Editorials | JustRunLah! - Part 94


6 Dinner Ideas to Help You Sleep Well Throughout the Night

There is a saying that goes “Have a breakfast like a king, a lunch like a prince and a dinner like a pauper”, and it isn’t without its reasons. We need to kickstart our body at the beginning of the day to get it going and maintain our energy...

Highlights of Nitro Athletics – The Future of Athletics

The future of athletics is going to be ignited with Nitro:  Athletics Australia brings to you the Nitro Athletics! This is an innovative version of athletics, designed to be engaging, entertaining and an immersive experience for athletes and audiences alike. And, what a brilliant show it was! #1 Wild Elimination-Style...

Valentine’s Day: What to Get for Your Sporty Girlfriend / Wife?

February is the month of love and as commercialised as the day may be, many couples are going gaga over the gifts they need to get their other halves and/or the fancy dinners to bring them to. And we all know how difficult it can be to buy gifts for...

Valentine’s Day: What to Get for Your Sporty Boyfriend / Husband?

Ah February! The month where cupid can come out to play with his arrows freely. Also a month where couples go crazy trying to plan the perfect dinner date and find that perfect gift for each other. And as if finding a gift for a man isn’t difficult enough (ladies,...

Best Kind of Breakfast to Keep Your Energy High

With regards to the kinds of food we should have for our first meal of the day, there have been so many suggestions going around that some of us may be lost as to what we should or should not eat. But we can’t deny that because it is the...

Marathon Preparation: What You Should Do During The Lead Up

It doesn’t matter if it’s your first time or third time attempting a marathon. It is still an achievement. Even for those who have participated in one before, taking part in a marathon can still be highly exciting and a little scary at the same time. Knowing that you...

5 Attractions in Penang You Should Not Miss

Ah Penang - the Malaysian state of awesome food. But if it isn’t just the chomps you are after when you are there, you may want to check out these 5 attractions that may just get you even more hyped up about this place. #1 Kek Lok Si Temple   Photo...

Counting Steps – Does It Do Anything For Your Health?

If you have noticed over the last year or so, you may have seen some people who stare at something on their wrists as they walk. No, they aren’t playing Pokemon Go. More likely, what they are looking at is a pedometer, which counts the number of steps you...