Editorials | JustRunLah! - Part 96


Exercise Obsession: It is Real and Painful

Regular exercise is great. Great for the body, great for the mind and everything in between. Getting your sweat on at least three to four times a week can help to keep your bodily functions in check, achieve clear skin and of course, lose weight and keep it off. Taking...

Can Your Weight Affect Your Knees?

Many of us take our knees for granted but what we don’t realise is that they are an integral part of our bodies that allow us easy movement. Whether it’s simple tasks like walking or more active movements like exercising, we need our knees around to keep us flexible...

Suffering from Insomnia? – 3 Remedies for a Good Night’s Sleep

I can fully understand how awful not being able to sleep is when you know you need it to function properly the next day. The worst is when you have an important meeting or interview early the next morning and you can’t afford to be out of it. Fret not!...

Flabby Arms? 5 Exercises To Get Rid Of Them Once And For All

You are getting ready for a big night out. You have got your dress right and your makeup right but as you walk past your mirror to leave, you see a jangle happening in your arm. Flabby arms are not only unsightly, they are also a sign that you...

Know Your CNY Cookies: How Much You Need To Burn Them Off

With the Chinese New Year just around the corner, we thought it would be good to get to know your CNY cookies. Snacking on some CNY cookies can be pretty addictive - like those dried shrimp rolls. I probably could whack half a tub whilst watching some Hong Kong...

2017 Weekend Activities

If your 2016 was filled with many a day hiding in the darkness and comfort of your office and home, you may want to take your weekends this year outdoors and into the sunlight. But if you are scratching your brains out about the things you can do, here are...

Do Things That Challenge You

Obviously being the humans that we are, we are inclined to go with life options that are easier and not as stressful. But what happens when we become too comfortable is that we become complacent, and ultimately deemed useless to our ever-evolving society. So in 2017, perhaps you may want...

3 New & Fun Fitness Workouts You Should Try In 2017

Whether you are a workout junkie, or just someone who is looking for something new to try in 2017, you need to know that in our current, highly volatile society, there is always something NEW that’s happening somewhere. And you need to go try it out! Here are 3 crazy...