Editorials | JustRunLah! - Part 34


8 Healthy Lifetime Habits to Pick up in College

The typical college student is often stressed, overwhelmed, and always short on time. With that in mind, it’s quite easy to fall into an unhealthy routine, such as eating junk or skipping meals and spend many years after trying to overcome or undo its effects. A healthy lifestyle is a...

Running For Weight Loss: Important Things To Remember

At present, 71.6 % of American adults over the age of 20 are either overweight or obese, according to the National Center for Health Statistics. While there are many ways to lose weight, an increasing number of individuals are turning to running as a way to not only shed some...

Running Through Time: GIFS Show The Evolution Of Iconic Running Shoes

In light of Covid-19 restrictions, more and more people have turned to pounding the pavements as an alternative to their usual gym, sporting or fitness activities. This is reflected in search demand for running shoes, which is up 56% YoY. With running shoes having advanced so far in terms of...

Photobiomodulation Therapy As Part of Comprehensive Holistic Treatment and Prevention of Sports Injuries

With more than two decades treating clients as a physiotherapist, choosing the proper modalities (e.g., adjunct machines like the Photobiomodulation Pod) to enhance rehabilitation in the most effective and non-invasive manner possible is essential to providing comprehensive, holistic patient care and treatment. The benefits ofPhotobiomodulation Therapy – or “red...

Keeping Fit via Regular Exercise to Build One’s Immune Function and Resilience Against...

COVID-19 is a novel virus that causes dysregulation in one’s immune system, wreckinghavoc and turning one’s immune guardians against the body, resulting in a “cytokine storm”- where a deluge of inflammatory molecules are released by immune cells that damage tissues and organ systems. Hence, some individuals with underlying chronic...

9 Important Wellness Tips for Students

The most important time to be self-critical on the present and the future ahead is while you are a student. Staying healthy, both physically and mentally, is a crucial step that a student needs to put in mind every moment on this journey.  Despite studying being time-consuming and stressful, you...

3 Reasons Why Runners Should Take a Probiotic Supplement Daily

On its surface, running seems like an easy and straightforward way to exercise. But anyone with a serious interest in running can tell you how deep the sport goes. Some people choose to focus on the equipment they use. From specific shoes to anti-chafing measures, they are particular about the...

Home Remedies For Treating Restless Legs Syndrome

Have you ever had disturbing or tingling experiences in your legs while you were lying or sitting down? Are you resisting against the pain or forcing your legs to move? Do these painful experiences in your legs occur during the daytime when you're physically active? Or are these feelings in your legs surprisingly...