SlowRunner | JustRunLah!


I decided to be a contributor to for because I run a lot and I think it's a pity to let these experiences gone to waste which can otherwise be great tips to others who have just started or potentially going to start running. I run because I aspire to lead a healthy lifestyle and quit smoking. And along the way, the journey has made me discover new meaningful things and made many precious fun loving friends.

My posts

Run With Love: Yoma Yangon International Marathon ’15

I was lucky enough to win a slot to run at Yoma Yangon International Marathon 15' from a contest held by Pris Chew's blog. It...

Race Review: Standard Chartered Marathon Singapore 2014 [21km] (by ‘slowrunner’)

Go fast enough to complete, but slow enough to enjoy This was my third participation at Standard Chartered Marathon Singapore and I completed my third half...

Race Review: The Maze Challenge Asia, An A-maze-ing Experience (by ‘SlowRunner’)

Getting to the event Both Dudi and I took a coach bus from Singapore to attend the inaugural Maze Challenge Asia which was held at Sepang...

Jurong Central Night Cycling 2014

It was a great friendly community cycling with over 400 cyclists last night. The event (in its second year) was flagged off at Jurong Green...

Race Review: Great Eastern Women’s Run 2014 (by ‘slowrunner’)

A satisfying race! It was my second participation at Great Eastern Women's Run in the 10km category. The first was in 2012 and I have yet...

Race Review: Run For Your Lives Singapore 2014 (by ‘slowrunner’)

Getting to the site It was a sunny saturday afternoon and I was feeling quite skeptical about turning up for the race as it was...

Socks: The Long and Short of It

Runners often talk about choosing the right pair of shoes for the right purpose, but the topic of socks hardly comes up. But any...