Editorials | JustRunLah! - Part 99


Do’s and Dont’s for a Better Time and a More Enjoyable Race

It’s that time of year again- the biggest races of the year are imminent! Whether you’re doing a full or half marathon, 10k or 5k race these tips might just help you to a better time and a more enjoyable race! Pre-race 1) Sleep and rest well. Coming up to the race...

Debunking 3 Popular Pre-Race Myths

Good advice comes from bad experiences. Here, I'll save you the bad experience and bad advice. I'll let you learn from my bad experiences, and trust me, I've learnt the hard way. #1 I don't warm up - I don't want to get tired I'm sure quite a number of us...

3 Common Tapering Mistakes

After day in and out of training, we all look forward to tapering week, no?  The main objective of tapering is to give your body a chance to rebuild and refuel such that your body muscles feel at its peak, yet at the same time being in top cardiovascular...

Another 5 Health Benefits of Running

We all know running is good for us, especially if we want to lose that excess weight. However, this is also a sport that many are not able to keep up with and fall back when they feel too tired or too lazy to put on their running shoes. The only...

Health Benefits of Yoga

If you are one of those who prefer an exercise routine that does not involve having to run, climb or swim, then yoga may just be the thing for you. In fact, yoga has become sort of a “fashionable” form of exercise that not only gives your body the...

Pacers for Running: Who Are They and What Purposes Do They Serve

Some people like them, some, not so much. But for most runners, especially intermediate level ones, pacers are essential because they are the only ones who can push you to finish off that run in the time that you have to. Pacers are almost like running buddies in a...

Skinny Fat: Yay or Nay?

Your friends envy how slim you are, how awesome that you are able to fit into all the nice clothes and look good in them. At the same time, as much as you know that you are naturally thin and cannot put on any more weight even with more...

5 Fun Workouts Besides Running You Should Try

It may be challenging and fun at the start but after awhile, even the best of us will suffer from runner fatigue. Whether it’s because we keep running the same routes or are constantly on the treadmill (same scenery, same routine, you know how it gets), we sometimes wish...