Editorials | JustRunLah! - Part 43


All Runners Should Incorporate CrossFit Into Their Training – Here’s Why

The number of people running has declined over the last few years around the world, but Asia is one of the few places where the number of participants is going up. Running is great for all-round fitness, but runners can up their game to stay ahead of the pack by incorporating...

5 Tips for Getting Back in Shape After the Holidays

Winter holidays are known as a period of self-indulgence. Christmas meals are known to be rich and exercising is not as often as you want. You spend Christmas time and New Year’s Eve with your family and friends, chatting and drinking mulled wine.  But after the winter holiday fever is over, most people realize that...

How Much to Join a Race in Singapore in 2019, and How it...

In 2019, about 110 pay-to-participate running events took place in Singapore including road races, trail runs, walks, multi-sport events and obstacle races (source: JustRunLah!'s Race Database). As the year is coming to an end, let us have a look at the pricing trends and make a comparison with five years ago. Average...

How To Take Running From a Hobby to a Career by Becoming a...

Running, and in particular, themed running events, continues to gain popularity in Singapore. As the country commits to getting more fit and more people to adopt exercise as a part of their daily routine, one of the most popular sports of choice has been running. In addition to the mental...

Top 9 Coolest Running Marathons in the World

The desire to run a marathon comes with challenges. You need to be committed to the efforts you need to make before submitting on a marathon. You need to train yourself to run for longer and longer distances.  You need to push your limits and train yourself to be in your best shape. But...

How to get confident descending down trails with these tips from Steph Auston

So firstly shoes - grip is so important! A road shoe will slide and cause you to lose confidence in your foot placement- invest in a shoe with grip to give you confidence especially on muddy or sandy trails. Next... Get wings! Your arms are so important to descending safety...

5 Tips for Breathing Right While You Run

Everyone can run, but only a few understand how to breathe rightly while running. In this article, we are going to share with you some helpful tips for the right breathing while running. While running, energy is burned to give you endurance and speed. Oxygen is used in plenty during this process. Understanding...

Relay Majulah: A ground-up initiative by Singaporeans, for Singaporeans, made a mark in...

Relay Majulah, Singapore’s first-ever 2,000-kilometre relay, concluded yesterday evening with Speaker of Parliament, Tan Chuan-Jin, running the final 10-kilometres leg of the relay into the MES Theatre at Mediacorp Campus for the live telecast of the President’s Star Charity. A ground-up initiative to collectively challenge 200 runners to complete...