SY | JustRunLah!


This journal chronicles my running journey since 2014 when I first started running for a reason.

My posts

“Anniversary” Run at SCSM 2017 [10km] (by SY)

The Offer For want of a better name, I decided to title this post “Anniversary Run” for a good reason.  Back in Dec 2014, I...

Comeback Run: The Performance Series 2017 – Race 3 @ Changi (by SY)

“An escape from the stopwatch tyranny of PBs and split times, this (the book) is a reminder of how to run for sheer joy.”...

“ENCORE” (The Performance Series 2016 – Race 5, Farm)

When the last is not the last, you get the encore. This race was not supposed to happen.  YOLO run was supposed to be the...

Race Review: YOLO Run 2016 [10 km] (by SY)

YOLO - You Only Live Once This term #yolo is familiar to most in the younger generation; expressing the need to 'seize the day' and to live...

Celebrating Running

If my memory serves me well, it was August 1995. It was then called the Sheares Bridge Run, also organised by the Army with the...

Race Review: Pocari Sweat Run 2016 [5km] (by SY) – Slow but Strong

Sickness and injury are the twin nemesis of all runners.  Once you are hit with either of these, it takes humility to accept the...

Race Review: OSIM Sundown Marathon 2016 [5KM] (by SY)

We are LIMITLESS! The theme for this year's OSIM Sundown Marathon sounds inviting - LIMITLESS. There are two ways to look at this.  If you are...

Mind the Runner

No matter how many training runs you had or how many races you joined, the thoughts that run (pun intended) through a runner’s mind...