Editorials | JustRunLah! - Part 78


The Key 6 Do’s And Don’ts For Every Runner

Beginner, amateur or even elite, there are several basic rules that every runner should follow. These golden rules will bring you far in running, allowing you to progress without succumbing to injury. Here a 6 very important Do's and Don'ts every runner should religiously follow. DO #1 Start Out Slow It's easy...

6 Reasons Why You Are Feeling Tired All The Time

To function properly, we need to be focused and alert. But how can we be if we feel a constant fatigue? Here are 6 reasons why you may be feeling tired all the time and solutions to it. #1 Your Sleep Rhythm Is Disturbed You may not be sleeping consistently or...

4 Favourite Speed Workouts Of An Elite Runner

Rui Silva is a Portuguese track and field athlete that specialises in the 1500m and 3000m distances. He won the Bronze medal at the 1500m event in the Athens Olympics, going from last place to 3rd in 400m. Here are a couple of his favourite speed workouts that he...

8 Signs Of Overtraining

It cannot be stressed enough the dangers of overtraining. It is east to get caught up in the moment and become overly-enthusiastic about running, so much so that we keep pushing our body to the limit. More isn't necessarily always better. Overtraining can lead to a decrease in fitness...

5 Worst Things To Do Before A Run

It's always easy to get overexcited and overenthusiastic about running. We runners can overdo it sometimes. We try everything, whether or not it has been tried and tested. So, here are 5 worst things to do before a run! Are you guilty of these 5 running sins? #1 Static Stretching...

7 Types Of Fartlek Trainings You Need To Try

Fartlek is the Swedish term for speed play. It is a training method that blends continuous training with interval training. Simply put, it is defined periods of fast running, intermixed with periods of slow running. The Fartlek is really what separates the Kenyan training from the training elsewhere. It...

6 Tips To Increase Your Stamina And Endurance

As runners, we are always looking to increase our endurance capacity. We want to be able to run further, faster. We want to be able to cover the same distance stronger and easier than before. Here are 6 tips to help boost your stamina and endurance. #1 Consistency Is Key Be...

High Intensive Interval Training (HIIT) For Losing Weight

High Intensive Interval Training (HIIT) workouts are one of the most effective method in losing weight, fast. HIIT requires you to give your 100% through quick, intense bursts of exercise followed by short, active recovery periods. This type of training gets your heart rate up, and burn more fats...