he not only juggled intensive training (competed at the 2013 and 2015 South East Asian Games), but also excelled in studies and internship (Outstanding Student of the Year and Intern of the Month).
He currently serves the community in Singapore to help them fulfil their optimum health potential, as well as continues to compete at the national level. In 2016, he was also the first Singaporean to be awarded the Pierre de Coubertin World Fair Play Trophy.
Entries by Dr. Ashley Liew