Popular | JustRunLah! - Part 22


5 Tips for a Stronger Run

The more efficient your run, the more energy you save, and the stronger your run will be. Running more economically means you can run more efficiently with the energy you have – without the need to take a gel for more energy. Here are 5 tips for a stronger...

Binge Eating And 3 Reasons Of Overeating

Two of most common concerns of overeating are 1) Weight gain and Obesity (which can lead to self-esteem issues), and 2) Health issues. In this article, we will explore 1) Binge Eating, and 3 reasons of overeating. Binge Eating Binge eating is a common form of overeating. It can be defined as a...

High Intensive Interval Training (HIIT) For Losing Weight

High Intensive Interval Training (HIIT) workouts are one of the most effective method in losing weight, fast. HIIT requires you to give your 100% through quick, intense bursts of exercise followed by short, active recovery periods. This type of training gets your heart rate up, and burn more fats...

5 Inspirational Runners To Follow In Malaysia

Get some inspiration from these fellow runners! They are determined, they are passionate and their Instagrams are full of inspirational stuff! We really like these famous five because of their passion and readiness to share. So get ready to follow them and be inspired! #1 @chelle91cky Why Follow Her? - This...

5 Safety Outdoor Running Tips

If you think that running outside on broad daylight is always safe, think again. Running outside can be dangerous, especially for women. You can be hit by a running vehicle, mugged, or attacked. You hear news stories of runners being attacked even close to their home and some of...

3 Popular Obstacle Course Races In Asia You Should Travel For

Obstacle course racing, also referred to OCR in short, is a sport in which participants run through a designated distance, overcoming varying obstacles (often military inspired), during the course. A combination of trail running and functional fitness, OCRs are taking the world by storm, and is even moving one...

4 Mistakes To Avoid When You Run-Commute

Regardless you are checking out this post because you are a busy running addict or you are a go green supporter, you just made a good start for a healthy change! Run-commute (running to the workplace) has been common in Western countries, yet it is only just getting popular in...

The Allure of Virtual Runs

There is a rise in the virtual run trend, and it's here to stay. Are you curious to know more about virtual running? Are you a fan of virtual runs? So why virtual runs? Read on to find out more! 1. It's convenient Sign up for a virtual run of your choice...