Editorials | JustRunLah! - Part 76


How To Find The Perfect Sports Bra For Running?

There's just so many choices. You don't know where to begin. You don't even know how to begin. It is however worth taking the time to sort out the choices to find the perfect sports bra, because like running shoes, sports bras do matter. It is equally as crucial...

7 Ways To Lower Your Cholesterol Naturally

High Cholesterol puts you at risk of many coronary diseases, and could also lead to a fatal heart attack. The standard limit of cholesterol level in our body is at 5.2 mmol/L. Every 1mmol/L above the normal limit is associated with a 35 per cent increase in risk of death by...

5 Tips for a Stronger Run

The more efficient your run, the more energy you save, and the stronger your run will be. Running more economically means you can run more efficiently with the energy you have – without the need to take a gel for more energy. Here are 5 tips for a stronger...

Racing When You Have Your Period

It hits us once a month - but what happens when in coincides with a big race! I mean it's already tough on us once a month but happening on race day is just disastrous. Take a look at Mary Keitany. During the New York City Marathon, she lost...

10 Factors That Put You At Risk For A Heart Attack

Many people - young and old become victims of heart attack. A heart attack happens when the flow of blood into the heard is impeded. This is often caused by a build up of cholesterol and fat that forms a plaque in your arteries that feed blood into your...

The 3 Golden Rules Of Ironman

The Ironman Triathlon is tough - first you need to brave 2.4 mile swim, then hit the road on a 112 mile ride before finishing in style with a 26.1 mile marathon. It's demands a lot from you - strength, grit and determination. But, on the other hand, the...

4 Reasons Why You Struggle In The Ironman Marathon

Many Ironman athletes have a great swim, a great bike ride but a horrible run. Many athletes end up walking the run. They don't plan to, but they end up doing so. Here are 4 reasons why you may be struggling when you hit the run leg and how...

Why You Should Downhill Train?

Downhill training may seem counter-intuitive. You may be inclined to think to run faster and become stronger, the most effective way to train is to run uphill. Running uphill takes your muscles more, making you stronger. But downhill running can be a more effective way to increase your running...