Georgina Callaghan | JustRunLah!

Georgina Callaghan

Georgina received her Podiatry training at the Salford University UK, she gained her professional experience first in the NHS, in Singapore General Hospital then in National Healthcare Group of Polyclinics. During her studies and work in the UK she excelled in Nail Surgery, Foundation Medicine & Prescription only medicine aspects of the course. She took a particular interest in Pediatrics and Rheumatology.

My posts

Peroneal Tendonitis: Causes, Prevention and More

Running is fantastic! Building strength and motivating us to keep pushing forward, but it can be detrimental. Every initial contact in your gait cycle is...

How to Handle Acute and Chronic Injury Pain in Your Foot

Injuries during sports are very common. If you are unfortunate enough to injure yourself then your recovery depends on whether you look after yourself...

I Think I Have Flat Foot!

There are two types of flatfoot; flexible and rigid. Flat foot is an osseous deformity where the arches of the foot collapse allowing the sole...

Most common running injury – The Shin Splints

You’re running along the east coast, feeling energized and free. Suddenly, the front of your leg feels strained. You carry on running, but the...