Editorials | JustRunLah! - Part 87


Everything You Need To Know About Gels

Endurance athletes heavily rely on energy gels as an energy refuelling product. These days there are a plethora of energy gels to choose from. The problem these days aren't in finding a product, but sorting through the myriad of products and choose the best optimal glycogen delivering product for your...

14 Tips to Ace your Next TPS Race

Follow a Plan Success in any endeavor comes to those who plan. Pilots follow flight paths, builders have an architects plan, while businesses have marketing, financial, operational plans and more. If you’re interested in improving your running, staying injury free and enjoying your training, having a training plan will set you...

How often should I run? What is the most effective way to train?

Many elite runners run almost every day, some even twice a day. One critical thing is they have built up a level of fitness to cope with the training volume. I used to run 16km from my home (in Telok Blangah) to my army camp (in Nee Soon) every...

10 Things Runners Do That Annoy Everybody Else

Before I start writing further, I have to make a note that not all runners are like this. Some go about their lives with nary a mention of their running efforts, that aspect only known to some of the closest people they know. Then there are those, whom we will...

Mid-day snacking: What to reach out for when you experience the mid-day lull.

It's post lunch on a work day and you are trying to keep the sandman away. While you are battling with this, it seems like your mind is also telling you that some ice-cream or chocolate, or anything sweet, will be a fantastic choice to boost your productivity for...

6 Tried And Tested Approaches To Recovery

In athletics, recovery is part of training. It is when you recover well that you are able to push through another tough session. It is when you recover well that you become stronger. There is an array of options for you to choose from when it comes to recovery....

Losing Motivation? Here Are 5 tips To Keep You Training, Running and Racing!

We runners dream big. We want to tackle a new distance. We want to hit a new personal best. We want to lose more weight. We human loves progress. We love to see progress. So what happens when we start to plateau? The progress curve is never exponential. People...

The Fastest Family On The Planet – Dibaba

In Ethiopia, there are the fast runners and then there are the Dibabas. The Dibabas dominance in athletics is admirable and fascinating. Older sister Tirunesh was the previous World Record Holder of the 10,000m distance and still the reigning World Record Holder for the 5000m distance with a time...