(Second) Best Time To Exercise: Night

If, for some reason, your lifestyle does not warrant you an exercise time slot in the mornings, the next best alternative would be to do it in the evenings. As much as some athletes may dismiss the idea, there are also good reasons to get that body moving after...
Run To Lose Weight Or Lose Weight To Run?

After running for some time, there will come a point where you will start to wonder what else you can do, that you have not done to be able to run better, faster. You'll start to look for ways to race faster. And no doubt the question of whether...
The Running Word Cloud: A 2-minute Game for Runners
Let's play the first game ever about RUNNING!
Add your words to the running word cloud. How? Enter the words that come to your mind first when you think about running. Easy and simple, so game on!
What is a Word Cloud?
And this time, we want to find out what about running...
Pushing Forward VS Quitting

Making a decision between pushing forward and quitting is not unlike our body deciding between fight or flight. There’s such a thin but distinct line between the two that sometimes, we take awhile to decide which route to take. It isn’t as instinctual as many people make it out...
Best Time To Exercise: Morning

There are those who of us, like myself, who cannot seem to pull ourselves out of bed at 6am on the weekdays to go for a run. Then there are those who can and are raring to go at that ungodly hour. While the majority of us will prefer...
SHAPE UP Your Body In 5 Easy Steps

We all battle with Father Time every day of our lives. As much as we want to do this and that, face it, we don’t have 48 hours in a day to accomplish everything. For the typical Singaporean, most of our week days are occupied by our jobs and...
3 Things To Do During Your Lunch Break to Boost Your Health

For those of us who are used to being active, it’s no secret that we are always on the move in some way or another. Whether it’s walking to and from the toilet, to wiggling around in our chairs, we just need to move. That is why we cannot...
6 Creative Ideas To Display Your Medals
Remember the moment you got your first 10km finisher medal, you couldn't wait to put it on, proudly took photos of this victory moment and you did not want to let go until you had to. Just right before the shower, you displayed your medal nicely on the top of...