Nigel Dawson | JustRunLah!

Nigel Dawson

49 year old immigrant from the UK that now lives in Singapore with my wonderful running partner and wife, would be a fantastic runner if I would just train and stop drinking beer!

My posts

Four Wheels Good, Two Wheels Better?

I'm a cyclist, I make no apologies for it, although sometimes in Singapore, I often feel I need to. When your average Singaporean finds out...

Singapore ParkRun, a Catalyst for Running Tourism

I know most people write race reviews based on paid events, but why not choose one of the many varied, free to enter races...

2XU: Means twice as many people to run around in 21km

Running marathons and 1/2 marathons in Singapore is a love/hate relationship. On the positive side: they attract a huge amount of attendees which makes...