10 Key Ways To Proper Running Mechanics

Running mechanics is very important for a runner. It is important because firstly because it can enable to you to run more efficiently, and secondly because it can help prevent injury. So, if you're not paying attention to your running mechanics, here are 10 key ways for you to...
Do You Train By Feel? – Train By Feel For Better Results

We always see people having a great race with great personal bests. But what we do not see is the steps before having a great race. We do not see the hard work, training and effort people put in preceding a race. There will be no good race unless...
5 Tips For Any Runner To Become Faster

We runners are always looking for ways to get faster, to go the extra mile. Here are 5 tips for any runner to become faster.
#1 Speed Work
We all know, to be faster, you've got to run faster. Track training is a really important aspect of training. You can't expect to...
6 Tips For Your GPS Watch and Heart Rate Monitor

Everyone has a GPS Watch these days! But forking out so much dough on a watch yet now fully utilising your watch seems a little wasteful doesn't it? Well if you're going to be spending so much on your watch, make sure you are getting your monies worth.
Here are...
5 Races You Must Run In Thailand

Thailand has so much to offer. And running Thailand is a great way to experience the great Thailand atmosphere! The runs in Thailand offer a very different atmosphere, one that you need to run to find out why Thailand Runs are so special. There is a reason why people...
8 Tips For The Ageing Runner

Being a master runner brings your body immense benefits. Contrary to popular belief that running past a certain age carries with it certain risks, running brings you far more benefits particularly since the reality of ageing and degeneration is inevitable. Running can delay many of the inevitable effects of...
3 Healthy Ways To Lose Weight Runners Should Know

Runners are more often than not trying to lose weight. We either run to lose weight, or start losing weight to run faster - the idea of the perfect racing weight. And there are so many diet methods out there these days - man it can get confusing!
As a...
5 Running & Fitness Books All Runners Read

The wisdom of running doesn't always just come with spending your time pounding the pavement. Sometimes, it is moments spent curled up on a couch reading a good run book that takes your running a step further. Books may not give you a runners high, but it may give...