Editorials | JustRunLah! - Part 35


So Long, Fast Food: 7 Healthy Snacks for College Students

Trying to find a balance between gruelling study sessions, pulling all-nighters preparing for exams, and all sorts of other extracurricular tasks, it may seem almost impossible for a student to get the proper nutrition. To complicate matters, students are often on a tight budget. Lack of financial stability holds...

6 Signs You’re Overtraining and How to Prevent It

We may feel that the more we exercise, the better our results will be. But the truth is actually the complete opposite. Our bodies need time to recover after the damage we have inflicted on them during a workout – and if we just keep pushing and pushing them, they will not perform...

Make Abs Exercise At Home Fun With Your Partner!

Are you sick of exercising alone and want to have more fun with your workouts? Here come partner exercises to the rescue. It is always fun to exercise with a partner/buddy and it'll only push yourself further. According to research conducted by the University of Aberdeen, exercising with a...

Stay Home Covid-19 Exercises

Covid-19 has affected many of our lives since the beginning of 2020. It's not just running as a hobby, those who go to the gym, swimming pools and public places for a ride will need to be monitored. The pandemic happened earlier this year where no one knew that it...

5 Key Exercises To Improve Your Flexibility

Often overlooked when compared to things like strength training and conditioning, flexibility is the one thing that has a huge impact on your day to day life and sleeping habits. Why is it then that we don’t spend more time focusing on it? One of my goals during the...

5 Burpee Variations To Burn More Calories

Burpees are the perfect full-body workout and burn tons of calories. You will burn more calories when you include burpees into your exercise regime. Don’t skip burpees – they will boost your confidence and motivation. Benefits of burpees Strengthen the abs and coreWork your upper body and lower bodyRequire multiple muscle groups which...

Staying injury-free while running

When I started my running journey 4 years ago, I didn't think much about sustaining injuries - after all, I'm young and it's just simple running, right...? Wrong. I soon learnt that even running short distances can injure a person if it isn't done properly. Here are some lessons...

Strengthen Your Core with These Moves!

Your core is your center of gravity, and a strong core allows for stronger functional movement throughout exercise and everyday life. Whether you realize it or not, you should be engaging your core constantly whether you are doing a workout, standing in the kitchen cooking a meal, or sitting down...