ser | JustRunLah!


Amateur runner that started running only 10km races since 2012 but from now on due to motivation by fellow runners, I am going to achieve more. Starting by going for longer distances and achieving better timings. Come join me together as we achieve as much as we have fun =D

My posts

Race Review: Great Eastern Women’s Run 2015 [21.1km] (by ‘runforfun’)

Back to this race for the second year running!  Great race as usual. Too bad I wasn't on form (trying not to blame the haze,...

Race Review: 2XU Compression Run 2015 [21km] (by ‘runforfun’)

Finally 2xu Compression Run 2015 is here. This is the first time that I participated in this race. And also this is the first...

Race Review: Shape Run 2015 [10km] (by ‘runforfun’)

I Got A Personal Best! With an official gun time of 54 min 03 sec (nett time of 53 min 43 sec) at my first Shape...

Race Review: REAL Run 2015 [10km] (by ‘runforfun’)

First trail run at the TOUGHEST 10KM IN SINGAPORE!  Honestly, I am not ready to tackle this run at all but thanks for Justrunlah to...

Wonder what the extra holes on your running shoes are for? This tip from Illumiseen is great! Great for people with narrower feet, for people who bought slightly bigger shoes and also for people do...

Race Review: Venus Run 2015 [5km] (by ‘runforfun’)

Yesterday was 8 March 2015. To all ladies out there, Happy International Women's Day aka 三八妇女节! This is my second year joining Venus Run and it...

Race Review: West Coast Mazda Run 2015 [6km] (by ‘runforfun’)

First run for 2015! Really excited for this run as this is the first run that was organized by West Coast Grassroots Organization which is...

Goals Rush for 2015

Like every new year, many people will create their resolutions for the upcoming year. What they are going to do? What they are going...