Ranjetta | JustRunLah!


Hello there! This is a non-technical and super personal blog about my running. I started running in 2012 for no apparent reason, but it was a strong compulsion, powerful enough to get me off my rear and head out the door. I find running meditative and a problem-solver.

My posts

The Longest Run

I was never a morning person. I especially abhor morning runs. The unpredictability of the evening weather in Penang late last year, however, forced...

Review: The 40th Annual Round the Island Relay 2017 (by Ranjetta)

Many would choose to relax and enjoy the holiday season as the year comes to an end. After all, what better way to sit...

My First Experience at the Marathon: The Penang Bridge International Marathon 2017

I began running in 2012. Throughout the years, I have tackled many distances lesser than 21 km, but never more than that. I usually...

Race Review: Penang Hill Heritage Forest Challenge 2017 (by Ranjetta)

Enjoyable as it may be, vertical ascents do not equate to horizontal running. This was the lesson I learnt the hard way in the recent...

Race Review: The Performance Series Malaysia 2017 @ Penang (by Ranjetta)

The half-marathon is my favourite race among all distance events. I’ve often felt that the half-marathon is an appropriate distance to challenge the mind, body,...

Right of Way

The world can be crowded at times. Everyone is everywhere, chasing success, dreams, goals and personal bests. Life can be one tough race. I found...

Come Rain or Shine

January 2017 was composed mostly of rainy days in Penang. Fat and gloomy clouds heavily pregnant with drops of water and lightning conveniently crossed the...

Race Review: OSIM Sundown Marathon Penang 2016 (by Ranjetta)

A pleasant season this year, I thought to myself, as I finished a 7k tower run last week. It was supposed to be my...