Editorials | JustRunLah! - Part 84


4 Reasons Your Abs Aren’t Showing

Ancient Greeks and Roman view abs as a symbol of health and strength. It symbolises the immortal perfection and strength of gods. Even today, the prestige of abs is all too well known. Who wouldn't want a set of abs to rock? But, it isn't easy to own a...

How to Choose and Follow the Running Plan that Best Suits You

There are so many training programs available online, from books and magazines. Runners are spoilt choice but that adds to the confusion. How do you choose the right program to save you time and effort when training to meet your race goals? Principle of specificity Putting your trust in decades of...

Are You Running Too Much Or Too Little?

A good training plan strikes a balance between running and recovery - because we must always remember recovery is part of training. So, just how much is too much? Running too much or too little will interfere with our fitness level. In this case, more does not necessarily mean...

Understanding Why You Hit The Wall

In the marathon running scene, more often than not we hear the term hitting the wall. It is really the bane of marathon running. Hitting the wall is feared! Whether or not you hit the wall can make or break your race. It is important to understand why you...

5 Things Millennials Need to Know About Running

Everyone knows Millennials and Boomers are different. Times, they are changing. And the way Millennials approach things are different. Millennials try to keep up with the trend, at all expense. So, here are 5 things for the Millennial generation to know about running to excel at running. #1 You Need...

4 Benefits Of Massage Therapy For Runners

If you haven't heard, massage therapy can significantly improve your running potential. Here are 4 benefits of the massage therapy. #1 Prevents Injury Often when we increase our training load, it results in our muscles becoming pain and fatigue. This pain and fatigue is caused by the accumulation of lactic acid...

Understanding Your Heart Rate Zones

Everyone is getting a heart rate monitor these days - be it a heart rate tracker or one that is embedded in your GPS watch. But forking out so much dough but not fully utilising your heart rate tracker seems a little wasteful doesn't it? Well, if you're going...

8 Reasons To Run In a Group

Running alone certainly has it's perks - the alone and quiet time with just our thoughts. But if you're looking to get faster, join a pack, join a running group! Why not join like-minded people? If you're looking to improve, this is the most fun way to improve. In...