With the countdown for Standard Chartered Marathon Singapore coming to single digit (7 more days to go!), one participant at SCMS this year drew my attention. Mr Chan Meng Hui, or known as Uncle Chan to some, is seeking to complete his 100th marathon at SCMS this year. This makes Uncle Chan the oldest runner at this year’s race. The 84-year-old veteran joins host Yasmin Abdol Hamid at SuperSports 360 to discuss about his running journey, as well as his lifestyle changes to run at this age.
[ot-video type=”youtube” url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odLZXoFaE8c”]
Uncle Chan shared some tips for the runners at this race:
- Listen to your body. Your body will tell you when to stop or go.
- Have strong willpower for the long distance.
- Most importantly, RUN TO ENJOY.
And a reminder for the runners doing SCMS14, remember to collect your race pack from 4 to 6 December at Singapore Expo!
Information booklet is available here with all the details for race route, transport, race day programme etc.
See you on race day! 🙂
– Video & Cover image source: SuperSports 360