My blog -
A runner's narrative: how running has changed my outlook in life.
Why I run -
Running is liberating as well as calming. When life throws me a curve ball, I run to clear the head and start afresh.
My posts
Health, Nutrition & Fitness
R.e.s.t: The four letter word most dreaded by runners.
Bindy -
Plantar fasciitis - the showstopper for the last two weeks. Only yesterday, I learned how to pronounce it properly. You hear runners rant about...
lo and behold
Bindy -
A ho-hum week thus far: an unproductive day of modern day distractions, followed by absolute drudgery of paper shuffling. Where's the midweek pick-me-up when...
Health, Nutrition & Fitness
Bindy -
Two weeks ago, out of desperation, I had snipped off all the yellowed leaves on a pepper plant after the last pest attack and...