Runfies (aka Running Selfies) – Do’s and Don’ts

Whether we are on the bus, on the way to work or just chilling out at home, we all love to take a selfie or a wefie if our look is right (because no one takes one when they look like crap and that’s the truth). These self portraits...
What exactly is Dri-Fit? What fabric suits you?

We keep hearing the words Dri-Fit amongst our fellow runners and exercise friends, claiming how good it is especially in our kind of weather. It keeps them dry and comfortable while they work out, keeping their bodies cool and feeling fresh.
But while we keep hearing about this wonderful product,...
Always Eat ‘75% Full’

Most of us love to eat. With our wide array of cuisines, we are constantly spoiled for choice on the types of food we can choose from for each of our meals.
In recent years, buffets have been super popular, especially among the youth because of the value-for-money and eat-all-you-can concept....
9 Health Benefits of Cycling

If you are one of those who prefer to do something more interesting than running, cycling may be a good sport to consider. Those who are serious about cycling swear by the amount of good the sport has done for and to them.
But besides the adrenaline rush that comes...
What Important Supplements Do Our Bodies Need As We Age?

As we grow older, our bodies start to decline in almost every aspect. Our metabolism dips to an all-time low, we get tired faster and everything starts sagging. This is because our bodies are no longer as capable of absorbing some key nutrients which may be a result of...
3 Workouts You Can Do On The Treadmill

If you think all you can do on the treadmill is running, think again. In recent years, many treadmill users have lamented about the limitations of the machine and it has sprouted a list of different kinds of exercises that we can do on it. Some of them may...
Cross Training: Wax on and wax off, Karate Kid!
I was asked by one of my athletes, who was rather well read to explain the Principle of Specificity and the Principle of Variation - both of these concepts seem to be in conflict. Like the Karate Kid washing his sinseh’s car, Mr Miagi would simply say wax on...
Cool Running Gadgets for the Running Geeks

Here's one for the geek runners. Get everything SMART!
#1 Smart Shirts - Viewsport
Smart Shirts - they only work when you are! Only the geeks will come to grasps with this sweat-activated technology. The shirt will reveal a motivational message as you sweat whilst working out. How cool is that...