Urban Explorer
My blog is about:
Exploring Singapore on foot, and all that is of interest to those that feel that pedestrians should be the top of the transport food chain for Singapore to be the best it can be.
Looking at the city for what it has to offer as a (trail)running habitat. Which involves a lot of out-of-the-box thinking at running.
A site about running that isn’t only more of the same. A site about Singapore that isn’t only more of the same.
I am about:
Exploring pedestrianism, opens doors to many seemingly unrelated pursuits. The crux is in the ‘seemingly’ because I’m very much of the persuasion that nothing can be fully understood without taking ‘everything else’ (the meaning of life and the universe – yes I agree it’s 42), into account. Obviously ‘fully’ is an ideal and I promise to make an effort to keep running in sight and stay within defensible limits.
My posts
Getting the Most out of the MacRitchie Trail Network
Singapore's trail runners don't seem to figure much, if at all, on the radar of the city-state's planners. Our fast growing community has to...
If Running is Freedom, why stick to the Tried and Trusted?
Every day, the running blogosphere, of which I admittedly am an insignificant but nevertheless guilty part, adds motivational, reflective, entertaining, educational, journalistic, etc. etc.,...
What Counts as a Trail in Singapore
As a new arrival in Singapore it didn't take me long to realize that Singapore's large and thriving running community has jumped on the...