Editorials | JustRunLah! - Part 52


The Best Breakfasts for Runners

You’ve probably heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It provides you with the energy you need to get up and go. If you’re planning to go for a run that makes it even more critical. These are the best recipes to provide you with...

7 Smart Suggestions to Get Kids Involved into Running

Running is an activity everyone should practice regularly, since it promotes psychological, mental, and physical benefits. Childhood obesity has tripled since 1980. If you take the rise in childhood obesity into consideration, nowadays it is crucial for kids to take on such a routine, too. As a parent, it is...

Expert Beginner Tips to Improve Running Pace

Beginning runners fall into two different categories when it comes to pacing. The first is that group who goes right for a fast pace, who takes off at the beginning of a run at a pace they are not going to maintain. The second group are those who are good...

Go With The Flow: How Teens Can Handle Running On Their Period

If you’re feeling sluggish, dizzy, dealing with stomach cramps, or just paranoid that you’re going to leak through your activewear, it can totally ruin your run. You may not even want to go out at all. Having your period shouldn’t ruin your fitness regime. And luckily, there are ways to...

5 Health Apps Which Reward You For Being Active

You have heard about activity tracking mobile apps or devices. You will be pleased to also know that there are some apps/programs which reward you for your active lifestyle. Below are 5 of the many apps out there which you may want to check out if you own a Garmin...

Food Habits and Hacks for Runners

The average athlete will burn through 2822 calories during a marathon, which is roughly the same as your recommended daily intake when sedentary. Even if you aren’t planning on running a marathon, the physical exertion for any race will leave you feeling hungry. However, runners don’t just need energy, but the...

Your Key To Success: Run

Different individuals have a different meaning of success. Most of us equate success to goals, and we work so hard to achieve it. But you wanna know a secret? Your key to success is actually to run. 1) Running allows you to set higher goals. You may run or maybe jog...

How The Keto Diet Can Improve Your Running

The keto diet has taken the world by storm recently. With the diet restricting carbohydrate intake to between 20 and 50 grams a day, it’s been shown to improve focus and energy levels  – both of which are handy traits for runners who want to push themselves and their bodies as...