Editorials | JustRunLah! - Part 10


How to Stay as Fit and Healthy as Possible: A Guide for 65+

Everyone gets older. While there’s nothing that’ll stop the passing of time, there are stepsthat you can take every step of the way to make each day better than the last. Even if it’sjust one small spark of joy, that can often be more than enough. There will always...

Organizers Unveil Final Course Details For PTO Asian Open; Team Singapore Athletes To...

SINGAPORE, 17 July 2023 – The inaugural Professional Triathletes Organisation (PTO) Asian Open in Singapore will feature at least two Olympic champions after Singapore’s own Joseph Schooling – Rio 2016 100m butterfly champion – announced his participation in the 100km ‘experienced amateur’ triathlon race as part of a relay...

8 Best Arm Exercises For Women

Select eight of the arm exercises listed below to work on different muscle groups. Complete two to three sets of 8 to 12 repetitions each. You'll see an improvement in strength in around two weeks if you perform the exercise three times each week. 1) Lateral Raise (aka side raise) With...

30-Minute Beach Workout

Beach workouts have many advantages, but the sand is where the real magic happens. The environment is unstable due to the changing grains, therefore, your nervous system activates additional muscles in your legs, ankles, hips, and core to keep you stable. Additionally, the soft landing surface that the sand...

6 Things To Know Before Taking Melatonin To Help You Sleep

Everybody wants to sleep more soundly. Although you are aware that you should turn off your technology an hour before bed and even stretch, there are occasions when you require a little extra support. Melatonin may be a decent alternative if you're looking for an over-the-counter sleep aid. Here...

Can sleep deprivation lead to weight gain?

Lack of sleep frequently encourages munching on calorie- and fat-rich junk food. The LIFE Centre at Singapore General Hospital (SGH) explains the connection between (lack of) sleep and weight. Studies have revealed a clear connection between your body weight and how much sleep you get. For an adult who should typically...

Exploring The Artistic Expression of Sports

At first glance, sports and arts may not have much in common. But look just a bit deeper, beyond the entertainment value of sports and the thrill of victory, and you’ll see there is an inherent artistry in sports that often goes unnoticed. For one, sports and arts are the...

6 natural ways to manage chronic pain without drugs

The difficulties of daily life can be aggravated by chronic pain. While painkillers may help lessen or relieve pain, they all have benefits and drawbacks. Opioids, a class of prescription painkillers, can be very effective but also carry the danger of addiction and overdose. Fortunately, there are a number...