Joey | JustRunLah! - Part 7


Loves dogs, traveling and the American TV Hit series Empire. Always attempting to head out clubbing with friends but seem to, more often then not, get waylaid by her bed. Constantly trying to channel the Brain from Pinky and the Brain to take over the world, but with her writing. Wants to someday be free from the reins of office life and run a pet business so that her daughter (aka her dog), can be with her at all times.

My posts

5 Trending Indoor Activities In Singapore You Should Not Miss

With the blistering heat and unpredictable rain, many of us prefer to stay indoors. But we may still want to engage in fun activities...

5 Top Visited Countries in South East Asia by Singaporeans and Why

Singaporeans love to travel, and that’s a fact. It doesn’t matter if it’s a long 2-week vacation or a weekend trip, we seem to...

Bukit Timah Nature Reserve: 5 Things To Do

Everyone sees and recognises Singapore as a metropolis and it’s a fact we can’t deny. But somewhere in Bukit Timah is Bukit Timah Nature...

3 Trending Activity Tracking Programmes in Singapore and Their Perks!

Singaporeans are becoming a healthier bunch lately, after all the advertisements and campaigns from our National Health Promotion Board (HPB). And while most of...

Travel Health: Keeping your body fit and healthy even while overseas.

Most of us love travelling. It's always a great feeling to be out of the country for a few days or weeks and just...

10 Things Runners Do That Annoy Everybody Else

Before I start writing further, I have to make a note that not all runners are like this. Some go about their lives with...

Mid-day snacking: What to reach out for when you experience the mid-day lull.

It's post lunch on a work day and you are trying to keep the sandman away. While you are battling with this, it seems...

Healthy Snacking: It Matters What You Stock Up In Your Fridge.

When it comes to dieting, or eating healthy, many people tend to get quite lost as to what they should be doing or putting...