Popular | JustRunLah! - Part 27


World Marathon Majors: Where, When, Why

The Abbott World Marathon Majors is a series consisting of six of the largest and most renowned marathons in the world. The races take place in Tokyo, Boston, London, Berlin, Chicago and New York City. Unless you are an elite or semi-elite that have hit the qualifying timings, your fate is...

Boston Marathon 2017 Moments

Being such an iconic marathon, of course we would expect nothing less than great iconic moments. It is always an honour to run the oldest annual marathon in the world.You stand at the start line knowing you are amongst the best. You have trained hard and earned your spot...

6 Coolest Running Tracks In The World

We runners are different. We are a little crazy, but mostly just really passionate of our hobby. We have many weird bucket lists - like running the Walt Disney Marathon, or visiting cool running tracks around the world maybe? We came up with a list of Coolest Running Tracks...

How A Squat Is Functional Training

Functional training is the new buzz word in town. That’s because functional training makes your life easier, literally. It mimics activities of daily living such as climbing up the stairs, lifting groceries or carrying your child in your arms. When you perform a squat, you’re activating the same muscles required...

Explore Singapore By Running – 5 Must-Do Routes For All Tourists

Whether you are a local or tourist, anyone who knows anything about Singapore will tell you that we have one of the hottest and most humid weathers around. So when it comes to exercising and in particular, running, we probably have one of the strongest hearts and lungs with...

Explore Bangkok By Running – 5 Must Do Routes

Bangkok is one of those countries I share a love-hate relationship with. While the food and shopping there are to die for, the weather is so, darn, hot. I know it sounds weird coming from someone who was born and bred in a tropical country that knows no other...

Barkley Marathon – Toughest Trail Run Competition On The Planet

Have you heard of the Barkley Marathon? - It's only one of the most insane interesting ultra-marathons. The insane course is a 100 mile race up and down the cliffs of Frozen Head State Park in Morgan County. The cutoff time for this race is 60 hours - meaning...

Highlights – Malaysia National Triathlon Championships 2017

Last weekend, Malaysia's triathletes jumped at the chance to give it a shot at qualifying for the SEA Games 2017! The National Triathlon Championships was a weekend displaying fierce competition, determination and grit. 11 male and 7 female triathletes took part in the inaugural SEA games selection event giving...