Editorials | JustRunLah! - Part 75


How To Avoid These 3 Common Long Distance Hydration Fails

The longer the distance, the more potential it has for something to go wrong - terribly wrong. Hydration is one of the things that could go wrong. It is well worth the time to give it some though and plan your hydration strategy to minimise the probability of failure....

5 Inventions That Make Working Out Fun

Some fitness routines can get mundane and boring. Sometimes we need something to spice it up - to make working out fun and interesting. Here are 5 really cool inventions that will change the way you see fitness. They take working out to a whole new level of fun! #1...

6 Simple Rules For Eating Right As A Runner

We runners need to fuel ourselves well to be able to go the extra mile. What we put in ur body is very important. Here are 6 simple rules to ensure you are fuelling yourself in a proper manner! #1 Go Empty Sometimes If you're doing an easy run or anything...

Why 10,000 Steps A Day May Not Be Enough!

Our FitBit, JawBone, Garmin tells us 10,000 steps should be our daily goal. But, where do they get this number from? There is actually no scientific evidence as to why 10,000 should be the magic number. The 10,000 Idea The 10,000 steps ideal surged to popularity when the pedometers were introduced....

Low Rope/Rope Climb Technique

I was first introduced to the Low Rope obstacle of the Standard Obstacle Course (SOC) during Basic Military Training (BMT). Low rope is equivalent to the 'Rope Climb' in Obstacle Course Racing (OCR). In this article, I'm going to share a technique I've used to overcome this obstacle. Either you...

5 Common Mistakes When Hiring A Personal Trainer

Struggling with the motivation to workout? Need to get stronger? Need to shed a couple of kilos?- Hiring a personal trainer is a great option! You get all the motivation you would need. You are less likely to bail on a workout when someone is there to hold you...

Getting Dizzy After Racing? Here’s Why!

Feeling lightheaded after a workout is a normal phenomenon. A sudden stop after running can cause dizziness because of the sudden drop in blood pressure. #1 Suddenly Stopping When we run, our blood vessels dilate and our heart pumps faster to meet the oxygen demands of running. This is such that...

5 Spices That Boost Your Immune System

The riggers of running long distances temporarily lowers your immune system. When you put your body under stress, your body churns out the stress hormone - cortisol. This hormone suppresses the immune functions, hence lowering our immune system. Here are some spices that will help you boost your immune...