3M™ FUTURO – Support Your Active Lifestyle

Running knee pain is undoubtedly one of the most common running ailments. It causes minor to major discomfort while running and may be what is getting in your way of a brand new personal best. Here are 3 tips that can help you with your knee problems. Try them,...
Emily Loses 70 Pounds With Running By Doing These 3 Things

This is Emily Abbate's story. Weighing at 204 pounds, she really did not know how she got there. But, she knew, she had to do something about it. She didn't want to live like that anymore. From that moment, she promised herself she was going to turn her life...
5 Key Components To Perfect Running Form

No great athlete becomes a great runner without paying attention to his/her running form. They supplement their training with ancillary workouts to ensure their running form is close to perfect as possible. Maintaining good running form is important because firstly it can enable you to run more efficiently, and secondly...
4 Secrets To Being A Faster Runner

All great runners have a couple of things in common. And it is these things that are actually the secret ingredients to becoming a great runner. All great runners all have a routine that they stick to as consistently as possible. However, despite the rigidity, their routine is also...
Can’t Sleep After A Hard Workout or Race?

Many athletes complain about not being able to sleep after a really hard session. You are exhausted, but yet you keep tossing and turning. You want to fall asleep so badly, but you are left staring at the ceiling. Sleep is critical after a hard workout for recovery purposes,...
3 Tips To Run A Sub 4 Hour Marathon

Many runners target to break the elusive 4 hours barrier. To run a sub 4-hour marathon, you need to be running at a 5:39 pace or less. Many of us are on our way to a brand new sub-4 personal best but fall short at the end. We hit...
Singapore and U.S. have the Highest Resting Heart Rates, Study Reveals

Fitbit has recently revealed results from an analysis of resting heart rate on its global users, carried over the last 18 months. The company analyzed over 100 Billion hours of aggregated and anonymized average data of more than 25 millions of global Fitbit users with PurePulse(R) heart rate tracking devices, including Fitbit...
3 Simple Tips To Help You Prevent A Running Injury

Injury is the bane of all runners. It could set us back for weeks, even months, depending on how serious our injury is. However, most of the time we can avoid an unwanted injury. Here are 3 very simple tips that can help you dodge an injury.
#1 Run On...