Editorials | JustRunLah! - Part 12


You’re Getting Low On Vitamins In These 8 Ways

There are a lot of signals your body sends you, including what's going on inside you may not be able to see. Pay attention to symptoms - even sneaky ones - so you can get the necessary nutrients. 1) Flaky scalp Possible deficiency: fatty acids When you scratch your head and notice flakes...

Meet the people behind ASICS running footwear innovations and designs

ASICS innovative footwear technology had been gaining popularity within the running community, from leisure to serious runners. Particularly, METASPEED™, GEL-NIMBUS and NOVABLAST are some of the buzzwords we now commonly hear. With its carbon plate technology, lightweight design, breathable upper, responsive cushioning and innovative design, the ASICS METASPEED series shoes...

Endurance VS Strength Training

Many people in the fitness and bodybuilding areas still think endurance exercise prevents you from gaining muscle. But is their concern that exercising will cause them to lose muscle mass justified? Let's look more closely. Strength and endurance training can negatively affect one another. That much is true. Strength and endurance...

Training for the mountain: A trail running workout

Getting ready for the trail race of your life? Then this article will help you take your training up a notch.Here, we'll discuss how to train for your next trail running event, with a special focus on beginner and intermediate athletes. You'll get a sample workout plan tailored to...

5 Tips for Fighting Fatigue

If you struggle with a persistent level of fatigue, you will understand how uniquely isolating and debilitating this can be. Fatigue goes beyond typical tiredness. It is a major mental and physical condition that affects your ability to engage fully with all the demands and enjoyment to be had...

8 Natural Ways to Lower Cholesterol

Keep your heart healthy by taking advantage of these natural ways to lower cholesterol. What is cholesterol? The waxy, fat-like substance known as cholesterol is produced in the liver and circulates throughout the body. With the terms "waxy" and "fat-like," cholesterol may not sound particularly healthy for your body, but it...

What To Expect From A Fight Camp

A fight camp is a training site set up for a period of time, usually six to eight weeks, that people go to improve their fighting skills. Thinking about martial arts training can be overwhelming as they are usually portrayed in movies as intense activities; however, fight camps aid...

How to Know You Are Not Drinking Enough Water

When you lead an active lifestyle, you likely understand the importance of remaining hydrated. You probably take a drink bottle with you everywhere you go and sip throughout the day. However, activity levels and weather conditions fluctuate, and dehydration can be a genuine concern. You might not be drinking...